974 resultados para Farmacologia clinica


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Negli ultimi anni la ricerca nella cura dei tumori si è interessata allo sviluppo di farmaci che contrastano la formazione di nuovi vasi sanguigni (angiogenesi) per l’apporto di ossigeno e nutrienti ai tessuti tumorali, necessari per l’accrescimento e la sopravvivenza del tumore. Per valutare l’efficacia di questi farmaci antiangiogenesi esistono tecniche invasive: viene prelevato tramite biopsia un campione di tessuto tumorale, e tramite analisi microscopica si quantifica la densità microvascolare (numero di vasi per mm^2) del campione. Stanno però prendendo piede tecniche di imaging in grado di valutare l’effetto di tali terapie in maniera meno invasiva. Grazie allo sviluppo tecnologico raggiunto negli ultimi anni, la tomografia computerizzata è tra le tecniche di imaging più utilizzate per questo scopo, essendo in grado di offrire un’alta risoluzione sia spaziale che temporale. Viene utilizzata la tomografia computerizzata per quantificare la perfusione di un mezzo di contrasto all’interno delle lesioni tumorali, acquisendo scansioni ripetute con breve intervallo di tempo sul volume della lesione, a seguito dell’iniezione del mezzo di contrasto. Dalle immagini ottenute vengono calcolati i parametri perfusionali tramite l’utilizzo di differenti modelli matematici proposti in letteratura, implementati in software commerciali o sviluppati da gruppi di ricerca. Al momento manca un standard per il protocollo di acquisizione e per l’elaborazione delle immagini. Ciò ha portato ad una scarsa riproducibilità dei risultati intra ed interpaziente. Manca inoltre in letteratura uno studio sull’affidabilità dei parametri perfusionali calcolati. Il Computer Vision Group dell’Università di Bologna ha sviluppato un’interfaccia grafica che, oltre al calcolo dei parametri perfusionali, permette anche di ottenere degli indici sulla qualità dei parametri stessi. Questa tesi, tramite l’analisi delle curve tempo concentrazione, si propone di studiare tali indici, di valutare come differenti valori di questi indicatori si riflettano in particolari pattern delle curve tempo concentrazione, in modo da identificare la presenza o meno di artefatti nelle immagini tomografiche che portano ad un’errata stima dei parametri perfusionali. Inoltre, tramite l’analisi delle mappe colorimetriche dei diversi indici di errore si vogliono identificare le regioni delle lesioni dove il calcolo della perfusione risulta più o meno accurato. Successivamente si passa all’analisi delle elaborazioni effettuate con tale interfaccia su diversi studi perfusionali, tra cui uno studio di follow-up, e al confronto con le informazioni che si ottengono dalla PET in modo da mettere in luce l’utilità che ha in ambito clinico l’analisi perfusionale. L’intero lavoro è stato svolto su esami di tomografia computerizzata perfusionale di tumori ai polmoni, eseguiti presso l’Unità Operativa di Diagnostica per Immagini dell’IRST (Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori) di Meldola (FC). Grazie alla collaborazione in atto tra il Computer Vision Group e l’IRST, è stato possibile sottoporre i risultati ottenuti al primario dell’U. O. di Diagnostica per Immagini, in modo da poterli confrontare con le considerazioni di natura clinica.


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Background: Nilotinib is a potent and selective BCR-ABL inhibitor. The phase 3 ENESTnd trial demonstrated superior efficacy nilotinib vs imatinib, with higher and faster molecular responses. After 24 months, the rates of progression to accelerated-blastic phase (ABP) were 0.7% and 1.1% with nilotinib 300mg and 400mg BID, respectively, significantly lower compared to imatinib (4.2%). Nilotinib has been approved for the frontline treatment of Ph+ CML. With imatinib 400mg (IRIS trial), the rate of any event and of progression to ABP were higher during the first 3 years. Consequently, a confirmation of the durability of responses to nilotinib beyond 3 years is extremely important. Aims: To evaluate the response and the outcome of patients treated for 3 years with nilotinib 400mg BID as frontline therapy. Methods: A multicentre phase 2 trial was conducted by the GIMEMA CML WP (ClinicalTrials.gov.NCT00481052). Minimum 36-month follow-up data for all patients will be presented. Definitions: Major Molecular Response (MMR): BCR-ABL/ABL ratio <0,1%IS; Complete Molecular Response (CMR): undetectable transcript levels with ≥10,000 ABL transcripts; failures: according to the revised ELN recommendations; events: failures and treatment discontinuation for any reason. All the analysis has been made according to the intention-to-treat principle. Results: 73 patients enrolled: median age 51 years; 45% low, 41% intermediate and 14% high Sokal risk. The cumulative incidence of CCgR at 12 months was 100%. CCgR at each milestone: 78%, 96%, 96%, 95%, 92% at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, respectively. The overall estimated probability of MMR was 97%, while the rates of MMR at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months were 52%, 66%, 85%, 81% and 82%, respectively. The overall estimated probability of CMR was 79%, while the rates of CMR at 12 and 24 months were 12% and 27%, respectively. No patient achieving a MMR progressed to AP. Only one patient progressed at 6 months to ABP and subsequently died (high Sokal risk, T315I mutation). Adverse events were mostly grade 1 or 2 and manageable with appropriate dose adaptations. During the first 12 months, the mean daily dose was 600-800mg in 74% of patients. The nilotinib last daily dose was as follows: 800mg in 46 (63%) patients, 600mg in 3 (4%) patients and 400mg in 18 (25%), 6 permanent discontinuations. Detail of discontinuation: 1 patient progressed to ABP; 3 patients had recurrent episodes of amylase and/or lipase increase (no pancreatitis); 1 patient had atrial fibrillation (unrelated to study drug) and 1 patient died after 32 months of mental deterioration and starvation (unrelated to study drug). Two patients are currently on imatinib second-line and 2 on dasatinib third-line. With a median follow-up of 39 months, the estimated probability of overall survival, progression-free survival and failure-free survival was 97%, the estimated probability of event-free survival was 91%. Conclusions: The rate of failures was very low during the first 3 years. Responses remain stable. The high rates of responses achieved during the first 12 months are being translated into optimal outcome for most of patients.


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Nella presente ricerca si ipotizza che la nascita pretemine con elevata immaturità, in assenza di danni neurologici permanenti, comporti un differente sviluppo neuro-evolutivo e diverse traiettorie nei primi 18 mesi di vita con una più alta frequenza di ritardi rispetto ai bambini nati a termine. Metodo. E’ stato esaminato lo sviluppo psicomotorio di 17 bambini pretermine con età gestazionale estremamente bassa (ELGA) e di 51 bambini pretermine con età gestazionale molto bassa (VLGA, 29-31) confrontati con 11 bambini nati a termine (FT), comparabili per caratteristiche socio-culturali, mediante le Scale Griffiths a 3, 6, 9, 12 e 18 mesi di vita (età corretta per ELGA e VLGA). E’ stato inoltre esaminato lo sviluppo cognitivo, motorio e linguistico dei 17 pretermine ELGA e degli 11 bambini FT mediante le Scale Bayely-III a 12 e 18 mesi di vita. Infine per la valutazione delle competenze comunicative-linguistiche, è stato somministrato il questionario “Primo Vocabolario del Bambino” -PVB somministrato ai genitori dei bambini ELGA e FT dagli 8 ai 18 mesi. Risultati. L’analisi multilivello ha mostrato che i nati ELGA e VLGA hanno traiettorie evolutive differenti rispetto ai nati FT nello sviluppo psicomotorio e in quello comunicativo-linguistico con punteggi significativamente più bassi e con una percentuale più elevata di ritardi lievi e moderati che si evidenziano già a partire dal primo anno di vita e aumentano tra i 12 e i 18 mesi. Conclusioni. La nascita pretermine con elevata immaturità comporta un rischio per lo sviluppo delle funzioni di base nei primi 18 mesi di vita anche in assenza di danno neurologico. Le ripetute valutazioni e l’uso di strumenti diretti e indiretti hanno permesso di effettuare un’accurata valutazione delle specifiche competenze esaminate. Questi risultati dimostrano l’importanza di condurre follow-up continuativi per monitorare lo sviluppo delle funzioni di base, individuare precocemente i bambini con ritardo e avviare interventi abilitativi precoci.


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Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of childhood. The aim of this study was to identify molecular events involved in rhabdomyosarcoma onset for the development of new therapeutic approaches against specific molecular targets. BALB-p53neu mice develop pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma and combines the activation of HER-2/neu oncogene with the inactivation of an allele of p53 oncosuppressor gene. Gene expression profiling led to the identification of genes potentially involved in rhabdomyosarcoma genesis and therefore of candidate targets. The pattern of expression of p53, HER-2/neu, CDKN2A/p19ARF and IGF-2 suggested that these alterations might be involved in gender-, site- and strain-specific development of rhabdomyosarcoma. Other genes such as CDKN1A/p21 might be involved. The role of IGF-2, CDKN2A/p19ARF and CDKN1A/p21 in tumor growth was investigated with siRNA in murine rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Silencing of p19ARF and p21 induced inhibition of growth and of migration ability, indicating a possible pro-tumor and pro-metastatic role in rhabdomyosarcoma in absence of p53. In addition the autocrine IGF-2/IGF-1R loop found in early phases of cancer progression strengthens its key role in sustaining rhabdomyosarcoma growth. As rhabdomyosarcoma displays defective myogenic differentiation, a therapeutic approach aimed at enhancing myogenic differentiation of rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Forced expression of myogenin was able to restore myogenic differentiation, significantly reduced cell motility and impaired tumor growth and metastatic spread. IL-4 treatment increased rhabdomyosarcoma cell growth, decreased myogenin expression and promoted migration of cells lacking myogenin. Another approach was based on small kinase inhibitors. Agents specifically targeting members of the HER family (Lapatinib), of the IGF system (NVP-AEW541) or downstream signal transducers (NVP-BEZ235) were investigated in vitro in human rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines as therapeutic anti-tumor and anti-metastatic tools. The major effects were obtained with NVP-BEZ235 treatment that was able to strongly inhibit cell growth in vitro and showed anti-metastatic effects in vivo.


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Problematiche delle infezioni da Citomegalovirus in gravidanza Obiettivi: migliorare la sensibilità dell'ecografia nella diagnosi di infezione da CMV individuando un reperto ecografico cerebrale suggestivo di infezione fetale da Citomegalovirus a 20 settimane di gestazione. Metodi: tra febbraio 1989 e settembre 2009, 721 pazienti afferenti alla nostra Unità di Medicina Materno fetale per infezione primaria da CMV hanno eseguito amniocentesi e sono state sottoposte ad un esame neurosonografico transvaginale a 20-22 settimane di gestazione. Risultati: in 29 feti con infezione congenita sono state evidenziate anomalie ecografiche (17%), di cui in 22 casi a livello cerebrale. In 13 casi l'ecografia transvaginale ha permesso di identificare un alone ecogeno periventricolare a margini ben definiti ad un'epoca gestazionale media di 20.5 settimane (20-22 settimane). Di questi casi 12 pazienti hanno deciso di interrompere la gravidanza. L'unico neonato ha presentato alla nascita un'ipoacusia bilaterale. I riscontri autoptici ottenuti (7/12) hanno mostrato un'infezione citomegalica disseminata ed in 3 casi segni a livello cerebrale. Conclusioni: il limite ecografico della diagnosi di infezione fetale nei casi di infezione primaria da CMV è noto. In pazienti gravide alla 20 settimana di gestazione con infezione recente da Citomegalovirus, il riscontro di un alone ecogeno periventricolare risulta essere un precoce ed attendibile segno di infezione fetale e di possibile danno della sostanza bianca cerebrale. Occorrono però studi aggiuntivi per valutare la possibile manifestazione clinica di questa anomalia cerebrale nei neonati con infezione da CMV.


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Introduction – Although imatinib (IM) is a recognized gold standard in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) therapy, resistance has emerged in a significant proportion of patients. Aim – The aim of this study was: (1) to investigate the role of genetic variants in genes encoding for IM transporters, as candidate of IM responsiveness and (2) to test the influence of miRNAs on IM response, focusing on efflux transporters. Methods – As a first step, a panel of polymorphisms (SNPs) was genotyped in a subgroup population of 189 patients enrolled in the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Optimization and Selectivity (TOPS) trial. The association with cytogenetic response and molecular response (MR) was assessed for each SNP. As a second step, an in vitro IM-resistant model (K-562 CML cell line) was established. miRNAs profiles were analyzed using Taqman arrays and in silico search was performed for miRNAs deregulated after IM treatment. mRNA and protein expression were quantified using TaqMan realtime PCR and Western blotting, respectively. Results – (1) Among Caucasian patients, ABCB1 rs60023214 significantly correlated with complete MR (P = 0.005). Concerning SNPs combination in IM uptake transporters, the associations with treatment outcomes were statistically significant for both major and complete MR (P = 0.005 and P = 0.01, respectively). (2) ABCB1 protein was not expressed under any conditions of treatment, differently from ABCG2. Two deregulated miRNAs, namely miR-212 and miR-328, were identified to be inversely correlated with ABCG2 (r2= 0.57; p=0.03 and r2=0.47; p=0.06, respectively). Experiments of loss and gain of function confirmed the functional influence of these miRNAs on ABCG2. Conclusion – The multiple candidate gene approach identified single and combination of SNPs that can be proposed as predictor of IM response. The in vitro study suggested that IM resistance could be mediated by miRNA-dependent mechanism. Further studies are needed to validate these preliminary findings.


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Oestrogen induction of cell proliferation is critical in carcinogenesis of gynaecologic tissues. The effects of oestrogens are mediated by Oestrogen receptor (ER) ERα and ERβ, which are members of the nuclear steroid receptor superfamily. The balance between the ERα/ERβ levels seems critical during carcinogenesis due to their different role in proliferation and apoptosis. SERMs are a class of drugs targeting ERs used especially in the treatment of breast cancer, that despite their usefulness, cause side effects. Therefore, it’s important to develop new active molecules without side effects. In a previous work Andreani et al.(2007) investigated the antitumor activity of a new class of indole-derivatives in 60 different human cancer cell lines. In particular they noted that compound named 3L was able to induce a strong antiproliferative effect in cell lines derived from breast, cervix, ovary ,CNS and colon. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the biological effect in ovarian carcinoma cells (IGROV-1), colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT29), cervix adenocarcinoma cells (HelaS3) and breast cancer cells (MCF7). Among the effect exerted on the other cell lines, the most interesting is the cytostatic effect on IGROV-1. In order to identify the 3L molecular target we monitored the 3L concentration in the IGROV-1 nuclear fractions. The analysis revealed that the drug localizes in the nucleus starting from 6 hrs after treatment, suggesting a nuclear target. The stimulation with oestrogen did not increase the proliferation rate in 3L treated cells, suggesting a possible involvement with oestrogen receptors. Due to the 3L fluorescent properties, we demonstrated a colocalization between the ER and the 3L compound. In particular, a chromatin binding assay revealed the presence of a 3L-ERβ complex bound to DNA, interaction that may be the cause of the observed antiproliferative effect.


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It is believed that the way of being and the communicative-relational skills of every individual have multifactorial origins, including the quality of primary relationships with caregivers. For some time, the need for health care professionals to possess specific communicative and interpersonal skills has been highlighted. To the degree course in Nursing, like to all other degree programs related to health, access is granted to students who have large individual differences, both in terms of personality, and in terms of relational skills. Each academic year, therefore, the people responsible for the didactic organization of every course, are faced with having to prepare a training plan capable of addressing communicative-relational aspects and, at the same time, of being adequate to the real attitudes of incoming students. Thus, the need for appropriate tools for measuring the personological and vocational traits considered specific to health professions was born. This study has a twofold objective. On one hand, it aims at selecting a battery of psychological tests to detect psychological and attitudinal patterns, to facilitate the coordinators of graduate courses in their didactic organization and planning of educational training; on the other hand, it seeks to assess the correlations between communicative-relational skills (Relational-Communicative style, according to the model of patient-centered medicine-TRS) (Mucchielli’s Test of Spontaneous Attitudes – usual kind of attitude in dual relationships), personality traits (Alexithymia), styles of attachment to parental figures (PBI), and the capability of recognizing facial emotions, in a sample of students enrolled in the first year of a degree in Nursing.


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The aim of the research is to study the capacity for self-evaluation of 271 primary school student undergoing tests involving mathematics and formal reasoning. Subjects were asked to estimate the number of correct answers and subsequently to compare their performance with that of their peers. The results demonstrate that all the subjects in all tests showed a significant negative relationship among real score and self - evaluation indices. Analyzing comparative assessments, the results reported in literature by Kruger and Dunning were confirmed: poor performers tend to significantly overestimate their own performance whilst top performers tend to underestimate it. This can be interpreted as a demonstration that the accuracy of comparative self-evaluations depends on a number of variables: cognitive and metacognitive factors and aspects associated with self-representation. To verify these aspects we examined bias in self evaluation from an attributional perspective too. Our conclusion is that cognitive and metacognitive processes work as “submerged” in highly subjective representations, allowing dynamics related to safeguarding the image one has of oneself to play a role.