979 resultados para FRACTURE MODEL


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This article describes the main research results in a new methodology, in which the stages and strategies of the technology integration process are identified and described. A set of principles and recommendations are therefore presented. The MIPO model described in this paper is a result of the effort made regarding the understanding of the main success features of good practices, in the web environment, integrated in the information systems/information technology context. The initial model has been created, based on experiences and literature review. After that, it was tested in the information and technology system units at higher school and also adapted as a result of four cycles of an actionresearch work combined with a case study research. The information, concepts and procedures presented here give support to teachers and instructors, instructional designers and planning teams – anyone who wants to develop effective b‐learning instructions.


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Portugal is a culture grounded in strong traditions and family. Yet, social changes like women returning to the workforce and a decreas ed national birth rate are impacting the traditional family structure and care giving environments of children. Female employment has been increasing steadily in P ortugal over the last three decades (Galego & Pereira, 2006) and the total fert ility rate decreasing from 4.1 to 2.8 (INE, 2006). Furthermore, extended family me mbers, like grandparents, no longer reside close by to their children and grandc hildren as in the past, because of a changing labor market. Many of the younger gen eration are leaving their rural communities to flock to urban areas because o f job opportunities, leaving behind older relatives who would have otherwise par ticipated in the daily care of children. Given these social and economic changes, children are spending more time in out-of-home care with non-familial caregive rs. Yet, government regulations and guidelines in early care and educat ion (ECCE) and early intervention (EI) are only just emerging; it contin ues to be a work in progress.


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OBJECTIVE: Sensitivity analysis was applied to a mathematical model describing malaria transmission relating global warming and local socioeconomic conditions. METHODS: A previous compartment model was proposed to describe the overall transmission of malaria. This model was built up on several parameters and the prevalence of malaria in a community was characterized by the values assigned to them. To assess the control efforts, the model parameters can vary on broad intervals. RESULTS: By performing the sensitivity analysis on equilibrium points, which represent the level of malaria infection in a community, the different possible scenarios are obtained when the parameters are changed. CONCLUSIONS: Depending on malaria risk, the efforts to control its transmission can be guided by a subset of parameters used in the mathematical model.


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We study the implications of the searches based on H -> tau(+)tau-by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations on the parameter space of the two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM). In the 2HDM, the scalars can decay into a tau pair with a branching ratio larger than the SM one, leading to constraints on the 2HDM parameter space. We show that in model II, values of tan beta > 1.8 are definitively excluded if the pseudoscalar is in the mass range 110 GeV < m(A) < 145 GeV. We have also discussed the implications for the 2HDM of the recent dimuon search by the ATLAS collaboration for a CP-odd scalar in the mass range 4-12 GeV.


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OBJECTIVE: To introduce a fuzzy linguistic model for evaluating the risk of neonatal death. METHODS: The study is based on the fuzziness of the variables newborn birth weight and gestational age at delivery. The inference used was Mamdani's method. Neonatologists were interviewed to estimate the risk of neonatal death under certain conditions and to allow comparing their opinions and the model values. RESULTS: The results were compared with experts' opinions and the Fuzzy model was able to capture the expert knowledge with a strong correlation (r=0.96). CONCLUSIONS: The linguistic model was able to estimate the risk of neonatal death when compared to experts' performance.


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In this paper, a stochastic programming approach is proposed for trading wind energy in a market environment under uncertainty. Uncertainty in the energy market prices is the main cause of high volatility of profits achieved by power producers. The volatile and intermittent nature of wind energy represents another source of uncertainty. Hence, each uncertain parameter is modeled by scenarios, where each scenario represents a plausible realization of the uncertain parameters with an associated occurrence probability. Also, an appropriate risk measurement is considered. The proposed approach is applied on a realistic case study, based on a wind farm in Portugal. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ) ou ataxia espinocerebelosa do tipo 3 (SCA3), conhecida por ser a mais comum das ataxias hereditárias dominantes em todo o mundo, é uma doença neurodegenerativa autossómica dominante que leva a uma grande incapacidade motora, embora sem alterar o intelecto, culminando com a morte do doente. Atualmente não existe nenhum tratamento eficaz para esta doença. A DMJ é resultado de uma alteração genética causada pela expansão de uma sequência poliglutamínica (poliQ), na região C-terminal do gene que codifica a proteína ataxina-3 (ATXN3). Os mecanismos celulares das doenças de poliglutaminas que provocam toxicidade, bem como a função da ATXN3, não são ainda totalmente conhecidos. Neste trabalho, usamos, pela sua simplicidade e potencial genético, um pequeno animal invertebrado, o nemátode C. elegans, com o objetivo de identificar fármacos eficazes para o combate contra a patogénese da DMJ, analisando simultaneamente o seu efeito na agregação da ATXN3 mutante nas células neuronais in vivo e o seu impacto no comportamento motor dos animais. Este pequeno invertebrado proporciona grandes vantagens no estudo dos efeitos tóxicos de proteínas poliQ nos neurónios, uma vez que a transparência das suas 959 células (das quais 302 são neurónios) facilita a deteção de proteínas fluorescentes in vivo. Para além disso, esta espécie tem um ciclo de vida curto, é económica e de fácil manutenção. Neste trabalho testámos no nosso modelo transgénico da DMJ com 130Qs em C.elegans dois compostos potencialmente moduladores da agregação da ATXN3 mutante e da resultante disfunção neurológica, atuando pela via da autofagia. De modo a validar a possível importância terapêutica da ativação da autofagia os compostos candidatos escolhidos foram o Litío e o análogo da Rapamicina CCI-779, testados independentemente e em combinação. A neuroproteção conferida pelo Litío e pelo CCI-779 independentemente sugere que o uso destes fármacos possa ser considerado uma boa estratégia como terapia para a DMJ, a testar em organismos evolutivamente mais próximos do humano. A manipulação da autofagia, segundo vários autores, parece ser benéfica e pode ser a chave para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos para várias doenças relacionadas com a agregação proteica e o envelhecimento.


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We classify all possible implementations of an Abelian symmetry in the two-Higgs-doublet model with fermions. We identify those symmetries which are consistent with nonvanishing quark masses and a Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark-mixing matrix (CKM), which is not block-diagonal. Our analysis takes us from a plethora of possibilities down to 246 relevant cases, requiring only 34 distinct matrix forms. We show that applying Z(n) with n >= 4 to the scalar sector leads to a continuous U(1) symmetry in the whole Lagrangian. Finally, we address the possibilities of spontaneous CP violation and of natural suppression of the flavor-changing neutral currents. We explain why our work is relevant even for non-Abelian symmetries.


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Value has been defined in different theoretical contexts as need, desire, interest, standard /criteria, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences. The creation of value is key to any business, and any business activity is about exchanging some tangible and/or intangible good or service and having its value accepted and rewarded by customers or clients, either inside the enterprise or collaborative network or outside. “Perhaps surprising then is that firms often do not know how to define value, or how to measure it” (Anderson and Narus, 1998 cited by [1]). Woodruff echoed that we need “richer customer value theory” for providing an “important tool for locking onto the critical things that managers need to know”. In addition, he emphasized, “we need customer value theory that delves deeply into customer’s world of product use in their situations” [2]. In this sense, we proposed and validated a novel “Conceptual Model for Decomposing the Value for the Customer”. To this end, we were aware that time has a direct impact on customer perceived value, and the suppliers’ and customers’ perceptions change from the pre-purchase to the post-purchase phases, causing some uncertainty and doubts.We wanted to break down value into all its components, as well as every built and used assets (both endogenous and/or exogenous perspectives). This component analysis was then transposed into a mathematical formulation using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), so that the uncertainty and vagueness of value perceptions could be embedded in this model that relates used and built assets in the tangible and intangible deliverable exchange among the involved parties, with their actual value perceptions.


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Toxic amides, such as acrylamide, are potentially harmful to Human health, so there is great interest in the fabrication of compact and economical devices to measure their concentration in food products and effluents. The CHEmically Modified Field Effect Transistor (CHEMFET) based onamorphous silicon technology is a candidate for this type of application due to its low fabrication cost. In this article we have used a semi-empirical modelof the device to predict its performance in a solution of interfering ions. The actual semiconductor unit of the sensor was fabricated by the PECVD technique in the top gate configuration. The CHEMFET simulation was performed based on the experimental current voltage curves of the semiconductor unit and on an empirical model of the polymeric membrane. Results presented here are useful for selection and design of CHEMFET membranes and provide an idea of the limitations of the amorphous CHEMFET device. In addition to the economical advantage, the small size of this prototype means it is appropriate for in situ operation and integration in a sensor array.


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We study a model consisting of particles with dissimilar bonding sites ("patches"), which exhibits self-assembly into chains connected by Y-junctions, and investigate its phase behaviour by both simulations and theory. We show that, as the energy cost epsilon(j) of forming Y-junctions increases, the extent of the liquid-vapour coexistence region at lower temperatures and densities is reduced. The phase diagram thus acquires a characteristic "pinched" shape in which the liquid branch density decreases as the temperature is lowered. To our knowledge, this is the first model in which the predicted topological phase transition between a fluid composed of short chains and a fluid rich in Y-junctions is actually observed. Above a certain threshold for epsilon(j), condensation ceases to exist because the entropy gain of forming Y-junctions can no longer offset their energy cost. We also show that the properties of these phase diagrams can be understood in terms of a temperature-dependent effective valence of the patchy particles. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3605703]


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In the two-Higgs-doublet model (THDM), generalized-CP transformations (phi(i) -> X-ij phi(*)(j) where X is unitary) and unitary Higgs-family transformations (phi(i) -> U-ij phi(j)) have recently been examined in a series of papers. In terms of gauge-invariant bilinear functions of the Higgs fields phi(i), the Higgs-family transformations and the generalized-CP transformations possess a simple geometric description. Namely, these transformations correspond in the space of scalar-field bilinears to proper and improper rotations, respectively. In this formalism, recent results relating generalized CP transformations with Higgs-family transformations have a clear geometric interpretation. We will review what is known regarding THDM symmetries, as well as derive new results concerning those symmetries, namely how they can be interpreted geometrically as applications of several CP transformations.


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In this paper we study the optimal natural gas commitment for a known demand scenario. This study implies the best location of GSUs to supply all demands and the optimal allocation from sources to gas loads, through an appropriate transportation mode, in order to minimize total system costs. Our emphasis is on the formulation and use of a suitable optimization model, reflecting real-world operations and the constraints of natural gas systems. The mathematical model is based on a Lagrangean heuristic, using the Lagrangean relaxation, an efficient approach to solve the problem. Computational results are presented for Iberian and American natural gas systems, geographically organized in 65 and 88 load nodes, respectively. The location model results, supported by the computational application GasView, show the optimal location and allocation solution, system total costs and suggest a suitable gas transportation mode, presented in both numerical and graphic supports.


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This paper presents a methodology for distribution networks reconfiguration in outage presence in order to choose the reconfiguration that presents the lower power losses. The methodology is based on statistical failure and repair data of the distribution power system components and uses fuzzy-probabilistic modelling for system component outage parameters. Fuzzy membership functions of system component outage parameters are obtained by statistical records. A hybrid method of fuzzy set and Monte Carlo simulation based on the fuzzy-probabilistic models allows catching both randomness and fuzziness of component outage parameters. Once obtained the system states by Monte Carlo simulation, a logical programming algorithm is applied to get all possible reconfigurations for every system state. In order to evaluate the line flows and bus voltages and to identify if there is any overloading, and/or voltage violation a distribution power flow has been applied to select the feasible reconfiguration with lower power losses. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology to a practical case, the paper includes a case study that considers a real distribution network.


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This paper presents a methodology which is based on statistical failure and repair data of the transmission power system components and uses fuzzyprobabilistic modeling for system component outage parameters. Using statistical records allows developing the fuzzy membership functions of system component outage parameters. The proposed hybrid method of fuzzy set and Monte Carlo simulation based on the fuzzy-probabilistic models allows catching both randomness and fuzziness of component outage parameters. A network contingency analysis to identify any overloading or voltage violation in the network is performed once obtained the system states by Monte Carlo simulation. This is followed by a remedial action algorithm, based on optimal power flow, to reschedule generations and alleviate constraint violations and, at the same time, to avoid any load curtailment, if possible, or, otherwise, to minimize the total load curtailment, for the states identified by the contingency analysis. In order to illustrate the application of the proposed methodology to a practical case, the paper will include a case study for the Reliability Test System (RTS) 1996 IEEE 24 BUS.