929 resultados para Fictional Ulster


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Homens e caranguejos (1967), única narrativa ficcional de Josué Apolônio de Castro (1908-1973), a priori publicada em francês (1966), durante o forçoso exílio do autor em Paris, é sumariamente expressiva desde o prólogo que antecede a trama. Nomeando as páginas introdutórias deste romance como Prefácio um tanto gordo para um romance um tanto magro, Josué de Castro distende, ao retomar num tempo que já considerava anacrônico, o hábito pela escrita prefacial, a concepção de paratexto ampliada por Gerard Genette (1930), em Palimpsestes (1982). Apresentando a fome pelas recordações infantis que dela possui, o autor aguça no público-leitor a vontade de tatear, rente a seu olhar aparentemente ingênuo de criança e, de ficcionista de “primeira viagem”, o macrocosmo de memórias da fome que lhe serve como porto de partida para a criação de um microcosmo lúdico e faminto, pelo qual a imaginação e impossibilidade de re-apresentação total do vivido na linguagem, rearranjam a realidade da condição humana, reinventando-a pela articulação dramática dos elementos formais, sobretudo, tempo-espaço, narrador e personagem. A ficção se põe no ritmo fragmentado de aventuras e desventuras assumidas a partir dos intervalos da memória. Serão sumários nos estudos mnemônicos, as apreciações de Henri Bergson em Matéria e memória (1896), Jacques Le Goff em História e memória (1924) e Maurice Halbwachs, na publicação póstuma de A memória coletiva (1950), em face de serem fontes subsidiárias da aproximação entre os estudos da memória e a literatura. Lança-se mão da lembrança a fim de legendar os diálogos futuros entre o protagonista infantil, João Paulo, ávido pela liberdade sonhadora própria da criança, e as memórias de outros experientes personagens, nem tão esperançosos assim. Dá-se na narrativa o tom que oscila entre a transformação e a acomodação do eu e do outro, de espaços simbioticamente incertos e unidos por suas fomes. Fome que é, desde então, a personagem modeladora, que provoca o diálogo da presente pesquisa com o modo de apreensão que é dado por Angela Faria, na dissertação Homens e caranguejos: uma trama interdisciplinar. A literatura topofílica e telúrica (2008). Vislumbra-se no elemento famélico uma função que vai além da tematização social do subdesenvolvimento, como agente que apalpa com mãos-de-ferro o estrato formal e interno da obra.


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A presente dissertação enfoca as relações entre a literatura e a história, tendo por objetivo identificar e analisar os aspectos recorrentes em contos que ficcionalizam o relato da tortura ligada ao Regime Militar brasileiro de 1964. Para tanto, elegemos como corpus desta pesquisa os textos “Acudiram três cavaleiros”, de Marques Rabelo (1967); “O mar mais longe que vejo”, de Caio Fernando Abreu (1970); “Pedro Ramiro”, de Rodolfo Konder (1977); “O jardim das oliveiras”, de Nélida Piñon (1980); “Saindo de dentro do corpo”, de Flávio Moreira da Costa (1982); “O leite em pó da bondade humana”, de Haroldo Maranhão (1983); “Não passarás o Jordão”, de Luiz Fernando Emediato (1984); e “A mancha”, de Luis Fernando Veríssimo (2003). Tais narrativas apresentam como núcleo narrativo cenas de tortura relacionadas à ditadura civil-militar instalada no Brasil em 1964. Partimos da hipótese de que esses contos se apropriam de aspectos composicionais do testemunho verídico e os reelaboram esteticamente nos textos, muitas vezes, rompendo o que se teoriza sobre o testemunho verídico, na tentativa de se traduzir em palavras as aporias da rememoração do trauma provocado pela tortura. Para dar conta de tais proposições, elegeu-se como percurso a contextualização histórica realizada no primeiro capítulo, com o intuito de pontuar as relações existentes entre as produções e o contexto histórico. Em seguida, no capítulo dois, realizou-se a revisão do referencial teórico que baseia a pesquisa, centrando nas formulações propostas acerca da teoria do testemunho. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, realizou-se a análise do corpus, com base em três aspectos recorrentes nas narrativas: a composição dos personagens, a organização da narrativa e a seleção vocabular. Para tal análise iremos nos pautar, principalmente, nas formulações de Seligmann-Silva (2003; 2008), Valeria de Marco (2004) e Elcio Loureiro Cornelsen (2011), acerca do testemunho de catástrofes históricas e da dimensão ficcional dessas produções; nas proposições de Maria Rita Kehl (2004) sobre o corpo torturado; e nas considerações de Sigmund Freud (1920), sobre trauma.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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No presente artigo, em continuação a outros trabalhos já publicados, a autora procura localizar o romance Canaíma de Rômulo Gallegos no contexto das obras latino-americanas que abordam o tema da selva. Através de alguns componentes – temáticos e estruturais – comuns a elas, mostra as diferenças que situam o romance venezuelano em um ponto ficcional que vai desde Rivera a Carperntier In this paper, in continuation of previously published articles, the authors attempts to situate the novel canaima by romulo Gallegos in the context of the Latim American works which tacks the theme of the jungle. Through some thematic and structural components common to them, she shows the differences which place the Venezuelan novel in an intermediate point in the fictional trajectory which goes from Rivera to Carpentier.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effects of vaccination on avian blood parameters are poorly understood. The present study was designed to evaluate whether different strains (Ulster 2C, B1, live LaSota and inactivated LaSota) of Newcastle disease vaccines had an effect on the haematological profile of female turkeys. Seventy-five female turkeys were allocated to treatment groups according to vaccination strain. All the birds, except those in the control group, were vaccinated at 32 weeks of age and revaccinated at 40 and 48 weeks of age. Blood samples were obtained for haematological analyses and serum samples for the haemagglutination inhibition test. Haemoglobin concentration was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in vaccinated female turkeys than in the control birds 28 days after vaccination. Monocytes were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in 44-week-old female turkeys vaccinated with inactivated LaSota strain compared with the other groups. Turkeys vaccinated with the B1 strain showed significantly higher (p < 0.05) total white blood cell counts compared with the other groups vaccinated with various commercial strains of the Newcastle disease virus. In conclusion, female turkeys showed significant differences in haemoglobin concentrations, monocytes and white blood cell counts when vaccinated against Newcastle disease.


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Under different perspectives of interpretation and analysis, the notions of localism and universalism in the fictional production of Guimarães Rosa have been strongly explored by the criticism, especially in Grande sertão: veredas [The devil to pay in the backlands], in which these two dimensions – overlapped and complementary – become more intricate and profuse. Taking the analytical line of historical, social and political dimensions of the novel for granted – not regarding it as an essay or strict allegory of the country – the present study proposes a new reading of the composition with the interpretation of the articulation of these two dimensions in the forming of the “jagunço system” (ROSA, 1970, p.391), that is a concept created by Guimarães Rosa and which transcends the historical and sociological reality. The articulation of the social, political and cultural elements figure in Guimarães Rosa’s fiction and becomes an issue for wider debates and reflections, so that the particular element of the novel enables a universal survey. Based on diverse critical apprehensions of the novel, this paper aims to investigate the levels of the literary composition in which the local-universal articulation associated with the representation of the jagunço is constructed. In order to do that, the theoretical study is based on three dimensions of studies: a) critical essays about Guimarães Rosa, the totality of his work and specific critical essays about Grande sertão: veredas [The devil to pay in the backlands] and the “jagunço system”, b) theoretical apparatus concerning the history, the politics and the Brazilian culture related to the cangaço; and c) theoretical subsidies for the study of the narrative


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That work to separate in three stages. The digital journalistic text and your characteristics, conceit definition to the cibersocial fan fiction phenomenal and to the end, search a journalistic production hybridization using the fictional fans contend


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The automobilist Market is more competitive each day, with new products developed by great technological innovations, daily challenging new concepts of Engineering. This monograph aims to explain the development of a brake system project completely, with emphasis on preliminary calculations made from a worksheet in Excel, for a better understanding of the components, which can be improved further in order to achieve the goals of company. It is through the preliminary calculations that we can have a reasonable first system estimate. The whole set is then analyzed for performance, cost and mass by competitors benchmarking. In terms of confidentiality, all data is fictional, but viable. The motivation for this study is approach an extracurricular topic, which essence is designing, base of engineering. The results obtained in software and field tests prove the validity of the study and assist in the continuous improvement of product development


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Pipelines are linear engineering works, designed mostly for transporting oil and its derivatives for long distances, furnishing even the farthermost zones of the country. Due to oil sector needs to ensure for the safety and conservation of its properties, several geotechnical studies are being held at the pipelines field, in order to preserve this important transportation, and also to prevent accidents, which might seriously compromise the environment and the population who lives around it. The OSBRA pipeline, who connects the city of Paulínia to the capital Brasília, is one of these engineering works that deserves to be pointed out. This research, performed at the Ribeirão da Prata Basin, was a pilot study conducted with the main objective of testing the current methodology efficiency, for future applications in the closest watersheds to the OSBRA pipeline. The objective of this research is to analyze flood wave and debris flow processes in a non-fictional watershed, by comparing two different kinds of methods: the first one based on simulation models (software ‘ABC 6’), and the other one by flood wave and debris flow susceptibility mapping. The results from the hydrological modeling were both hydrographs and ietographs that estimated values of outputs and infiltration. To construct the susceptibility maps were necessary three other maps: ground use and occupation maps, divided according to the different protection degrees that were offered to the ground; maps of dam locations in the area and physiographic compartimentation maps, divided according to the local geology. To complete the methodology, the results were collected from both methods for comparison. The obtained product for this methodology was series of data whose different susceptibility degrees to flood wave and debris flow could define the safest route for a pipeline crossing in this watershed...