953 resultados para Genomics and genetics
The possibility of controlling vector-borne disease through the development and release of transgenic insect vectors has recently gained popular support and is being actively pursued by a number of research laboratories around the world. Several technical problems must be solved before such a strategy could be implemented: genes encoding refractory traits (traits that render the insect unable to transmit the pathogen) must be identified, a transformation system for important vector species has to be developed, and a strategy to spread the refractory trait into natural vector populations must be designed. Recent advances in this field of research make it seem likely that this technology will be available in the near future. In this paper we review recent progress in this area as well as argue that care should be taken in selecting the most appropriate disease system with which to first attempt this form of intervention. Much attention is currently being given to the application of this technology to the control of malaria, transmitted by Anopheles gambiae in Africa. While malaria is undoubtedly the most important vector-borne disease in the world and its control should remain an important goal, we maintain that the complex epidemiology of malaria together with the intense transmission rates in Africa may make it unsuitable for the first application of this technology. Diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, transmitted by the tsetse fly, or unstable malaria in India may provide more appropriate initial targets to evaluate the potential of this form of intervention.
The cut gene of Drosophila melanogaster is an identity selector gene that establishes the program of development and differentiation of external sense organs. Mutations in the cut gene cause a transformation of the external sense organs into chordotonal organs, originally assessed by the use of immunostaining methods [Bodmer et al. (1987): Cell, 51:293-307]. Because of evidence that axonal projections of the transformed neurons within the central nervous system are not completely switched in cut mutants, the transformation of the four cells making up a sense organ was reassessed using single-cell staining with fluorescent dye and differential interface contrast (DIC) microscopy of the embryo and larva. The results provide strong evidence that all cells of the sense organs are completely transformed, exhibiting the morphologies and organelles characteristic of chordotonal sense organs. A comparison of the structures of external sense organs and chordotonal organs indicates that a number of the differences could be due to the degree of development of common structures, and that cut or downstream genes modulate effector genes that are normally utilized in both receptor types. The possible derivation of insect chordotonal and external sense organs from a receptor type found in crustaceans is discussed in the light of arthropod phylogenetics and the molecular genetics of sense organ development. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Patterns of population subdivision and the relationship between gene flow and geographical distance in the tropical estuarine fish Lares calcarifer (Centropomidae) were investigated using mtDNA control region sequences. Sixty-three putative haplotypes were resolved from a total of 270 individuals from nine localities within three geographical regions spanning the north Australian coastline. Despite a continuous estuarine distribution throughout the sampled range, no haplotypes were shared among regions. However, within regions, common haplotypes were often shared among localities. Both sequence-based (average Phi(ST)=0.328) and haplotype-based (average Phi(ST)=0.182) population subdivision analyses indicated strong geographical structuring. Depending on the method of calculation, geographical distance explained either 79 per cent (sequence-based) or 23 per cent (haplotype-based) of the variation in mitochondrial gene flow. Such relationships suggest that genetic differentiation of L. calcarifer has been generated via isolation-by-distance, possibly in a stepping-stone fashion. This pattern of genetic structure is concordant with expectations based on the life history of L. calcarifer and direct studies of its dispersal patterns. Mitochondrial DNA variation, although generally in agreement with patterns of allozyme variation, detected population subdivision at smaller spatial scales. Our analysis of mtDNA variation in L. calcarifer confirms that population genetic models can detect population structure of not only evolutionary significance but also of demographic significance. Further, it demonstrates the power of inferring such structure from hypervariable markers, which correspond to small effective population sizes.
Human N-acetyltransferase type 1 (NAT1) catalyses the N- or O-acetylation of various arylamine and heterocyclic amine substrates and is able to bioactivate several known carcinogens. Despite wide inter-individual variability in activity, historically, NAT1 was considered to be monomorphic in nature. However, recent reports of allelic variation at the NAT1 locus suggest that it may be a polymorphically expressed enzyme. In the present study, peripheral blood mononuclear cell NAT1 activity in 85 individuals was found to be bimodally distributed with approximately 8% of the population being slow acetylators. Subsequent sequencing of the individuals having slow acetylator status showed all to have either a (CT)-T-190 or G(560)A base substitution located in the protein encoding region of the NAT1 gene. The (CT)-T-190 base substitution changed a highly conserved Arg(64), which others have shown to be essential for fully functional NAT1 protein. The (CT)-T-190 mutation has not been reported previously and we have named it NAT1*17. The G(560)A mutation is associated with the base substitutions previously observed in the NAT1*10 allele and this variant (NAT1*14) encodes for a protein with reduced acetylation capacity. A novel method using linear PCR and dideoxy terminators was developed for the detection of NAT1*14 and NAT1*17. Neither of these variants was found in the rapid acetylator population. We conclude that both the (CT)-T-190 (NAT1*17) and G(560)A (NAT1*14) NAT1 structural variants are involved in a distinct NAT1 polymorphism. Because NAT1 can bioactivate several carcinogens, this polymorphism may have implications for cancer risk in individual subjects. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall Ltd.
A clone encoding ovine preprogastrin was isolated from a sheep genomic library. The deduced 104 amino acid sequence of ovine preprogastrin was 92% and 68% identical to the sequences of bovine and human preprogastrin, respectively. While the similarity was greatest in the gastrin-17 sequence, an unexpected similarity was also observed in the N-terminus of mature progastrin.
RT-PCR and direct sequence analyses were used to define mutations in the cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) gene in two unrelated male patients with vitamin B6 nonresponsive homocystinuria. Both patients were compound heterozygotes for CBS alleles containing point mutations. One patient had a maternally derived G-->A transition in the splice-donor site of intron 1, resulting in aberrant splicing of CBS mRNA. The other allele contained a missense mutation resulting in the previously reported E144K mutant CBS protein. The second patient had a maternally derived 4 bp insertion in exon 17, predicted to cause a CBS peptide of altered amino acid sequence. A 494G-->A transition was found in exon 4 of the other allele, predicting a C165Y substitution. Expression of recombinant CBS protein, containing the C165Y mutation, had no detectable catalytic activity. Each mutation was confirmed in genomic DNA. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Phylogenies of trematodes based on characters derived from morphology and life cycles have been controversial. Here, we add molecular data to the phylogenetic study of a group of trematodes, members of the superfamily Hemiuroidea Looss, 1899. DNA sequences from the V4 domain of the nuclear small subunit (18S) rRNA gene and a matrix of morphological characters modified from a previous study were used. There was no significant incongruence between the molecular and the morphological data. However, this was probably due largely to the limited resolving power of the morphological data. Analyses support a monophyletic Hemiuroidea containing at least the families Accacoeliidae, Derogenidae, Didymozoidae, Hirudinellidae, Sclerodistomidae, Syncoeliidae, Isoparorchiidae, Lecithasteridae, and Hemiuridae. These families fall into two principal clades. One contains the first six families and the other the Hemiuridae and lecithasterine lecithasterids. The positions of the hysterolecithine lecithasterids and the Isoparorchiidae were poorly resolved. The Ptychogonimidae may be the sister group of the remaining Hemiuroidea, but there was no support from the molecular data for the placement of the Azygiidae within the superfamily. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
The carboxy terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CCK8) is a hormone that binds high affinity receptors in a number of tissues including pancreas and pancreatic tumours. As part of our studies to develop effective gene therapy for the treatment of pancreatic cancers, we have investigated various gene delivery systems that depend on CCK8 receptor targeting. In this paper,we describe the synthesis of a CCK8-DNA complex designed to deliver foreign DNA to cholecystokinin receptor-positive cells. CCK8 was ligated to avidin and then complexed to linearis biotinylated DNA (pSV-CAT). The uptake of P-32-labelled CCK8-DNA complex by rat pancreatic acini was linear with time over 4 h with 65-70% of uptake inhibited by 100 nM CCK8. The complex appeared to be internalised since it could not be removed by acid wash. When administered intra-arterially, the complex was rapidly removed from the circulation with no evidence of targeted delivery to the pancreas, However, following a single intraperitoneal dose, the pancreas accumulated-5- 8% of the total administered complex by 24 h. These results suggest that peptide-dependent gene delivery to CCK receptor positive cells in vivo is feasible but, when administered directly into the circulation, diffusional barriers across the endothelium may limit distribution to peripheral tissues. Intraperitoneal administration therefore may be a useful alternative for targeting the pancreas.
Febrile seizures affect approximately 3% of all children under six years of age and are by far the most common seizure disorder(1). A small proportion of children with febrile seizures later develop ongoing epilepsy with afebrile seizures(2). Segregation analysis suggests the majority of cases have complex inheritance(3) but rare families show apparent autosomal dominant: inheritance. Two putative loci have been mapped (FEB1 and FEB2), but specific genes have not yet been identified(4,5). We recently described a clinical subset, termed generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS(+)), in which many family members have seizures with fever that may persist beyond six years of age or be associated with afebrile generalized seizures(6). We now report linkage, in another large GEFS(+) family, to chromosome region 19q13.1 and identification of a mutation in the voltage-gated sodium (Na+)-channel beta 1 subunit gene (SCN1B). The mutation changes a conserved cysteine residue disrupting a putative disulfide bridge which normally maintains an extracellular immunoglobulin-like fold. Go-expression of the mutant pr subunit with a brain Na+-channel alpha subunit in Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrates that the mutation interferes with the ability of the subunit to modulate channel-gating kinetics consistent with a loss-of-function allele. This observation develops the theme that idiopathic epilepsies are a family of channelopathies and raises the possibility of involvement of other Na+-channel subunit genes in febrile seizures and generalized epilepsies with complex inheritance patterns.
Allozyme variation in species of the mangrove genus Avicennia was screened in 25 populations collected from 22 locations in the Indo-West Pacific and eastern North America using 11 loci. Several fixed gene differences supported the specific status of Avicennia alba, A. integra, A. marina, and A. rumphiana from the Indo-West Pacific, and A. germinans from the Atlantic-East Pacific. The three varieties of A. marina, var. marina, var. eucalyptifolia, and var. australasica, had higher genetic similarities (Nei's I) and no fixed gene differences, confirming their conspecific status. Strong genetic structuring was observed in A. marina, with sharp changes in gene frequencies at the geographical margins of varietal distributions. The occurrence of alleles found otherwise in only one variety, in only immediately adjacent populations of another variety, provided evidence of introgession between varieties. The varieties appear to have diverged recently in the Pleistocene and are apparently not of ancient Cretaceous origin, as suggested earlier. Despite evidence of high degrees of outcrossing, gene flow among populations was relatively low (N(e)m less than or equal to 1-2), except where populations were geographically continuous, questioning assumptions that these widespread mangrove species achieve high levels of long-distance dispersal.
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important cereal crop grown in a wide range of tropical and temperate environments. This study was conducted to characterise the photothermal flowering responses of sorghum genotypes and to examine relationships between photothermal characteristics and environment of origin in order to better understand the phenological basis of adaptation to environment in sorghum. Twenty-four germplasm accessions and one hybrid from 24 major sorghum-growing areas were grown in a wide range of environments varying in temperature and photoperiod in India, Kenya and Mall between 1992 and 1995. Times from sowing to flowering (f) were recorded, and the responsiveness of 1/f to temperature and photoperiod was quantified using photothermal models. Times from sowing to flowering were accurately predicted in a wide range of environments using a multiplicative rate photothermal model. Significant variation in the minimum time to flower (F-m) and photoperiod sensitivity (critical photoperiod, P-c, and photoperiod-sensitivity slope, P-s) was observed among the genotypes; in contrast there was little variation in base temperature (Tb) Adaptation of sorghum to the diverse environments in which it is grown was largely determined by photoperiod sensitivity and minimum time to flower; photoperiod sensitivity determines bread adaptation to latitude (daylength), while variation in the minimum time to flower determines specific adaptation within smaller ranges of latitude, e.g. within the humid and sub-humid tropics.
CD4-selective targeting of an antibody-polycation-DNA complex was investigated The complex was synthesized with the anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody B-F5, polylysine(268) (pLL) and either the pGL3 control vector containing the luciferase reporter gene or the pGeneGrip vector containing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. B-F5-pLL-DNA complexes inhibited the binding of I-125-B-F5 to CD4(+) Jurkat cells, while complexes synthesised either without B-F5 or using a non-specific mouse IgG1 antibody had little or no effect Expression of the luciferase reporter gene was achieved in Jurkat cells using the B-F5-pLL-pGL3 complex and was enhanced in the presence of PMA. Negligible luciferase activity was defected with the non-specific antibody complex in Jurkat cells or with the B-F5-pLL-pGL3 complex in the CD4(-) K-562 cells. Using complexes synthesised with the pGeneGrip vector, the transfection efficiency in Jurkat and K-562 cells was examined using confocal microscopy. More than 95% of Jurkat cells expressed GFP and the level of this expression was markedly enhanced by PMA. Negligible GFP expression was seen in K-562 cells or when B-F5 was replaced by a nonspecific antibody. Using flow cytometry, fluorescein-labelled complex showed specific targeting to CD4(+) cells in a mixed cell population from human peripheral blood. These studies demonstrate the selective transfection of CD4(+) T-lymphoid cells using a polycation-based gene delivery system. The complex may provide a means of delivering anti-HIV gene therapies to CD4(+) cells in vivo.