982 resultados para Fronto, Marcus Cornelius
In this chapter I explore the accounts of adult children caring for a parent with dementia. Dementia is typically understood to be an umbrella term for a large number of conditions, the most common of which are Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and fronto-temporal dementia. These are progressive – ultimately terminal – conditions that affect memory, communication, mood and behaviour. I examine the accounts of interactions with parents with dementia that fracture and reconfigure normative familial relationships. In so doing I suggest that, in the absence of a primary spousal carer, caring for a person living with dementia can necessitate particular issues for adult children that trouble notions of how we understand familial roles, responsibilities and ‘duties’.
This paper reports on issues at the interface between semantics and lexicography that arose out of the data collection and classification of vocabulary in Anglo-Norman and Middle English in order to create a bilingual thesaurus of everyday life in medieval England. The Bilingual Thesaurus project is based at Birmingham City University and the University of Westminster. Issues to be resolved included the definition of an occupational domain; the creation of a methodology of data collection; the delimitation of domain-specific vocabulary; making distinctions between sense and usage; and the categorisation of the lexical items. Some of these issues are general to thesaurus-making, some are specific to the making of historical thesauruses, while some are unique to the production of a thesaurus of two languages whose use overlapped for several centuries in the late medieval period in England.
This thesis objective is to build a cognitive model focused on the diffusion of innovation management and its culture, where the sharing method will be the concept maps. For that construction, in addition to detailing the method, will be also presented the bases of knowledge that served to construct the model. Those bases were built through literature survey that will be also presented. This sharing proposition, proposes to strictly use concept maps instead of texts and the non-hierarchical knowledge construction. Besides the introduction of these guidelines, a navigation tool modeled based on conceptual mapping where the user choices, or better explaining, the user’s possibility to opt, or not, for a certain way, will be based on their own knowledge basis and forward thinking.
Taking a Media Anthropology’s approach to dynamics of mediated selfrepresentation in migratory contexts, this thesis starts by mapping radio initiatives produced by, for and/or with migrants in Portugal. To further explore dynamics of support of initial settlement in the country, community-making, cultural reproduction, and transnational connectivity - found both in the mapping stage and the minority media literature (e.g. Kosnick, 2007; Rigoni & Saitta, 2012; Silverstone & Georgiou, 2005) - a case study was selected: the station awarded with the first bilingual license in Portugal. The station in question caters largely to the British population presenting themselves as “expats” and residing in the Algarve. The ethnographic strategy to research it consisted of “following the radio” (Marcus, 1995) beyond the station and into the events and establishments it announces on air, so as to relate production and consumption realms. The leading research question asks how does locally produced radio play into “expats” processes of management of cultural identity – and what are the specificities of its role? Drawing on conceptualizations of lifestyle migration (Benson & O’Reilly, 2009), production of locality (Appadurai 1996) and the public sphere (Butsch, 2007; Calhoun & et al, 1992; Dahlgren, 2006), this thesis contributes to valuing radio as a productive gateway to research migrants’ construction of belonging, to inscribe a counterpoint in the field of minority media, and to debate conceptualizations of migratory categories and flows. Specifically, this thesis argues that the station fulfills similar roles to other minority radio initiatives but in ways that are specific to the population being catered to. Namely, unlike other minority stations, radio facilitates the process of transitioning between categories along on a continuum linking tourists and migrants. It also reflects and participates in strategies of reterritorialization that rest on functional and partial modes of incorporation. While contributing to sustain a translocality (Appadurai, 1996) it indexes and fosters a stance of connection that is symbolically and materially connected to the UK and other “neighborhoods” but is, simultaneously, oriented to engaging with the Algarve as “home”. Yet, besides reifying a British cultural identity, radio’s oral, repetitive and ephemeral discourse particularly trivializes the reproduction of an ambivalent stance of connection with place that is shared by other “expats”. This dynamic is related to migratory projects driven by social imaginaries fostered by international media that stimulate the search for idealized ways of living, which the radio associates with the Algarve. While recurrently localizing and validating the narrative projecting an idealized “good life”, radio amplifies dynamics among migrants that seem to reaffirm the migratory move as a good choice.
Cerebral microangiopathy (CMA) has been associated with executive dysfunction and fronto-parietal neural network disruption. Advances in magnetic resonance imaging allow more detailed analyses of gray (e.g., voxel-based morphometry-VBM) and white matter (e.g., diffusion tensor imaging-DTI) than traditional visual rating scales. The current study investigated patients with early CMA and healthy control subjects with all three approaches. Neuropsychological assessment focused on executive functions, the cognitive domain most discussed in CMA. The DTI and age-related white matter changes rating scales revealed convergent results showing widespread white matter changes in early CMA. Correlations were found in frontal and parietal areas exclusively with speeded, but not with speed-corrected executive measures. The VBM analyses showed reduced gray matter in frontal areas. All three approaches confirmed the hypothesized fronto-parietal network disruption in early CMA. Innovative methods (DTI) converged with results from conventional methods (visual rating) while allowing greater spatial and tissue accuracy. They are thus valid additions to the analysis of neural correlates of cognitive dysfunction. We found a clear distinction between speeded and nonspeeded executive measures in relationship to imaging parameters. Cognitive slowing is related to disease severity in early CMA and therefore important for early diagnostics.
Avec prologues, arguments et « capitula ». Evang. Matthaei I,2-XXVIII,20 (13), Marci, cum versibus : « Marcus divini Petro ... » (54v), Lucae XIX,22-XXIV,53 (82), Johannis, cum versibus : « Virgo supra pectus Christi... » (116v) ; « Capitulatio lectionum Evangeliorum de circulo anni ». Ms. X de Klauser, Röm. Capit. Evang., I, 5 (151). F. 159v Promesse d'obéissance faite par Simon Ier, abbé de Notre-Dame de Chaage, diocèse de Meaux, à Manassès II, évêque de Meaux [1153-1158].
Adelardus (17). - Agatha (259 v°). - Agnes (187 v°). - Aldegundis (236). - Amandus (270 v°). - Andreas, ep. Fesuz. (32 v°). - Ansbertus (293). - Antonius abbas (147 v°). - Arcadius (89). - Austreberta (298). - Babylas (209). - Bathildis (227 v°). - Bazianus, ep. Laudensis (169). - Benedictus Anglus (90). - Berardus et alii discipuli s. Francisci (142 v°). - Bertulphus (260 v°). - Blasius (255). - Bonitus (128 v°). - Brigitta (249). - Canutus rex (40). - Clans Vienn. 13). - Constantius, ep. Perus.(234 v°). - Desiderius Vienn. (309 v°). - Dorothea (267). - Ephrem (245 v°). - Epiphanius Ticin. (192). - Eutimius (176 v°). - Felix Nolanus (113). - Fructuosus (190 v°). - Fulgentius Rusp. (1v°). - Furseus (141). - Gaudentius (200). - Gentilis Ravenn. (233). - Gertrudes ab Oesten (37). - Godefridus, comes Cappenb. (107 v°). - Gordius centurio (23 v°). - Guarinus, ep. Praenest. (274). - Gudula (62). - Guill. dux Aquit. (301). - Guill. archiep. Bitur. (81). - Helena (275). - Herminus (28). - Hilerius (91 v°). - Honoratus Lirin. (133 v°). - Ignatius (244). - Ildephonsus (207 v°). - Joh. elem. (202). - Julianus Saba (115 v°). - Juventius et Maximus (210 v°). - Laurentius Cantuar. (254 v°). - Laurentius Justinianus (66 v°). - Leobardus (162 v°). - Macarius (14). - Marcella (239). - Marcus (241). - Marguareta Hungar. (230 v°). - Martina (1). - Maurus (119 v°). - Odilo (9 v°). - Patroclus (189 v°). - Paula (223). - Petrus Aulonensis (23). - Polycarpus (220 v°). - Poppo Stabul. (214). - Praejectus (242). - Rambertus (256). - Remigius (95 v°). - Remundus a Penia Forti (46). - Richardus, rex Angl. (275 v°). - Romualdus (276). - Sebastianus (171). - Severinus Nauric. (52). - Severinus Agaun. (308 v°). - Severus Ravenn. (251 v°). - Sigebertus rex (252 v°). - Speusippus (145). - Sulpitius (159). - Vedastus (268). - Vincentius diac. (199). - Volstanus, ep. Wigorn. (165 v°).
Essai de plume f. 102 : « Lamberti Amatreschie[re] » Basilia (100), Basilius (1), Fructuosus (55), Johannes Bapt. (89), Julianus et Basilissa (23), Longinus (97), Marcus evang. (87v), Radegundis (65), Romanus monachus (57v), Stephanus martyr (50v).
Anscharius (47), Augustinus (10v), Cornelius (103), Crux (32, 43), Cyprianus (104v), Egidius (24v), Eustachius (88), Hippolytus (100), Laurentius (1), Maria (38v), Maria Egyptiaca (145v), Nicholaus, auct. Johanne diacono, Nicephoro et Johele (106v), Syxtus ep. (97v).
Albinus Andegavensis (251v).Alexander, Eventius et Theodulus (333v).Alexander episcopus Alexandrie (243).Amandus (194v).Amator Autissiodorensis (319v).Ambrosius (290v).Ananias (170v).Ancolianus (206v).Andeolus (314).Archadius (32).Athanasius (326v).Austregisilus Bituricensis (363).Baltildis (135).Baudelius (361).Bonitus (38v).Concordius (2).Crucis inventio (332).Decem millia mart. (239v).Eufrasia (213).Eutropius (313)Faustinus et Jobitta (229v).Felix, Fortunatus et Achilleus (296v).Felix Nolanus (33v).Felix Tubitanensis episcopus (36v).Fidolus (355).Fileas (189).Focas (255v).Fructuosus, Augurius et Eulogius (109v).Fulgencius (7).Gengulphus (343).Gennulphus (74v).Georgius (296).Grisogonus (269v).Honoratus Arelatensis (54).Hugo Gratianopolitanus (273v).lgnacius (178v).Jacobus minor (313v).Johannes Chrysostomus (145).Johannes presb. et conf. (175v).Juliana (236v).Julianus Cenomanensis (138v).Launomarus (101).Leobardus reclusus (98).Lucianus Antiochensis (24v).Lucianus Belvacensis (26v).Mapalicus (295).Marcellus papa (48v).Marciana (30v).Marcus ev. (305).Martina (2v).Maurus (174).Melanius Redonensis (21v).Pachomius (353v).Pancracius (342).Patroclus (111).Perpetus et Felicitas (260).Petrus et Andreas, Paulus et Dionysius (354).Petrus Balsamus (19v).Philemon, Choraula et Arrianus (262).Policarpus (128, 130).Poncius (347).Prejectus et Marinus (124).Quadraginta martyres (266v).Quiriacus episcopus (339).Richarius (309).Ricmarus (94v).Robertus abbas (299).Saturninus (223).Savinianus (122).Scolastica (207).Severinus (210).Sigismundus (318).Siviardus (254).Speusippus, Eleusippus et Meleusippus (67).Theodosia (285).Theogenes (20).Timotheus (114).Tirsus (161).Torpes (357v).Trifon (183).Victor et Corona (351v).Vincentius (115).Vincentius, Oruncius et Victor (118).
Agericus Virdunensis (71). Aigulfus (134v). Albanus (220). Alexander episcopus et m. (184v). Amancius (212v). Ambrosius Caturcensis (69). Andreas (140). Antidius Bisuntinus (79). Attalus abbas (63). Augustinus (228v). Baomirus (211v). Benedicta (283). Bonifacius (35). Calixtus (286v). Cantius, Cantianus et Cantianilla (252). Caraunus (19). Carilefus (188). Catherina (173). Chrisantus et Daria (199). Christina (221). Ciricus et Julita (44v). Clemens (255v). Crispinus (293v). Decem millia mart. (52). Desiderius Lingonensis (1). Donatianus et Rogatianus (2v). Ebrulfus abbas (168). Eulalia (239v). Eusebius presb. (215). Felix et Adauctus (228). Felix papa et m. (214v). Ferreolus et Ferrutio (218). Fides (275v). Fides, Spes et Garitas (199v). Florentinus (95). Fotinus et Blandina (26v). Fronto (295v). Germanus Parisiensis (14, 87). Gervasius et Protasius (48). Gildardus (112v). Herasmus (31v). Honorina (195v). Isicius (210v). Januarius (288v). Julianus et Basilissa (203). Justina et Ciprianus (262). Lambertus (242). Leonardus (303v). Lucas (253v, 291). Lupus Senonensis (184). Machutus (173v). Maiolus (107). Marcellus m. (57v). Marcellus papa (224v). Mauricius (205v, 248v, 256). Maxentius (56). Maximinus (22v). Maximus m. (86v). Medardus (38). Mennas (312). Nicolaus (99, 162v). Pachomius (116v). Parthenius et Calocerus (217). Petrus m. et episcopus (203). Piaton (273v). Quintinus (202, 298v). Sabina (227v). Sanso (149v). Saturninus (161). Sergius et Bachus (277v). Symphorianus (254v). Thecla (208v, 261). Theobaldus (59v). Urbanus Lingonensis (65v). Urbanus papa (5). Valerius Lingonensis. (83).
Adrianus m. (23v). Alexis (233v). Ambrosius (134). Andreas (92). Audoenus (140v). Aurea (63v). Bartholomeus (2). Bricius (83v). Cecilia (84). Chrisancius et Daria (202). Clemens m. (89v). Clodowaldus (20v). Columba (212). Cornelius papa (34v). Cosmas et Damianus (44). Crucis exaltatio (33). Cyprianus episcopus Carthaginensis (35). Egidius (17v). Eligius (156). Eufemia (35v, 242). Eufrorisa (212v). Eugenia (206). Eulalia (211). Eustachius (199). Evurcius (142). Exuperius (138). Felix et germana ejus Regula (237v). Franciscus (176). Fuscianus, Gencianus et Victoricus (162v). Genovefa (145). Georgius, Aurelius et Natalia (4v). Gorgonius (30). Grisogonus (91). Guillelmus archiepiscopus (107). Hilarius Pictavensis auctore Fortunato (111). Katherina (150). Jacinthus m. (33). Jeronimus (47v). Johannes Baptiste decollatio (9). Julianus m. (223v). Laurentius conf. auctore Johanne Cardinali (188). Leodegarius m. (58v). Lucia (164). Lupus episcopus (15v). Macra (222v). Maglorius (68v). Marcellus episcopus (80). Marie nativitas (28v). Maria Egyptiaca (246v). Martina (215v). Matheus (39). Mauricius (42v). Medericus (12). Michael (46). Nicolaus episcopus (94). Pantaleo (238). Pelagia (235). Quintinus (77v). Remigius (51). Sabina (245). Simeon (220v). Simon et Judas (74). Sulpicius (122). Theodorus (82). Thomas Cantuariensis (165v). Thomas apost. (100). Undecim millia virgines (171). Ursinus (147).
Y sont mêlées quelques vies de saints : Arnulfus (154); Benedictus (147); Crux (97); Dionysius (89); Ferreolus et F. (118v); Germanus Parisiensis (104); Gervasius et P. (120v); Johannes et Paulus (129); Leufredus (123); Marcus (93) ;Margarita (155v); Maria Magdalena (161); Martialis (144v); Martinus (139); Medardus (114,); Turiavus (149) ; Victor (158). Cf. ms. latin 11754.
Benedictus (167). — Dionysius (213v). — Florianus et Florentius (202). — Hermelandus (179v). — Hieron. (97). — Julianus Cenom. (119). — Licinius (109). — Magnobodus (148). — Marcus (238v). — Maurilius [vita, auct. Greg. Turon.] (49); miracula, auct. Harmero (85v)]. — Medardus (46). — Nicolaus (1, 256). — Samso (129). — Stephanus (142). — Sulpicius (242). — Sermo Odonis de S. Benedicto (172v). — Sententie sapientum (241v).