937 resultados para Formal languages.


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Although rational models of formal planning have been seriously criticized by strategy literature, they not only remain a widely used organizational practice in private firms, but they have increasingly been entering public, professional organizations too, as part of public sector managerial reforms. This research addresses this apparent paradox, exploring the meaning of formal planning in public sector professional work. Curiously, this is an issue that remains under-investigated in the literature: the long debate on formal planning in strategy research devoted scant attention to its diffusion in the public sector, and public sector studies have scrutinized the introduction of other management tools in professional work, but very limitedly formal planning itself. In fact, little is known on the actual meaning of formal planning in public, professional services. This research is based upon a case of adoption of formal planning tools in a public hospital. Embracing a discourse analytical lens, it examines which formal planning discourse entered professional work, to what extent, and how professionals interpret it and engage with it in their practice. The analysis uncovers dynamics of social construction of meaning where, eventually, a formal planning discourse both shapes and is shaped by professional practice. In particular, it is found that formal planning rationality largely penetrated professional work, but not to the detriment of professional values. Morevover, formal planning ‘fails’ as a tool for rational decision making, but it takes up a knowledge work and a social value in professional work, as a tool for explicitation of action courses and for dialogue between otherwise more disconnected parts of the organization.


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Wie viele andere Sprachen Ost- und Südostasiens ist das Thai eine numerusneutrale Sprache, in der ein Nomen lediglich das Konzept benennt und keinen Hinweis auf die Anzahl der Objekte liefert. Um Nomina im Thai zählen zu können, ist der Klassifikator (Klf) nötig, der die Objekte anhand ihrer semantischen Schlüsseleigenschaft herausgreift und individualisiert. Neben der Klassifikation stellt die Individualisierung die Hauptfunktion des Klf dar. Weitere Kernfunktionen des Klf außerhalb des Zählkontextes sind die Markierung der Definitheit, des Numerus sowie des Kontrasts. Die wichtigsten neuen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, die sowohl die Ebenen der Grammatik und Semantik als auch die der Logik und Pragmatik integriert, sind folgende: Im Thai kann der Klf sowohl auf der Element- als auch auf der Mengenebene agieren. In der Verbindung mit einem Demonstrativ kann der Klf auch eine pluralische Interpretation hervorrufen, wenn er auf eine als pluralisch präsupponierte Gesamtmenge referiert oder die Gesamtmenge in einer Teil-Ganzes-Relation individualisiert. In einem Ausdruck, der bereits eine explizite Zahlangabe enthält, bewirkt die Klf-Demonstrativ-Konstruktion eine Kontrastierung von Mengen mit gleichen Eigenschaften. Wie auch der Individualbegriff besitzt der Klf Intension und Extension. Intension und Extension von Thai-Klf verhalten sich umgekehrt proportional, d.h. je spezifischer der Inhalt eines Klf ist, desto kleiner ist sein Umfang. Der Klf signalisiert das Schlüsselmerkmal, das mit der Intension des Nomens der Identifizierung des Objekts dient. Der Klf individualisiert das Nomen, indem er Teilmengen quantifiziert. Er kann sich auf ein Objekt, eine bestimmte Anzahl von Objekten oder auf alle Objekte beziehen. Formal logisch lassen sich diese Funktionen mithilfe des Existenz- und des Allquantors darstellen. Auch die Nullstelle (NST) läßt sich formal logisch darstellen. Auf ihren jeweiligen Informationsgehalt reduziert, ergeben sich für Klf und NST abhängig von ihrer Positionierung verschiedene Informationswerte: Die Opposition von Klf und NST bewirkt in den Fragebögen ausschließlich skalare Q-Implikaturen, die sich durch die Informationsformeln in Form einer Horn-Skala darstellen lassen. In einem sich aufbauenden Kontext transportieren sowohl Klf als auch NST in der Kontextmitte bekannte Informationen, wodurch Implikaturen des M- bzw. I-Prinzips ausgelöst werden. Durch die Verbindung der Informationswerte mit den Implikaturen des Q-, M- und I-Prinzips lässt sich anhand der Positionierung direkt erkennen, wann der Klf die Funktion der Numerus-, der Definitheits- oder der Kontrast-Markierung erfüllt.


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Mainstream hardware is becoming parallel, heterogeneous, and distributed on every desk, every home and in every pocket. As a consequence, in the last years software is having an epochal turn toward concurrency, distribution, interaction which is pushed by the evolution of hardware architectures and the growing of network availability. This calls for introducing further abstraction layers on top of those provided by classical mainstream programming paradigms, to tackle more effectively the new complexities that developers have to face in everyday programming. A convergence it is recognizable in the mainstream toward the adoption of the actor paradigm as a mean to unite object-oriented programming and concurrency. Nevertheless, we argue that the actor paradigm can only be considered a good starting point to provide a more comprehensive response to such a fundamental and radical change in software development. Accordingly, the main objective of this thesis is to propose Agent-Oriented Programming (AOP) as a high-level general purpose programming paradigm, natural evolution of actors and objects, introducing a further level of human-inspired concepts for programming software systems, meant to simplify the design and programming of concurrent, distributed, reactive/interactive programs. To this end, in the dissertation first we construct the required background by studying the state-of-the-art of both actor-oriented and agent-oriented programming, and then we focus on the engineering of integrated programming technologies for developing agent-based systems in their classical application domains: artificial intelligence and distributed artificial intelligence. Then, we shift the perspective moving from the development of intelligent software systems, toward general purpose software development. Using the expertise maturated during the phase of background construction, we introduce a general-purpose programming language named simpAL, which founds its roots on general principles and practices of software development, and at the same time provides an agent-oriented level of abstraction for the engineering of general purpose software systems.


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La tesi presenta una serie di risultati dell'analisi quantitativa sulla linguistica. Inizialmente sono studiate due fra le leggi empiriche più famose di questo campo, le leggi di Zipf e Heaps, e vengono esposti vari modelli sullo sviluppo del linguaggio. Nella seconda parte si giunge alla discussione di risultati più specifici sulla presenza di fenomeni di burstiness e di correlazioni a lungo raggio nei testi. Tutti questi studi teorici sono affiancati da analisi sperimentali, svolte utilizzando varie traduzioni del libro "Guerra e pace" di Leo Tolstoj e concentrate principalmente sulle eventuali differenze riscontrabili tra le diverse lingue.


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This thesis aims at investigating a new approach to document analysis based on the idea of structural patterns in XML vocabularies. My work is founded on the belief that authors do naturally converge to a reasonable use of markup languages and that extreme, yet valid instances are rare and limited. Actual documents, therefore, may be used to derive classes of elements (patterns) persisting across documents and distilling the conceptualization of the documents and their components, and may give ground for automatic tools and services that rely on no background information (such as schemas) at all. The central part of my work consists in introducing from the ground up a formal theory of eight structural patterns (with three sub-patterns) that are able to express the logical organization of any XML document, and verifying their identifiability in a number of different vocabularies. This model is characterized by and validated against three main dimensions: terseness (i.e. the ability to represent the structure of a document with a small number of objects and composition rules), coverage (i.e. the ability to capture any possible situation in any document) and expressiveness (i.e. the ability to make explicit the semantics of structures, relations and dependencies). An algorithm for the automatic recognition of structural patterns is then presented, together with an evaluation of the results of a test performed on a set of more than 1100 documents from eight very different vocabularies. This language-independent analysis confirms the ability of patterns to capture and summarize the guidelines used by the authors in their everyday practice. Finally, I present some systems that work directly on the pattern-based representation of documents. The ability of these tools to cover very different situations and contexts confirms the effectiveness of the model.


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Ireland is a country in which two languages are spoken: English and Irish. This thesis analyzes the historical relationship between the languages, the cultural codes and meanings attached to each of them, as well as how much of the culture of its speakers each is able to carry. Beyond that, the influence the two languages have exercised on one another and their mutual entwinement is taken into closer examination.


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The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation from English into Italian of an extract from the research report “The Nature of Errors Made by Drivers”. The research was conducted by the MUARC (the Monash University Accident Research Centre) and published in June 2011 by Austroads, the association of Australasian road transport and traffic agencies. The excerpt chosen for translation is the third chapter, which provides an overview of the on-road pilot study conducted to analyse why drivers make mistakes during their everyday drive, including the methodology employed and the results obtained. This work is divided into six sections. It opens with an introduction on the topic and the formal structure of the report, followed by the first chapter, which provides an overview of the main features of the languages for special purposes and the specialised texts, an analysis of the text type and a presentation of the extract chosen for translation. In the second chapter the linguistic and extralinguistic resources available to specialised translators are presented, focussing on the ones used to translate the text. The third chapter is dedicated to the source text and its translation, while the fourth one provides an analysis of the strategies chosen to translate the text and a comment on the solutions to problematic passages. Finally, the last section – the conclusion – provides a comment on the entire work and on the professional activity of translators. The work closes with an appendix, which contains a glossary of the terms extracted from the translated text.


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The aim of this work is to assess the effectiveness of a project carried out in the Autonomous Province of Trento to promote language learning among young people. The project consisted in a television quiz show featuring games in Italian, English and German. Eight classes from five high schools took part in the game show, which was aired between November 2014 and January 2015 by the local channel Trentino TV. Since multilingualism has been part of the European Union policy, legislation and practices for many decades, the first chapter of this dissertation offers an overview of the main EU language education policies which seek to promote language learning among all citizens. It then focuses on the commitment of the EU and its member States to find new strategies to show the benefits of language learning outside formal education, also using both old and new media. Some TV and radio shows on multilingualism broadcast in Italy and in other EU countries are also briefly described. The second chapter is devoted to Uno Two Drei, the quiz show created by the Autonomous Province of Trento and Trentino TV to promote the learning of English and German among students while enhancing their personal growth and development. The role of everyone involved in the project is outlined, as well as the concept and planning phases and the realization stage. The third chapter focuses largely on the impacts of the initiative on the target group, namely 17-year-old students. Opinions of the participants were first collected in January, when a final meeting was held between the organizers and the schools. Since the researcher has managed the German part of the project, in the following months a questionnaire was administered to the 48 students who played in the German team and to their teachers as well. From both the meeting and the questionnaires it has emerged that the main goals of the initiative were achieved: generally speaking, students have been motivated to study languages and learn new things, the bonds between them have been strengthened and their sense of solidarity has been enhanced.


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Nowadays, modern society is gradually becoming multicultural. However, only in the last few years awareness on its importance has been raised. In the case of Colombia, multiculturalism has existed since the pre-Columbian period and today there are more than 80 ethnic groups and 65 indigenous languages in the country. The aim of this work is to illustrate the status of indigenous languages in Colombia and to enlighten about the importance of recognizing, protecting and strengthening the use of these native languages. Subsequent to this, it will be point out that linguistic diversity should be considered a resource and not a barrier to achieve unity in diversity. Finally, ethno-education will be presented as an adequate educational program that may guarantee an equal linguistic representation in the country.


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Formal thought disorder (FTD) is one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia. To date there are no whole brain volumetric studies investigating gray matter (GM) differences specifically associated with FTD. Here, we studied 20 right-handed schizophrenia patients that differed in the severity of formal thought disorder and 20 matched healthy controls, using voxel-based morphometry (VBM). The severity of FTD was measured with the Scale for the Assessment of Thought, Language, and Communication. The severity was negatively correlated with the GM volume of the left superior temporal sulcus, the left temporal pole, the right middle orbital gyrus and the right cuneus/lingual gyrus. Structural abnormalities specific for FTD were found to be unrelated to GM differences associated with schizophrenia in general. The specific GM abnormalities within the left temporal lobe may help to explain language disturbances included in FTD.


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Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are increasingly used as embedded languages within general-purpose host languages. DSLs provide a compact, dedicated syntax for specifying parts of an application related to specialized domains. Unfortunately, such language extensions typically do not integrate well with the development tools of the host language. Editors, compilers and debuggers are either unaware of the extensions, or must be adapted at a non-trivial cost. We present a novel approach to embed DSLs into an existing host language by leveraging the underlying representation of the host language used by these tools. Helvetia is an extensible system that intercepts the compilation pipeline of the Smalltalk host language to seamlessly integrate language extensions. We validate our approach by case studies that demonstrate three fundamentally different ways to extend or adapt the host language syntax and semantics.


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Grammars for programming languages are traditionally specified statically. They are hard to compose and reuse due to ambiguities that inevitably arise. PetitParser combines ideas from scannerless parsing, parser combinators, parsing expression grammars and packrat parsers to model grammars and parsers as objects that can be reconfigured dynamically. Through examples and benchmarks we demonstrate that dynamic grammars are not only flexible but highly practical.


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The Simulation Automation Framework for Experiments (SAFE) is a project created to raise the level of abstraction in network simulation tools and thereby address issues that undermine credibility. SAFE incorporates best practices in network simulationto automate the experimental process and to guide users in the development of sound scientific studies using the popular ns-3 network simulator. My contributions to the SAFE project: the design of two XML-based languages called NEDL (ns-3 Experiment Description Language) and NSTL (ns-3 Script Templating Language), which facilitate the description of experiments and network simulationmodels, respectively. The languages provide a foundation for the construction of better interfaces between the user and the ns-3 simulator. They also provide input to a mechanism which automates the execution of network simulation experiments. Additionally,this thesis demonstrates that one can develop tools to generate ns-3 scripts in Python or C++ automatically from NSTL model descriptions.