938 resultados para Gado zebu


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A Embrapa Gado de Leite e a Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Girolando realizam anualmente avaliações genéticas de vacas e de touros, com dados obtidos do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Girolando (PMGG). Desde 2013 as avaliações genéticas das principais fêmeas Girolando passaram a ser divulgadas em Sumário de vacas, contendo as 1.000 vacas de maiores PTAs para a produção de leite. Dessa forma, os criadores terão conhecimento das vacas de maior potencial genético na população Girolando. Tal conhecimento certamente possibilitará selecionar, de modo mais eficiente, as vacas que poderão ser mães de touros e aquelas a serem submetidas a biotecnologias reprodutivas como a transferência de embriões (TE) e técnicas relacionadas, como a clonagem e transferência de genes.


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The Girolando breed progeny test was established in 1997, as a result of the partnership between Girolando and Embrapa Dairy Cattle. In 2007, the Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Girolando? PMGG (Genetic Improvement Program of the Girolando Breed) was implemented. Besides interacting with previously existing initiatives of the Girolando Breeders Association, such as the genealogical register service, the progeny test and the dairy control service, the PMGG launched the Linear Evaluation System (SLAG). The main objectives of the PMGG comprises identification of genetically superior individuals, the technically-oriented multiplication of genetics, the evaluation of economic traits and the promotion of sustainable dairy activities. The program have yielded impressive results. The Girolando breed semen sales increases faster than any other breed in Brazil.


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Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF), an often-lethal infectious disease, presents as a variable complex of lesions in susceptible ungulate species. The disease is caused by a -herpesvirus following transmission from an inapparent carrier host. Two major epidemiological forms exist: wildebeest-associated MCF (WA-MCF), in which the virus is transmitted to susceptible species by wildebeest calves less than approximately four months of age, and sheepassociated MCF (SA-MCF) in which the virus is spread by sheep (primarily adolescents). Due to the lack of an in-vitro propagation system for the causative agent of the more economically significant SA-MCF, and with the expectation that cross-protective immunity may be provided, vaccine development has focused on the more easily propagated alcelaphine herpesvirus-1 (AlHV-1) that causes WA-MCF. In 2008 a direct viral challenge trial showed that a novel vaccine, employing an attenuated AlHV-1 (atAlHV-1) `C5000 virus strain, protected British Friesian-Holstein (FH) cattle against an intranasal challenge with virulent AlHV-1 `C5000 virus. For cattle keeping people living near wildebeest calving areas in sub-Saharan Africa an effective vaccine would have value as it would release them from the costly annual disease avoidance strategy of having to move their herds away from the oncoming wildebeest. On the other hand, an effective vaccine will release herd owners from the need to avoid MCF, allowing them to graze their cattle alongside wildebeest on the highly nutritious pastures of the calving areas. As such conservationists have raised concerns that the development of a vaccine might lead to detrimental grazing competition. The principle objective of this study was to test the novel vaccine on Tanzanian shorthorn zebu cross cattle (SZC).We did this firstly using a natural challenge field trial (Chapter Two) which demonstrated that immunisation with the atAlHV-1 vaccine was well tolerated and induced an oro-nasopharyngeal AlHV-1-specific and -neutralising antibody response. This resulted in an immunity in SZC cattle that was partially protective and reduced naturally transmitted infection by 56%. We also demonstrated that non-fatal infections occurred with a much higher frequency than previously thought. Because the calculated efficacy of the vaccine was less than that seen in British FH cattle we wanted to determine whether host factors, particular to SZC cattle, had impacted the outcomes of the field trial. To do this we repeated the 2008 direct viral challenge trial using SZC cattle (Chapter Four). During this trial we also investigated whether the recombinant bacterial flagellin monomer (FliC), when used as an adjuvant, might improve the vaccine’s efficacy. The findings from this trial indicated that direct challenge with pathogenic AlHV-1 is effective at inducing MCF in SZC cattle and that FliC is not an appropriate adjuvant for this vaccine. Furthermore, with less control group cattle dying of MCF than expected we speculate that SZC cattle may have a degree of resistance to MCF that affords them protection from infection and developing fatal disease. In Chapter Three we investigated aspects of the epidemiology of MCF, specifically whether wildebeest placenta, long implicated by Maasai cattle owners as a source of MCF, might play a role in viral transmission. Additionally, through comparative sequence analysis, at two specific genes (A9.5 and ORF50) of wild-type and atAlHV-1, we investigated whether the `C5000 strain, the source of which was taken from Africa more than 40 years ago, was appropriate for vaccine development. The detection of AlHV-1 virus in approximately 50% of placentae indicated that infection can occur in-utero and that this tissue might play a role in disease transmission. And, despite describing three new alleles of the A9.5 gene (supporting previous evidence that this gene is polymorphic and encodes a secretory protein with interleukin-4 as the major homologue), the observation that the most frequently detected haplotypes, in both wild-type and attenuated AlHV-1, were identical suggests that AlHV-1 has a slow molecular clock and that the attenuated strain was appropriate for vaccine development. In Chapter Five we present the first quantitative assessment of the annual MCF avoidance costs that Maasai pastoralists incur. In particular we estimated that as a result of MCF avoidance 64% of the total daily milk yield during the MCF season was not available to be used by the 81% of the family unit remaining at the permanent boma. This represents an upper-bound loss of approximately 8% of a household0s annual income. Despite these considerable losses we concluded that, given an incidence of fatal MCF in cattle living in wildebeest calving areas of 5% to 10%, if herd owners were to stop trying to avoid MCF by allowing their cattle to graze alongside wildebeest, any gains made through increased availability of milk, improved body condition and reduced energy demands would be offset by an increase in MCF-incidence. With the development of an effective vaccine, however, this alternative strategy might become optimal. The overall conclusion we draw therefore is that, despite the substantial costs incurred each year avoiding MCF, the partial protection afforded by the novel vaccine strategy is not sufficient to warrant a wholesale change in disease avoidance strategy. Nonetheless, even the partial protection provided by this vaccine could be of value to protect animals that cannot be moved, for example where some of the herd remain at the boma to provide milk or where land-use changes make traditional disease avoidance difficult. Furthermore, the vaccine may offer a feasible solution to some of the current land-use challenges and conflicts, providing a degree of protection to valuable livestock where avoidance strategies are not possible, but with less risk of precipitating the potentially damaging environmental consequences, such as overgrazing of highly nutritious seasonal pastures, that might result if herd owners decide they no longer need to avoid wildebeest.


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O Montado, em Portugal, é um complexo sistema silvopastoril de uso da terra, tipicamente Mediterrânico, com diversos estratos de vegetação, incluindo sobreiro e azinheira em várias densidades, onde é frequente a criação de gado. Esta actividade pecuária beneficia das pastagens no sob-coberto, de algumas espécies arbustivas e também das bolotas que caem do coberto arbóreo, contribuindo para evitar a invasão da pastagem por matos. No entanto, dependendo da sua gestão, este gado pode comprometer a regeneração do sistema. Nos últimos 20 anos, os subsídios no âmbito da Política Agrícola Comum da União Europeia têm promovido a criação de gado bovino em detrimento de outras espécies e raças mais leves, bem como a intensificação desta produção. Esta intensificação pode impossibilitar a regeneração natural das árvores ameaçando o equilíbrio do Montado. Por esta razão é necessária uma avaliação focada na criação de gado bovino e nos seus impactos sobre o sistema. O objectivo deste estudo foi obter uma melhor compreensão do funcionamento de uma exploração silvopastoril num sistema de Montado, através da aplicação do Método de Avaliação Emergética e do cálculo de índices emergéticos. Pretende-se assim compreender a melhor forma de o gerir, bem como conceber estratégias que maximizem o fluxo de emergia na exploração. Uma comparação deste método com a avaliação económica permitiu perceber em que aspectos esta pode ser complementada pelo método da avaliação emergética. O método da avaliação emergética permite a avaliação de sistemas multifuncionais complexos à escala de uma exploração individual, fornecendo informação extra em relação à avaliação económica como a renovabilidade dos inputs do sistema, ou a quantidade de fluxos livres da natureza que é valorada por preços de mercado. Este método permite a integração das emternalidades e das externalidades à contabilização económica, transformando uma avaliação tendencialmente separada do seu sistema mais vasto, numa avaliação de um sistema em conexão com aqueles mais vastos nos quais se integra; Abstract: The Montado, in Portugal, is a complex silvo-pastoral system of land use, typically Mediterranean, with different strata of vegetation, including cork and holm oaks in various densities, and where cattle rearing is common. This stockfarm benefits from the herbaceous layer under the trees, as well as from some species in the shrub layer, and also from the acorns faling down from the tree cover, while contributing to prevent the invasion of pastures by shrubs. Nevertheless, depending on its management, livestock can affect the system regeneration. Over the past 20 years, subsidies of the European Union's common agricultural policy have promoted the cattle rearing at expense of other lighter species and breeds, as well as its intensification. This intensification may impair the natural regeneration of trees threatening the balance of the Montado. Therefore an assessment focused on cattle and their impact on the system is required. The purpose of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the functioning of a silvo-pastoral farm in a Montado system, by applying the emergy evaluation method and through the calculation of emergy indices. It is intended to understand the best way to manage and design strategies that maximize the emergy flow on the farm. A comparison of this method with the economic evaluation allowed to realize in what aspects it can be complemented by the emergy evaluation method. The emergy evaluation method alows the assessment of complex multi-functional systems at the scale of an individual farm, providing extra information in relation to economic avaluation as the renewability of the inputs to a system and the amount of free flows of nature that is valued by market prices. This method allows the integration of the emternalities and the externalities to the economic accounting, transforming an evaluation tended separated from its wider system, in an evaluation of a system in connection with the larger ones on which it is incorporated.


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Diante das adversidades climáticas ocorridas nos últimos anos, bem como a intensificação das podas em lavouras novas, foi avaliada a capacidade de recuperação vegetativa e reprodutiva após a poda do tipo esqueletamento em 24 cultivares comerciais de C. arabica, em lavoura com quatro anos e meio de idade. Aos 24 meses após a realização da poda, foram avaliadas as características agronômicas: produtividade, percentagem de grãos chochos, classificação por peneira alta dos grãos, percentual de grãos do tipo moca e vigor vegetativo das plantas. Os dados de produtividade foram avaliados por meio da análise de deviance, em fatorial duplo 24x2, sendo 24 cultivares comerciais e dois tipos de condução (submetidas ou não à poda). Utilizando-se a média dos três anos, as demais características agronômicas, citadas acima, foram avaliadas em fatorial triplo 24x2x2, sendo 24 cultivares comerciais, dois tipos de condução (com ou sem poda) e dois anos de avaliação (safras 2012/2013 e 2013/2014). Em todas as características estudadas, não houve sobreposição dos intervalos de confiança, indicando que as cultivares tiveram desempenho diferentes entre si. As cultivares estudadas apresentam capacidade de recuperação após a poda tipo esqueletamento em fase jovem, com destaque para a Catiguá MG3, Topázio MG1190 e Sabiá 398, que apresentaram produtividades altas aliadas a um elevado vigor vegetativo, baixo percentual de frutos chochos e alto percentual de peneira alta dos grãos no primeiro biênio após a poda.


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The objective of this work was to determine the genotypic profile specific to scrapie in codons 136, 154, and 171 of the PRNP gene of the Pantanal creole sheep. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples collected from 66 sheep, and the regions of interest on the DNA strand were amplified by PCR. Five haplotypes were identified: ARR, alanine, arginine, arginine; ARQ, alanine, arginine, glutamine; AHQ, alanine, histidine, glutamine; ARH, alanine, arginine, histidine; and VRQ, valine, arginine, glutamine. The most common genotypes were ARQ/ARQ (27%) and ARR/ARQ (24%). The genotypic profile of the Pantanal creole sheep shows low to moderate susceptibility.


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The objective of this work was to apply fuzzy majority multicriteria group decision?making to determine risk areas for foot?and?mouth disease (FMD) introduction along the border between Brazil and Paraguay. The study was conducted in three municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, located along the border with Paraguay. Four scenarios were built, applying the following linguistic quantifiers to describe risk factors: few, half, many, and most. The three criteria considered to be most likely to affect the vulnerability to introduction of FMD, according to experts? opinions, were: the introduction of animals in the farm, the distance from the border, and the type of property settlements. The resulting maps show a strong spatial heterogeneity in the risk of FMD introduction. The used methodology brings out a new approach that can be helpful to policy makers in the combat and eradication of FMD.


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A ABCCAN e a raça Canchim; Utilização do touro Canchim em cruzamento comercial; Novos métodos de avaliacao da capacidade reprodutiva de touros; Critérios de seleção para a raça Canchim; Pesquisa na raça Canchim; Terminação do bovino jovem em confinamento; Produção intensiva de carne bovina a pasto.


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Workshop sobre produção de caprinos na região da Mata Atlântica: uma visão histórica; Nutrição de cabras leiteiras: aplicação dos diferentes comitês de exigência nutricional de pequenos ruminantes em sistema comercial de produção de leite de cabra; Visão estratégica: laticínio com selo da agricultura familiar; Capril Santa Fé; Visão estratégica: laticínio com certificação nacional; Ovinocultura leiteira no sul de Minas Gerais.