996 resultados para Espiritualidade feminina


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Apesar de inúmeros estudos e pesquisas relatarem os benefícios da atividade física na qualidade do sono, pode-se observar que quando tratamos do esporte, principalmente o esporte de alto rendimento, seus praticantes nem sempre apresentam a mesma qualidade. Aspectos como estresse, medo, excesso de cargas de treinamento e, principalmente, a ansiedade podem alterar os padrões do ciclo sono-vigília e diminuir a qualidade do sono, podendo provocar grandes prejuízos na performance durante provas e competições. A presença de torcida, pais ou amigos em competições ou jogos, a participação de peneiras ou o simples fato de ser ou não convocado para o jogo, até a obrigação da vitória, a pressão exercida por técnicos e patrocinadores, entre outras características do esporte de rendimento, são contribuintes da aparição do sentimento ansioso. Alguns autores discutem a possibilidade de que esse sentimento apresenta-se com graus diferenciados entre atletas de modalidades individuais e coletivas. Nos esportes individuais, os atletas não compartilham responsabilidades, expondo-se sozinhos a uma avaliação direta dos expectadores, gerando uma pressão desproporcional à demonstração de excelência na performance. A partir disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a presença de alterações no sono de atletas, considerando a modalidade em que estão inseridos (individual ou coletiva) e suas possíveis diferenças. A pesquisa compreendeu um estudo de campo em adotamos os procedimentos das pesquisas qualitativas. Foi utilizado um questionário avaliando a percepção subjetiva da qualidade do sono de atletas das modalidades: handebol masculino, atletismo masculino, voleibol feminino e ginástica artística feminina. Os resultados encontrados levam à especulação de que existem alterações na qualidade do sono dos atletas principalmente nas noites que antecedem competições ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Voleyball is a sport that has gained an important contingent of public, achieving a growing visibility especially in recent years. Despite being a very democratic sport, as it is practiced by both men and women, it can be observed that there are differences when the analysis refers to who is in charge of the teams. So the purpose of this study was to analyze the presence of women in the country volleyball (coaches) from base categories to the professional adult, through a documental research. Data were collected from electronic documents, official websites and websites of federations teams. The results indicated that the number of women coaching volleyball athletes is minimal, revealing the difference between the professional treatment given to male and female genders. Therefore, it became clear that certain discrepancies are caused not only by lack of professionalism, but also by the cultural characteristics that still consider the place of women as domestic and not in the command of field sports


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Dans l‟“A historia de Lina et Lélio, le troisième récit de Corpo de baile, l‟oeuvre de Guimarães Rosa, Lélio arrive à la ferme Pinhém à la recherche de l'amour, de la paix d'esprit et de l'auto-connaissance, mais il n'a pas la claire conscience de cela. Dans cette trajectoire, on peut voir le poids des femmes: bien que Lélio soit le protagoniste de cette histoire, les personnages féminins présentent des différents profils et sont construites sur des aspects mythiques et archétypiques, qui ont des influences directes sur le destin de ce personnage masculin. On cherche, donc, comprendre comment l‟auteur fait la caractérisation mythique et archétypique des personnages féminins, voir l'influence de celles-ci sur la suite du récit ainsi que dans la construction du protagoniste. De la même façon, on veut vérifier comment les autres catégories du récit – telles que le temps, l'espace, le narrateur et la focalisation – peuvent contribuer à cette caractérisation. Cette recherche est développée à travers des lectures, des notes et des discussions autour du corpus, en s'appuyant sur une base théorique déterminée en trois dimensions : a) des essais critiques à propos de l‟oeuvre de l'auteur, en particulier au sujet en cause, comme celui dans l‟A raiz da alma, de Heloisa Vilhena Araujo, b) des études sur le mythe, comme celles de Ernest Cassirer, dans le Linguagem e mito et Antropologia filosófica, et les propositions de Meletínski dans l‟A poética do mito et dans l‟Os arquétipos literários et, encore, c) des textes théoriques sur les catégories du récit, présentées dans le Dicionário de teoria da narrativa, de Reis et Lopes, et des études sur l'espace, comme celui d'Antonio Dimas, Espaço e romance, et sur le temps, de Benedito Nunes, O tempo na narrativa. On observe que, dans la construction des personnages féminins... (Résumé complet accès électronique ci - dessous)


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Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed in the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. This self defense art, as it is known, is trained around the world as a noncompetitive practice. This work aimed to investigate and circumscribe the history of this martial art presenting features of its singularity. Akido´s Cultural History was used as a theoretical approach to build the historical background. The work was divided in five chapters as respectively named and described: Japan´s historical contextualization - it seeks to show the changing processes that happened in Japan which were arising from the insertion of other cultures, and how that insertion led the country to modernize itself and turn into a great world power. The ancient art: Aiki Jujutsu Daitoryu - talks about this samurai martial art which ensured the Aikido to obtain as the source technique the aiki, and the Xintoist practice. The history of a master: Morihei Ueshiba - presents some defining facts and moments from the master Ueshiba´s history, which points both to the changes occurred in the country, and to the ones that led the master to justify and broadcast the martial art. Aikido: The Budo art - portraits the Aikido´s meaning and the way that it was built to present the Aikido as a Budo art. And to finalize, Martial asceticism - seeks to make the dialogue between the cultures, from the meaning of this chapter title words (martial asceticism), as well as to point facts from the contemporaneity which provoke reflections upon the present practice


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The final paper “Woman and power: perceptions of women leaders in organizations” is a study based on the perception of the female rise to leaderships positions. Through the history and social relations, this study aims to understand how this process happens in fact. This topic has been part of studies over the last 200 years and still is far away from being over. In order to enrich this paper, a historical investigation was conducted focusing on woman occupying public and private spaces. To improve this experience, Michel Foucault and his power theories were used to understand how this process happens. Complementing this study, Margarida Kunsch, the PR theoretician, investigated the power relations trough the organization environment, based on the influence caused by Organization Communication. To complement this study, 9 women in leadership positions shared their experience in leadership positions and the main characteristic of women in this position. Throughout the study, it was noticed that the social-historical interventions affect not only the professional life, but also, the personal life. Concluding this study, it was noticed that there is no recipe to be a woman in a leadership position, but, each interviewed constructed their own way, living the deconstructions process of the social accepted gender


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A prática do boxe olímpico cresce a cada ano, porém esse aumento poderia ser mais significativo se o esporte não trouxesse consigo tantos preconceitos, estigmas e dificuldade para inserção na sociedade. As mulheres que optam pela prática do boxe olímpico freqüentemente são associadas ao que a sociedade considera como ‗masculino‘. Esse trabalho possui o objetivo de pesquisar quais são as questões relativas às relações de gênero existentes em praticantes femininos de boxe. Para tanto, procura investigar quais são as dificuldades, os preconceitos, os estigmas e as vantagens da prática do esporte, buscando relacioná-los com o projeto de extensão Boxe Olímpico, ministrado na UNESP – Rio Claro, no qual a orientanda é monitora. Para tal feito, a metodologia utilizada será uma pesquisa bibliográfica, ou seja, desenvolvimento de um levantamento, análise e discussão da bibliografia sobre o tema, bem como a pesquisa participante nas aulas ministradas no projeto de extensão. Ainda é evidente o preconceito em relação a praticantes femininos do boxe. Novos projetos e perspectivas acerca da prática do boxe olímpico são um começo de uma nova visão, dessa vez, contextualizada socialmente, culturalmente e historicamente. Além de proporcionarmos vivências reais e experienciais aos alunos, podemos também contemplar a descoberta de praticantes interessados no esporte de rendimento, mostrando que todas as possibilidades (iniciação e rendimento esportivo) são encontradas no esporte. Concluímos, portanto, que a reflexão, a discussão e o aprendizado sobre o boxe olímpico é uma possibilidade para a superação de preconceitos e dificuldades diante da prática feminina no esporte. Abrir novas portas e dar espaço para projetos que proporcionem, além da vivência, uma elucidação correta sobre o esporte é dar oportunidade para o esporte se desenvolver com maior facilidade.


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The aim of this article is to broaden our understanding of education and the concept of womanhood in the Brazilian society of the 19th century. On the basis of the analysis of a number of novels typical of the period it is concluded that novels had or intended to have a pedagogical function among the educated elite in the education of women. In this way, literature constituted an expression of a dominant and socially determined conception of womanhood and a pedagogical instrument that imposed social values.


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This article is devoted to a brief analysis of representations of women in As meninas, by Lygia Fagundes Telles, focusing on the three main characters of the novel and also on some secondary characters. The novel is set within a context that was characterized by a double crisis: the political crisis arising from authoritarianism and violence of the military dictatorship, and the crisis of the patriarchy system, due to the gradual political and social emancipation of women. Our paper aims to understand, in a succinct way, the critical dialogue established in the novel between the representations of women and that context of the dual crisis that constitute the novelistic material of As meninas


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In this paper, we discuss the intellectual trajectory of Nadia Battella Gotlib – teacher, researcher and critic of Brazilian Literature whose work stands out for its approach to women’s artistic production and also the relationship between literature and biography.


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Harryette Mullen is a contemporary African-American poet whose work has been increasingly analyzed and commented upon in American literary circles. Along her poetic career, one can identify the development of a complex relationship with the construction of the (black) female identity. Early in her career such construction involved the affirmation of a safer, if not “truthful” locus that could encompass the meaning of the female existence, which has ultimately come to develop a deconstruction, in her current poetry, of any centrality or essentiality in the search for a an authentic female identity. Translations of her poems will be presented in order to investigate their implication for understanding the fragmented body of the contemporary woman.


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This paper addresses issues regarding my translation of selected poems by Harryette Mullen, a rising African-American contemporary poet, whose dense poetry works on the black oral tradition, the experimentalism of writing, the (African-American) pop music, in addition to delving into issues such as the representation of (black) female sexuality. One of the complex aspects of her poetry is the notion of miscegenation, conceived as an aesthetic argument and as a constitutive condition of the identity of multiracial Americans. This concept establishes a textuality that questions the accessible intelligibility generally expected from black American poetry, insofar as a mosaic of dissonant voices are brought to light in her text, which makes it difficult to categorize. In Brazil, especially among politically engaged Afro-Brazilians, there has been criticism towards the praise of miscegenation, since the latter has been considered to support of the myth of racial democracy. Building on these aspects, we investigate the extent to which it is a challenge to translate her poetry – based on miscegenation and hybridity as aesthetic constructs – especially when taking into account the discursive locus of readers identified with an Afro-Brazilian aesthetic, particularly critical of miscegenation. From the point of view of translation, we evaluate the extent to which her poetry could be read by the predominant cultural discourse in Brazil, inclined to favor miscegenation as an integral concept of national identity, as a seductively experimental poetry. In view of this, one wonders whether this perspective makes hers poetry “less black” for Afro-Brazilian literary standards.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS