933 resultados para Geberian texts
Elaborated Literary Violence: Genre and Ideology of the Two Stories I Sam 22,6-23 and II Sam 21,1-14
The present article focuses on two stories dealing with acts of big blood shed. I Sam 22,6-23 relates the massacre of the priests of Nob; II Sam 21,1-14 is about the execution of seven descendents of Saul, as atonement for Saul's attempt to exterminate the Gibeonites. Most researchers consider both stories or at least certain parts of them old.1 For both stories few verses are regarded as secondary. In this paper I try to reassess the analysis of these stories and will point to indices favoring a late date of origin for both of them. They concern the language in use, intertextual connections and particular motifs. A further indication consists in the fact that the reported events of the stories lack significant resonance in the corpus of the Hebrew Bible. There are only two texts, I Sam 2,33 and Ps 52,2, which allude or refer to I Sam 22,6-23.With regard to the importance of the related events and acts this silence in the Biblical context is astonishing. Interestingly, also in the Book of Chronicles one does not find any allusions to these stories. This raises the question whether the latter were composed after the formation of the book of Chronicles.
Abstract: This article deals with several presumed scribal interventions which all concern the sacred tree motif. One finds deliberate changes in the MT, in the Septuagint, in Targum Onkelos and in the Vulgate. The Greek translators of Genesis and Samuel (1-2 Kingdoms) avoided rendering the word אשׁל "tamarisk" by its equivalent μυρίκη, chosing instead the word ἄρουρα "field". Similarly, the Greek translator of Genesis, in the passage of the death of Rebecca's nurse Deborah, passed over the motif of her burial under a grand tree. According to the hypothesis of the present article, all four changes are related to one other; they might be due to the translator's fear to connect the respective texts with traditions and customs concerning the Egyptian god Osiris. On the other side, a scribe of the proto-Massoretic tradition modified the readings mentioning the large tree of Mamre close to Hebron. By changing the noun's number from singular to plural the corrector tried to conceal the existence and importance of the sacred tree in the tradition of Abraham. By contrast, the scribe did not modify texts related to the sacred tree of Shechem. This disparity of treatment may be explained by the fact that, in the view of the Judean scribe, the tree of Shechem would put the Samaritans in a bad light. Finally, the authors of Targum Onkelos and of the Vulgate intervened almost systematically in Pentateuchal texts having the terms אֵלוֹן) אלון or אַלּוֹן ), which always designate a holy tree. The two expressions are rendered by terms referring to plains (Targum Onkelos) or a valley (Vulgate).
Several questions about the story of Gen 2-3 remain unresolved in current scholarship. For instance, the implications and manifold consequences of the transgression act - the consumption of the forbidden fruit - are much debated. Interpreters generally agree that the story is connected to several "J" / "non-P" narratives of the primeval history. Besides the use of the tetragrammaton as the designation for God, a common characteristic of these stories is the strong opposition between Yhwh as a harsh deity on one hand and disobedient and transgressing humankind on the other. This paper reconsiders several open questions as well as the aforementioned consensus. The analysis of important motifs in Gen 2-3 leads to the conclusion that this story differs in theologically important ways from the postulated "J"-narrative in Genesis. This indicates that it was not composed as an integral part of that narrative. There are, in Gen 2-3, ideological features and linguistic elements typical of the "J" stratum, but they are all found in the sections that present Yhwh God's investigation and punishment of the couple (3,8-19.24). Since these verses are in tension with or even contradict their immediate context, it should be assigned to a redactional ("J") layer. According to this analysis, the transgression in Gen 2-3 should not be considered a sin. Rather, it is an important step in human evolution towards a self-conscious and autonomous being. The plot has a structure similar to some episodes in ancient Near Eastern myths. 'Initiation' functions as a central theme. Finally, the article discusses the literary milieu of the story. Because of several linguistic and thematic similarities with Gen 1, with P-texts in general, and with the book of Ezekiel, the relationship of Gen 2-3 to these literary entities needs to be reconsidered.
En els anys vuitanta i noranta, Maria Àngels Anglada s’endinsà en l’art de la traducció i traslladà alguns títols, majoritàriament clàssics, amb l’objectiu de recuperar noms poc atesos pels discursos literaris del nostre país. Se centrà en quatre textos: Les germanes de Safo (1983), Epigrames (1993), L’esplanada (1987), i, amb Maria Ohannesian, Terra porpra i altres poemes. Anglada també va fer feina de torsimany en els seus tres llibres de viatges Paisatge amb poetes (1988), Paradís amb poetes (1993) i Retalls de la vida a Grècia i Roma (1997).
The rules on prescription in Part VIII, Chapter 18, of the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL) follow the provisions of the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR), which, in general, have deserved favourable comments. Yet, a number of rules contained in those texts have been omitted. It is necessary to ascertain whether the CESL rules only apply to provisions on rights and claims resulting from sales or related services contracts, or whether they are also applicable to any other contractual right or claim and also to rights or claims of non-contractual origin. One of the most problematic issues concerns general prescription periods: firstly, because there are two general periods, a short one and a long one, without any specification about the claims or rights covered by each one of them; secondly, because neither period is suitable in case of non-conformity. There are also some interpretation problems due to missing, ambiguous or defective definitions. The systematic approach demands clarification too.
In this thesis we study the field of opinion mining by giving a comprehensive review of the available research that has been done in this topic. Also using this available knowledge we present a case study of a multilevel opinion mining system for a student organization's sales management system. We describe the field of opinion mining by discussing its historical roots, its motivations and applications as well as the different scientific approaches that have been used to solve this challenging problem of mining opinions. To deal with this huge subfield of natural language processing, we first give an abstraction of the problem of opinion mining and describe the theoretical frameworks that are available for dealing with appraisal language. Then we discuss the relation between opinion mining and computational linguistics which is a crucial pre-processing step for the accuracy of the subsequent steps of opinion mining. The second part of our thesis deals with the semantics of opinions where we describe the different ways used to collect lists of opinion words as well as the methods and techniques available for extracting knowledge from opinions present in unstructured textual data. In the part about collecting lists of opinion words we describe manual, semi manual and automatic ways to do so and give a review of the available lists that are used as gold standards in opinion mining research. For the methods and techniques of opinion mining we divide the task into three levels that are the document, sentence and feature level. The techniques that are presented in the document and sentence level are divided into supervised and unsupervised approaches that are used to determine the subjectivity and polarity of texts and sentences at these levels of analysis. At the feature level we give a description of the techniques available for finding the opinion targets, the polarity of the opinions about these opinion targets and the opinion holders. Also at the feature level we discuss the various ways to summarize and visualize the results of this level of analysis. In the third part of our thesis we present a case study of a sales management system that uses free form text and that can benefit from an opinion mining system. Using the knowledge gathered in the review of this field we provide a theoretical multi level opinion mining system (MLOM) that can perform most of the tasks needed from an opinion mining system. Based on the previous research we give some hints that many of the laborious market research tasks that are done by the sales force, which uses this sales management system, can improve their insight about their partners and by that increase the quality of their sales services and their overall results.
Procurador reial i nobiliari, cosmògraf, joier, lapidari, mercader i escriptor, i al capdavall, un ciutadà català honrat, en Ferrer (Vidreres, ~1445 – Blanes, 1529) va marxar de ben jove, primer, a la cort de Nàpols, al servei del rei en Ferran I, i després a la cort de Sicília, al servei de la reina na Joana de Sicília. Acabada aquesta peripècia italiana va tornar a Blanes al servei del vescomte de Cabrera i de Bas fins que va morir a la mateixa vila al 1529. Un seu criat, disset anys més tard, va editar uns papers esparsos que havia trobat a can Ferrer, les (sic) Sentèncias cathòlicas del diví poeta Dant florentí, compilades per lo prudentíssim mossèn Jaume Ferrer de Blanes, incloent-hi tres parts. La primera, Conclusions, és un sumari destinat a mostrar (sic) «Entre totas las cosas necessàries a l’home per aconseguir lo seu fi y beatitut eterna principalment són tres»; la segona, Meditació, és una reflexió a fi d’il•luminar els misteris sobre la passió i mort de Jesucrist a (sic) «lo santíssim loch de Calvari»; la tercera, Letras, és un conjunt de dotze documents, entre cartes i d’altres textos, «fetas a mossèn Jaume Ferrer, respostes e regles per ell ordenades en cosmographia y en art de navegar». En Ferrer, home de grans recursos, fa un recorregut per tots els coneixements que havia acumulat al llarg de la seva vida, de Dant Alighieri a Ptolemeu i del marquès de Santillana a Albert Gran o a Aristòtil, fent servir fragments de la Commedia, dels Proverbios, de la Bíblia i de moltes altres autoritats científiques i filosòfiques, en català, italià, espanyol, llatí i, també, set mots en arameu
Aquest projecte final de carrera sorgeix a partir de la necessitat de l’Escola Politècnica Superior d’automatitzar en la mesura del possible l’elaboració de la seva memòria acadèmica. Aquest és un document que cal elaborar anualment i que recull la informació bàsica de l’escola i dels ensenyaments que s’imparteixen al llarg de cada curs acadèmic.Aquestes memòries es duen a terme introduint en un editor de texts les dades facilitades per les diferents persones que les tracten durant l’any, amb el que això comporta, demanar les dades a aquestes persones, esperar que te les donin, triar-les i introduir-les en el format adequat per la memòria. Malgrat els esforços dedicats, es tracta d’una tasca costosa i ingrata, degut a la gran pèrdua de temps que comporta la recopilació de totes les dades i que es del tot impossible reflectir, en la seva totalitat, el treball col·lectiu i individual de tots els membres de l’Escola al llarg de tot un curs acadèmic.Davant d’això, la secretaria acadèmica de la EPS i la responsable de confeccionar la memòria, es van adonar que era necessari tenir controlades de forma fàcil i ràpida les diverses dades que tenen de formar part de la memòria, i va sorgir la necessitat d’obtenir una eina capaç d’oferir a la secretaria l’ajuda que requereix. I així va ser com responent a la necessitat d’obtenir una eina per ajudar a realitzar les memòries de EPS, va sorgir la idea d’aquest projecte final de carrera.
In this paper we describe three computer programs in Basic language about the Fourier transform (FFT) which are available in the Internet site http://artemis.ffclrp.usp.br/SoftwareE.htm (in English) or http://artemis.ffclrp.usp.br/softwareP.htm (in Portuguese) since October 1998. Those are addresses to the Web Page of our Laboratory of Organic Synthesis. The programs can be downloaded and used by anyone who is interested on the subject. The texts, menus and captions in the programs are written in English.
Prenent com a marc el món de l’esport i la premsa d'informació general amb presència a Catalunya, el present treball es proposa investigar quina cobertura dóna aquest tipus de premsa a l’esport en general i al futbol en particular. Per a dur a terme aquesta tasca ens centrarem en la utilització dels gèneres periodístics en la redacció dels textos
This article discusses the processes inherent in the production of salpeter in Colonial Brazil. In the main, the texts seen here present recipes accompanied by chemical explanations of the processes which denote a knowledge of science at the time. Various difficulties confronting the authors, however, prevented an effective contribution to the development of techniques for the production of salpeter. Consequenttly, at the end of the Nineteenth Century, Brazilian rulers are still facing many problems to obtain this precious material.
Fundada a Barcelona el 1892 per un italià que havia après l’ofici a Llatinoamèrica, l’editorial Maucci esdevé ben aviat capdavantera en la difusió del llibre a gran escala i a preus molt econòmics. Un catàleg de 1908 ens permet deduir que publica sobretot literatura, tant d’autors cultes com d’autors de consum, i que difon una gran quantitat de traduccions, sovint primícies en espanyol (llengua que utilitza en exclusiva). Hi predomina de bon tros la literatura francesa, ja sigui d’escriptors de prestigi ja sigui de novel·listes de fulletó. La majoria dels pocs traductors mencionats són poc o no gens coneguts. Testimonis coetanis de l’expansió de l’editorial l’acusen de mutilar els originals i de pagar misèrrimament les traduccions, que solien ser molt deficients.
[spa]Durante el primer tercio del siglo XVII la corte virreinal de Nápoles alcanzó un alto grado de desarrollo y madurez en su organización y su ceremonial. La prácticamente consecutiva aparición de dos importantes manuales de ceremonias, elaborados por dos ujieres mayores de los virreyes, Miguel Díez de Aux y Jusepe Renao, dan cuenta de la sofisticación ceremonial de que es protagonista una corte como la napolitana en el contexto de la monarquía hispánica de los Austrias. El segundo de estos textos, un elaborado manual de ceremonias compilado por Jusepe Renao, activo entre los años 1622 y 1637, es el punto de partida para una serie de consideraciones en torno al creciente interés por el ceremonial en ese preciso momento histórico.
[cat] Els quatre textos que composen aquesta taula rodona tracten, des de diverses perspectives metodològiques les aportacions més recents en geografia humana de teoria i metodologia. [spa] Los cuatro textos que componen esta mesa redonda tratan, desde diversas perspectivas metodológicas las aportaciones más recientes en geografía humana de teoría y metodología. [eng] The four texts of this round table presents, from different methodological standpoints the most recent methodological and theoretical contributions in human geography