1000 resultados para Eucalipto, cultivo, aspectos ambientais, Brasil


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Esta tese estuda a tradição e transmissão religiosa da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, numa área de maior vulnerabilidade social, a partir da instituição e dos sujeitos. A reprodução religiosa, na modernidade contemporânea, é dificultada pela capacidade diminuída das instituições religiosas de regular as crenças dos seus fiéis, e esta capacidade é analisada no caso da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, num bairro de alta vulnerabilidade social, na fronteira entre São Bernardo do Campo e Diadema. São estudadas as dimensões sociais da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, a partir de um olhar estatístico do campo pentecostal brasileiro. É analisada a realidade social local e elaborada a situação periférica específica do bairro estudado. Uma etnografia do culto da Congregação Cristã fornece os dados para análise dos atores no culto, do processo ritual, e da função do culto para a articulação da identidade religiosa. Finalmente é elaborada, a partir de entrevistas em profundidade e detida observação de campo, uma etnografia dos sujeitos membros da Congregação Cristã, homens e mulheres, em situações diferenciadas de vulnerabilidade. Analisa-se quais redes sociais, internas na Congregação Cristã no Brasil e externas, estes membros criam e até onde as doutrinas e práticas da Congregação, transmitidas no rito, dispositivo de reprodução institucional por excelência, conseguem formar a subjetividade dos seus fiéis, entendida como complexo conjunto de percepção, afeto, pensamento, desejo e medo.(AU)


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Nossa Tese postula a existência de uma cibercultura ambientalista, própria do movimento ambiental, que conta com uma dinâmica comunicativa caracterizada por estratégias de discurso e mobilização específicas. O movimento ambiental, aqui representado pela organização de espectro internacional Greenpeace, soube se apropriar das ferramentas digitais, difundir a problemática em um cenário de redes sociais digitais, ciberativismo, interatividade e composição de uma esfera pública em rede, que colocamos em debate. Para entender esse panorama realizamos uma ampla discussão teórica, em permanente diálogo com nosso objeto de estudo, abrangendo a trajetória do ambientalismo e seu lugar enquanto movimento social; as tecnologias da sociabilidade, a Internet e suas mídias como espaço de resistência e controle, assinalando a cibercultura como a própria cultura contemporânea, pautada pelas influências tecnológicas. Realizamos entrevistas com voluntários, seguidores, além de responsáveis pela comunicação do Greenpeace que nos permitiram traçar as motivações da participação e confirmar que o engajamento na causa ambiental foi fortemente impulsionado pelas facilidades do ciberespaço. As estratégias discursivas foram desvendadas com as coordenadas metodológicas da Análise do Discurso, focada na identificação do ethos e das cenas de enunciação, com base em um protocolo de análise que formulamos para compreender a maneira de dizer que leva os sujeitos aderirem maciçamente ao discurso ambiental. Na primeira etapa da análise realizamos diagnóstico de perspectiva quantitativa e caráter exploratório para levantar as campanhas/temáticas principais e avaliar a repercussão dos assuntos nas redes sociais digitais e na mídia convencional. Posteriormente, selecionamos os textos das principais campanhas que passaram pela fase qualitativa, que abarcou os itens lexicais, as técnicas argumentativas e os elementos de destacabilidade, além de aspectos externos ao texto linguístico, como fotos, vídeos, cores e cenas predominantes. O discurso na cibercultura ambiental desvela o ethos do amigo, do parceiro, que oscila entre o drama e a agressividade para chamar atenção à causa. Problemas graves como denúncias ambientais são tratados com um ethos lúdico, até mesmo infantil, usando de linguagem coloquial e de códigos da cultura contemporânea desenhos animados, jogos virtuais, belos animais que cantam e dançam que para os nossos olhos revelam uma cenografia esquizofrênica, mas é justamente o que garante o êxito das campanhas.


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Agriculture is one of the most discussed topics currently in the conceptual field of sustainability. The debates are increasingly recurrent and put in question the model adopted from post-war, so-called green revolution, for its potential of degradation of natural resources. This type of Agriculture put Brazil at the top of the global agribusiness, where stands out in various sectors such as grain, meat, sugar and horticulture. Discussions are focused on aspects related to the use of agrochemicals, monoculture, conversion of native forest in extensive agricultural areas, among other points taken as deleterious to environmental balance. On the other hand, there is a model, called by family farming, which for many researchers, has attributes closer to the understanding of sustainable agriculture. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the agricultural potential lies mainly on horticulture, where stands the agropolo AcuMossoró, as one of the greatest tropical fruit producing regions of Brazil, being melon, the major fruit produced. The cultivation of this vegetable was developed in the region in the late 1980s, from the investment of large agricultural enterprises, whose cultivation techniques were grounded by the green revolution. Currently, the melon cultivation is also developed in agroecosystems whose management is characterized by family participation, including small farmers of rural settlements created by Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). In view of the inclusion of family farming in a field that recently was dominated by large agribusiness companies, some questions arise about the maintenance of attributes that characterise this type of family agriculture management. This research aimed to assess the sustainability of family agroecosystems in São Romão settlement in Mossoró-RN, cultivated with melon. The study was conducted by the Framework for Evaluation of Natural Resources Management Systems Incorporating Sustainability Indicators (MESMIS), in ten agroecosystems of the mentioned settlement. The data were obtained from semi-structured interviews and field observations, so that the answers, considerations and comments made by settlers, were widely used to cycle through the six steps of the MESMIS evaluation. As a result of the work, were determined seven critical points affecting sustainability, being: water resources, soils, reliance on external inputs, biodiversity, quality of life, family income and community organizing, from which was derived twenty-three indicators that sought to reflect the actual state of sustainability of the agroecosystems


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Artisanal fishing is one of the important economic activities of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), becoming the main form of survival and income for many families. The southern coast of RN has strong fishing tradition, both in exploitation of fish as in the collection of mollusks on the banks of Guaraíra Lagoon (APA Bonfim-Guaraíra). In recent years, fishing communities have become more vulnerable to outside influences, since the socio-economic and environmental changes are exposed. These changes require adjustments to the fishermen to different environmental conditions, as the social and natural systems are driven by reorganization and upgrading processes. The living conditions in fishing communities are objective and necessary in different ways, according to a selection that is cultural, so adaptable. This study has the general objective to analyze the main environmental changes in fishing communities, based on the understanding of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen about this problem. The specific objectives searched to: describe the socioeconomic profile, prospects and difficulties of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen; investigate the major social and environmental changes in the fishing communities of Patané and Camocim (Arez/RN). The methodology was qualitative-quantitative with the techniques of observation in the field and open and semistructured interviews applied to representatives of Cologne fishing, fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen. Between the months of January to July 2014 were applied semistructured interviews with 41 interlocutors in Patané and 23 of Camocim; totaling 64 people. The results indicated that the interlocutors are aged 40 to 60 years; have only completed elementary school level; are married and have children; survive on less than a minimum wage income and they are not receiving employment insurance. The case study also revealed that the socioeconomic and environmental problems reflected in changes in reproduction, organization and social division of labor, which generates adaptive changes of families to external influences, resulting directly from other economic activities and market pressure and indirectly from tourism. Therefore, adaptations to changes scenario presented as favorable to economic aspects and unfavorable to the social and environmental aspects. In short, the fishery develops on technical, bureaucratic and financial obstacles, in the everyday needs of men and women is the determining factor in willingness to continue exercising fishing and shell fishing on Guaraíra Lagoon, space representing relations social, practices and customs transmitted in the course of local history through social memory of the oldest to the youngest.


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The development of a human individual was a matter of investigation for many thinkers through the history of philosophy. The meanings that this development has taken were, nevertheless, very diversified, involving moral, political, epistemological, aesthetical and even religious aspects. The main agents in this process of development of human individuality are, on the one hand, each individual, who has to strive to improve himself the most, creating and resorting to the means available to that; on the other hand, the fomentalist State also have to take his part in this process, given that such a State has a direct interest in the development of his own citizens; it has to act in such a way that it can foment new and enhance the old existing means that can be used to accomplish the task of developing the human individuality. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the meaning that such development has acquired for the utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill, from his conception of individuality.


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rates in the Brazilian cities, which time there is an inexistent theoretical reflection about public policy statement adding the way of Urban Solid Waste (USW) and tailing integrated management plans in the majorly Brazilian cities. The unappropriated solid waste disposal and final pollution result in a strong socioenvironmental problems and material extravagancies that should be used to recycling and reusing waste material, besides bringing immense challenges for the thematic Strategy Urban and Environmental Management it considers the Sustainable City Model. Moreover, this labor projects a discussion about USW problematic through legally and environmentally point of view, including the public environmental policy and the social technologies as resolution tactics. At that time, it reports rights, scientific articles, documents and Environmental Law Doctrine on findings thematic studies, also the propose displays an interdisciplinary research methodology which combines bibliographic method - focusing theory aspects of the legally environmentally guiding principle, public policy and social technologies. Those are theorist features very important to create a Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PMGIRS) - modus operandi of the Federal Law n. 12.305/2010 (National Solid Waste Policy - PNRS). That policy is interesting to receive financial resources from federal government (Cities Ministry; idem, Federal Decree n. 7.404/2010 and Federal Law n. 10.257/2001) helping the preservation of the environment, regional development, generation of jobs and income (art. 6º), in addition broadening spreading’s private companies dedicated to waste management. Consequently, the PNRS contains a set of guidelines and general procedures; it should be an operation of this legal policy contextualized by Social Technologies theory (TS) into social issues, legal, economic and environmental aspects. Therefore, this research notes the possibility of public policy statement implementation over and done with the PNRS by the terms of development and sustainability in the urban space.


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O objeto de estudo desta tese é o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acadêmico brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemológica e cognitiva, a partir da produção científica dos Seminários UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de três estados constitutivos: conservação, permanência e transformação. A metodologia de investigação é qualitativa e seus pressupostos são investigad os por meio do método hipotético-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo pesquisado, as hipóteses conduzem: primeiro, à investigação e caracterização de estruturas que se conservam; segundo, à investigação e levantamento de valores e conceitos que permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adaptação às mudanças e paradigmas; e, terceiro, por procurarem destacar práticas pedagógicas que indicam novos caminhos na maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou que, embora em menores proporções, ainda se conservam ações e posturas pedagógicas que: valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concepção arquitetural; não apresentam clareza metodológica na abordagem da problemática arquitetônica; os contextos urbanos são pouco explorados na experimentação; utilizam um sistema de concepção baseado em princípios estéticos canônicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transformação da arquitetura contemporânea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada. Com relação às novas perspectivas encontradas, a análise da produção científica demonstrou que a prática pedagógica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por transformações críticas valiosas. Essa constatação foi percebida, por meio, também, de reflexões e de práticas pedagógicas que valorizam a integração de conteúdos; que possuem um discurso crítico e conciliador com relação à necessidade de renovação de práticas, paradigmas, meios e conteúdos; que estão abertas às posturas cooperativas e às estratégias para a constituição de um corpo teórico-prático para o ensino do projeto que não se limite ao campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a importância das novas tecnologias computacionais na concepção projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estratégias que atualizam as soluções projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o espaço acadêmico como um lugar propício para as experiências projetuais e pedagógicas; que manifestam um esforço em considerar a participação do usuário, assim como em realizar um processo de apreensão de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma postura de valorização do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educação do arquiteto deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos à inclusão da realidade sociocultural e ambiental como referência para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada à racionalidade técnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a mediação, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma estratégia que supera qualquer antecipação programática e viabiliza a transformação e a construção do próprio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo é necessário para a formação do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a prática


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Este artigo estuda como as políticas ambientais devem responder de forma ótima aos ciclos econômicos no Brasil. Para isso utilizamos um modelo de ciclos reais de negócios (RBC) com externalidades de poluição. Os resultados indicam que o custo de mitigação de emissões de carbono é mais baixo que o da poluição no Brasil, justificando a adoção de políticas restritivas. Além disso, diante de choques de produtividade, o comportamento ótimo é uma política de mitigação pró-cíclica, onde o imposto e o teto de emissões devem aumentar em períodos de expansão da economia e diminuir em períodos de crise. Também definimos uma regra de decisão para a dinâmica da política de mitigação.


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Edible mushroom cultivation has been gaining ground in the agricultural environment throughout the country, creating a new product option in the food market. This activity is linked to cultural and artisanal management with environmentally sustainable principles and generates income for small farms. In this context, the present study evaluated the potential for artisanal cultivation of Shiitake as an activity for sustainable agroecosystems. Initially, the historic of implementation and evolution of artisanal cultivation of Shiitake mushroom on properties considered models in Pato Branco, Guarapuava and São José dos Pinhais (Paraná) and Frei Rogerio, (Santa Catarina) were carried out. Consequently, a comparative analysis between the cultivation systems of these properties and the use of small wooded areas and reforested areas was conducted. Aspects of production, income and pluralism of the farms, were also performed. At the end, the nutritional quality parameters of mushrooms produced in different properties were evaluated. The results show economic potential in Shiitake production. The activity also has potential for the sustainable exploitation of native forest and reforested areas, contributing to the optimal use of physical space small properties. In artisanal cultivation of Shiitake there is a systemic interaction verified by the use of wood from the same farm, assisting in the renewal of biomass of the agroecosystem. Finally, it was found that mushrooms produced on different substrates used in the studied properties have high nutritional quality. Shiitake samples exhibited high contents of protein, fiber, minerals and low fat content.


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The competitiveness in the rural sector and the need to make viable and sustainable property, direct the farmer to seek new production strategies. In this sense, the book Techniques of sustainable agricultural management has as objective contributed information on concepts, management practices, technological innovations, which are applicable in the agricultural production. The same is composed of 13 chapters, topics covered in aquaculture production, management and dairy production, as general aspects of hematology fish; dynamics of decision-making and adaptive flow dairy production systems; importance of performance measures and body biometrics in small ruminants; milk production in beef cows; parasitism in beef cattle; performance of dairy cows in production; efficiency of cross beef cattle in finishing phase; development of Marchangus: five years; and, bovine growth efficiency. In vegetable production area are addressed matters relating on management and olive cultivation, species of great economic importance and diversification as alternative on the property; functional foods in fruit and vegetables; influence of environmental factors, harvesting and drying in the production and composition of essential oils of Mentha spp; and, implication of the contamination of corn grain by mycotoxins in livestock production. At the end of the book, the expectation of the authors is to have contributed with relevant themes of Brazilian agriculture, which could reflect positively on knowledge, values and quality of available material.


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The expansion of shrimp farming has caused a series of environmental impacts, often as a result of lack of planning and adequate management. Organic aquaculture has emerged as an alternative to conventional shrimp farming, and differently, aims at the economical, ecological and farming potential of other organisms, such as fishes, oysters and seaweeds. The present study aimed at evaluating the biological diversity and abundance of the ichthyofauna associated to Litopenaeus vannamei organic culture at PRIMAR farm (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The sampling period consisted of four culture cycles (1, 2, 3, and 4) accomplished in four grow-out ponds (V1, V7, V2, and V4) in 2005. The first two culture cycles were carried out during the rainy season, and the last two cycles, during the dry season. Environmental (temperature, salinity, transparency, and rainfall), biodiversity (diversity and uniformity and abundance indexes) of the ichthyofauna, and shrimp productivity data were collected throughout these four culture cycles. The results obtained for the environmental variables showed that both salinity and transparency oscillated in a significant way (p < 0.001) between culture cycles. In relation to the abundance of the ichthyofauna, fifty four species associated to the organic culture of Litopenaeus vannamei were collected and identified at PRIMAR. For the biodiversity criterion, larger species richness (S = 46) and uniformity (E = 0.59 ± 0.16) were observed during cycles 3 and 4 than in cycles 1 and 2 (S = 41 and E = 0.15 ± 0.12). A positive and significant correlation was obtained for the transparency with diversity and uniformity of fish species between cycles 1 and 2 (wet season) and cycles 3 and 4 (dry season) (p < 0.017 - Shannon Index; p < 0.008 - Pielou Index, respectively). A correlation could not be established between shrimp productivity and fish biomass. However, fish biomass decreased from cycles 1 and 2 to cycles 3 and 4, concomitant with an increase in shrimp productivity, most probably due to a higher (from 58.0% to 71.0%) shrimp survival. Regarding the culture potential of the ichthyofauna, three species (Mugil curema, Mugil liza and Chaetodipterus faber) were identified as potential farming alternatives, either singly or in consortium with Litopenaeus vannamei. A fourth species (Centropomus undecimalis) was indicated as an alternative for single culture or in consortium with other fish species. In conclusion, the large diversity of estuarine fishes associated to Litopenaeus vannamei farming observed at PRIMAR clearly indicated the ecological feasibility for organic aquaculture in northeastern Brazil


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The Visceral Leishmaniose (LV) disease is endemic in some places in Brazil. It is caused by the protozoa Leishmania chagasi, being transmitted for vector, the phlebotomies, Lutzomyia longipalpis. In virtue of the expansion of the illness in Rio Grande do Norte, it is necessary to evaluate the determinative ambient factors in the proliferation of the vector for better control of the illness. The variable rainfall and the social variables had been analyzed using space regression with two models and the ambient variable of ZANE and the variables analyzed in 205 houses in the cities of Natal, Extremoz, Nísia Floresta, São Gonçalo do Amarante, São Jose do Mipibu, Parnamirim and Macaíba the Person and ML Chi-square were used . The analyses had shown that high rainfall, plain relief, the forest, the humid tropical climate the activities of production culture of sugar cane and fruit culture and the presence of bovines increase the risk of the LV. The work showed that it has space aggregation and that ambient factors influence in the LV in the State


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The microorganisms play very important roles in maintaining ecosystems, which explains the enormous interest in understanding the relationship between these organisms as well as between them and the environment. It is estimated that the total number of prokaryotic cells on Earth is between 4 and 6 x 1030, constituting an enormous biological and genetic pool to be explored. Although currently only 1% of all this wealth can be cultivated by standard laboratory techniques, metagenomic tools allow access to the genomic potential of environmental samples in a independent culture manner, and in combination with third generation sequencing technologies, the samples coverage become even greater. Soils, in particular, are the major reservoirs of this diversity, and many important environments around us, as the Brazilian biomes Caatinga and Atlantic Forest, are poorly studied. Thus, the genetic material from environmental soil samples of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes were extracted by direct techniques, pyrosequenced, and the sequences generated were analyzed by bioinformatics programs (MEGAN MG-RAST and WEBCarma). Taxonomic comparative profiles of the samples showed that the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria and Planctomycetes were the most representative. In addition, fungi of the phylum Ascomycota were identified predominantly in the soil sample from the Atlantic Forest. Metabolic profiles showed that despite the existence of environmental differences, sequences from both samples were similarly placed in the various functional subsystems, indicating no specific habitat functions. This work, a pioneer in taxonomic and metabolic comparative analysis of soil samples from Brazilian biomes, contributes to the knowledge of these complex environmental systems, so far little explored


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Avaliou-se a influência da disposição de mangueiras gotejadoras nos canteiros e a injeção ou não de cloro na água de irrigação, nas condições sanitárias do solo e da alface americana irrigada (Lactuca sativa L.) com águas receptoras de efluentes urbanos. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas de amostras de água do solo e da alface, no decorrer de todo o ciclo de cultivo. Objetivou-se determinar a possível existência de Salmonella spp. e de formas evolutivas de parasitos humanos e a quantidade de coliformes fecais, em pontos e épocas diferentes do experimento, impedindo assim o consumo da alface. Os resultados não indicaram a presença dos dois primeiros em nenhuma das amostras, mas sim de parasitos não humanos (nematóides) de vida livre no solo. em relação à quantidade de coliformes fecais (NMP ml-1), o valor encontrado na cultura atende às exigências da Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde brasileiro, porém a presença dos nematóides em quantidades superiores ao permitido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) inviabiliza o seu consumo.


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No setor agroindustrial florestal já existe uma mobilização para atender alguns critérios de certificação socioambiental, mas esta não é a realidade vigente na cadeia da madeira para energia. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho se propõe a levantar, de forma preliminar, alguns temas ambientais para análises prospectivas dos setores de produção e processamento de madeira para energia, na região Sudeste do Brasil. Os temas de interesse foram selecionados com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizando bases de dados disponíveis, tanto em termos científicos como estatísticos. Procurou-se atender a grandes questionamentos, levantados atualmente, para a expansão da agroenergia no mundo, que envolvem o possível desmatamento, a competição com alimentos e as mudanças climáticas. Seguindo outros estudos de biomassa para energia foram previamente selecionados quatro grandes temas que abrangem: Uso da terra; Recursos Naturais; Geração e uso de resíduos; Energia. Cabe considerar que a seleção é preliminar e será validada em etapa posterior, que envolverá a consulta a especialistas na cadeia produtiva da madeira para energia. Entretanto, como consideração final fica a idéia de que o agronegócio, de forma geral não poderá mais ser analisado apenas quanto aos aspectos econômicos, sendo a sua competitividade fortemente ligada aos aspectos sociais e ambientais.