993 resultados para Generation of energy


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An efficient method of constructing recombinant adenoviruses (Ads) has been established. The expression unit to be introduced into recombinant Ad was first inserted into the unique Swa I site of the full-length Ad genome cloned in a cassette cosmid. The cassette bearing the expression unit was then cotransfected into human embryonic kidney 293 cells together with the Ad DNA-terminal protein complex digested at several sites with Eco T22I or Ase I/EcoRI. The use of the parent Ad DNA-terminal protein complex instead of the deproteinized Ad genome DNA allowed very efficient recovery of the desired recombinant Ad, and the above restriction digestion drastically reduced regeneration of the parent virus. Several hundred virus clones were readily obtained in each experiment, and about 70% of the clones were the desired recombinant viruses. Furthermore, because the cassette contained the full-length Ad genome, any position of the genome could be easily modified to develop a new vector design. We established construction systems for two types of Ad vectors, the E1-substitution type and the E4-insertion type. This method may greatly facilitate the application of recombinant Ads and should be useful for further improvement of Ad vectors.


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We have characterized a family of repetitive DNA elements with homology to the MgPa cellular adhesion operon of Mycoplasma genitalium, a bacterium that has the smallest known genome of any free-living organism. One element, 2272 bp in length and flanked by DNA with no homology to MgPa, was completely sequenced. At least four others were partially sequenced. The complete element is a composite of six regions. Five of these regions show sequence similarity with nonadjacent segments of genes of the MgPa operon. The sixth region, located near the center of the element, is an A+T-rich sequence that has only been found in this repeat family. Open reading frames are present within the five individual regions showing sequence homology to MgPa and the adjacent open reading frame 3 (ORF3) gene. However, termination codons are found between adjacent regions of homology to the MgPa operon and in the A+T-rich sequence. Thus, these repetitive elements do not appear to be directly expressible protein coding sequences. The sequence of one region from five different repetitive elements was compared with the homologous region of the MgPa gene from the type strain G37 and four newly isolated M. genitalium strains. Recombination between repetitive elements of strain G37 and the MgPa operon can explain the majority of polymorphisms within our partial sequences of the MgPa genes of the new isolates. Therefore, we propose that the repetitive elements of M. genitalium provide a reservoir of sequence that contributes to antigenic variation in proteins of the MgPa cellular adhesion operon.


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Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are unique in that they give rise both to new stem cells (self-renewal) and to all blood cell types. The cellular and molecular events responsible for the formation of HSC remain unknown mainly because no system exists to study it. Embryonic stem (ES) cells were induced to differentiate by coculture with the stromal cell line RP010 and the combination of interleukin (IL) 3, IL-6, and F (cell-free supernatants from cultures of the FLS4.1 fetal liver stromal cell line). Cell cytometry analysis of the mononuclear cells produced in the cultures was consistent with the presence of PgP-1+ Lin- early hematopoietic (B-220- Mac-1- JORO 75- TER 119-) cells and of fewer B-220+ IgM- B-cell progenitors and JORO 75+ T-lymphocyte progenitors. The cell-sorter-purified PgP-1+ Lin- cells produced by induced ES cells could repopulate the lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid lineages of irradiated mice. The ES-derived PgP-1+ Lin- cells must possess extensive self-renewal potential, as they were able to produce hematopoietic repopulation of secondary mice recipients. Indeed, marrow cells from irradiated mice reconstituted (15-18 weeks before) with PgP-1+ Lin- cell-sorter-purified cells generated by induced ES cells repopulated the lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid lineages of secondary mouse recipients assessed 16-20 weeks after their transfer into irradiated secondary mice. The results show that the culture conditions described here support differentiation of ES cells into hematopoietic cells with functional properties of HSC. It should now be possible to unravel the molecular events leading to the formation of HSC.


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We report the generation of a retroviral vector that infects human cells specifically through recognition of the low density lipoprotein receptor. The rationale for this targeted infection is to add onto the ecotropic envelope protein of Moloney murine leukemia virus, normally trophic for murine cells, a single-chain variable fragment derived from a monoclonal antibody recognizing the human low density lipoprotein receptor. This chimeric envelope protein was used to construct a packaging cell line producing a retroviral vector capable of high-efficiency transfer of the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene to human cells expressing low density lipoprotein receptor. This approach offers a generalized plan to generate cell and tissue-specific retroviral vectors, an essential step toward in vivo gene therapy strategies.


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Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into hematopoietic cells may provide a means of treating both inherited and acquired diseases involving hematopoietic cells. Implementation of this approach for disorders resulting from mutations affecting the beta-globin gene (e.g., beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia), however, has been hampered by the inability to generate recombinant viruses able to efficiently and faithfully transmit the necessary sequences for appropriate gene expression. We have addressed this problem by carefully examining the interactions between retroviral and beta-globin gene sequences which affect vector transmission, stability, and expression. First, we examined the transmission properties of a large number of different recombinant proviral genomes which vary both in the precise nature of vector, beta-globin structural gene, and locus control region (LCR) core sequences incorporated and in the placement and orientation of those sequences. Through this analysis, we identified one specific vector, termed M beta 6L, which carries both the human beta-globin gene and core elements HS2, HS3, and HS4 from the LCR and faithfully transmits recombinant proviral sequences to cells with titers greater than 10(6) per ml. Populations of murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells transduced by this virus expressed levels of human beta-globin transcript which, on a per gene copy basis, were 78% of the levels detected in an MEL-derived cell line, Hu11, which carries human chromosome 11, the site of the beta-globin locus. Analysis of individual transduced MEL cell clones, however, indicated that, while expression was detected in every clone tested (n = 17), the levels of human beta-globin treatment varied between 4% and 146% of the levels in Hu11. This clonal variation in expression levels suggests that small beta-globin LCR sequences may not provide for as strict chromosomal position-independent expression of beta-globin as previously suspected, at least in the context of retrovirus-mediated gene transfer.


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Some islands in the Gulf of California support very high densities of spiders. Spider density is negatively correlated with island size; many small islands support 50-200 spiders per m3 of cactus. Energy for these spiders comes primarily from the ocean and not from in situ productivity by land plants. We explicitly connect the marine and terrestrial systems to show that insular food webs represent one endpoint of the marine web. We describe two conduits for marine energy entering these islands: shore drift and seabird colonies. Both conduits are related to island area, having a much stronger effect on smaller islands. This asymmetric effect helps to explain the exceptionally high spider densities on small islands. Although productivity sets the maximal potential densities, predation (by scorpions) limits realized spider abundance. Thus, prey availability and predation act in concert to set insular spider abundance.


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DNA-strand exchange promoted by Escherichia coli RecA protein normally requires the presence of ATP and is accompanied by ATP hydrolysis, thereby implying a need for ATP hydrolysis. Previously, ATP hydrolysis was shown not to be required; here we demonstrate furthermore that a nucleoside triphosphate cofactor is not required for DNA-strand exchange. A gratuitous allosteric effector consisting of the noncovalent complex of ADP and aluminum fluoride, ADP.AIF4-, can both induce the high-affinity DNA-binding state of RecA protein and support the homologous pairing and exchange of up to 800-900 bp of DNA. These results demonstrate that induction of the functionally active, high-affinity DNA-binding state of RecA protein is needed for RecA protein-promoted DNA-strand exchange and that there is no requirement for a high-energy nucleotide cofactor for the exchange of DNA strands. Consequently, the free energy needed to activate the DNA substrates for DNA-strand exchange is not derived from ATP hydrolysis. Instead, the needed free energy is derived from ligand binding and is transduced to the DNA via the associated ligand-induced structural transitions of the RecA protein-DNA complex; ATP hydrolysis simply destroys the effector ligand. This concept has general applicability to the mechanism of energy transduction by proteins.


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The energy demand for operating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems has been growing, implying in high operational costs and consequent increase of carbon emissions. Both in datacenters and telecom infrastructures, the networks represent a significant amount of energy spending. Given that, there is an increased demand for energy eficiency solutions, and several capabilities to save energy have been proposed. However, it is very dificult to orchestrate such energy eficiency capabilities, i.e., coordinate or combine them in the same network, ensuring a conflict-free operation and choosing the best one for a given scenario, ensuring that a capability not suited to the current bandwidth utilization will not be applied and lead to congestion or packet loss. Also, there is no way in the literature to do this taking business directives into account. In this regard, a method able to orchestrate diferent energy eficiency capabilities is proposed considering the possible combinations and conflicts among them, as well as the best option for a given bandwidth utilization and network characteristics. In the proposed method, the business policies specified in a high-level interface are refined down to the network level in order to bring highlevel directives into the operation, and a Utility Function is used to combine energy eficiency and performance requirements. A Decision Tree able to determine what to do in each scenario is deployed in a Software Defined Network environment. The proposed method was validated with diferent experiments, testing the Utility Function, checking the extra savings when combining several capabilities, the decision tree interpolation and dynamicity aspects. The orchestration proved to be valid to solve the problem of finding the best combination for a given scenario, achieving additional savings due to the combination, besides ensuring a conflict-free operation.


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This collection of short essays arose from the inaugural meeting of the Idaho Symposium on Energy in the West, which was held in November, 2014. The topic for this first Symposium was Transmission and Transport of Energy in the Western U.S. and Canada: A Law and Policy Road Map. The essays in this collection provide a notable introduction to the major energy issues facing the West today. Topics include: building a resilient legal architecture for western energy production; natural gas flaring; transmission planning for wind energy; utilities and rooftop solar; special considerations for western states and the Clean Power Plan; the Clean Power Plan's implications for the western grid; siting renewable energy on public lands; and implications of utility reform in New York and Hawaii for the Northwest.


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This article examines the U.S model of library and information science (LIS) education in light of the changes brought about by information and communication technology. The accepted model of professional preparation in the United States has emphasized graduate education on a Master’s level from LIS programs accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). The authors trace the historical development of this approach and provide an overview of the ALA accreditation process. Furthermore, they examine the strategies of LIS programs in adjusting to the changing information environment, present the debate about the iSchool movement, and discuss the evolution of the core curriculum. In addition, the article explores the relationship between LIS education and the field of practice and presents a practitioner’s perspective on educating library professionals. The authors conclude that the model of advanced professional preparation for librarianship is still relevant in the digital environment, but it requires greater flexibility and close cooperation with the field of practice.


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Electronic transport at finite voltages in free-standing gold atomic chains of up to seven atoms in length is studied at low temperatures using a scanning tunneling microscope. The conductance vs voltage curves show that transport in these single-mode ballistic atomic wires is nondissipative up to a finite voltage threshold of the order of several mV. The onset of dissipation and resistance within the wire corresponds to the excitation of the atomic vibrations by the electrons traversing the wire and is very sensitive to strain.


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Zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) was electrochemically oxidized under various conditions, and its chemistry and structural evolution were compared to those produced by conventional chemical oxidation. In both oxidation methods, a general loss of the original structure regularity and high surface area was observed with increasing amount of oxidation. However, the electrochemical method showed much better controllability and enabled the generation of a large number of oxygen functional groups while retaining the original structure of the ZTC. Unlike chemical treatments, highly microporous carbons with an ordered 3-D structure, high surface area (ranging between 1900 and 3500 m2/g) and a large number of oxygen groups (O = 11,000–3300 μmol/g), have been prepared by the electrochemical method. Some insights into the electrooxidation mechanism of carbon materials are proposed from the obtained polarization curves, using ZTC as a model carbon material.


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Nitrogen functionalization of a highly microporous activated carbon (BET surface area higher than 3000 m2/g) has been achieved using the following sequence of treatments: (i) chemical oxidation using concentrated nitric acid, (ii) amidation by acyl chloride substitution with NH4NO3 and (iii) amination by Hoffman rearrangement. This reaction pathway yielded amide and amine functional groups, and a total nitrogen content higher than 3 at.%. It is achieved producing only a small decrease (20%) of the starting microporosity, being most of it related to the initial wet oxidation of the activated carbon. Remarkably, nitrogen aromatic rings were also formed as a consequence of secondary cyclation reactions. The controlled step-by-step modification of the surface chemistry allowed to assess the influence of individual nitrogen surface groups in the electrochemical performance in 1 M H2SO4 of the carbon materials. The largest gravimetric capacitance was registered for the pristine activated carbon due to its largest apparent surface area. The nitrogen-containing activated carbons showed the highest surface capacitances. Interestingly, the amidated activated carbon showed the superior capacitance retention due to the presence of functional groups (such as lactams, imides and pyrroles) that enhance electrical conductivity through their electron-donating properties, showing a capacitance of 83 F/g at 50 A/g.