988 resultados para Fredonian Insurrection, 1826-1827.


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1827.


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1827


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1827.


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1826.


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1826.


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1826.


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1826.


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Cymo andreossyi is found both in the live and dead branching corals of coral Pacillopora, Acropora and Montipora. Compared to the occurrence its compatriot C. melanodactylus, this species found in large numbers. The relationship is mutualistic, with the species occupying a niche similar to that occupied by the more colorful Trapezia species.


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El objetivo general de esta investigación consiste en sacar a la luz un conjunto de documentos, los documentos de patentes presentadas en España, sobre un tema concreto, la bicicleta y el ciclismo, y durante un periodo determinado, 1826-1929, presentes en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), organizando esta documentación para su posterior utilización por la comunidad científica. Para ello se han identificado y sistematizado las patentes referidas a la bicicleta, presentadas entre 1826 y 1929, realizando tablas de frecuencia que permitan extraer datos de su incidencia en la invención en el periodo considerado. Ello ha permitido conocer una serie de datos de los inventores, que, en definitiva son los creadores del desarrollo tecnológico en este campo, extrayendo, ordenando y categorizando la información sobre lugar de origen, tipo de inventor (empresa o particular), sexo, práctica de colaboración y profesión. Finalmente se ha estudiado el tipo de inventos, mostrando los sectores en los que se producen las invenciones, identificando si se han puesto en práctica, y determinando aspectos tales como su carácter de invención incremental, su posible consideración como invento raro y curioso, y su coexistencia con una marca registrada. El trabajo se inicia con la introducción seguida de un apartado en el que se presenta el marco teórico en el que se desarrolla la investigación, en una doble vía: en primer lugar el contexto de los documentos de patente, su relación con la innovación y su utilidad como fuentes de información, y en segundo lugar el marco de la invención en el ciclismo, presentando las fases esenciales de la evolución de la bicicleta (capítulo 2). En el marco metodológico (capítulo 3) se explican fuentes y metodología, presentando a continuación el diseño de la investigación, que se resume como sigue: 1- Determinación del universo de datos, 2- Consulta en el Archivo Histórico de la OEPM, 3- Diseño y creación de la base de datos propia, 4- Consulta de los expedientes y toma de imágenes, 5- Tratamiento y análisis de los datos, 6- Búsqueda de información en fuentes para patentes extranjeras, y 7- Consulta a la base de datos de Marcas de la OEPM. El capítulo 4 está dedicado a la investigación propiamente dicha, estructurado en tres grandes bloques. El primero recoge las cuantificaciones tabuladas del total de patentes y el análisis de determinados aspectos generales como la cronología de la invención y diversas comparaciones con resultados obtenidos en otros trabajos. El segundo bloque está centrado en los estudios de solicitantes de patentes, protagonistas de las invenciones. De ellos se contemplan una serie de datos extraídos de los expedientes, y posteriormente tabulados y cuantificados: su procedencia geográfica, su adscripción como empresas o solicitantes particulares, y sus datos de colaboración, finalizando el bloque con un apartado que dedicamos a la innovación femenina, que consideramos una línea de investigación interés. El tercer bloque, el más amplio de todos, está dedicado a la descripción y análisis de los datos referidos a los propios inventos, puesto que es la aplicación de los inventos lo que marca el desarrollo tecnológico de la máquina bicicleta, y su consiguiente evolución histórica y social. Se estructura asimismo en varias secciones. La primera es la más amplia, donde se muestran y explican los datos que tienen que ver con la adscripción de los inventos a sectores temáticos, es decir, que desarrolla las funciones o componentes de la bicicleta que han sido objeto de invención. Los apartados siguientes muestran datos y consideraciones sobre las patentes puestas en práctica, las invenciones incrementales, los inventos curiosos, y las patentes con posible marca registrada de su nombre. Finalmente, las conclusiones del estudio, el establecimiento de posibles líneas abiertas de investigación, la relación de fuentes consultadas y los anexos cerrarán la exposición de esta tesis. ABSTRACT The main goal of this research thesis is to shed light on a specific documentary record: patents presented in Spain, regarding a specific theme: bicycles and cycling, within a given period: 1826-1929. This record is organized for the ulterior use by the scientific community. In order to carry out this goal, the mentioned patents have been identified and systematized, and analyzed for frequency in order to infer the incidence of its invention in the period under consideration. This has brought to light some information on the inventors which are, after all, the creators in the technological development of that field. Their bibliographical information: origin, type of inventor (company or individual), gender, collaboration behavior and profession. Finally, the type of inventions has been studied, showing the sectors in which inventions are produced, whether these were transferred to practice, and other key information like the incremental nature of their invention, their possible consideration as ‘rare or curious invention’, and their coexistence with a registered trademark. This thesis is organized with an initial introduction, after which a section outlines the theoretical framework for the research along two axes: first the context of the patent documents, their relation with innovation and their usefulness as information sources; second, the invention of cycling and the development phases of bicycles. In the methodological section the sources and methodology are explained and reasoned, followed by the research design: 1-determination of the data universe, 2-consultation at the historical archive of the OEPM (National Patent Office), 3-design and creation of a database, 3-analysis of the files and image catchment, 5-treatment and analysis of data, 6-browsing of source information for foreign patents, and 7-consultation of the trademark information at the OEPM. Chapter 4 is dedicated to research itself, in three main sections. The first one has the quantification of the patent total in tables and the analysis of specific overall chronological aspects of the invention, and some comparisons with the results obtained in other research. The second section is centered on the studies of patent requests and inventors. Some data extracted from the files has been systematized: geographical origin, adscriptions as companies or individuals, and their collaboration data, ending with a sub-section on women’s invention, which we consider an interesting research line. The third section, the biggest one of them all, is dedicated to the description and analysis of the data referred to the inventions themselves, because it is the application of the inventions which constitutes the technological development of the bicycle, and therefore its historical and social evolution. It is also structured in various sub-sections. The first one is the longest one, with information regarding the thematic typology of the inventions: functions and bicycle components which are innovated. The other ensuing subsections study patents which were actually incorporated and used, incremental inventions, curious inventions and patents with possible associated trademarks. Finally, the study conclusions, the establishment of lines of potential further research, the references used, and the annexes which culminate the thesis exposition.


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A minhoca (Eisenia fetida Savigny, 1826) é uma boa fonte de proteína. O elevado teor em humidade (82,80% ±2,128) e cinzas (10,70% ±2,345), principalmente terra, poderão ser um fator limitante à sua utilização como alimento para peixes. Com o objetivo de avaliar o interesse da utilização de E. fetida na alimentação de peixes, em 23 setembro 2014 foram capturados 22 juvenis de achigã (Micropterus salmoides Lacépède, 1802) (0+ anos) numa pequena barragem de rega Os achigãs foram colocados em três aquários para habituação a um alimentos compostos comercial. Três semanas depois 86,4% já ingeriam o alimento. A taxa de sobrevivência foi de 100%. Em 13 outubro 2014 foram escolhidos aleatoriamente 16 achigãs e colocados em dois aquários (8 peixes/aquário; 0,048 m3 de água). Os valores médios iniciais de peso, comprimento, fator K e densidade foram semelhantes nosdois aquários. No aquário G1 (minhocas) e aquário G2 (alimento composto) o peso, o comprimento, o fator K e a densidade iniciais foram, respetivamente, 13,62 g (±3,171) e 13,40 g (±3,002) (P>0,05); 10,49 cm (±0,757) e 10,39 cm (±0,649) (P>0,05); 1,160 (±0,043) e 1,179 (±0,082) (P>0,05); 2,27 kg/m3 e 2,23 kg/m3. No nosso estudo laboratorial a temperatura média da água variou entre 19,9ºC e 16,8ºC. Como em Portugal não se produzem alimentos específicos para achigãs foi utilizado um alimento composto comercial formulado para douradas (Sparus aurata L., 1758) e robalos (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) (proteína 49,74%MS; gordura 18,07%MS; cinzas 11,57%MS; fibra bruta 0,84%MS; humidade 6,55%). No dia 88 do estudo (09 janeiro 2015) os valores médios de peso, comprimento, fator K e densidade nos aquários G1 e G2 foram, respetivamente, 17,57 g (±4,071) e 19,19 g (±4.811) (P<0,05); 10,88 cm (±0,875) e 11,29 cm (±0,871) (P<0,05); 1,346 (±0,051) e 1,311 (±0,061) (P>0,05); 2,93 kg/m3 e 3,20 kg/m3). Os resultados obtidos até agora parecem indicar que a E. fetida pode ser utilizada na alimentação de achigãs.


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Axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne, caught by longlines in the Algarve (Southern Portugal), were sampled between August 1995 and August 1996. Age was studied by counting growth increments on otoliths and the estimated von Bertalanffy parameters were Linf = 28.82 cm, K = 0.29 year-1 and t0 = -1.47 year for males and Linf = 32.30 cm, K = 0.18 year-1 and t0 = -2.56 year for females. Evidence of the annual periodicity of the deposition of increments was found by marginal increment analyses. Macroscopic analysis of the gonads and the gonad somatic index showed that reproduction occurred over an extensive period of time, from May to November. Lengths at first maturity were 18.10 and 17.60 cm for males and females, respectively. This species was characterized as being a protandric hermaphrodite.


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Objective Theoretical models of post-traumatic growth (PTG) have been derived in the general trauma literature to describe the post-trauma experience that facilitates the perception of positive life changes. To develop a statistical model identifying factors that are associated with PTG, structural equation modelling (SEM) was used in the current study to assess the relationships between perception of diagnosis severity, rumination, social support, distress, and PTG. Method A statistical model of PTG was tested in a sample of participants diagnosed with a variety of cancers (N=313). Results An initial principal components analysis of the measure used to assess rumination revealed three components: intrusive rumination, deliberate rumination of benefits, and life purpose rumination. SEM results indicated that the model fit the data well and that 30% of the variance in PTG was explained by the variables. Trauma severity was directly related to distress, but not to PTG. Deliberately ruminating on benefits and social support were directly related to PTG. Life purpose rumination and intrusive rumination were associated with distress. Conclusions The model showed that in addition to having unique correlating factors, distress was not related to PTG, thereby providing support for the notion that these are discrete constructs in the post-diagnosis experience. The statistical model provides support that post-diagnosis experience is simultaneously shaped by positive and negative life changes and that one or the other outcome may be prevalent or may occur concurrently. As such, an implication for practice is the need for supportive care that is holistic in nature.


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Diffusion is the process that leads to the mixing of substances as a result of spontaneous and random thermal motion of individual atoms and molecules. It was first detected by the English botanist Robert Brown in 1827, and the phenomenon became known as ‘Brownian motion’. More specifically, the motion observed by Brown was translational diffusion – thermal motion resulting in random variations of the position of a molecule. This type of motion was given a correct theoretical interpretation in 1905 by Albert Einstein, who derived the relationship between temperature, the viscosity of the medium, the size of the diffusing molecule, and its diffusion coefficient. It is translational diffusion that is indirectly observed in MR diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI). The relationship obtained by Einstein provides the physical basis for using translational diffusion to probe the microscopic environment surrounding the molecule.


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This paper considers the functions of Greek mythology in general and the “Theseus and the Minotaur” myth in particular in two contemporary texts of adolescent masculinity: Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series (2005-2009) and Matt Ottley’s Requiem for a Beast: A Work for Image, Word and Music (2007). These texts reveal the ongoing flexibility of mythic texts to be pressed into service of shoring up or challenging currently hegemonic ideologies of self and state. Both Riordan and Ottley make a variety of intertextual uses of classical hero plots in order to facilitate their own narrative explorations of contemporary adolescent men ‘coming of age’. These intertextual gestures might easily be read as gestures of alignment with narrative traditions and authority which simultaneously confer “legitimacy” on Riordan and Ottley, on their texts, and by extension, on their readers. However, when read in juxtaposition, it is clear that Riordan and Ottley may use classical mythology to articulate similarly gendered adolescence, they produce divergent visions of nationed adolescence.