865 resultados para Fat mass, blood pressure, aerobics, body mass index, weight
BACKGROUND Blood pressure (BP) is known to aggregate in families. Yet, heritability estimates are population-specific and no Swiss data have been published so far. We estimated the heritability of ambulatory and office BP in a Swiss population-based sample. METHODS The Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension is a population-based family study focusing on BP genetics. Office and ambulatory BP were measured in 1009 individuals from 271 nuclear families. Heritability was estimated for SBP, DBP, and pulse pressure using a maximum likelihood method implanted in the Statistical Analysis in Genetic Epidemiology software. RESULTS The 518 women and 491 men included in this analysis had a mean (±SD) age of 48.3 (±17.4) and 47.3 (±17.7) years, and a mean BMI of 23.8 (±4.2) and 25.9 (±4.1) kg/m, respectively. Narrow-sense heritability estimates (±standard error) for ambulatory SBP, DBP, and pulse pressure were 0.37 ± 0.07, 0.26 ± 0.07, and 0.29 ± 0.07 for 24-h BP; 0.39 ± 0.07, 0.28 ± 0.07, and 0.27 ± 0.07 for day BP; and 0.25 ± 0.07, 0.20 ± 0.07, and 0.30 ± 0.07 for night BP, respectively (all P < 0.001). Heritability estimates for office SBP, DBP, and pulse pressure were 0.21 ± 0.08, 0.25 ± 0.08, and 0.18 ± 0.07 (all P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS We found significant heritability estimates for both ambulatory and office BP in this Swiss population-based study. Our findings justify the ongoing search for the genetic determinants of BP.
BACKGROUND Genome-wide association studies have linked CYP17A1 coding for the steroid hormone synthesizing enzyme 17α-hydroxylase (CYP17A1) to blood pressure (BP). We hypothesized that the genetic signal may translate into a correlation of ambulatory BP (ABP) with apparent CYP17A1 activity in a family-based population study and estimated the heritability of CYP17A1 activity. METHODS In the Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension, day and night urinary excretions of steroid hormone metabolites were measured in 518 participants (220 men, 298 women), randomly selected from the general population. CYP17A1 activity was assessed by 2 ratios of urinary steroid metabolites: one estimating the combined 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase activity (ratio 1) and the other predominantly 17α-hydroxylase activity (ratio 2). A mixed linear model was used to investigate the association of ABP with log-transformed CYP17A1 activities exploring effect modification by urinary sodium excretion. RESULTS Daytime ABP was positively associated with ratio 1 under conditions of high, but not low urinary sodium excretion (P interaction <0.05). Ratio 2 was not associated with ABP. Heritability estimates (SE) for day and night CYP17A1 activities were 0.39 (0.10) and 0.40 (0.09) for ratio 1, and 0.71 (0.09) and 0.55 (0.09) for ratio 2 (P values <0.001). CYP17A1 activities, assessed with ratio 1, were lower in older participants. CONCLUSIONS Low apparent CYP17A1 activity (assessed with ratio 1) is associated with elevated daytime ABP when salt intake is high. CYP17A1 activity is heritable and diminished in the elderly. These observations highlight the modifying effect of salt intake on the association of CYP17A1 with BP.
OBJECTIVES A dissociation between behavioural (in-control) and physiological parameters (indicating loss-of-control) is associated with cardiovascular risk in defensive coping (DefS) Africans. We evaluated relationships between DefS, sub-clinical atherosclerosis, low-grade inflammation and hypercoagulation in a bi-ethnic sex cohort. METHODS Black (Africans) and white Africans (Caucasians) (n = 375; aged 44.6 ± 9.7 years) were included. Ambulatory BP, vascular structure (left carotid cross-sectional wall area (L-CSWA) and plaque counts), and markers of coagulation and inflammation were quantified. Ethnicity/coping style interaction was revealed only in DefS participants. RESULTS A hypertensive state, less plaque, low-grade inflammation, and hypercoagulation were more prevalent in DefS Africans (27-84%) than DefS Caucasians (18-41%). Regression analyses demonstrated associations between L-CSWA and 24 hour systolic BP (R(2) = 0.38; β = 0.78; p < 0.05) in DefS African men but not in DefS African women or Caucasians. No associations between L-CSWA and coagulation markers were evident. CONCLUSION Novel findings revealed hypercoagulation, low-grade inflammation and hyperkinetic BP (physiological loss-of-control responses) in DefS African men. Coupled to a self-reported in-control DefS behavioural profile, this reflects dissociation between behaviour and physiology. It may explain changes in vascular structure, increasing cerebrovascular disease risk in a state of hyper-vigilant coping.
Background. A review of the literature suggests that Hypertension (HTN) in older adults is associated with sympathetic stimulation that results in increasing blood pressure (BP) reactivity. If clinical assessment of BP captured sympathetic stimulation, it would be valuable for hypertension management. ^ Objectives. The study examined whether reactive change scores from a short BPR protocol, resting blood pressure (BP), or resting pulse pressure (PP) is a better predictor of 24 hour ambulatory BP and BP load in cardiac patients. ^ Method. The study used a single-group design, with both an experimental clinical component and an observational field component. Both components used repeated measurement methods. The study population consisted of 45 adult patients with a mean age of 64.6 ± 8.5 years who were diagnosed with cardiac disease and who were taking anti-hypertensive medication. Blood pressure reactivity was operationalized with a speech protocol. During the speech protocol, BP was measured with an automatic device (Dinamap 825XT) while subjects talked about their health and about their usual day. Twenty-four hour ambulatory BP measurement (Spacelabs 90207 monitor) followed the speech protocol. ^ Results. Resting SBP and resting PP were significant predictors of 24-hour SBP, and resting SBP was a significant predictor of SBP load. No predictors were significant of 24-hour DBP or DBP load. ^ Conclusions. Initial resting BP and PP may be used in clinical settings to assess hypertension management. Future studies are necessary to confirm the ability of resting BP to predict ABP and BP load in older, medicated hypertensives. ^
Background. Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) measurement is a means of monitoring cardiac function in a noninvasive way, but little is known about ABP in heart failure (HF) patients. Blood pressure (BP) declines during sleep as protection from consistent BP load, a phenomenon termed "dipping." The aims of this study were (1) to compare BP dipping and physical activity between two groups of HF patients with different functional statuses and (2) to determine whether the strength of the association between ambulatory BP and PA is different between these two different functional statuses of HF. ^ Methods. This observational study used repeated measures of ABP and PA over a 24-hour period to investigate the profiles of BP and PA in community-based individuals with HF. ABP was measured every 30 minutes by using a SpaceLabs 90207, and a Basic Motionlogger actigraph was used to measure PA minute by minute. Fifty-six participants completed both BP and physical activity for a 24-hour monitoring period. Functional status was based on New York Heart Association (NYHA) ratings. There were 27 patients with no limitation of PA (NYHA class I HF) and 29 with some limitation of PA but no discomfort at rest (NYHA class II or III HF). The sample consisted of 26 men and 30 women, aged 45 to 91 years (66.96 ± 12.35). ^ Results. Patients with NYHA class I HF had significantly greater dipping percent than those with NYHA class II/III HF after controlling their left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). In a mixed model analysis (PROC MIXED, SAS Institute, v 9.1), PA was significantly related to ambulatory systolic and diastolic BP and mean arterial pressure. The strength of the association between PA and ABP readings was not significantly different for the two groups of patients. ^ Conclusions. These preliminary findings demonstrate differences between NYHA class I and class II/III of HF in BP dipping status and ABP but not PA. Longitudinal research is recommended to improve understanding of the influence of disease progression on changes in 24-hour physical activity and BP profiles of this patient population. ^ Key Words. Ambulatory Blood Pressure; Blood Pressure Dipping; Heart Failure; Physical Activity. ^
Hypertension (HT) is mediated by the interaction of many genetic and environmental factors. Previous genome-wide linkage analysis studies have found many loci that show linkage to HT or blood pressure (BP) regulation, but the results were generally inconsistent. Gene by environment interaction is among the reasons that potentially explain these inconsistencies between studies. Here we investigate influences of gene by smoking (GxS) interaction on HT and BP in European American (EA), African American (AA) and Mexican American (MA) families from the GENOA study. A variance component-based method was utilized to perform genome-wide linkage analysis of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and HT status, as well as bivariate analysis for SBP and DBP for smokers, non-smokers, and combined groups. The most significant results were found for SBP in MA. The strongest signal was for chromosome 17q24 (LOD = 4.2), increased to (LOD = 4.7) in bivariate analysis but there was no evidence of GxS interaction at this locus (p = 0.48). Two signals were identified only in one group: on chromosome 15q26.2 (LOD = 3.37) in non-smokers and chromosome 7q21.11 (LOD = 1.4) in smokers, both of which had strong evidence for GxS interaction (p = 0.00039 and 0.009 respectively). There were also two other signals, one on chromosome 20q12 (LOD = 2.45) in smokers, which became much higher in the combined sample (LOD = 3.53), and one on chromosome 6p22.2 (LOD = 2.06) in non-smokers. Neither peak had very strong evidence for GxS interaction (p = 0.08 and 0.06 respectively). A fine mapping association study was performed using 200 SNPs in 30 genes located under the linkage signals on chromosomes 15 and 17. Under the chromosome 15 peak, the association analysis identified 6 SNPs accounting for a 7 mmHg increase in SBP in MA non-smokers. For the chromosome 17 linkage peak, the association analysis identified 3 SNPs accounting for a 6 mmHg increase in SBP in MA. However, none of these SNPs was significant after correcting for multiple testing, and accounting for them in the linkage analysis produced very small reductions in the linkage signal. ^ The linkage analysis of BP traits considering the smoking status produced very interesting signals for SBP in the MA population. The fine mapping association analysis gave some insight into the contribution of some SNPs to two of the identified signals, but since these SNPs did not remain significant after multiple testing correction and did not explain the linkage peaks, more work is needed to confirm these exploratory results and identify the culprit variations under these linkage peaks. ^
Hypertension is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease in adults. Essential hypertension in children and adolescents is increasing in prevalence in the United States, and hypertension in children may track into adulthood. This increasing prevalence is attributed to the trends of increasing overweight and obese children and adolescents. Family history and being of African-American/black descent may predispose youth to elevated blood pressure. Interventions targeted to reduce and treat hypertension in youth include non-pharmaceutical interventions such as weight reduction, increased physical activity, and dietary changes and pharmaceutical treatment when indicated. The effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions is well documented in adults, but there are limited studies with regards to children and adolescents, specifically in the arena of dietary interventions. Lifestyle modifications such as dietary interventions are the mainstay of recommended treatment for those children and adolescents with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension. Given the association of being overweight and hypertension, efficacy of dietary interventions are of interest because of reduced cost, easy implementation and potential for multiple beneficial outcomes such as reduced weight and reduction of other metabolic or cardiovascular derangements. Barriers to dietary interventions often include socioeconomic status, ethnicity, personal, and external factors. The goal of this systematic review of the literature is to identify interventions targeted to children and adolescents that focus on recommended dietary changes related to blood pressure. Dietary interventions found for this review mostly focused on a particular nutrient or food group with the one notable exception that focused on the DASH pattern of eating. The effects of the interventions on blood pressure varied, but overall dietary modifications can be achieved in youth and can serve a role in producing positive outcomes on blood pressure. Increasing potassium and following a DASH diet seemed to provide the most clinically significant results. Further studies are still needed to evaluate long-term effectiveness and to contribute more supporting evidence for particular modifications in these age cohorts.^
Objective. Loud noises in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) may impede growth and development for extremely low birthweight (ELBW, < 1000 grams) newborns. The objective of this study was to measure the association between NICU sound levels and ELBW neonates' arterial blood pressure to determine whether these newborns experience noise-induced stress. ^ Methods. Noise and arterial blood pressure recordings were collected for 9 ELBW neonates during the first week of life. Sound levels were measured inside the incubator, and each subject's arterial blood pressures were simultaneously recorded for 15 minutes (at 1 sec intervals). Time series cross-correlation functions were calculated for NICU noise and mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) recordings for each subject. The grand mean noise-MABP cross-correlation was calculated for all subjects and for lower and higher birthweight groups for comparison. ^ Results. The grand mean noise-MABP cross-correlation for all subjects was mostly negative (through 300 sec lag time) and nearly reached significance at the 95% level at 111 sec lag (mean r = -0.062). Lower birthweight newborns (454-709 g) experienced significant decreases in blood pressure with increasing NICU noise after 145 sec lag (peak r = -0.074). Higher birthweight newborns had an immediate negative correlation with NICU sound levels (at 3 sec lag, r = -0.071), but arterial blood pressures increased to a positive correlation with noise levels at 197 sec lag (r = 0.075). ^ Conclusions. ELBW newborns' arterial blood pressure was influenced by NICU noise levels during the first week of life. Lower birthweight newborns may have experienced an orienting reflex to NICU sounds. Higher birthweight newborns experienced an immediate orienting reflex to increasing sound levels, but arterial blood pressure increased approximately 3 minutes after increases in noise levels. Increases in arterial blood pressure following increased NICU sound levels may result from a stress response to noise. ^
The Blood Pressure Study in Mexican Children (BPSMC) is a short term longitudinal study of serial blood pressure collected in three observation periods by standardized examinations of 233 female children, 10 to 12 years of age, enrolled in public and private primary schools in Tlalpan, Mexico. Study objectives were: (1) to describe from baseline information the distribution and relationship of blood pressure to age and selected anthropometric factors, as well as to compare the BPSMC results with other blood pressure studies, (2) to examine the sources and amount of variation present in serial blood pressure of 123 children, and (3) to evaluate observer performance by means of intra- and inter-observer variability.^ Stepwise regression results from baseline revealed that of all anthropometric factors and age, weight was the best predictor for blood pressure.^ The results of serial blood pressure measurements show that, besides the known sources of blood pressure variability (subject, day, reading), the physiologic event of menarche has an important bearing upon the variability and characterization of blood pressure in young girls. The assessment of the effects of blood pressure variability and reliability upon the design and analysis of epidemiologic studies, became apparent among post-menarcheal girls; where blood pressure measurements taken from them have low reliability. Research is needed to propose alternatives for assessing blood pressure during puberty.^ Finally, observer performance of blood pressure and anthropometry were evaluated. Anthropometric measurements had reliabilities in excess of R = 0.96. Acceptable reliabilities (R = 0.88 to 0.95) were obtained for systolic and diastolic (phase 4 and 5) blood pressures. The BPSMC showed a 50 percent decrease in measurement error from the first to the third observation periods. ^