997 resultados para Escala de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths
The prevalence of people who are overweight or obese is continuing to rise. This is a key risk indicator of preventable morbidity and mortality resulting from many diseases. The increase in the number of obese people is associated with dietary practices and a reduction in physical activity. There is a need to implement strategies for the reduction of obesity in at-risk groups. People with a mental illness are at high risk of many physical illnesses related to behavioural factors, which include poor diet and lack of exercise. Health promotion programmes need to be incorporated into mental-health services to improve the general health and wellbeing of people with a mental illness. An Australian psychiatric rehabilitation service developed and implemented a health promotion programme, NEW Solutions, which aimed to address issues related to weight gain, dietary practice and physical inactivity.
People with a mental illness can have deficits in a range of areas, including food skills. Mothers who have a mental illness and have residential care of their children are particularly vulnerable to experiencing food insecurity. The food skills programme known as Food Cent$ is a new way of spending money on food using the 10-plan, so that people can learn to balance their diet and their food budget. Occupational therapists in a mental health rehabilitation service incorporated the use of Food Cent$ into a parenting programme for mothers with a mental illness. A pilot study was conducted to identify whether the Food Cent$ programme influenced behaviours and attitudes towards food and food selection and preparation and reduced grocery expenditure. The participants were six mothers with a mental illness who had children under 5 years of age in their care. A focus group was conducted to gain insight into the experiences of mothers who had attended the programme. Supermarket receipts were collected before and after the project to determine changes in dietary practices. The results indicated that attending Food Cent$ contributed to an improvement in dietary intake, food selection and preparation, and grocery expenditure. Further research is required into the effectiveness of this programme with other target groups likely to experience food insecurity.
The aim of the research project was to identify the efficacy of the family psychoeducation program as a strategy for reducing the hospital admissions of young people. It also aimed to determine if the family psychoeducation program had an impact on the experience of caregiving and knowledge and satisfaction of services provided by the mental health service. A retrospective chart audit compared readmission history of 27 clients whose families attended a psychoeducation program with readmission history of a matched group of young people whose families did not attend the program. A telephone survey was conducted for both groups of families to investigate knowledge and understanding of services and burden of care. The results indicated that family participation in a brief multiple family psychoeducation program did not reduce the number or duration of admissions of the young people. There was no impact on the level of care for families who attended the psychoeducation program, however, this group showed some evidence of increased knowledge and understanding of services as compared to the control group.
Children of parents with mental illness have an increased risk of psychological problems. The aim of this study was to identify the demographic characteristics of dependent children of adults presenting at mental health clinics in Western Australia. A survey of clients who attended the clinics indicated that half reported having had children. Of these, 21% had a primary diagnosis of schizophrenia. Although schizophrenia was the most common illness, there were almost seven times more children living with a parent with a primary diagnosis of depression than schizophrenia. Recommendations include that children of clients with mental illness be included as part of a wider client focus.
Are humans alone in their ability to reminisce about the past and imagine the future? Recent evidence suggests that food-storing birds (scrub jays) have access to information about what they have stored where and when. This has raised the possibility of mental time travel (MTT) in animals and sparked similar research with other species. Here we caution that such data do not provide convincing evidence for MTT. Examination of characteristics of human MTT (e.g. non-verbal declaration, generativity, developmental prerequisites) points to other avenues as to how a case for animal MTT could be made. In light of the current lack of evidence, however, we maintain that MTT is a uniquely human characteristic.
A new questionnaire, the Maternal Mental State Input Inventory (MMSII) was created to measure mothers' preferences for introducing and elaborating on mental states in conversation with their young children. In two studies, the questionnaire was given to mothers of young children, and the children's theory of mind (ToM) development was assessed with standard tasks. In both studies, the questionnaire exhibited good internal reliability, and significant correlations emerged between mothers' self-reported preferences for elaborated, explanatory talk about the mental states and children's theory of mind performance. Further, mothers' conversational preferences, as measured by the MMSII, were the best predictors of children's theory of mind development when relevant control variables were included in the analyses. These results converge with naturalistic observational research that has demonstrated links between mothers' conversational styles and their children's theory of mind. They go further in suggesting that mothers' tendencies toward elaborated, explanatory talk about a range of mental states is particularly beneficial to children's theory of mind development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A Diretoria de Gest??o do Jardim Bot??nico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ), motivada em contribuir para ado????o de um novo paradigma de consumo na administra????o p??blica, implementou a compra compartilhada sustent??vel de 48 itens de material de expediente com 10 ??rg??os da administra????o p??blica federal. Essa foi considerada pelo Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o (MP) como a primeira compra compartilhada sustent??vel do governo federal. O projeto, por ser compartilhado, permitiu efetivamente o ganho de escala, gerando uma economia de aproximadamente 50% do valor estimado. Os ??rg??os participantes e a equipe JBRJ empenharam-se com bastante motiva????o na implementa????o do projeto. O cadastramento dos produtos no ComprasNet permitiu a codifica????o dos primeiros produtos sustent??veis de material de expediente. Adotou-se, portanto, uma medida inovadora, que vai colaborar para a redu????o do impacto ambiental decorrente do consumo no ??mbito dos ??rg??os p??blicos, ao encontro da perspectiva do desenvolvimento sustent??vel
O ??ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa????o B??sica (Ideb) ?? um indicador que combina informa????es de fluxo e de desempenho dos alunos, criado para promover um sistema de accountability visando a melhoria da qualidade da educa????o no pa??s. Ao elaborar metas detalhadas para cada rede e escola ??? com as quais governadores e prefeitos se comprometeram por meio do Compromisso Todos Pela Educa????o ??? ao calcular e divulgar amplamente os resultados do Ideb, o Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais An??sio Teixeira (Inep) possibilitou que os atores educacionais pudessem ser responsabilizados pelos resultados de sua unidade e que o Minist??rio da Educa????o (MEC) identificasse e premiasse as escolas que atingem as metas, mas tamb??m oferecesse assist??ncia t??cnica e financeira para as redes com piores resultados. Entre os principais resultados j?? alcan??ados, pode-se destacar que o Ideb do pa??s para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental cresceu de 3,8, em 2005, para 4,2, em 2007
Em dezembro de 2001, o Proeta foi criado pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecu??ria (Embrapa) com apoio financeiro do Fundo Multilateral de Investimentos do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (Fumin/BID), por meio de um acordo de coopera????o t??cnica n??o-reembols??vel. O programa tem o objetivo de contribuir para a transfer??ncia de tecnologias e conhecimentos gerados pela Embrapa para empreendimentos de base tecnol??gica, mediante a utiliza????o do processo de incuba????o de empresas. Para concretizar a iniciativa, foram estabelecidas experi??ncias-piloto em cinco unidades de pesquisa da Embrapa, estrategicamente situadas nas regi??es Nordeste, Centro-Oeste e Sudeste. Entre os resultados e avan??os obtidos merecem destaque 21 tecnologias disponibilizadas, 14 conv??nios firmados com incubadoras, 16 propostas de neg??cios apresentadas, 14 empresas pr??-selecionadas e incubadas, e uma empresa graduada. A consolida????o das alian??as e parcerias no processo de incuba????o resultou em um sistema de inova????o que auxilia o desenvolvimento sustent??vel da cadeia produtiva do agroneg??cio, gerando benef??cios para a sociedade em geral
O estudo de caso trata da implementa????o do Bolsa Fam??lia, um programa de transfer??ncia de renda para fam??lias pobres, condicionada ao atendimento de exig??ncias espec??ficas por parte dos benefici??rios (comumente conhecida como ???transfer??ncia condicionada de renda???). Ap??s a descri????o dos antecedentes, apontando experi??ncias em n??vel local que inspiraram a pol??tica nacional, o autor apresenta as fases de implementa????o do programa, identificando dificuldades, cr??ticas recebidas e solu????es encontradas pelo governo federal. Em seguida, documenta impactos na redu????o da pobreza e da desigualdade social, e analisa a expans??o do espa??o p??blico originada da experi??ncia do Bolsa Fam??lia. O caso ilustra situa????o que suscita reflex??o e an??lise dos alunos com rela????o ao desenho e desenvolvimento de programa complexo de pol??tica social, podendo se desdobrar em novas pesquisas sobre o Bolsa Fam??lia, seus fatores cr??ticos e de sucesso