929 resultados para GUIDELINE


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This book’s guideline is a description of the activities developed during the University Extension project entitled "Housing and Environment: building dialogue over the urbanization of the settlement Ilha", located in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. This project was coordinated by professors from the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). The initial objectives of the extension project were to investigate ways of intervention on the scenario of poor conditions of housing and urbanization of the settlement Ilha, for their land regularization. The book tells the story of the extension project, showing how the initial goals have changed with time. In addition, this book describes the frustrations and the learning process along the way, from the view of professors and students of UTFPR who actively participated in this project. This book also intends to report the feelings that the villagers attributed to their place of residence; the joys, stumbling and learning by using a participatory methodology from what Paulo Freire says about popular education. Moreover, the book brings the confrontation between the technical and popular vision on the regularization of the area.


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We present new methodologies to generate rational function approximations of broadband electromagnetic responses of linear and passive networks of high-speed interconnects, and to construct SPICE-compatible, equivalent circuit representations of the generated rational functions. These new methodologies are driven by the desire to improve the computational efficiency of the rational function fitting process, and to ensure enhanced accuracy of the generated rational function interpolation and its equivalent circuit representation. Toward this goal, we propose two new methodologies for rational function approximation of high-speed interconnect network responses. The first one relies on the use of both time-domain and frequency-domain data, obtained either through measurement or numerical simulation, to generate a rational function representation that extrapolates the input, early-time transient response data to late-time response while at the same time providing a means to both interpolate and extrapolate the used frequency-domain data. The aforementioned hybrid methodology can be considered as a generalization of the frequency-domain rational function fitting utilizing frequency-domain response data only, and the time-domain rational function fitting utilizing transient response data only. In this context, a guideline is proposed for estimating the order of the rational function approximation from transient data. The availability of such an estimate expedites the time-domain rational function fitting process. The second approach relies on the extraction of the delay associated with causal electromagnetic responses of interconnect systems to provide for a more stable rational function process utilizing a lower-order rational function interpolation. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodology is its utilization of scattering parameters. For both methodologies, the approach of fitting the electromagnetic network matrix one element at a time is applied. It is shown that, with regard to the computational cost of the rational function fitting process, such an element-by-element rational function fitting is more advantageous than full matrix fitting for systems with a large number of ports. Despite the disadvantage that different sets of poles are used in the rational function of different elements in the network matrix, such an approach provides for improved accuracy in the fitting of network matrices of systems characterized by both strongly coupled and weakly coupled ports. Finally, in order to provide a means for enforcing passivity in the adopted element-by-element rational function fitting approach, the methodology for passivity enforcement via quadratic programming is modified appropriately for this purpose and demonstrated in the context of element-by-element rational function fitting of the admittance matrix of an electromagnetic multiport.


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Travel demand models are important tools used in the analysis of transportation plans, projects, and policies. The modeling results are useful for transportation planners making transportation decisions and for policy makers developing transportation policies. Defining the level of detail (i.e., the number of roads) of the transport network in consistency with the travel demand model’s zone system is crucial to the accuracy of modeling results. However, travel demand modelers have not had tools to determine how much detail is needed in a transport network for a travel demand model. This dissertation seeks to fill this knowledge gap by (1) providing methodology to define an appropriate level of detail for a transport network in a given travel demand model; (2) implementing this methodology in a travel demand model in the Baltimore area; and (3) identifying how this methodology improves the modeling accuracy. All analyses identify the spatial resolution of the transport network has great impacts on the modeling results. For example, when compared to the observed traffic data, a very detailed network underestimates traffic congestion in the Baltimore area, while a network developed by this dissertation provides a more accurate modeling result of the traffic conditions. Through the evaluation of the impacts a new transportation project has on both networks, the differences in their analysis results point out the importance of having an appropriate level of network detail for making improved planning decisions. The results corroborate a suggested guideline concerning the development of a transport network in consistency with the travel demand model’s zone system. To conclude this dissertation, limitations are identified in data sources and methodology, based on which a plan of future studies is laid out.


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Tese de doutoramento em Farmácia (Toxicologia), apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009.


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O envelhecimento ativo é o processo de otimização das oportunidades de saúde, participação e segurança, a fim de melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas à medida que envelhecem. Permite que as pessoas realizem o seu potencial físico, social, mental e de bem-estar ao longo da vida, bem como de participação na sociedade, ao fornecer-lhes proteção, segurança e cuidados adequados quando eles precisam. Com o presente estudo pretendeu-se, globalmente, saber qual a perspetiva das pessoas idosas que frequentam a Universidade Sénior de Águeda sobre o Envelhecimento Ativo e como valorizam os seus determinantes básicos durante este processo. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, de natureza descritiva, com uma abordagem qualitativa. Participaram vinte pessoas idosas, sendo quinze do género feminino e cinco do género masculino. Os participantes estavam inscritos na Universidade Sénior de Águeda, pelo menos desde o início do ano letivo. A técnica utilizada para a recolha de dados foi um guião de entrevista semiestruturada e para a análise destes dados foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo predominantemente indutiva. Relativamente aos resultados do nosso estudo, na perspetiva dos participantes, o conceito de envelhecimento ativo, circunscreve-se essencialmente a duas grandes áreas: a promoção da atividade e a necessidade de se manterem ocupados. Relativamente à primeira destacaram as suas componentes física e mental, as quais estão relacionadas com aspetos da saúde. Quanto à segunda área os participantes relacionaram-na com a participação social. Também nas entrevistas foi destacada a participação social como um determinante fundamental para o envelhecimento ativo, associada à convivência e à promoção de atividades por organizações de apoio social. Quanto à frequência da Universidade Sénior, as pessoas idosas referem que a frequentam pela promoção do envelhecimento ativo nomeadamente através das suas atividades nos diferentes domínios. Concluiu-se que as pessoas idosas participantes no estudo não têm conhecimentos acerca do conceito geral do envelhecimento ativo nem de todos os seus determinantes, é de salientar também o valor que as pessoas idosas dão à USEA. Em relação às implicações para a prática da gerontologia elas decorrem dos resultados, devido ao facto das pessoas valorizarem a importância da Universidade Sénior, é então necessário criar mais espaços que propiciem essas condições, pois não existem em todos os concelhos e por vezes situam-se nos centros das cidades, o que se torna de difícil acesso para as pessoas idosas que vivem nas periferias. Por outro lado, em relação à segurança, o determinante do envelhecimento ativo que não foi reconhecido pelas pessoas idosas, é necessário que exista formação acerca da segurança, tanto no ambiente doméstico de maneira a reduzir os riscos face a quedas e também em relação aos espaços públicos.


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A Radioterapia é um dos tratamentos disponíveis para tratar o cancro seja com intuito curativo ou paliativo. O objectivo da radioterapia paliativa consiste em controlar os sintomas apresentados pelos doentes com doença avançada, como por exemplo a dor provocada pela presença de metástases ósseas, que é o sintoma em estudo neste trabalho. A Radioterapia deve causar o mínimo de efeitos secundários e o mínimo desconforto possível aos doentes, não devendo aumentar a morbilidade, mas antes proporcionar maior qualidade de vida aos doentes. Recentemente, vários estudos investigaram a utilização da radioterapia em fim de vida, proporcionando uma linha orientadora nesta área, a partir das condições clínicas dos doentes submetidos a radioterapia perto do final da vida. A escolha do tema deste trabalho resulta de uma inquietação sentida no dia-a-dia, aquando da realização dos tratamentos de radioterapia a doentes paliativos com dor óssea e com mau estado geral. Exigindo a radioterapia um posicionamento e imobilização precisos e rigorosos pode, por vezes, causar algum desconforto aos doentes. No caso dos doentes com necessidades paliativas, nomeadamente com dor moderada a forte, é importante inferir acerca do real benefício de um tratamento que ao invés de promover alívio, lhes pode provocar mais dor e desconforto, indo contra às boas práticas preconizadas em cuidados paliativos. Considera-se que o tema é relevante para a melhoria dos cuidados prestados ao doente oncológico a realizar tratamentos de radioterapia, na medida em que permite realizar uma reflexão acerca da eficácia deste tratamento em fim de vida e sua aplicabilidade quando estamos perante doentes com prognóstico de vida limitado. O estudo em causa é um estudo descritivo exploratório, tendo sido realizada uma análise sistemática da informação contida nos processos electrónicos dos doentes, disponíveis na rede hospitalar, de acordo com os critérios de inclusão estabelecidos, no sentido de averiguar a eficácia do tratamento de radioterapia no alívio da dor. O estudo permitiu concluir que a radioterapia é um tratamento eficaz no controlo da dor em doentes com metástases ósseas, não vindo alterar as conclusões avançadas por outros estudos e outros autores internacionais. No entanto, é importante a realização de um prognóstico mais preciso na tomada de decisão terapêutica para que doentes que não vão beneficiar do tratamento de radioterapia possam ser referenciados para cuidados paliativos mais precocemente. Quanto à escolha do esquema terapêutico, o esquema de fracção única deveria ser mais comummente utilizado pela sua demonstrada eficácia, como o comprovam os diversos estudos referenciados neste trabalho.


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Although a clear correlation between levels of fungi in the air and health impacts has not been shown in epidemiological studies, fungi must be regarded as potential occupational health hazards. Fungi can have an impact on human health in four different ways: (1) they can infect humans, (2) they may act as allergens, (3) they can be toxigenic, or (4) they may cause inflammatory reactions. Fungi of concern in occupational hygiene are mostly non-pathogenic or facultative pathogenic (opportunistic) species, but are relevant as allergens and mycotoxins producers. It is known that the exclusive use of conventional methods for fungal quantification (fungal culture) may underestimate the results due to different reasons. The incubation temperature chosen will not be the most suitable for every fungal species, resulting in the inhibition of some species and the favouring of others. Differences in fungi growth rates may also result in data underestimation, since the fungal species with higher growth rates may inhibit others species’ growth. Finally, underestimated data can result from non-viable fungal particles that may have been collected or fungal species that do not grow in the culture media used, although these species may have clinical relevance in the context. Due to these constraints occupational exposure assessment, in setings with high fungal contamination levels, should follow these steps: Apply conventional methods to obtain fungal load information (air and surfaces) regarding the most critical scenario previously selected; Guideline comparation aplying or legal requirements or suggested limits by scientific and/or technical organizations. We should also compare our results with others from the same setting (if there is any); Select the most suitable indicators for each setting and apply conventional-culture methods and also molecular tools. These methodology will ensure a more real characterization of fungal burden in each setting and, consequently, permits to identify further measures regarding assessment of fungal metabolites, and also a more adequate workers health surveillance. The methodology applied to characterize fungal burden in several occupational environments, focused in Aspergillus spp. prevalence, will be present and discussed.


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Background: increasing numbers of patients are surviving critical illness, but survival may be associated with a constellation of physical and psychological sequelae that can cause on going disability and reduced health-related quality of life. Limited evidence currently exists to guide the optimum structure, timing, and content of rehabilitation programmes. There is a need to both develop and evaluate interventions to support and expedite recovery during the post-ICU discharge period. This paper describes the construct development for a complex rehabilitation intervention intended to promote physical recovery following critical illness. The intervention is currently being evaluated in a randomised trial (ISRCTN09412438; funder Chief Scientists Office, Scotland). Methods: the intervention was developed using the Medical Research Council (MRC) framework for developing complex healthcare interventions. We ensured representation from a wide variety of stakeholders including content experts from multiple specialties, methodologists, and patient representation. The intervention construct was initially based on literature review, local observational and audit work, qualitative studies with ICU survivors, and brainstorming activities. Iterative refinement was aided by the publication of a National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline (No. 83), publicly available patient stories (Healthtalkonline), a stakeholder event in collaboration with the James Lind Alliance, and local piloting. Modelling and further work involved a feasibility trial and development of a novel generic rehabilitation assistant (GRA) role. Several rounds of external peer review during successive funding applications also contributed to development. Results: the final construct for the complex intervention involved a dedicated GRA trained to pre-defined competencies across multiple rehabilitation domains (physiotherapy, dietetics, occupational therapy, and speech/language therapy), with specific training in post-critical illness issues. The intervention was from ICU discharge to 3 months post-discharge, including inpatient and post-hospital discharge elements. Clear strategies to provide information to patients/families were included. A detailed taxonomy was developed to define and describe the processes undertaken, and capture them during the trial. The detailed process measure description, together with a range of patient, health service, and economic outcomes were successfully mapped on to the modified CONSORT recommendations for reporting non-pharmacologic trial interventions. Conclusions: the MRC complex intervention framework was an effective guide to developing a novel post-ICU rehabilitation intervention. Combining a clearly defined new healthcare role with a detailed taxonomy of process and activity enabled the intervention to be clearly described for the purpose of trial delivery and reporting. These data will be useful when interpreting the results of the randomised trial, will increase internal and external trial validity, and help others implement the intervention if the intervention proves clinically and cost effective.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: área de especialização em Educação Especial realizado sob a orientação científica de Doutora Helena dos Anjos Serra Diogo Fernandes


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Background. Adults are recommended to engage in at least 150 min/week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (PA). Purpose. This study aimed to examine the level of compliance with PA recommendations among European adults. Methods. Using data from European Social Survey round 6, PA self-report data was collected from 52,936 European adults from 29 countries in 2012. Meeting PA guidelines was assessed usingWorld Health Organization criteria. Results. 61.47% (60.77% male, 62.05% female) of European adults reported to be engaged in moderate to vigorous PA at least 30 min on 5 or more days per week. The likelihood of achieving the PA recommended levels was higher among respondents older than 18–24. For those aged 45–64 years the likelihood increased 65% (OR = 1.65, 95% CI: 1.51–1.82, p b 0.001) and 112% (OR = 2.12, 95% CI: 1.94–2.32, p b 0.001) for males and females, respectively. Those who were high school graduates were more likely to report achieving the recommended PA levels than those with less than high school education (males: OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 1.12–1.27, p b 0.001; females: OR = 1.13, 95% CI: 1.06–1.20, p b 0.001). Conclusion. Although about 60% of European adults reported achieving the recommended levels of PA, there is much room for improvement among European adults, particularly among relatively inactive subgroups.


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Since the findings of a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) in 2010, clinicians working in Scotland have been advised to discuss the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) with patients immediately or soon after a diagnosis of epilepsy is made. A thematic analysis was used to describe the experiences discussing SUDEP of 10 clinicians (six Consultant Neurologists and four Neurology Registrars) working in Scotland. Five themes were found: Clinicians employ a ‘SUDEP protocol’, suggesting there is a standardised way of discussing SUDEP with patients and all clinicians routinely discuss SUDEP with newly diagnosed epilepsy patients; The FAI has diffused into practice through meetings and discussions with colleagues; ‘Breaking Good News’ refers to the ambivalence clinicians feel about discussing SUDEP; ‘Falsely anticipating anxiety’ refers to clinicians anticipating a distressed response from patients despite this very rarely occurring; Clinicians suggest that ‘pressure hinders effective communication’ to patients – suggesting that the pressure to discuss SUDEP early after diagnosis may have an emotional impact on patients and affect the amount of information they can take in. Implications for guideline development are discussed.


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BACKGROUND: Smoking is a major risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). For current smokers who are diagnosed with COPD, their first treatment option is to stop smoking. Motivation is necessary for long-term smoking cessation; therefore, when designing smoking cessation programs, the patients' needs and preferences should be considered. We focused on COPD patients' experiences with existing smoking cessation programs and evaluated their preferences for the improvement of these programs. METHODS: We conducted 18 guideline-based interviews with COPD patients between April and June 2014 in Germany. Each patient with COPD, who was a current or past smoker and had made at least one attempt to quit smoking in the past 5 years, was included in the study. We audiotaped, verbatim transcribed, and evaluated the interviews, using content analysis. RESULTS: The patients had broad and different experiences with pharmaceutical, behavioral, and alternative approaches that supported or negatively influenced the smoking cessation process. Pharmaceuticals were viewed as an expensive alternative with many side effects although they helped to stop cravings for a few moments. Furthermore, the bad structure and impersonal content of the seminars for smoking cessation negatively influenced group cohesion, and therefore degrading the patients' motivation to stop smoking. Alternative methods, such as acupuncture and hypnosis were mostly ineffective in smoking cessation, but in some cases, served as motivational strategies. CONCLUSION: Negative experiences with smoking cessation were explained by the patients' lack of motivation or resolution. Other negative experiences, such as the structure of seminars for smoking cessation and the high price of pharmaceuticals should be addressed through policy changes to increase the patients' motivation to quit smoking.


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Poliisin rakenneuudistus Pora III ja Puolustusvoimauudistus 2011–2015 ovat olleet viime vuosien esimerkkejä julkisen sektorin työn tehostamisen vaatimuksista. Sekä Puolustusvoimilla että poliisilla, kahdella turvallisuusalan viranomaistaholla, on lakisääteiset tehtävänsä, jotka tulee työn tehostamisen vaatimuksista huolimatta suorittaa. Turvallisuusala yksityistyy vauhdilla, ja keskustelua käydään siitä, mitä tehtäviä viranomainen hoitaa itse, mitä annetaan kaupallisen toimijan tai järjestöjen hoidettavaksi ja mistä kansalainen vastaa itse jatkossa. Resurssi- ja tehostamisvaatimuksia mietittäessä nousee esille upseereiden kohdalla koko maan puolustus ja turvaaminen. Kyetäänkö tämän tehtävän täyttämiseen mahdollisessa sotatilanteessa enää nykyisellä tai mahdollisesti vähenevällä resursoinnilla? Poliisitoimen osalta vasteajat eri puolilla Suomea puhuttavat, samoin se, miten tehtäviä priorisoidaan hoidettavaksi. Saavatko kansalaiset enää perusoikeuksiinsa kuuluvaa arjen turvallisuutta, jonka vielä tänä päivänä katsotaan kuuluvan valtion perustehtäviin? Viranomaisten pitäisi tutkimukseen valittujen aineistojen sekä lakien perusteella hoitaa tehtävänsä laadukkaasti ja tasa-arvoisesti kaikkialla Suomessa. Nykyiset sisäistä ja ulkoista turvallisuutta käsittelevät asiakirjat, esimerkiksi strategiat, puhuvat laajasta turvallisuuskäsityksestä, sisäisen ja ulkoisen turvallisuuden rajojen hämärtymisestä globalisoitumisen seurauksena ja lisääntyvästä poikkihallinnollisesta yhteistyöstä toimintaa ohjaavana ajattelumallina. Viranomaisyhteisyötä tulisi lisätä osana normaalia toimintaa, samoin yhteistyötä järjestöjen, elinkeinoelämän ja jokaisen kansalaisen kanssa. Valtioneuvoston tulevaisuusselonteossa (2013) peräänkuulutetaan uusia, innovatiivisia tapoja hoitaa sekä valtion että kuntien tehtäviä. Yhteisen toiminnan kohteen eli laajan turvallisuuskäsityksen viitekehyksessä on mahdollisuus pohtia uudenlaista turvallisuusalan viranomaisyhteistyötä, eli etsiä perusteluja upseeri- ja poliisiprofession syvemmälle yhteistyölle – yhteiskehittelylle. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on herätellä keskustelua siitä, onko yhteisen toiminnan kohteen löytymiselle edellytyksiä. Nähtävissä on, että valtiolle kuuluvia toimintoja tehostetaan jatkossakin. Yksi järkevä tapa tehostamisessa on löytää töiden rajapintoja ja yhdistää resurssit näiden osalta. Jotta toiminta olisi tehokasta, sen pitää olla osa jokapäiväistä toimintaa eikä perustua vain muutamiin yhteistoimintaharjoituksiin tai jo tapahtuneiden poikkeustilanteiden hoitoon. Suurin osa kriisiajan toiminnasta perustuu normaaliolojen toimintaan, jolloin sen lähtökohdat voisivat olla yhteisessä työssä ja alkaa jo koulutuksesta, mikä nostetaan tässä työssä yhtenä mahdollisuutena esille. Koulutuksellinen yhteistyö ja liikkuvuus ovat eurooppalaisen tutkintojen viitekehyksen perusteella mahdollista myös kahden eri hallinnonalan koulutuksessa. Tällaista koulutuksen tehostamista haetaan tällä hetkellä muualla yhteiskunnassa. Mutta halutaanko omasta toiminnasta ja tehtävistä luopua edes osittain ja tehdä yhteistyötä mahdollisesti oman työn hallinnan, vallan tai resurssien menettämisen pelossa? Vai onko kyse vain siitä, että yhteistyön syventämiselle ei ole nähty kovinkaan suurta tarvetta tai hyötyä eikä yhteistyö näytä tuovan mitään uutta ammattikuntien osaamiseen? Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu valtionhallinnon aineistoista, kuten strategioista, mietinnöistä ja raporteista niin sisäisen kuin ulkoisen turvallisuuden alalta. Aineistona käytetään myös upseeri- (n=71) ja poliisipäällystöopiskelijoille (n=65) suunnattua kyselyä ja kirjoitelmaa tulevaisuuden turvallisuusasiantuntijuudesta vuonna 2030. Lisäksi opiskelijavastauksista tehtyä analyysia syvennetään molempien korkeakoulujen (Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu ja Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu) rehtoreiden sekä molempien hallinnonalojen (puolustusministeriö sekä sisäministeriö) kansliapäälliköiden haastatteluilla. Aineistojen avulla pyritään herättelemään ajatuksia siitä, voisiko yhteisiä töitä löytyä yhteistyön pohjaksi. Tarkoituksena on perustella, miksi yhteistyötä kannattaa tehdä ja ikään kuin vastata etukäteen vastaväitteisiin, miksi sitä ei voitaisi tehdä. Strategioiden yhteistyön tahtotilaa verrataan muihin strategioiden toimenpide ehdotuksiin ja sitä kautta vielä kyselyaineistoon. Opiskelijakyselyllä haetaan näkemyksiä tulevaisuuden turvallisuusasiantuntijuudesta ja mahdollisesta yhteistyöstä sekä sen painopisteistä. Muilla asiantuntijahaastatteluilla haetaan korkeakoulujen sekä ministeriön tason näkemyksiä opiskelijoiden mielipiteisiin. Opiskelijakyselyn avulla on haluttu selvittää sitä, mitä jo työelämässä olleet mutta vaihteeksi opiskelevat sotatieteiden maisteriopiskelijat Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulussa ja poliisin päällystötutkinnon opiskelijat Poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa ajattelevat turvallisuusalan ja -asiantuntijuuden muutoksesta. Minkälaisena he näkevät oman tulevan työnsä ja yhteistyökentän muiden viranomaisten kanssa? Selvää opiskelijavastausten mukaan on se, että turvallisuus halutaan pitää jatkossakin viranomaisen vastuulla ja välttää viimeiseen asti yksityisen sektorin liiallista vastuuta enempää kuin on pakko. Yhteistyötä halutaan edelleen lisätä, ja erityisesti tämä koskee viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä. Tutkimus on tietoisesti rajattu koskemaan kahta turvallisuusalan viranomaistoimijaa, ammattikorkeakoulutuksen käyneitä poliiseja ja Puolustusvoimien Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulussa opiskelevia upseereita, joiden tehtävistä ja koulutuksesta on löydettävissä yhteisiä rajapintoja ja yhteistyön alueita. Kiinnostus syventyä valittuun kahteen ammattialaan johtuu myös siitä, että usein esimerkiksi sisäasianhallinnon strategioissa Puolustusvoimat jätetään ulkopuolelle varsinkin normaaliolojen yhteistyötä tarkasteltaessa tai vain yksittäisen maininnan asteelle. Sama huomio on havaittavissa puolustushallinnon strategioista. Tämä nousee esille erityisesti alueellista yhteistyötä tai viranomaisyhteistyötä pohdittaessa. Silti sekä sisäministeriön että puolustusministeriön hallinnonalan strategiat ym. perustuvat laajaan turvallisuuskäsitykseen, ja usein eri ammattikuntia analysoitaessa puhutaan tehtävistä, joita tekevät useat ammattikunnat ja professiot. Puhutaan niin sanotuista harmaista alueista. Ministeriöiden tahtotilassa ja toiminnassa on tutkimukseni mukaan nähtävissä ristiriita. Koulutuksen osalta yhteistyön lisääminen on mahdollista etenkin nyt, kun Poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa peruskoulutus on muuttunut ammattikorkeakoulutasoiseksi ja näin tämän ammattikunnan professioasema koulutuksen näkökulmasta on vahvistunut entisestään. Käsittelenkin tutkimuksessani kahta professiota professiotutkimuksen perinteisiä kriteereitä käyttäen, eli rinnastaessani näitä kahta ammattia. Rinnastettavuus koulujen kesken on tullut mahdolliseksi sekä tutkintojen että osaamisen tarkastelun näkökulmasta. Tämän myötä myös molempia korkeakouluja hyödyttävää yhteistyötä olisi mahdollista miettiä osana muutakin hallinnon tehostamista ja rauhan ajan viranomaistoimintaa.


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The referral letter is a key instrument in moving patients from primary to secondary care services. Consequently, the circumstances in which a referral should be made and its contents have been the subject of clinical guidelines. This article is based on a project that demonstrated that physicians do not adhere to clinical guidelines when referring patients to secondary mental health services. This research supports earlier findings into noncompliance with guidelines by general practitioners (GPs). The authors briefly note possible reasons, which have been the subject of some debate. They also present a content analysis of referral letters to demonstrate the important ways in which they differ from guideline criteria. However, their central argument is that the role of the referral letter in relation to the GP’s repertoire of treatments has not been understood fully. Such understanding implies the need for a reexamination of the support available for GPs.


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Defende-se hoje que o Ensino Básico deve, acima de tudo, dotar os alunos de competências que lhes permitam interagir com a sociedade em que se inserem, o que legitima as expectativas no sentido da formação de cidadãos capacitados para exercer a sua responsabilidade social. O processo de Reorganização Curricular do Ensino Básico actualmente em curso, em Portugal, segue esta orientação e propõe um ensino das ciências no sentido da formação dos alunos para a literacia científica. Ora, neste contexto o movimento CTS (Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade) assume-se como uma filosofia de ensino que muito se coaduna com os fins pretendidos. Para tal, é importante ter recursos didácticos consonantes com esta perspectiva, que suportem as práticas dos professores. O presente estudo teve por objectivo conceber e validar recursos didácticos CTS utilizáveis por professores e alunos, no âmbito do ensino e da aprendizagem do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra, no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico. O percurso metodológico seguido incluiu várias etapas de entre as quais se destacam pela sua importância: a selecção de um contexto viável para a abordagem do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra; a planificação da abordagem CTS do referido tema; a formulação de questões-problema centradas nos domínios científico, social e tecnológico; a definição dos objectivos CTS na abordagem do problema em causa; a organização de estratégias de exploração das questões problema; a validação dos Recursos Didácticos por professores de Química qualificados e experientes. Optou-se, de uma forma fundamentada, pelo contexto geral “Barragem de Alqueva”. O produto final do presente estudo apresenta-se na forma de um Caderno de Recursos Didácticos CTS constituído por catorze actividades, organizado em Notas para o Professor, Tarefas para o Aluno e Resposta Adequada, concebidas para o contexto geral Barragem de Alqueva, e estruturadas em torno de quatro sub-temas orientadores: Água, Energia, Materiais e Resíduos. Com vista à validação dos Recursos Didácticos construídos planificou-se e realizou-se o Workshop “Sustentabilidade na Terra – perspectivas didácticas para a sua abordagem” que foi dinamizado pela autora e dirigido a um painel de treze Professores Avaliadores e no qual participaram também, como Avaliadoras Externas, duas professoras especialistas em formação de professores. VII O processo de validação evidenciou que na opinião dos avaliadores: o contexto Barragem de Alqueva é de grande relevância social e adequado à abordagem da temática Sustentabilidade na Terra; os recursos didácticos são adequados quanto ao interesse e extensão dos textos inseridos nas problemáticas desenvolvidas, quanto à adequabilidade da linguagem à faixa etária a que se destinam, quanto ao grau de profundidade dos objectos de ensino, favorecem o desenvolvimento de uma atitude crítica, favorecem o desenvolvimento de uma atitude investigativa, de recolha de dados e busca de informação complementar, contribuem para o desenvolvimento de atitudes de preservação do ambiente e contribuem para a compreensão do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra; as questões que constituem as Tarefas para o Aluno são, em geral, exequíveis pelos alunos a que se destinam. O processo de validação foi considerado quer pelos Professores Avaliadores, quer pelas Avaliadoras Externas, adequado aos objectivos do Workshop e, de um modo geral, muito importante na formulação de uma opinião sobre os Recursos Didácticos. As Avaliadoras Externas consideraram-no válido e fiável o que legitima as conclusões dele decorrentes. Deste modo, pode dizer-se que o contributo do presente estudo para a inovação no ensino da Química se reflecte no Caderno de Recursos Didácticos construído bem como na explicitação de uma metodologia útil para investigadores e professores interessados na concepção e construção de recursos CTS.