982 resultados para Figures


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This is the first River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1962 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews briefly the theory and mechanics of the scale-reading technique, the life history of the salmon, and the methods used for the collection of scales and the examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All are summarized in various tables and figures are also included, plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.


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This is the second River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1963 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All are summarized in tables, and figures are alo included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions. The report also remarks the similarity of the results with those for 1962.


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This is the third River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1964 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All are summarized in tables, and figures are also included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions. After three years of the investigation a pattern is emerging which shows that the Dart salmon population is mainly composed of four year old fish, which have spent two years in the river and then two year or little longer at sea.


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This is the first River Dart Fisheries Survey produced by the Devon River Authority; which was carried out from May to October 1965. The objective was to examine the distribution and relative abundance of salmonid fish in the River Dart, in order to assess the possibility or desirability, of increasing salmon smolt production of the river by artificial propagation or other means. Description, chemical, pollution and biological conditions of the River Dart along with fisheries catches, water extraction and spawning are briefly cited. The method includes the choice of sections and sampling techniques. The results go through the number/type/class of fishes counted while the survey took place, distribution patterns within the different transects/brooks, competition between salmon parr and trout and estimations of population. The section on the discussion and recommendations is introduced by a brief explanation of the bases for the Artificial Propagation Programme and the River Dart specific case-study. The annexes contains River Dart and tributaries maps, fish size distribution tables and figures, tables with totals of salmonid fish found and population density tables.


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This is the River Dart Salmon Project Summary of Phase I Report (2002) by the Westcountry Rivers Trust. The report contains sections on the introduction to Dart Salmon, factors affecting salmon numbers, salmon rod catch and salmon electro-fishing data, and a summary and discussion of the next phase. It also contains two tables with time series analysis on fry/parr numbers in representative section of the River Dart and figures with trends in fry/parrs numbers at juveniles electro-fishing sites. The section on salmon rod catch data includes trend analysis, cross-correlation of catches in different rivers and a general conclusion.


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This is the River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1971 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. In 1967 the final report on a five-year scale reading programme was summarised, at the time it was considered sufficient information to help with restocking programmes and the management of salmon population. But a further scale reading programme was started in an attempt to monitor changing patterns in salmon runs that may be caused by the new influences. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All are summarized in tables, and figures are also included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.


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This is the River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1972 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. In 1967 the final report on a five-year scale reading programme was summarised, at the time it was considered sufficient information to help with restocking programmes and the management of salmon population. But a further scale reading programme was started in an attempt to monitor changing patterns in salmon runs that may be caused by the new influences. It reviews the methods used for collection of the scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All is summarized in tables, and figures are included showing weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.


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This is the 5th Annual Report of the Rive Exe Scale Reading Investigation for the 1970 season by the Devon River Authority. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale reading, the biology of age classes of the salmon population of the River Exe. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All is summarized in tables, and figures are included showing weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.


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This is the 6th Annual Report of the Rive Exe Scale Reading Investigation for the 1971 Season by the Devon River Authority. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale reading, the biology of age classes of the salmon population of the River Exe. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All is summarized in tables, and figures are included showing weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.


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This is the 7th Annual Report of the Rive Exe Scale Reading Investigation for the 1972 Season by the Devon River Authority. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale reading, the biology of age classes of the salmon population of the River Exe. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All is summarized in tables, and figures are included showing weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.


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The goal of this work is to present a collection of drawings and figures depicting the species present in our country. To achieve this, our main sources of information have been the works of Ringuelet et al. (1967), Reis et al. (2003), and López et al. (2003; 2006), as well as the online databases of W. N. Eschmeyer and Fish Base. Each species has an individual factsheet with selected images, including some from anatomical research works. All the works referenced are mentioned in each factsheet. This is an open-ended publication. As such, it will require permanent updating,which will depend on the good will and collaboration of the ichthyological community. As compilers, we understand that this contribution not only provides valuable information, but also highlights the work of men and women who are part of the rich history of our national and regional ichthyology.


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This report presents a preliminary assessment of the state of salmon stocks and fisheries in England and Wales in 2001 to assist ICES in providing scientific advice to NASCO and to provide early feedback to fishery managers and anglers. The chief indicators of the state o f salmon stocks are normally the catches taken by rod and net fisheries. However, in 2001 angling was affected by the outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD), which restricted angling opportunities and access to rod fisheries in many parts of the country for lengthy periods. It is impossible to quantify the impact that FMD had on rod catches, although these were undoubtedly significantly reduced; net fisheries were unaffected by FMD. The declared salmon catch for 2001 (including those fish released alive by anglers) is provisionally estimated at 209 tonnes, representing some 57,000 fish, and comprising 153 tonnes (-43,000 fish) by nets and fixed engines and 56 tonnes (-14,000 fish) by rods. For direct comparison with previous years, it should be noted that the declared catch prior to the issue of a second reminder was about 49 tonnes (see below). An estimated 26 tonnes (43%) of the rod catch was released alive. These figures do not take account of catches of salmon which go unreported (including those taken illegally), and it is estimated that there may have been a total of 33 tonnes of additional fish caught in 2001; approximately 15% of all fish killed.


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A possibilidade de uma intervenção psicanalítica na clínica do cuidar, bem como a escuta de adolescentes cujo sofrimento causado pela doença crônica exige a hospitalização, são as duas questões centrais desta dissertação. Nossa pesquisa tem início na análise da estrutura da clínica psicanalítica que é sustentada na Enfermaria do Núcleo de Estudos da Saúde do Adolescente/NESA/UERJ. Faz-se um percurso pela teoria lacaniana da fase do espelho, como base da identificação especular, para que, em seguida, se possa verificar de que modo o mandamento do amor ao próximo está presente no ato de cuidar. Com Freud, coloca-se em primeiro plano a questão libidinal relativa ao processo da doença física. Destaca-se também o conceito freudiano de inibição que fundamenta a explicação das modalidades de retração da libido. O debate psicanalítico sobre a influência do inconsciente e as alterações que ele provoca no quadro da doença orgânica traz uma contribuição à clínica médica. A ausência de investimento libidinal afetivo nas figuras parentais, na clínica com adolescentes cujo corpo está adoecido, é o ponto em que este trabalho se conclui, demonstrando que para alguns adolescentes esta é a principal razão de seu óbito


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O presente trabalho busca compreender a atuação das Torcidas Organizadas e, torantes especificamente, da Associação das Torcidas Organizadas do Rio de Janeiro, no contexto da anistia política vivenciada no Brasil. Esse também é um período onde se nota o esgotamento do Milagre econômico, com enorme inflação, que acarretou diretamente no aumento do custo de vida e, para os torcedores, na majoração do preço dos ingressos para os jogos de futebol. A alternativa encontrada é uma série de boicotes e greves das torcidas no afã de reduzir o valor das entradas, contando com ampla cobertura da mídia, especializada, Jornal dos Sports, Revista Placar, ou a mais geral, Jornal do Brasil. Nosso objetivo é compreender as diversas iniciativas tomadas pela ASTORJ para alcançar suas vitórias, o discurso presente em suas lideranças, e a maneira como foi construída essa relação dialética entre torcidas e órgãos da imprensa e, para tal, analisaremos reportagens de jornais, revistas e de colunas como A Voz da Galera, presente no Jornal dos Sports, que se somam a entrevistas realizadas por nós junto a figuraschave da Associação das Torcidas Organizadas do Rio de Janeiro.


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Reports of high mortality resulting from the impoundment of crabs (Callinectes sapidus) during the preshedding period, to produce soft crabs, have been current in Maryland and Virginia for many years. The death rate of crabs on floats has been estimated by certain of the operators to run as high as 86% at Cape Charles, and to figures nearly as high at Crisfield and elsewhere during one season of the year. A study of this mortality and the factors influencing it have been in progress at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory for two seasons.