999 resultados para Federal countries
Cerradão vegetation shares many species with savanna and forest areas and is one of the most vulnerable phytophysiognomies in the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) biome. The floristic composition of the Cerradão Biological Reserve was examined between September/2007 and November/2008. A total of 282 species distributed among 194 genera and 75 families were encountered, demonstrating proportions of 0.91 herbaceous species and 0.54 shrub species for each tree species. Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Rubiaceae, Poaceae, Myrtaceae, Malpighiaceae, and Melastomataceae were the most species-rich families. Fully 72.3% of the species of this dystrophic cerradão were shared by cerrado and forest vegetations, while 60.43% were shared by other cerradão sites, although the largest proportion of species (91%) were shared with cerrado sensu stricto. No species was found to be exclusive to this cerradão site, but approximately 95% of all species were native to the Cerrado biome.
Group C rotaviruses are fastidious in their in vitro cell culture requirements. Recent serosurveys indicate that antibody to group C rotavirus is present in 3-45% of the human population in certain geographic locations, suggesting that rotavirus group C infection is more prevalent than previously believed and that the low rate of detection of these agents is probably due to the lack of sensitive diagnostic assays. From March to December 1994, 406 fecal specimens were collected from children under five years of age who were outpatients at the emergency services of nine public hospitals in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil. In addition to the samples from children, one public outpatient unit requested virological investigation of a stool sample from an HIV-seropositive adult male with diarrhea of sudden onset. All samples were analyzed by enzyme immunoassay for group A rotavirus and adenovirus (EIARA) and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). One hundred and seven (26%) were positive for group A rotavirus. Four samples from children and the sample from the HIV-seropositive patient, although negative by EIARA, showed a group C rotavirus profile by PAGE and were positive for rotavirus by electron microscopy. Using specific VP6 and VP7 primers for group C rotavirus, a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed and products were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. These products were confirmed to be specific for group C rotavirus by using digoxigenin-oligonucleotide probes, Southern hybridization and chemiluminescent detection. The five positive group C rotavirus samples were detected in August (3 samples) and September (2 samples). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of group C rotavirus detected in the Federal District, Brazil and in an HIV-seropositive patient with acute gastroenteritis.
Research has highlighted the adequacy of Markov regime-switching model to address dynamic behavior in long term stock market movements. Employing a purposed Extended regime-switching GARCH(1,1) model, this thesis further investigates the regime dependent nonlinear relationship between changes in oil price and stock market volatility in Saudi Arabia, Norway and Singapore for the period of 2001-2014. Market selection is prioritized to national dependency on oil export or import, which also rationalizes the fitness of implied bivariate volatility model. Among two regimes identified by the mean model, high stock market return-low volatility regime reflects the stable economic growth periods. The other regime characterized by low stock market return-high volatility coincides with episodes of recession and downturn. Moreover, results of volatility model provide the evidence that shocks in stock markets are less persistent during the high volatility regime. While accelerated oil price rises the stock market volatility during recessions, it reduces the stock market risk during normal growth periods in Singapore. In contrast, oil price showed no significant notable impact on stock market volatility of target oil-exporting countries in either of the volatility regime. In light to these results, international investors and policy makers could benefit the risk management in relation to oil price fluctuation.
We present data regarding the care provided to graduate level health professionals at the mental health center of the Federal University of São Paulo. From September 1996 to September 2003, 146 graduate students (99 in the Master's degree program and 47 in the Doctoral program) were attended. This population was predominantly female (68.5%), with a mean (± SD) age of 28.6 ± 4.42 years, not married (71.9%). Most of the subjects were professionals who had not graduated from the Federal University (78.1%). The students who sought help for psychological and/or psychiatric problems were classified into two categories: situational-adaptive crises and psychopathological crises. The main diagnoses were depression and anxiety disorders (44%) causing 4.5% of the subjects to be temporarily suspended from their graduate studies; 19.2% reported that they had used psychotropic drugs within the previous month, and 47.9% referred to sleep disturbances. Suicidal tendencies were mentioned by 18% of those interviewed. Students with emotional disturbances and academic dysfunctions should be recognized at an early stage, and it is fundamental for them to have access to mental health programs that provide formal, structured and confidential care. Thus, it is important that professors and advisors in graduate programs build a warm and affective learning environment. If we consider the expressive growth in Brazilian scientific production resulting from the implementation of an extensive national system of graduate education, it is important to focus efforts on enhancing and upgrading the mental health care system.
Human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) appears to be transmitted mainly by sexual contact. However, several studies suggest that in developing countries the infection may be acquired early in life by routes other than sexual transmission. The present study estimated the seroprevalence of HHV-8 in Brazilian children born to HIV-1-infected mothers. The serum samples were collected in a cross-sectional cohort study from 99 children born to HIV-infected mothers (median age 3.27 years; range 1.5-13.8 years) attending the outpatient clinic of the Federal University of São Paulo. IgG antibodies to HHV-8 latency-associated nuclear antigen and lytic phase antigens were detected by immunofluorescence assays. The samples tested were collected from children aged 12 months or older to exclude the possibility of cross-placental antibody transport. The total prevalence of anti-lytic antibodies in this population (5/99; 5%) reveals that HHV-8 infection can occur during childhood. Children aged 1.5 to 2 years had a seroprevalence of 2% (1/50) and children aged 3.25 to 13.8 years had a seroprevalence of 8% (4/49). This difference was not statistically significant, probably because of the small size of the sample, but it suggests that HHV-8 infection occurs more commonly late in infancy. Further prospective studies are necessary to evaluate the timing and risk factors for primary HHV-8 infection in the pediatric population.
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The objectives of this overview are to describe the past and potential contributions of birth cohorts to understanding chronic disease aetiology; advance a justification for the maintenance of birth cohorts from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC); provide an audit of birth cohorts from LMIC; and, finally, offer possible future directions for this sphere of research. While the contribution of birth cohorts from affluent societies to understanding disease aetiology has been considerable, we describe several reasons to anticipate why the results from such studies might not be directly applied to LMIC. More than any other developing country, Brazil has a tradition of establishing, maintaining and exploiting birth cohort studies. The clear need for a broader geographical representation may be precipitated by a greater collaboration worldwide in the sharing of ideas, fieldwork experience, and cross-country cohort data comparisons in order to carry out the best science in the most efficient manner. This requires the involvement of a central overseeing body - such as the World Health Organization - that has the respect of all countries and the capacity to develop strategic plans for `global' life-course epidemiology while addressing such issues as data-sharing. For rapid progress to be made, however, there must be minimal bureaucratic entanglements.
In this report, we have reanalyzed genotyping data in a collection of families from South America based on maternal origin. Genotyping analysis was performed at the Craniofacial Anomalies Research Center at the University of Iowa. These genotypes were derived from genomic DNA samples obtained from blood spots from children born with isolated orofacial clefts in 45 hospitals located in eight countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela) collaborating with ECLAMC (Latin American Collaborative Studies of Congenital Malformations) between January 1998 and December 1999. Dried blood samples were sent by regular mail to the Laboratory of Congenital Malformations, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Previous findings suggested that mitochondrial haplotype D is more commonly found among cleft cases born in South America. We hypothesized that association of certain genes may depend upon the ethnic origin, as defined by population-specific markers. Therefore, we tested if markers in MTHFR (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) and RFC1 (reduced folate carrier 1) were associated with oral clefts, depending on the maternal origin defined by the mitochondrial haplotype. Transmission distortion of alleles in MTHFR C677T and RFC1 G80A polymorphic variants was tested in 200 mother/affected child pairs taking into consideration maternal origin. RFC1 variation was over-transmitted to children born with cleft lip only (P = 0.017) carrying mitochondrial DNA haplotypes other than haplotype D. Our results provide a new indication that variation in RFC1 may contribute to cleft lip only. Future studies should investigate the association between oral clefts and RFC1 based on more discrete phenotypes.
As antocianinas, pigmentos responsáveis pela cor vermelha da acerola madura, foram extraídas e purificadas de 12 genótipos cultivados no Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, com o objetivo de determinar a sua composição. As antocianinas e suas respectivas agliconas, obtidas pela hidrólise ácida, foram separadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) usando uma coluna de fase reversa (C18). A identificação foi realizada pela ordem de eluição e pelos tempos de retenção dos padrões de referência e das antocianidinas obtidas por hidrólise ácida de uvas Isabel, Patrícia e Red Globe, ameixa, cebola roxa, morango e da casca de manga Tommy Atkins. Os cromatogramas obtidos demonstraram que o perfil antociânico dos genótipos de acerola é relativamente simples, apresentando de três a cinco picos comuns entre eles. Após hidrólise ácida foram obtidas somente duas agliconas identificadas como cianidina e pelargonidina. Comparando os cromatogramas das antocianinas e das antocianidinas e, avaliando os tempos de retenção, foi constatada a presença de antocianinas com diferentes graus de glicosilação e ausência de ácidos acilados em suas moléculas e que as agliconas identificadas, cianidina e pelargonidina, encontravam-se em diferentes proporções nos genótipos estudados.
A qualidade do alimento oferecido à população sempre foi uma preocupação do governo federal, observada com a publicação, em 27 de fevereiro de 1967, do Decreto Lei 209 que institui o Código Brasileiro de Alimentos. A Portaria 1.428 de 26 de novembro de 1993/ANVISA inova na relação dos fatores contribuintes para a contaminação alimentar, apresentando, nas diretrizes para o estabelecimento de boas práticas de produção e de prestação de serviços na área de alimentos, a desinfestação que compreende o plano de sanitização utilizado pelo estabelecimento. A partir deste momento cria-se uma nova visão dos fatores determinantes de contaminação alimentar, o controle de ratos e insetos. Este procedimento passa a integrar todos os documentos legais que foram sendo gerados pelo Ministério da Saúde e da Agricultura no que se refere ao controle de alimentos. Até a publicação da RDC 275/2002-ANVISA, o controle de pragas urbanas poderia ser feito por equipes treinadas dos estabelecimentos que realizassem: produção/industrialização, fracionamento, armazenamento e transportes de alimentos industrializados, manipulação, preparação, fracionamento, armazenamento, distribuição, transporte, exposição à venda e entrega de alimentos preparados ao consumo, tais como cantinas, bufês, confeitarias, cozinhas industriais, cozinhas institucionais, delicatéssens, lanchonetes, padarias, pastelarias, restaurantes, e congêneres. A partir de sua publicação, o controle químico passa a ser realizado apenas pelas desinsetizadoras que estejam em conformidade com a RDC 18/2000-ANVISA. Entretanto isto não tira a responsabilidade legal da empresa de alimentos que deverá ter em seu POP (Procedimento Operacional Padronizado) a inclusão do controle de pragas, seja físico e/ou químico.