999 resultados para Fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA)


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We numerically study nonreciprocal regimes of surface plasmon-polariton at the interface between two gyrotropic media. We predict existence of isolated unidirectional TE and TM surface modes guided by the interface between gyroelectric and gyromagnetic media.


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Neutrophil elastase (NE), a biomarker of infection and inflammation, correlates with the severity of several respiratory diseases including cystic fibrosis (CF) however, its detection and quantification in biological samples is confounded by a lack of robust methodologies. Standard assays using chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates are not specific when added to complex samples containing multiple proteolytic and hydrolytic enzymes, resulting in an over-estimation of the target protease. ELISA systems measure total protein levels which can be a mixture of latent, active and protease-inhibitor complexes. We have therefore developed a novel immunoassay (NE-Tag ELISA), incorporating an activity dependent ProteaseTag™ and a specific antibody step, which is selective and specific for the capture of active NE. The objective of this study was to clinically validate NE-Tag ELISA for the detection of active NE in sputum from CF patients. Sputum (n=45) was recovered from CF patients hospitalised for acute exacerbation. Sol was recovered and analysed for NE activity using the NE-Tag ELISA and two fluorogenic substrate-based assays [1. Suc-AAPV-AMC (Sigma) and 2. InnozymeTM Immunocapture assay (Calbiochem)]. NE activity between assays and with a range of clinical parameters was correlated.A highly significant correlation was shown between assays. NE activity (NE-Tag) further correlated appropriately with clinical parameters: inversely with FEV1 (p = 0.036) and positively with CRP (p = 0.035), neutrophils and total white cell counts (p < 0.001). The InnozymeTM assay showed similar correlations with the clinical parameters (with the exception of CRP). No correlations with any of the clinical parameters were observed when NE was measured using the standard fluorogenic substrate.


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Linearly polarized solitary waves, arising from the interaction of an intense laser pulse with a plasma, are investigated. Localized structures, in the form of exact numerical nonlinear solutions of the one-dimensional Maxwell-fluid model for a cold plasma with fixed ions, are presented. Unlike stationary circularly polarized solitary waves, the linear polarization gives rise to a breather-type behavior and a periodic exchange of electromagnetic energy and electron kinetic energy at twice the frequency of the wave. A numerical method based on a finite-differences scheme allows us to compute a branch of solutions within the frequency range Ωmin<Ω<ωpe, where ωpe and Ωmin are the electron plasma frequency and the frequency value for which the plasma density vanishes locally, respectively. A detailed description of the spatiotemporal structure of the waves and their main properties as a function of Ω is presented. Small-amplitude oscillations appearing in the tail of the solitary waves, a consequence of the linear polarization and harmonic excitation, are explained with the aid of the Akhiezer-Polovin system. Direct numerical simulations of the Maxwell-fluid model show that these solitary waves propagate without change for a long time.


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A spectroscopic study of the He-alpha (1s(2) S-1(0) - 1s2p P-1(1)) line emission (4749.73 eV) from high density plasma was conducted. The plasma was produced by irradiating Ti targets with intense (I approximate to 1x10(19) W/cm(2)), 400nm wavelength high contrast, short (45fs) p-polarized laser pulses at an angle of 45 degrees. A line shift up to 3.4 +/- 1.0 eV (1.9 +/- 0.55 m angstrom) was observed in the He-alpha line. The line width of the resonance line at FWHM was measured to be 12.1 +/- 0.6 eV (6.7 +/- 0.35 m angstrom). For comparison, we looked into the emission of the same spectral line from plasma produced by irradiating the same target with laser pulses of reduced intensities (approximate to 10(17) W/cm(2)): we observed a spectral shift of only 1.8 +/- 1.0 eV (0.9 +/- 0.55m angstrom) and the line-width measures up to 5.8 +/- 0.25 eV (2.7 +/- 0.35 m angstrom). These data provide evidence of plasma polarization shift of the Ti He-alpha line.


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The detailed knowledge of fast electron energy transport following interaction with high-intensity, ultra-short laser pulses is a key area for secondary source generation for ELI. We demonstrate polarization spectroscopy at laser intensities up to 10(21) Wcm(-2). This is significant as it suggests that in situ emission spectroscopy may be used as an effective probe of fast electron velocity distributions in regimes relevant to electron transport in solid targets. Ly-alpha doublet emission of nickel (Z = 28) and sulphur (Z = 16) is observed to measure the degree of polarization from the Ly-alpha(1) emission. Ly-alpha(2) emission is unpolarized, and as such acts as a calibration source between spectrometers. The measured ratio of the X-ray sigma- and pi-polarization allows the possibility to infer the velocity distribution function of the fast electron beam.


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Detailed knowledge of fast electron energy transport following the interaction of ultrashort intense laser pulses is a key subject for fast ignition. This is a problem relevant to many areas of laser-plasma physics with particular importance to fast ignition and X-ray secondary source development, necessary for the development of large-scale facilities such as HiPER and ELI. Operating two orthogonal crystal spectrometers set at Bragg angles close to 45 degrees determines the X-ray s- and p-polarization ratio. From this ratio, it is possible to infer the velocity distribution function of the fast electron beam within the dense plasma. We report on results of polarization measurements at high density for sulphur and nickel buried layer targets in the high intensity range of 10(19) - 10(21) Wcm(-2). We observe at 45 degrees the Ly-alpha doublet using two sets of orthogonal highly-orientated pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) crystals set in 1(st) order for sulphur and 3(rd) order for nickel.


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A single-step lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) was developed and validated for the rapid screening of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) from a variety of shellfish species, at concentrations relevant to regulatory limits of 800 μg STX-diHCl equivalents/kg shellfish meat. A simple aqueous extraction protocol was performed within several minutes from sample homogenate. The qualitative result was generated after a 5 min run time using a portable reader which removed subjectivity from data interpretation. The test was designed to generate noncompliant results with samples containing approximately 800 μg of STX-diHCl/kg. The cross-reactivities in relation to STX, expressed as mean ± SD, were as follows: NEO: 128.9% ± 29%; GTX1&4: 5.7% ± 1.5%; GTX2&3: 23.4% ± 10.4%; dcSTX: 55.6% ± 10.9%; dcNEO: 28.0% ± 8.9%; dcGTX2&3: 8.3% ± 2.7%; C1&C2: 3.1% ± 1.2%; GTX5: 23.3% ± 14.4% (n = 5 LFIA lots). There were no indications of matrix effects from the different samples evaluated (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, cockles) nor interference from other shellfish toxins (domoic acid, okadaic acid group). Naturally contaminated sample evaluations showed no false negative results were generated from a variety of different samples and profiles (n = 23), in comparison to reference methods (MBA method 959.08, LC-FD method 2005.06). External laboratory evaluations of naturally contaminated samples (n = 39) indicated good correlation with reference methods (MBA, LC-FD). This is the first LFIA which has been shown, through rigorous validation, to have the ability to detect most major PSTs in a reliable manner and will be a huge benefit to both industry and regulators, who need to perform rapid and reliable testing to ensure shellfish are safe to eat.


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Here, we demonstrate that quasi self-standing Au nanorod arrays prepared with plasma polymerisation deposited SiO2 dielectric spacers support surface enhanced fluorescence (SEF) while maintaining high signal reproducibility. We show that it is possible to find a balance between enhanced radiative and non-radiative decay rates at which the fluorescent intensity is maximized. The SEF signal optimised with a 30 nm spacer layer thickness showed a 3.5-fold enhancement with a signal variance of <15% thereby keeping the integrity of the nanorod array. We also demonstrate the decreased importance of obtaining resonance conditions when localized surface plasmon resonance is positioned within the spectral region of Au interband transitions. Procedures for further increasing the SEF enhancement factor are also discussed.


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We present a Monte Carlo radiative transfer technique for calculating synthetic spectropolarimetry for multidimensional supernova explosion models. The approach utilizes 'virtual-packets' that are generated during the propagation of the Monte Carlo quanta and used to compute synthetic observables for specific observer orientations. Compared to extracting synthetic observables by direct binning of emergent Monte Carlo quanta, this virtual-packet approach leads to a substantial reduction in the Monte Carlo noise. This is not only vital for calculating synthetic spectropolarimetry (since the degree of polarization is typically very small) but also useful for calculations of light curves and spectra. We first validate our approach via application of an idealized test code to simple geometries. We then describe its implementation in the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code ARTIS and present test calculations for simple models for Type Ia supernovae. Specifically, we use the well-known one-dimensional W7 model to verify that our scheme can accurately recover zero polarization from a spherical model, and to demonstrate the reduction in Monte Carlo noise compared to a simple packet-binning approach. To investigate the impact of aspherical ejecta on the polarization spectra, we then use ARTIS to calculate synthetic observables for prolate and oblate ellipsoidal models with Type Ia supernova compositions.


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A new class of polarizing surface is proposed that in a given frequency band can reflect incident linearly polarized waves with circular polarization (CP) while at other frequencies is transparent allowing incident waves to transmit unaffected. The proposed structure consists of two parallel anisotropic frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) that independently interact with TE or TM waves, respectively. The FSSs are designed to, respectively, transmit TE and TM waves within the same transmission frequency range, so that the combined structure is transparent to all polarizations in this band. Likewise, the two arrays are designed to, respectively, reflect TE and TM incident waves in a common reflection band, so that all polarizations are fully reflected in this range; if the separation of the two arrays is such that the TE and TM components of an incident wave polarized at slant 45° experience a 90° phase shift, reflection will occur in CP. The concept and performance limitations are theoretically investigated using transmission line theory as well as full wave results. The predicted performance is validated by means of experimental results on a fabricated prototype. The proposed structure is pertinent for employment as a quasi-optical diplexer in CP dual-band systems such as reflector antennas.


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The accumulation of biogenic greenhouse gases (methane, carbon dioxide) in organic sediments is an important factor in the redevelopment and risk management of many brownfield sites. Good practice with brownfield site characterization requires the identification of free-gas phases and pathways that allow its migration and release at the ground surface. Gas pockets trapped in the subsurface have contrasting properties with the surrounding porous media that favor their detection using geophysical methods. We have developed a case study in which pockets of gas were intercepted with multilevel monitoring wells, and their lateral continuity was monitored over time using resistivity. We have developed a novel interpretation procedure based on Archie’s law to evaluate changes in water and gas content with respect to a mean background medium. We have used induced polarization data to account for errors in applying Archie’s law due to the contribution of surface conductivity effects. Mosaics defined by changes in water saturation allowed the recognition of gas migration and groundwater infiltration routes and the association of gas and groundwater fluxes. The inference on flux patterns was analyzed by taking into account pressure measurements in trapped gas reservoirs and by metagenomic analysis of the microbiological content, which was retrieved from suspended sediments in groundwater sampled in multilevel monitoring wells. A conceptual model combining physical and microbiological subsurface processes suggested that biogas trapped at depth may have the ability to quickly travel to the surface.


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In the efforts to find an anti-viral treatment for dengue, a simple tryptophan fluorescence-screening assay aimed at identifying dengue domain III envelope (EIII) protein inhibitors was developed. Residue Trp391 of EIII was used as an intrinsic probe to monitor the change in fluorescence of the tryptophan residue upon binding to a peptide. The analysis was based on the electron excitation at 280 nm and fluorescence emission at 300–400 nm of EIII, followed by quenching of fluorescence in the presence of potential peptidic inhibitors coded DS36wt, DS36opt, DN58wt and DN58opt. The present study found that the fluorescence of the recombinant EIII was quenched following the binding of DS36opt, DN58wt and DN58opt ina concentration-dependent manner. Since the λmax for emission remained unchanged, the effect was not dueto a change in the environment of the tryptophan side chain. In contrast, a minimal fluorescence-quenching effect of DS36wt at 20 and 40 µM suggested that the DS36wt does not have any binding ability to EIII. This was supported by a simple native-page gel retardation assay that showed a band shift of EIII domain whenincubated with DS36opt, DN58wt and DN58opt but not with DS36wt. We thus developed a low-cost and convenientspectrophotometric binding assay for the analysis of EIII–peptide interactions in a drug screening application.


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Conducting atomic force microscopy images of bulk semiconducting BaTiO3 surfaces show clear stripe domain contrast. High local conductance correlates with strong out-of-plane polarization (mapped independently using piezoresponse force microscopy), and current- voltage characteristics are consistent with dipole-induced alterations in Schottky barriers at the metallic tip-ferroelectric interface. Indeed, analyzing current-voltage data in terms of established Schottky barrier models allows relative variations in the surface polarization, and hence the local domain structure, to be determined. Fitting also reveals the signature of surface-related depolarizing fields concentrated near domain walls. Domain information obtained from mapping local conductance appears to be more surface-sensitive than that from piezoresponse force microscopy. In the right materials systems, local current mapping could therefore represent a useful complementary technique for evaluating polarization and local electric fields with nanoscale resolution.


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Current methods for measuring deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) employ reagent and labor-intensive assays utilizing radioisotopes in DNA polymerase-based assays and/or chromatography-based approaches. We have developed a rapid and sensitive 96-well fluorescence-based assay to quantify cellular dNTPs utilizing a standard real-time PCR thermocycler. This assay relies on the principle that incorporation of a limiting dNTP is required for primer-extension and Taq polymerase-mediated 5-3' exonuclease hydrolysis of a dual-quenched fluorophore-labeled probe resulting in fluorescence. The concentration of limiting dNTP is directly proportional to the fluorescence generated. The assay demonstrated excellent linearity (R(2) > 0.99) and can be modified to detect between ∼0.5 and 100 pmol of dNTP. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) for all dNTPs were defined as <0.77 and <1.3 pmol, respectively. The intra-assay and inter-assay variation coefficients were determined to be <4.6% and <10%, respectively with an accuracy of 100 ± 15% for all dNTPs. The assay quantified intracellular dNTPs with similar results obtained from a validated LC-MS/MS approach and successfully measured quantitative differences in dNTP pools in human cancer cells treated with inhibitors of thymidylate metabolism. This assay has important application in research that investigates the influence of pathological conditions or pharmacological agents on dNTP biosynthesis and regulation.