992 resultados para Frequency Locking


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Even though synchronization in autonomous systems has been observed for over three centuries, reports of systematic experimental studies on synchronized oscillators are limited. Here, we report on observations of internal synchronization in coupled silicon micromechanical oscillators associated with a reduction in the relative phase random walk that is modulated by the magnitude of the reactive coupling force between the oscillators. Additionally, for the first time, a significant improvement in the frequency stability of synchronized micromechanical oscillators is reported. The concept presented here is scalable and could be suitably engineered to establish the basis for a new class of highly precise miniaturized clocks and frequency references. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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This paper studies the low frequency vibrational behaviour of a submerged hull. The submerged hull is modelled as a finite fluid-loaded cylindrical shell closed at each end by circular plates. The external pressure acting on the hull due to the fluid loading is analytically calculated using an infinite model. Three excitation cases of the hull are considered. In the first model, an axial point force is applied at the centre of one end plate, giving rise to an axisymmetric case in which only the zeroth circumferential shell modes are excited. In the second model, an axial point force is applied at the edge of the end plate. In the third model, a radial point force is applied also at the edge of the end plate. In the second and third load cases, all cylindrical shell circumferential modes are excited. The effects of fluid loading and different excitation locations are studied. A more complex hull model including stiffeners and bulkheads is then examined. A smeared approach is used to analytically model the ring stiffeners. All load cases are again considered and the effects of the various influencing factors on the low frequency responses are described.


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A mode for generating a sequence of spectrally limited pulses with a duration of 2 nsec and a repetition frequency of approximately 100 GHz in AlGaAs/GaAs by an injection heterolaser, which has amplifying and absorbing parts combined in a common resonator, is discussed.


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An Agat-SF linear-scan streak image-converter camera was used to record output pulses of 2. 7 psec duration generated by an injection laser with an external dispersive resonator operated in the active mode-locking regime. The duration of the pulses was determined by the reciprocal of the spectral width and the product of the duration and the spectral width was 0. 30.


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Pulses of 15 psec duration were generated by an injection laser with an external dispersive resonator operating in the active mode-locking regime. This regime was attained by subjecting the laser diode to a current of high frequency equal to the intermode interval in the external resonator. The duration of the pulses was determined by an autocorrelation method in which the second harmonic was generated in an LiIO//3 crystal.


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We report passive mode-locking of an Er-doped fiber laser using carbon nanotubes deposited on the facet of a right-angle optical waveguide. © 2013 IEEE.


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Abstract A theoretical model is developed for the sound scattered when a sound wave is incident on a cambered aerofoil at non-zero angle of attack. The model is based on the linearization of the Euler equations about a steady subsonic flow, and is an adaptation of previous work which considered incident vortical disturbances. Only high-frequency sound waves are considered. The aerofoil thickness, camber and angle of attack are restricted such that the steady flow past the aerofoil is a small perturbation to a uniform flow. The singular perturbation analysis identifies asymptotic regions around the aerofoil; local 'inner' regions, which scale on the incident wavelength, at the leading and trailing edges of the aerofoil; Fresnel regions emanating from the leading and trailing edges of the aerofoil due to the coalescence of singularities and points of stationary phase; a wake transition region downstream of the aerofoil leading and trailing edge; and an outer region far from the aerofoil and wake. An acoustic boundary layer on the aerofoil surface and within the transition region accounts for the effects of curvature. The final result is a uniformly-valid solution for the far-field sound; the effects of angle of attack, camber and thickness are investigated. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.


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We report 4ps and 8ps pulse generation from a two-section monolithic InGaN/GaN laser by hybrid and passive mode-locking, respectively. Pulse trains at a repetition rate of 28.6GHz and an emission wavelength of 422nm are generated. © 2013 The Optical Society.


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We present an evanescent-field device based on a right-angled waveguide. This consists of orthogonal waveguides, with their points of intersection lying along an angled facet of the chip. Light guided along one waveguide is incident at the angled dielectric-air facet at an angle exceeding the critical angle, so that the totally internally reflected light is coupled into the second waveguide. By depositing a nanotube film on the angled surface, the chip is then used to mode-lock an Erbium doped fiber ring laser with a repetition rate of 26 MHz, and pulse duration of 800 fs. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Screech is a high frequency oscillation that is usually characterized by instabilities caused by large-scale coherent flow structures in the wake of bluff-body flameholders and shear layers. Such oscillations can lead to changes in flame surface area which can cause the flame to burn unsteadily, but also couple with the acoustic modes and inherent fluid-mechanical instabilities that are present in the system. In this study, the flame response to hydrodynamic oscillations is analyzed in a controlled manner using high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with an unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach. The response of a premixed flame with and without transverse velocity forcing is analyzed. When unforced, the flame is shown to exhibit a self-excitation that is attributed to the anti-symmetric shedding of vortices in the wake of the flameholder. The flame is also forced using two different kinds of low-amplitude out-of-phase inlet velocity forcing signals. The first forcing method is harmonic forcing with a single characteristic frequency, while the second forcing method involves a broadband forcing signal with frequencies in the range of 500 - 1000 Hz. For the harmonic forcing method, the flame is perturbed only lightly about its mean position and exhibits a limit cycle oscillation that is characteristic of the forcing frequency. For the broadband forcing method, larger changes in the flame surface area and detachment of the flame sheet can be seen. Transition to a complicated trajectory in the phase space is observed. When analyzed systematically with system identification methods, the CFD results, expressed in the form of the Flame Transfer Function (FTF) are capable of elucidating the flame response to the imposed perturbation. The FTF also serves to identify, both spatially and temporally, regions where the flame responds linearly and nonlinearly. Locking-in between the flame's natural self-excited frequency and the subharmonic frequencies of the broadband forcing signal is found to alter the dynamical behaviour of the flame. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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Accurate estimation of the instantaneous frequency of speech resonances is a hard problem mainly due to phase discontinuities in the speech signal associated with excitation instants. We review a variety of approaches for enhanced frequency and bandwidth estimation in the time-domain and propose a new cognitively motivated approach using filterbank arrays. We show that by filtering speech resonances using filters of different center frequency, bandwidth and shape, the ambiguity in instantaneous frequency estimation associated with amplitude envelope minima and phase discontinuities can be significantly reduced. The novel estimators are shown to perform well on synthetic speech signals with frequency and bandwidth micro-modulations (i.e., modulations within a pitch period), as well as on real speech signals. Filterbank arrays, when applied to frequency and bandwidth modulation index estimation, are shown to reduce the estimation error variance by 85% and 70% respectively. © 2013 IEEE.


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A mode-locked Raman laser, using 25 m of a GeO2 doped fiber as the gain medium, is reported employing carbon nanotubes. The oscillator generates 850 ps chirped pulses, which are externally compressed to 185 ps. © OSA 2012.


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We experimentally demonstrate a frequency modulation locked servo loop, locked to a resonance line of an on-chip microdisk resonator in a silicon nitride platform. By using this approach, we demonstrate real-time monitoring of refractive index variations with a precision approaching 10(-7) RIU, using a moderate Q factor of 10(4). The approach can be applied for intensity independent, dynamic and precise index of refraction monitoring for biosensing applications.


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The mechanical amplification effect of parametric resonance has the potential to outperform direct resonance by over an order of magnitude in terms of power output. However, the excitation must first overcome the damping-dependent initiation threshold amplitude prior to accessing this more profitable region. In addition to activating the principal (1st order) parametric resonance at twice the natural frequency ω0, higher orders of parametric resonance may be accessed when the excitation frequency is in the vicinity of 2ω0/n for integer n. Together with the passive design approaches previously developed to reduce the initiation threshold to access the principal parametric resonance, vacuum packaging (< 10 torr) is employed to further reduce the threshold and unveil the higher orders. A vacuum packaged MEMS electrostatic harvester (0.278 mm3) exhibited 4 and 5 parametric resonance peaks at room pressure and vacuum respectively when scanned up to 10 g. At 5.1 ms-2, a peak power output of 20.8 nW and 166 nW is recorded for direct and principal parametric resonance respectively at atmospheric pressure; while a peak power output of 60.9 nW and 324 nW is observed for the respective resonant peaks in vacuum. Additionally, unlike direct resonance, the operational frequency bandwidth of parametric resonance broadens with lower damping. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This paper presents an analytical formulation of frequency splitting observed in the elliptical modes of single crystal silicon (SCS) micromechanical disk resonators. Taking the anisotropic elasticity of SCS into account, new formulae for computing modal mass and modal stiffness are first derived for accurate prediction of the modal frequency. The derived results are in good agreement with finite element simulation, showing a factor of 10 improvement in the prediction accuracy as compared to using the formula for the isotropic case. In addition, the analysis successfully explains the effect of anisotropy on the modal frequency splitting of primary elliptical modes, for which the maximum modal displacement is aligned with the directions of maximum (1 1 0) and minimum (1 0 0) elasticity respectively on a (1 0 0) SCS wafer. The measured frequency splitting of other degenerate modes is due to the manufacturing imperfections. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.