1000 resultados para Fluorescência de raios X


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de estudar a resistência à corrosão em placas de aço inoxidável 316L, com diferentes tipos de acabamento e tratamento superficial, e a possível interferência dessa reação corrosiva na consolidação óssea. Utilizaram-se placas semi-acabadas, polidas, tratadas com jatos de microesferas de vidro e passivadas, as quais foram aplicadas na epífise distal do rádio de cães. Foram utilizados 12 animais, divididos em dois grupos, nos quais, após osteotomia bilateral do rádio e ulna, foram realizadas osteossínteses do rádio, totalizando 24 procedimentos. Avaliou-se a evolução clínica e radiográfica das regiões que receberam os implantes aos 30, 60, 90, 180, 240 e 360 dias. Os animais do grupo 1 (GI) foram sacrificados aos 180 dias e os do GII aos 360 dias para estudo histológico e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura do local da osteotomia sob a região dos implantes metálicos e para estudo da resistência à corrosão no organismo, pelos implantes metálicos, por meio de análises química e metalográfica (microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de espalhamento de energia por raios X). Os animais recuperaram a função dos membros operados 24 horas após a cirurgia. Radiograficamente, verificou-se a consolidação óssea em todos os animais. Macro e microscopicamente não foram observados sinais de corrosão nos implantes metálicos, exceto em uma placa passivada, aplicada no rádio esquerdo de um animal, na qual a corrosão foi detectada pela microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Este estudo permite concluir que as placas de aço inoxidável 316L, independente do acabamento superficial a que foram submetidas, não sofreram corrosão ou reações adversas e foram efetivas no tratamento das fraturas experimentais do rádio e ulna de cães.


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This thesis aimed to assess the increase in solubility of simvastatin (SINV) with solid dispersions using techniques such as kneading (MA), co-solvent evaporation (ES), melting carrier (FC) and spray dryer (SD). Soluplus (SOL), PEG 6000 (PEG), PVP K-30 (PVP) e sodium lauryl sulphate (LSS) were used as carriers. The solid dispersions containing PEG [PEG-2(SD)], Soluplus [SOL-2(MA)] and sodium lauryl sulphate [LSS-2(ES)] were presented with a greater increase in solubility (5.02, 5.60 and 5.43 times respectively); analyses by ANOVA between the three groups did not present significant difference (p<0.05). In the phase solubility study, the calculation of the Gibbs free energy (ΔG) revealed that the spontaneity of solubilisation of SINV occurred in the order SOL>PEG >PVP 75%>LSS, always 80%. The phase diagrams of PEG and LSS presented solubilization stoichiometry of type 1:1 (type AL). The diagrams with PVP and SOL tend to 1:2 stoichiometry (type AL + AP). The stability coefficients (Ks) of the phase diagrams revealed that the most stable reactions occurred with LSS and PVP. The solid dispersions were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle size distribution (PSD), near-infrared spectroscopy imaging (NIR-CI) and X-ray diffraction of the powder using the Topas software (PDRX-TOPAS). The solid dispersion PEG-2(SD) presented the greatest homogeneity and the lowest degree of crystallinity (18.2%). The accelerated stability study revealed that the solid dispersions are less stable than SINV, with PEG-2(SD) being the least stable, confirmed by FTIR and DSC. The analyses by PDRX-TOPAS revealed the amorphous character of the dispersions and the mechanism of increasing solubility


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Em um segmento de vertente com substrato de arenito em contato com basalto, regionalmente muito freqüente, pretendeu-se não só relacionar as superfícies geomórficas com os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos Latossolos nelas encontrados, mas também testar métodos geoestatísticos para localização de limites dessas superfícies. Usando critérios geomorfológicos, três superfícies foram identificadas e topograficamente caracterizadas. Os solos foram amostrados, a intervalos regulares de 25 m, na profundidade de 0,6 a 0,8 m (topo do horizonte B), em uma transeção de 1.700 m perfazendo 109 pontos. Nas amostras, foram analisados: densidade de partículas, granulometria, CTC do solo, CTC da argila, Fe total da argila (ataque por H2SO4) e óxidos de Fe livres (por dissolução seletiva). A fração argila desferrificada foi analisada por difração de raios X. Com base na estratigrafia e variações do relevo local, foram identificadas e diferenciadas, no campo, três superfícies geomórficas. Analisaram-se também o perfil altimétrico e o modelo de elevação digital do terreno. Observou-se que as três diferentes superfícies estão bem relacionadas com os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos seus respectivos solos. Na parte inferior desta vertente, superfície mais recente e sobre basalto, em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico típico, foram encontradas as maiores variabilidades da declividade, da argila e de Fe. As variações da inclinação do terreno, quando analisadas sistematicamente pelo split moving windows dissimilarity analysis (análise estatística de dissimilaridade, em segmentos móveis), mostraram que este método estatístico pode ser usado para ajudar a localizar os limites entre superfícies geomórficas. As variações dos solos da transeção, e arredores, mostraram-se relacionadas com idade, inclinação do terreno e litologia. O trabalho geomórfico detalhado forneceu importantes informações para subsidiar os trabalhos de levantamento de solos e de pedogênese.


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With the increase in cement consumption, it has quickly become one of the inputs most consumed by mankind over the last century. This has caused an increase in CO2 emissions, as cement production releases large quantities of this gas into the atmosphere. Adding this fact to the growing consciousness of environmental preservation, it has led to a search for alternatives to cement to complement its derivatives, in the form of waste materials like the ashes. This research aimed to analyze the properties of mortars in fresh and hardened state with partial replacement of Portland cement by residual algaroba wood ash (CRLA) potteries produced by the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The CRLA was collected and sieved, where part of it was ground and characterized in comparison with that just sifted, being characterized according to its chemical composition, grain size, fineness, density, bulk density and index of pozzolanic activity. It was found that the wood ash does not act as pozzolan, and grinding it has not changed its characteristics compared to those just sifted, not justifying its use. Two traces were adopted for this research: 1:3 (cement: fine sand) and 1:2:8 (cement: hydrated lime: medium sand); both in volume, using as materials the CRLA just sifted, CP II F-32 Portland cement, CH-I hydrated lime, river sand and water from the local utility. For each trace were adopted six percentages of partial replacement of cement for wood ash: 0% (control) 5%, 7%, 10%, 12% and 15%. In the fresh state, the mortars were tested towards their consistency index and mass density. In the hardened state, they were tested towards their tensile strength in bending, compressive strength and tensile adhesion strength, and its mass density in the hardened state. The mortar was also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, it was classified according to NBR 13281 (2005). The results showed that up to a content of 5% substitution and for both traces, the residual algaroba wood ash can replace Portland cement without compromising the mortars microstructure and its fresh and hardened state


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Ceramic substrates have been investigated by researchers around the world and has achieved a high interest in the scientific community, because they had high dielectric constants and excellent performance in the structures employed. Such ceramics result in miniaturized structures with dimensions well reduced and high radiation efficiency. In this work, we have used a new ceramic material called lead zinc titanate in the form of Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3, capable of being used as a dielectric substrate in the construction of various structures of antennas. The method used in constructing the ceramic combustion synthesis was Self- Sustained High Temperature (SHS - "Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis") which is defined as a process that uses highly exothermic reactions to produce various materials. Once initiated the reaction area in the reaction mixture, the heat generated is sufficient to become self-sustaining combustion in the form of a wave that propagates converting the reaction mixture into the product of interest. Were analyzed aspects of the formation of the composite Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 by SHS powders and characterized. The analysis consisted of determining the parameters of the reaction for the formation of the composite, as the ignition temperature and reaction mechanisms. The production of composite Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 by SHS performed in the laboratory, was the result of a total control of combustion temperature and after obtaining the powder began the development of ceramics. The product was obtained in the form of regular, alternating layers of porous ceramics and was obtained by uniaxial pressing. 10 The product was characterized by analysis of dilatometry, X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy. One of the contributions typically defined in this work is the development of a new dielectric material, nevertheless presented previously in the literature. Therefore, the structures of the antennas presented in this work consisted of new dielectric ceramics based Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 usually used as dielectric substrate. The materials produced were characterized in the microwave range. These are dielectrics with high relative permittivity and low loss tangent. The Ansoft HFSS, commercial program employee, using the finite element method, and was used for analysis of antennas studied in this work


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Hard metals are the composite developed in 1923 by Karl Schröter, with wide application because high hardness, wear resistance and toughness. It is compound by a brittle phase WC and a ductile phase Co. Mechanical properties of hardmetals are strongly dependent on the microstructure of the WC Co, and additionally affected by the microstructure of WC powders before sintering. An important feature is that the toughness and the hardness increase simultaneously with the refining of WC. Therefore, development of nanostructured WC Co hardmetal has been extensively studied. There are many methods to manufacture WC-Co hard metals, including spraying conversion process, co-precipitation, displacement reaction process, mechanochemical synthesis and high energy ball milling. High energy ball milling is a simple and efficient way of manufacturing the fine powder with nanostructure. In this process, the continuous impacts on the powders promote pronounced changes and the brittle phase is refined until nanometric scale, bring into ductile matrix, and this ductile phase is deformed, re-welded and hardened. The goal of this work was investigate the effects of highenergy milling time in the micro structural changes in the WC-Co particulate composite, particularly in the refinement of the crystallite size and lattice strain. The starting powders were WC (average particle size D50 0.87 μm) supplied by Wolfram, Berglau-u. Hutten - GMBH and Co (average particle size D50 0.93 μm) supplied by H.C.Starck. Mixing 90% WC and 10% Co in planetary ball milling at 2, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100 and 150 hours, BPR 15:1, 400 rpm. The starting powders and the milled particulate composite samples were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to identify phases and morphology. The crystallite size and lattice strain were measured by Rietveld s method. This procedure allowed obtaining more precise information about the influence of each one in the microstructure. The results show that high energy milling is efficient manufacturing process of WC-Co composite, and the milling time have great influence in the microstructure of the final particles, crushing and dispersing the finely WC nanometric order in the Co particles


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This a study on the achievement of alumina membranes by the method of anodizing. From this method got up a layer of aluminum oxide on the anodic metal, who presented the basic properties necessary for the application as a support for the production and acquisition of nanomaterials, such as porosity nano and resistance to high temperature, and other properties, as resistance to corrosion, and chemical, high ranking of the structure and pore size of the pores. The latter, ranging from 10 to 100nm depended on the electrolyte used, which in this study was the H2SO4. To remove all remaining aluminum, it is a bath of dissolution with HCl and CuCl where the residual aluminum has been withdrawn, and the deep pores were opened after chemical treatment with NaOH. After the dissolution, the membranes were calcined at temperatures of 300, 600 and 900° C, and sintered at temperatures of 1200 and 1300º C to win mechanical strength, porosity and observe the desired crystallization. Then went through analyses of composition through X-ray diffraction and morphology of the microstructure through a scanning electron microscope. The method was effective for obtaining alumine membranes applied in the processes of production of materials in nano


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This research is based, at first, on the seeking of alternatives naturals reinforced in place of polymeric composites, also named reinforced plastics. Therein, this work starts with a whole licuri fiber micro structural characterization, as alternative proposal to polymeric composites. Licuri fiber is abundant on the Bahia state flora, native from a palm tree called Syagrus Coronata (Martius) Beccari. After, it was done only licuri fiber laminar composite developing studies, in order to know its behavior when impregnated with thermofix resin. The composite was developed in laminar structure shape (plate with a single layer of reinforcement) and produced industrially. The layer of reinforcement is a fabric-fiber unidirectional of licuri up in a manual loom. Their structure was made of polyester resin ortofitálica (unsaturated) only reinforced with licuri fibers. Fiber characterization studies were based on physical chemistry properties and their constitution. It was made by tension, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (RDX) and thermal analyses (TG and DTA) tests, besides fiber chemistry analyses. Relating their mechanical properties of strength and hardness testing, they were determined through unit axial tension test and flexion in three points. A study in order to know fiber/matrix interface effects, in the final composites results, was required. To better understand the mechanical behavior of the composite, macroscopic and microscopic optical analysis of the fracture was performed


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Metal ceramic restorations matches aesthetic and strength, and in your making occurs an interface oxide layer, wetting resulting and atomic and ionic interactions resulting between metal, oxide and porcelain. However, frequent clinical fails occurs in this restoration type, because lost homogeneous deposition oxide layer and lost interface bond. Thus, in this study, thought depositate homogeneous oxide films above Ni-Cr samples surfaces polite previously, at plasma oxide environment. Six samples was oxided at 300 and 400ºC at one hour, and two samples was oxided in a comum chamber at 900ºC, and then were characterized: optical microscopic, electronic microscopic, micro hardness, and X ray difratometry. Colors stripes were observed at six samples plasma oxided and a grey surface those comum oxided, thus like: hardness increase, and several oxides from basic metals (Ni-Cr)


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The production of red ceramic is an industrial activity that causes an intense impact. The manufacture of its products considerably increases the demand for natural resources, mainly with the extraction of raw material. The ceramic material produced generates waste, such as ash firewood and chamote. The residue from the beneficiation of kaolin is deposited in a poor, degrades the environment and contaminate water sources and soil, constituting in this manner, ecological disasters. The main objective of this work is to develop the formulation of a ceramic product consisting solely of industrial solid wastes, from ceramic tiles, (chamote) residue of kaolin and ash firewood. It is assumed that this product made in the laboratory can be used in coatings, wall and floor. The aim is to facilitate the replacement of the raw material of original composition of a ceramic body, for waste, while the process of production equal to the conventionally used, so that the properties of the product are reproduced. This work is characterized waste as its chemical composition, analysis of particle size, X-ray diffraction and thermal behavior. Several formulations were studied. The mass of waste was prepared by dry process, pressed to 25 MPa, and then burned in muffle type oven to 850, 950, 1050 and 1150 °C. The results showed that it is technically possible to produce porous tiles only with waste. It was found that the formulations of bodies play a key role in the properties of the final product, as well as the sintering temperature and heating rates. RN in the waste of kaolin is estimated at 15,000 t/month, about 3,000 gray t/month and chamote with 10 million pieces/month damaged. The presence of carbonates of calcium and magnesium at 1050 ° C results in an appropriate porosity and mechanical strength. The formulation M3JE, composed of 69% waste of kaolin, 7.7% and 23.3% of chamote of gray, became suitable for porous materials with the strength and absorption within the level of national and international standards


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Present work proposed to map and features the wear mechanisms of structural polymers of engineering derived of the sliding contact with a metallic cylindrical spindle submitted to eccentricity due to fluctuations in it is mass and geometric centers. For this it was projected and makes an experimental apparatus from balancing machine where the cylindrical counterbody was supported in two bearings and the polymeric coupon was situated in a holder with freedom of displacement along counterbody. Thus, the experimental tests were standardized using two position of the two bearings (Fixed or Free) and seven different positions along the counterbody, that permit print different conditions to the stiffness from system. Others parameters as applied normal load, sliding velocity and distance were fixed. In this investigation it was used as coupon two structural polymers of wide quotidian use, PTFE (polytetrafluroethylene) and PEEK (poly-ether-ether-ketone) and the AISI 4140 alloy steel as counterbody. Polymeric materials were characterized by thermal analysis (thermogravimetric, differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic-mechanical), hardness and rays-X diffractometry. While the metallic material was submitted at hardness, mechanical resistance tests and metallographic analysis. During the tribological tests were recorded the heating response with thermometers, yonder overall velocity vibration (VGV) and the acceleration using accelerometers. After tests the wear surface of the coupons were analyzed using a Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) to morphological analysis and spectroscopy EDS to microanalysis. Moreover the roughness of the counterbody was characterized before and after the tribological tests. It was observed that the tribological response of the polymers were different in function of their distinct molecular structure. It were identified the predominant wear mechanisms in each polymer. The VGV of the PTFE was smaller than PEEK, in the condition of minimum stiffness, in function of the higher loss coefficient of that polymer. Wear rate of the PTFE was more of a magnitude order higher than PEEK. With the results was possible developed a correlation between the wear rate and parameter (E/ρ)1/2 (Young modulus, E, density, ρ), proportional at longitudinal elastic wave velocity in the material.


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This work has for objective study compared the characteristics and technological properties of ceramic bodies from the region of Seridó-RN. The region under study has identified 23 cities where they were 80 ceramics industries. To define the universe of search, there was a survey of pottery that are part of APL Seridó next to the IEL. The characteristics and operating conditions of ceramics industries of the region were identified through a socio-economic questionnaire applied locally, which addressed issues such as: profiles of companies, production process etc. The analysis of information collected from 24 companies identified in seven cities shows that the vast majority of industries is small, with family structure, obsolete equipment and labo, little qualified. Most of the pottery works with low technical knowledge, poor control of the production process and product technology. The raw collected were submitted to analysis of X ray diffraction, chemical composition, termical analysis, particle size distribution and plasticity. Then were produced five formulations and made by uniaxial pressure at 25 MPa for firing in temperatures varying from 850 to 1050 °C. The firing technological properties evaluated were: mass loss to fire, lineal shrinkage, apparent density, apparent porosity, water absorption and flexural strength (3 points). The results indicated that the raw materials from the region have significant similarities in the composition chemical and mineralogical. Furthermore, it indicates the possibility of the use of cycles of firing faster and efficient than the current, limited to some clay mass burning of certain conditions


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The obtaining of ceramic materials from polymeric precursors is subject of numerous studies due to lower energy costs compared to conventional processing. The aim of this study is to investigate and improve the mechanism for obtaining ceramic matrix composite (CMC) based on SiOC/Al2O3/TiC by pyrolysis of polysiloxane in the presence of an active filler and inert filler in the pyrolysis temperature lower than the usually adopted for this technique, with greater strength. It also investigates the influence of pyrolysis temperature, the content of Alas active filler, the presence of infiltrating agents (Al, glass and polymer) after pyrolysis, temperature and infiltration time on some physical and mechanical properties. Alumina is used as inert filler and Al and Ti as active filler in the pyrolysis. Aluminum, glass and polysiloxane are used as agents infiltrating the post-pyrolysis. The results are analyzed with respect to porosity and bulk density by the Archimedes method, the presence of crystalline phases by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and microstructure by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The ceramic pyrolyzed between 850 °C 1400 °C contain porosity 15% to 33%, density 2.34 g/cm3 and flexural strength at 4 points from 30 to 42 MPa. The microstructure features are porous, with an array of Al2O3 reinforced by TiC particles and AlTi3. The infiltration post-pyrolysis reveals decrease in porosity and increase density and strength. The composites have potential applications where thermal stability is the main requirement


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Metal/ceramic interfaces using zirconia have dominated the industrial applications in the last decade, due to the high mechanical strength and fracture toughness of zirconia, especially at temperatures below 300 ºC. Also noteworthy is the good ionic conductivity in high temperatures of this component. In this work joining between ZrO2 Y-TZP and ZrO2 Mg-PSZ with austenitic stainless steel was studied. These joints were brazed at high-vacuum after mechanical metallization with Ti using filler alloys composed by Ag-Cu and Ag-Cu-Ni. The influence of the metallization, and the affinity between the different groups (ceramic / filler alloys) was evaluated, in order to achieve strong metal/ceramic joints. Evaluation of joints and interfaces, also the characterization of base materials was implemented using various techniques, such as: x-ray diffraction, leak test, three-point flexural test and scanning electron microscopy with chemical analysis. The microstructural analysis revealed physical and chemical bonds in the metal/ceramic interfaces, providing superior leak proof joints and stress cracking, in order to a good joint in all brazed samples. Precipitation zones and reaction layers with eutetic characteristics were observed between the steel and the filler metal


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Low cost seals are made of NBR, Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, a family of unsaturated copolymers that is higher resistant to oils the more content of nitrile have in its composition, although lower its flexibility. In Petroleum Engineering, NBR seal wear can cause fluid leakage and environmental damages, promoting an increasing demand for academic knowledge about polymeric materials candidate to seals submitted to sliding contacts to metal surfaces. This investigation aimed to evaluate tribological responses of a commercial NBR, hardness 73 ± 5 Sh A, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), hardness 60 ± 4 HRE and PTFE with graphite, 68 ± 6 HRE. The testings were performed on a sliding tribometer conceived to explore the tribological performance of stationary polymer plane coupons submitted to rotational cylinder contact surface of steel AISI 52100, 20 ± 1 HRC Hardness, under dry and lubricated (oil SAE 15W40) conditions. After screening testings, the normal load, relative velocity and sliding distance were 3.15 N, 0.8 m/s and 3.2 km, respectively. The temperatures were collected over distances of 3.0±0.5 mm and 750±50 mm far from the contact to evaluate the heating in this referential zone due to contact sliding friction by two thermocouples K type. The polymers were characterized through Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The wear mechanisms of the polymer surfaces were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and EDS (Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy). NBR referred to the higher values of heating, suggesting higher sliding friction. PTFE and PTFE with graphite showed lower heating, attributed to the delamination mechanism