989 resultados para Eric Weil
Accelerated Microstructure Imaging via Convex Optimisation for regions with multiple fibres (AMICOx)
This paper reviews and extends our previous work to enable fast axonal diameter mapping from diffusion MRI data in the presence of multiple fibre populations within a voxel. Most of the existing mi-crostructure imaging techniques use non-linear algorithms to fit their data models and consequently, they are computationally expensive and usually slow. Moreover, most of them assume a single axon orientation while numerous regions of the brain actually present more complex configurations, e.g. fiber crossing. We present a flexible framework, based on convex optimisation, that enables fast and accurate reconstructions of the microstructure organisation, not limited to areas where the white matter is coherently oriented. We show through numerical simulations the ability of our method to correctly estimate the microstructure features (mean axon diameter and intra-cellular volume fraction) in crossing regions.
En este trabajo se estudia la relación entre el humor y el mundo de la localización de videojuegos mediante el análisis de las diferentes técnicas de traducción utilizadas en la traducción oficial de dos fragmentos de los videojuegos Portal (2007) y Portal 2(2011) respectivamente. De este modo, por una parte, el trabajo profundiza en el mundo de la localización de videojuegos centrándose en diferentes aspectos relacionados como la interfaz, los componentes que forman un videojuego y los tipos, modelos y procesos de localización existentes y, por la otra, se centra en cómo traducir referencias humorísticas en este ámbito de la traducción especializada. Para poner en práctica todo lo analizado, se realiza una traducción de los fragmentos de Portal y de Portal 2 seleccionados con tal de comparar las soluciones que hemos ofrecido con las que aparecen en los productos oficiales.
Generally, toxic-metabolic diseases affecting the central nervous system can hardly be differentiated just on the basis of their clinical presentation. However, some typical neuroradiological features can guide the correct diagnosis. In this context, magnetic resonance imaging is an important tool which, in association with clinical and laboratory data, can establish an early and specific treatment. The present pictorial essay with selected cases from the archives of the authors' institution describes imaging findings which might help in the etiologic diagnosis of toxic-metabolic diseases.
The electrochemistry field has increased in recent years, specially in the search for new sensors to monitor specific analyte in complex samples. In order to improve electrodes, many rhodium compounds have been used as electron mediators for novel sensors development. The most used compounds for this purpose are metal, metal complexes and some organic dyes. Rhodium complexes are known by their good catalytic properties and it could be useful in the sensor field. However, there are only a few reports, on the use of rhodium complexes in sensors and biosensors. A brief review of the electrochemistry of rhodium complexes and some discription of their properties which make those compounds suitable for development of sensor and biosensor.
En els últims 30 anys, la comunitat internacional ha anat agafant consciència dels efectes que pot tenir l’ increment de les emissions de gasos d’ efecte hivernacle (GEH). És per aquest motiu, entre d’ altres que es fan inventaris d’ emissions de GEH a nivell estatal i a gran escala. Aquest projecte té com a principal objectiu determinar i quantificar les emissions de GEH a escala local del municipi de Girona. Per tal de poder dur a terme aquest treball ha calgut buscar metodologies i softwares, que s’ han hagut d’ adaptar a la singularitat que té Girona, sobretot pel que fa al transport. Finalment es fan propostes que s’ adapten a la problemàtica del municipi