882 resultados para Fabrication of polymer optical fibres
Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibres have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully explored potential in signal processing. Here, we review recent progress on the use of fibre nonlinearities for the generation and shaping of optical pulses, and on the applications of advanced pulse waveforms in all-optical signal processing. Among other topics, we will discuss ultrahigh repetition-rate pulse sources, the generation of parabolic-shaped pulses in active and passive fibres, the generation of pulses with triangular temporal profiles, and coherent supercontinuum sources. The signal processing applications will span optical regeneration, linear distortion compensation, optical decision at the receiver in optical communication systems, spectral and temporal signal doubling, and frequency conversion. © 2012 IEEE.
A long period fibre grating written in progressive three layered optical fibre was examined. The bending sensitivity of the optical fibre was measured. It was found that the fibre shows an attenuation band that has a very low bending sensitivity compared to normal step-index fibres.
We investigate numerically and experimentally the properties of a passively mode locked quantum dot semiconductor laser under the influence of cw optical injection. We demonstrate that the waveform instability at high pumping for these devices can be overcome when one mode of the device is locked to the injected master laser and additionally show spectral narrowing and tunability. Experimental and numerical analyses demonstrate that the stable locking boundaries are similar to these obtained for optical injection in CW lasers. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
We report an implementation of optical fibre sensors based on fibre Bragg gratings with excessively tilted (>45°) structures, showing distinctive polarisation characteristics, desirable low thermal-cross-sensitivity and enhanced responsivity to surrounding-medium-refractive-index.
Polarization diverse optical phase conjugation of a 1THz spectral-band 1.14Tb/s DP-QPSK WDM multiplex is demonstrated for the first time, showing a worst case Q2 penalty of 0.9dB over all conjugate wavelengths, polarizations and OSNR. © 2014 OSA.
We study waveguide fabrication in lithium-niobo-phosphate glass, aiming at a practical method of single-stage fabrication of nonlinear integrated-optics devices. We observed chemical transformations or material redistribution during the course of high repetition rate femtosecond laser inscription. We believe that the laser-induced ultrafast heating and cooling followed by elements diffusion on a microscopic scale opens the way toward the engineering non-equilibrium sates of matter and thus can further enhance Refractive Index (RI) contrasts by virtue of changing glass composition in and around the fs tracks. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
A study was conducted to create a pH-responsive layer, in which a small change in the individual polyacid or polybase gel length was transferred into a larger motion that curls up the gel. It was observed that the transfer of motion from a linear displacement into a curved displacement through the geometric design effectively increases the displacement rate. A robust, reversible, and chemically driven mechanical actuator was was produced that demonstrated its response over many pH oscillations. The affine nature of the triblock copolymers, demonstrated for for the polyacid and polybase indicated that the effect will also function at some smaller length scales, which is appropriate for a working biomimetic and soft nanotechnology device. The study also demonstrated the potential applicability of these polymeric gels and suggested the fabrication of related molecular machines and devices based on the principles of soft nanotechnology.
The formation of single-soliton or bound-multisoliton states from a single linearly chirped Gaussian pulse in quasi-lossless and lossy fiber spans is examined. The conversion of an input-chirped pulse into soliton states is carried out by virtue of the so-called direct Zakharov-Shabat spectral problem, the solution of which allows one to single out the radiative (dispersive) and soliton constituents of the beam and determine the parameters of the emerging bound state(s). We describe here how the emerging pulse characteristics (the number of bound solitons, the relative soliton power) depend on the input pulse chirp and amplitude. © 2007 Optical Society of America.
We derive rigorously the Fokker-Planck equation that governs the statistics of soliton parameters in optical transmission lines in the presence of additive amplifier spontaneous emission. We demonstrate that these statistics are generally non-Gaussian. We present exact marginal probability-density functions for soliton parameters for some cases. A WKB approach is applied to describe the tails of the probability-density functions. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
We have presented and demonstrated efficient mode locking of erbium doped fiber laser using graphene carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) polymer composites. The laser gives out soliton pulse with duration of ∼837 fs, and 0.19 nJ pulse energy. © 2014 OSA.
We demonstrate the first experimental implementation of intensity-modulation and direct-detection 7.6Gb/s DBPSK-based DSB optical Fast-OFDM with a reduced subcarrier spacing equal to half of the symbol rate per subcarrier over 40km SMF. © 2012 OSA.
This paper will review the current understanding of the so called nonlinear Shannon limit, and will speculate on methods to approach the limit through new system configurations, and increase the limit using new optical fibres. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).