881 resultados para FORAGING RANGES


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Le protozoaire unicellulaire Leishmania est l'agent responsable de la leishmaniose, une maladie parasitaire humaine qui se manifeste par des lésions de la peau, se résolvant le plus souvent spontanément, jusqu'à des lésions viscérales fatales. Le parasite est transmis de l'insecte à l'hôte mammifère lors d'un repas sanguin de la mouche des sables et y réside respectivement sous formes extra- et intracellulaires. On estime que cette maladie touche environ 12 millions de personnes dans 98 pays. Etant donné que les médicaments disponibles à ce jour sont faiblement efficaces et/ou hautement toxiques, il est indispensable de consolider les connaissances sur le fonctionnement et la survie du parasite pour pouvoir développer de nouvelles stratégies de traitements et de préventions. Tous les organismes vivants, dont Leishmania, contiennent du polyphopshate (polyP). Cette molécule chargée négativement est constituée de trois jusqu'à plusieurs centaines de résidus de phosphates reliées par des liaisons à haute énergie. Le polyP sert donc de source d'énergie et de réservoir de phosphate; dans certaines espèces, il joue aussi un rôle dans l'adaptation au stress et la virulence de pathogènes. Ceci nous a amené à étudier le rôle du polyP dans le parasite Leishmania. L'enzyme responsable de la synthèse de polyP a été identifié récemment dans la levure : il s'agit de la chaperone de transport vacuolaire 4 (Vtc4). Nous avons identifié un homologue de Vtc4 chez les Trypanosomatidae, et avons donc décidé d'examiner sa fonction dans le métabolisme du polyP chez Leishmania. En éliminant l'expression de Vtc4 chez L. major et L. guyanensis, nous avons pu démontrer qu'il est indispensable pour la production de polyP chez Leishmania. De plus, nous avons constaté que ces parasites possèdent des chaînes de polyP allant de trois jusqu'à environ 300 résidus de phosphate. Le taux de polyP dans la cellule est précisément régulé et varie entre un très haut niveau durant la phase proliférative des promastigotes à un niveau bas en phase stationnaire tardive, alors que l'expression de Vtc4p reste stable. Dans les amastigotes intracellulaires, seulement des petites quantités de polyP et de Vtc4p sont détectées. En outre, l'absence de Vc4p et de polyP n'a pas d'effet significatif sur les infections in vivo de souris, ce qui indique que le polyP n'est pas nécessaire au développement de la leishmaniose. Ceci suggère que Vtc4p n 'est pas une bonne cible pour le développement de nouveaux traitements contre Leishmania. "Néanmoins, la présence du polyP favorise fortement la survie du parasite suite à un choc de température (37°C) et aide ainsi à sa persistance intracellulaire pendant les premiers jours d'infection de macrophages. En résumé, nos résultats indiquent que si le polyP a peu d'importance pendant l'infection et le développement de la leishmaniose chez la souris, il est par contre crucial pour l'adaptation à des situations de stress comme l'augmentation de la température. Le fait que le polyP a été conservé dans tous les organismes durant l'évolution suggère toutefois que cette molécule joue un rôle fondamental. Etant donné que l'absence de polyP n'a pas d'effet sur la survie des amastigotes, il pourrait être plus important dans la forme promastigote infectant la mouche des sables. - The unicellular protozoan parasite Leishmania is the causative agent of the human disease leishmaniasis, which can range from self-healing skin lesions to fatal visceral lesions. The parasite is transmitted from the insect vector to the mammalian host when the sand fly takes its blood meal and exists in an extra- and an intracellular form, respectively. The disease is estimated to affect 12 million people in 98 countries and currently available drug treatments are of relatively low potency and/or high toxicity. Thus, investigating parasite survival mechanisms and parasite adaptation to the two host environments contributes to the general understanding of Leishmania propagation and might therefore help to develop future treatments or preventions. All living cells, including Leishmania, contain a negatively charged polymer of a few up to several hundred phosphate residues. These so-called polyphosphates (polyPs) serve as an energy source and phosphate reservoir. In some organisms, polyP is also involved in adaptation to stresses and virulence of pathogens. Therefore we were interested in investigating the importance of polyP in Leishmania parasites. Recently, an eukaryotic enzyme responsible for polyP synthesis has been identified as the vacuolar transporter chaperone 4 (Vtc4) in yeast. We, and others, found a Vtc4 homologue in trypanosomatids and decided to examine its potential function in polyP metabolism. By generating VTC4 knock-out cell lines in L. major and Vtc4 knock-down cell lines in L. guyanensis, we were able to demonstrate that Vtc4p is responsible for the total amount of cellular polyP. We also observed that Leishmania polyP chain length ranges from a few up to around 300 residues and that its level is tightly regulated. PolyP abundance is highest during the logarithmic proliferating phase of promastigotes and decreases in the stationary phase, while Vtc4 protein expression remains stable during both phases. In the intracellular amastigote form, only low amounts of polyP and Vtc4p were detectable. Furthermore, absence of Vtc4p and polyP did not have a significant effect on in vivo mouse infections, indicating that polyP is not necessary for Leishmania disease progression. This suggests that Vtc4p would be a poor drug target against Leishmania infection. However, presence of the polymer strongly supported parasite survival during heat shock (37°C) and thereby promoted intracellular persistence during the first days of macrophage infections. Taken together, we found that polyP has little importance in Leishmania {in vivo) infection but that it plays a crucial role during adaptation to stress, such as heat shock. Given that polyP has been preciously conserved in all organisms during evolution it seems to play a fundamental role. Since absence of polyP does not affect amastigote survival, it might be significant for promastigote existence in the sand fly vector.


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The prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in cystic fibrosis patients ranges from 2 to 8% and glucose intolerance up to 15%. In recent years, lung transplantation has helped to prolong life expectancy of cystic fibrosis patients and represents 10 to 30% of all indications for lung transplantation. The postoperative need for immunosuppressive therapy using diabetogenic agents has decompensatory effects on glucose regulation and will probably increase the number of insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients. We report the case of an insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patient transplanted with a combined islet-lung allograft. The pre-transplantation C-peptide level was below 0.04 nmol/l and preoperative insulin requirement was some 100 U per day. A sequential bipulmonary lung transplantation was performed and, using the pancreas of the same donor, we isolated and purified the islets of Langerhans by a modified automated method. We obtained 232,200 islets equivalent, which were injected into the liver by portal embolization. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, the insulin requirement decreased to 50% of the preoperative need and the C-peptide value increased to normal values and remained with the normal range during a follow-up period of 15 months. In conclusion, we believe that, besides type I diabetic patients, insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients with a negative C-peptide value could also be good candidates for combined islet-lung allotransplantation.


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Studies on lower attines are scarce, especially on nesting and foraging ecology and behavior. This study aimed to contribute to the knowledge of an Attini in dunes ecosystems through the description of density and spatial distribution of Mycetophylax simplex (Emery, 1887) nests in a strip of mobile dunes in the Praia Grande beach, Torres, northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The density and spatial distribution of nests were estimated in four plots of 2,500 m² each, in which were found 20, 209, 284 and 324 nests, with average densities of 0.01 nests/m², 0.09, 0.11 and 0.13 nests/m², respectively. The nests were found near to the vegetation and showed clumped distribution. The density and distribution pattern of the nests seem to be related to the availability of nesting places and foraging resources.


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Harvesting of secretions from non-floral trichomes by females of Tapinotaspoides serraticornis is reported for the first time. The females exhibit a type of mopping behavior using the fringes of long, wavy setae along the posterior margins of their metasomal sterna. Our observations indicated a wide range of host plants used as sources for these secretions, including Waltheria (Sterculiaceae), Tibouchina (Melastomataceae), Sida (Malvaceae), Jacquemontia (Convolvulaceae), and unidentified species of Commelinaceae and Cyperaceae.


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The flower-visiting social wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae) in two areas of Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. The structure of flower-visiting social wasps' assemblages in the CPCN Pró-Mata of São Francisco de Paula and in the Green Belt of Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, are characterized. A total of 879 polistine wasps were collected, of which 475 (11 spp.) in the CPCN and 404 (21 spp.) in the Green Belt, from September 1997 to April 2001 and from September 2001 to April 2004, respectively. Foraging social wasps were observed on flowers of 36 species of angiosperms (20 families) in the Green Belt, and on flowers of 54 species of angiosperms (21 families) in the CPCN. Asteraceae was the most visited plant family on both studied localities. A list of pant species visited by the polistines is provided.


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Cofoundresses of the desert fungus garden ant Acromyrmex versicolorexhibit a forager specialist who subsumes all foraging risk priorto first worker eclosion (Rissing et al. 1989). In an experimentdesigned to mimic a "cheater" who refuses foraging assignment whenher lot, cofoundresses delayed/failed to replace their forager,often leading to demise of their garden (Rissing et al. 1996). Thecheater on task assignment is harmed, but so too is the punisher,as all will die without a healthy garden. In this paper we studythrough simulation the cofoundress interaction with haploid, asexualgenotypes which either replace a cheater or not (punishment), underboth foundress viscosity (likely for A. versicolor) and randomassortment. We find replacement superior to punishment only whenthere is no foraging risk and cheating is not costly to groupsurvival. Generally, punishment is evolutionarily superior,especially as forager risk increases, under both forms of dispersal.


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This study describes the reproductive system of Stachytarpheta maximiliani (Verbenaceae), including its floral biology, nectar and pollen availability and insect foraging patterns, identifying whose species act as pollinators. It was carried out in a Brazilian Atlantic rain forest site. Observations on the pollination biology of the Verbenaceae S. maximiliani indicate that their flowering period extends from September through May. Anthesis occurs from 5:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and nectar and pollen are available during all the anthesis. Many species of beetles, hemipterans, flies, wasps, bees and butterflies visit their flowers, but bees and butterflies are the most frequent visitors. The flowers are generally small, gathered in dense showy inflorescences. A complex of floral characteristcs, such as violet-blue color of flowers, long floral tubes, without scents, nectar not exposed, high concentration of sugar in nectar (about 32%), allowed identification of floral syndromes (melittophily and psicophily) and function for each visitor. The bees, Bombus morio, B. atratus, Trigonopedia ferruginea, Xylocopa brasilianorum and Apis mellifera and the butterflies Corticea mendica mendica, Corticea sp., Vehilius clavicula, Urbanus simplicius, U. teleus and Heraclides thoas brasiliensis, are the most important pollinators.


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INTRODUCTION: The presence of a pre-existing narrow spinal canal may have an important place in the ethiopathogenesis of lumbar spinal stenosis. By consequence the study of the development of the spinal canal is crucial. The first goal of this work is to do a comprehensive literature search and to give an essential view on the development of spinal canal and its depending factors studied until now. The second goal is to give some considerations and hypothesize new leads for clinically useful researches. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A bibliographical research was executed using different search engines: PubMed, Google Schoolar ©, Ovid ® and Web Of Science ©. Free sources and avaible from the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) were used. At the end of the bibliographic researches 114 references were found, 85 were free access and just 41 were cited in this work. Most of the found references are in English or in French. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The spinal canal is principally limited by the vertebrae which have a mesodermal origin. The nervous (ectodermal) tissue significantly influences the growth of the canal. The most important structure participating in the spinal canal growth is the neurocentral synchondrosis in almost the entire vertebral column. The fusion of the half posterior arches seems to have less importance for the canal size. The growth is not homogeneous but, depends on the vertebral level. Timing, rate and growth potentials differ by regions. Especially in the case of the lumbar segment, there is a craniocaudal tendency which entails a greater post-natal catch-up growth for distal vertebrae. Trefoil-shape of the L5 canal is the consequence of a sagittal growth deficiency. The spinal canal shares some developmental characteristics with different structures and systems, especially with the central nervous system. It may be the consequence of the embryological origin. It is supposed that not all the related structures would be affected by a growth impairment because of the different catch-up potentials. Studies found that narrower spinal canals might be related with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal symptoms, lower thymic function, bone mineral content, dental hypoplasia and Harris' lines. Anthropometric correlations found at birth disappear during the pediatric age. All factors which can affect bone and nervous growth might be relevant. Genetic predispositions are the only factors that can never be changed but the real impact is to ascertain. During the antenatal period, all the elements determining a good supply of blood and oxygen may influence the vertebral canal development, for example smoking during pregnancy. Diet is a crucial factor having an impact on both antenatal and postnatal growth. Proteins intake is the only proved dietetic relationship found in the bibliographic research of this work. The mechanical effects due to locomotion changes are unknown. Socioeconomic situation has an impact on several influencing factors and it is difficult to study it owing to numerous bias. CONCLUSIONS: A correct growth of spinal canal is evidently relevant to prevent not-degenerative stenotic conditions. But a "congenital" narrower canal may aggravate degenerative stenosis. This concerns specific groups of patient. If the size of the canal is highly involved in the pathogenesis of common back pains, a hypothetical measure to prevent developmental impairments could have a not- negligible impact on the society. It would be interesting to study more about dietetic necessities for a good spinal canal development. Understanding the relationship between nervous tissues and vertebra it might be useful in identifying what is needed for the ideal development. Genetic importance and the post-natal influences of upright standing on the canal growth remain unsolved questions. All these tracks may have a double purpose: knowing if it is possible to decrease the incidence of narrower spinal canal and consequently finding possible preventive measures. The development of vertebral canal is a complex subject which ranges over a wide variety of fields. The knowledge of this subject is an indispensable tool to understand and hypothesize the influencing factors that might lead to stenotic conditions. Unfortunately, a lack of information makes difficult to have a complete and satisfactory interdisciplinary vision.


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Gene duplications can have a major role in adaptation, and gene families underlying chemosensation are particularly interesting due to their essential role in chemical recognition of mates, predators and food resources. Social insects add yet another dimension to the study of chemosensory genomics, as the key components of their social life rely on chemical communication. Still, chemosensory gene families are little studied in social insects. Here we annotated chemosensory protein (CSP) genes from seven ant genomes and studied their evolution. The number of functional CSP genes ranges from 11 to 21 depending on species, and the estimated rates of gene birth and death indicate high turnover of genes. Ant CSP genes include seven conservative orthologous groups present in all the ants, and a group of genes that has expanded independently in different ant lineages. Interestingly, the expanded group of genes has a differing mode of evolution from the orthologous groups. The expanded group shows rapid evolution as indicated by a high dN/dS (nonsynonymous to synonymous changes) ratio, several sites under positive selection and many pseudogenes, whereas the genes in the seven orthologous groups evolve slowly under purifying selection and include only one pseudogene. These results show that adaptive changes have played a role in ant CSP evolution. The expanded group of ant-specific genes is phylogenetically close to a conservative orthologous group CSP7, which includes genes known to be involved in ant nestmate recognition, raising an interesting possibility that the expanded CSPs function in ant chemical communication.


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Aims: A rapid and simple HPLC-MS method was developed for the simultaneousdetermination of antidementia drugs, including donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmineand its major metabolite NAP 226 - 90, and memantine, for TherapeuticDrug Monitoring (TDM). In the elderly population treated with antidementiadrugs, the presence of several comorbidities, drug interactions resulting frompolypharmacy, and variations in drug metabolism and elimination, are possiblefactors leading to the observed high interindividual variability in plasma levels.Although evidence for the benefit of TDM for antidementia drugs still remains tobe demonstrated, an individually adapted dosage through TDM might contributeto minimize the risk of adverse reactions and to increase the probability of efficienttherapeutic response. Methods: A solid-phase extraction procedure with amixed-mode cation exchange sorbent was used to isolate the drugs from 0.5 mL ofplasma. The compounds were analyzed on a reverse-phase column with a gradientelution consisting of an ammonium acetate buffer at pH 9.3 and acetonitrile anddetected by mass spectrometry in the single ion monitoring mode. Isotope-labeledinternal standards were used for quantification where possible. The validatedmethod was used to measure the plasma levels of antidementia drugs in 300patients treated with these drugs. Results: The method was validated accordingto international standards of validation, including the assessment of the trueness(-8 - 11 %), the imprecision (repeatability: 1-5%, intermediate imprecision:2 - 9 %), selectivity and matrix effects variability (less than 6 %). Furthermore,short and long-term stability of the analytes in plasma was ascertained. Themethod proved to be robust in the calibrated ranges of 1 - 300 ng/mL for rivastigmineand memantine and 2 - 300 mg/mL for donepezil, galantamine and NAP226 - 90. We recently published a full description of the method (1). We found ahigh interindividual variability in plasma levels of these drugs in a study populationof 300 patients. The plasma level measurements, with some preliminaryclinical and pharmacogenetic results, will be presented. Conclusion: A simpleLC-MS method was developed for plasma level determination of antidementiadrugs which was successfully used in a clinical study with 300 patients.


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SUMMARY: Research into the evolution of subdivided plant populations has long involved the study of phenotypic variation across plant geographic ranges and the genetic details underlying that variation. Genetic polymorphism at different marker loci has also allowed us to infer the long- and short-term histories of gene flow within and among populations, including range expansions and colonization-extinction dynamics. However, the advent of affordable genome-wide sequences for large numbers of individuals is opening up new possibilities for the study of subdivided populations. In this review, we consider what the new tools and technologies may allow us to do. In particular, we encourage researchers to look beyond the description of variation and to use genomic tools to address new hypotheses, or old ones afresh. Because subdivided plant populations are complex structures, we caution researchers away from adopting simplistic interpretations of their data, and to consider the patterns they observe in terms of the population genetic processes that have given rise to them; here, the genealogical framework of the coalescent will continue to be conceptually and analytically useful.


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This paper aims to study the distribution of natural nests of Xylocopa ordinaria and characterize its nesting habits in the restinga of Grussai/Iquipari (RJ), supporting future studies on the pollinators management in the northern Rio de Janeiro state. The data obtained from Aug/2003 to Dec/2004, in an area of 11.6ha, were related to the nest distribution, substrate identification and dimensions, emergence, sex ratio, nest structure (n= 23 nests) and pollen content analysis of provisioning masses and feces. X. ordinaria nests were abundant and presented a clustered distribution. These bees do not present taxonomical affinity for nesting substrates, but preferences for wood availability and characteristics, being Pera glabrata the main substrate. X. ordinaria is a multivoltine species that tolerates co-specifics in their nests. These bees were generalist on their nectar and pollen consumption, but presented floral constancy while provisioning brood cells. These behaviors, activity along the year, flights throughout the day, and legitimate visits to flowers indicate the importance of X. ordinaria on the pollination of plants in the restinga.


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Cabo Verde é constituído por 10 ilhas, sendo a ilha do Maio a mais antiga do arquipélago, com uma área de 269 km2, tendo como comprimento máximo 24100 m, uma largura máxima de 16300 m e uma população total de 6740 habitantes. No que concerne à geomorfologia e geologia, a ilha é considerada plana e é composta por formações eruptivas e sedimentares, sendo as formações sedimentares dominantes na ilha. Apresenta as formações mais antigas de Cabo Verde, de idade jurássica e cretácica. No entanto, não apresenta as formações eruptivas mais recentes como as restantes ilhas. A ilha do Maio enquadra-se num clima do tipo árido e semiárido, com uma temperatura média de 24.5 ºC e uma precipitação anual de 125.4 mm. Estimativas efectuadas com base no modelo do balanço hídrico sequencial diário mostram que cerca de 7% da precipitação corresponde a escoamento superficial e 14.1% a escoamento subterrâneo. Pela aplicação deste modelo e do método do balanço químico do ião cloreto, os recursos hídricos subterrâneos renováveis anualmente na ilha do Maio estão, em ano médio, compreendidos entre 3.44 x 106 m3 e 4.76 x 106 m3.por sua vez, o escoamento total é estimado em 7.8 x 106 m3 anuais, o que equivale a cerca de 21 400 m3/dia. O escoamento subterrâneo na ilha do Maio faz-se globalmente de um modo centrífugo a partir das elevações do maciço central. O gradiente hidráulico assume valores entre 0.05% e 2.9%, sendo que o valor mais baixo ocorre no sector norte da ilha, o que favorece o fenómeno de intrusão salina. Relativamente à qualidade da água, verifica-se que as amostras recolhidas correspondem a águas muito mineralizadas, com valores de condutividade eléctrica compreendidos entre 832 μS/cm e 7730 μS/cm. Por sua vez, os valores de TDS estão compreendidos entre 705.8 mg/L e 4210.4 mg/L. Nestas condições, as águas subterrâneas analisadas podem ser consideradas águas salobras. A fácies hidroquímica dominante é a cloretada sódica, sendo que grande parte das amostras pode ser considerada cloretada-bicarbonatada sódica. Admitindo que a amostragem efectuada tem significado estatístico, poderá dizer-se que, a nível físico-químico, cerca de 20% das águas subterrâneas são próprias para o consumo humano. No que respeita à utilização da água para rega, as águas analisadas apresentam baixo a alto perigo de alcalinização do solo e alto a muito alto perigo de salinização. Em síntese, pode concluir-se que, não obstante o carácter árido da ilha do Maio, a mesma apresenta um potencial de recursos hídricos não negligenciável, eventualmente suficiente para suprir as necessidades hídricas da população. No entanto, o estudo desenvolvido mostra a necessidade de implementar medidas susceptíveis de proporcionarem um aproveitamento sustentado dos recursos hídricos, no quadro da gestão integrada dos recursos hídricos da ilha do Maio.


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A Ilha Brava (64 km2) localiza-se no extremo oeste do alinhamento meridional do arquipélago de Cabo Verde, sendo constituída por três unidades vulcanoestratigráficas que testemunham uma história vulcânica de cerca de 3 Ma. Foi escolhida como objecto de estudo na tentativa de contribuir para a melhor compreensão da origem e local de residência de alguns dos componentes mantélicos, das relações genéticas entre magmas silicatados e carbonatíticos, dos processos de desgaseificação de magmas carbonatíticos e da origem do carbono neles contido, da variabilidade geoquímica espaço-temporal do ponto quente de Cabo Verde, e da profundidade de enraizamento da sua pluma mantélica. A Brava contrasta com as outras ilhas do arquipélago por definir dois grupos geoquímicos distintos. As amostras do Complexo Basal, sendo menos radiogénicas Sr e He e mais em Nd e Pb que a unidade mais recente, são idênticas às ilhas do norte e explicáveis pela mistura de um componente do tipo HIMU (crosta oceânica reciclada com 1.3 Ga) e manto inferior (3He/4He até 12.85 Ra), carreados para a “superfície” pela pluma mantélica. Tal como é usual nas ilhas do sul, a Unidade Superior sugere, em adição, o envolvimento de um componente com afinidade EM-1, aqui considerado representativo de fragmentos de litosfera subcontinental dispersos na astenosfera. Os carbonatitos definem dois grupos com assinaturas isotópicas semelhantes às das rochas silicatadas contemporâneas. Os calciocarbonatitos resultaram de imiscibilidade líquida produzindo magmas nefeliníticos e carbonatíticos, enquanto os magnesiocarbonatitos representam líquidos residuais após a fraccionação de calcite a partir de um magma carbonatítico. As muito baixas razões 4He/40Ar* (≈ 0.25) que caracterizam a fonte dos carbonatitos do Complexo Basal indicam uma evolução a partir de razões K/U muito mais elevadas que o conjunto dos reservatórios silicatados da Terra. Sendo estes valores, também incompatíveis com a reciclagem de componentes crostais, foram aqui interpretados como podendo reflectir a contribuição do “missing Ar reservoir” para a fonte mantélica dos carbonatitos.


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Species' geographic ranges are usually considered as basic units in macroecology and biogeography, yet it is still difficult to measure them accurately for many reasons. About 20 years ago, researchers started using local data on species' occurrences to estimate broad scale ranges, thereby establishing the niche modeling approach. However, there are still many problems in model evaluation and application, and one of the solutions is to find a consensus solution among models derived from different mathematical and statistical models for niche modeling, climatic projections and variable combination, all of which are sources of uncertainty during niche modeling. In this paper, we discuss this approach of ensemble forecasting and propose that it can be divided into three phases with increasing levels of complexity. Phase I is the simple combination of maps to achieve a consensual and hopefully conservative solution. In Phase II, differences among the maps used are described by multivariate analyses, and Phase III consists of the quantitative evaluation of the relative magnitude of uncertainties from different sources and their mapping. To illustrate these developments, we analyzed the occurrence data of the tiger moth, Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae), a Neotropical moth species, and modeled its geographic range in current and future climates.