989 resultados para Dynamic Equations


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The solution of a bivariate population balance equation (PBE) for aggregation of particles necessitates a large 2-d domain to be covered. A correspondingly large number of discretized equations for particle populations on pivots (representative sizes for bins) are solved, although at the end only a relatively small number of pivots are found to participate in the evolution process. In the present work, we initiate solution of the governing PBE on a small set of pivots that can represent the initial size distribution. New pivots are added to expand the computational domain in directions in which the evolving size distribution advances. A self-sufficient set of rules is developed to automate the addition of pivots, taken from an underlying X-grid formed by intersection of the lines of constant composition and constant particle mass. In order to test the robustness of the rule-set, simulations carried out with pivotwise expansion of X-grid are compared with those obtained using sufficiently large fixed X-grids for a number of composition independent and composition dependent aggregation kernels and initial conditions. The two techniques lead to identical predictions, with the former requiring only a fraction of the computational effort. The rule-set automatically reduces aggregation of particles of same composition to a 1-d problem. A midway change in the direction of expansion of domain, effected by the addition of particles of different mean composition, is captured correctly by the rule-set. The evolving shape of a computational domain carries with it the signature of the aggregation process, which can be insightful in complex and time dependent aggregation conditions. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In recent times the demand of ultra-low carbon steel (ULCS) with improved mechanical properties such as good ductility and good workability has been increased as it is used to produce cold-rolled steel sheets for automobiles. For producing ULCS efficiently, it is necessary to improve the productivity of the vacuum degassers such as RH, DH and tank degasser. Recently, it has been claimed that using a new process, called REDA (revolutionary degassing activator), one can achieve the carbon content below 10 ppm in less time. As such, REDA process has not been studied thoroughly in terms of fluid flow and mass transfer which is a necessary precursor to understand and design this process. Therefore, momentum and mass transfer of the process has been studied by solving momentum and species balance equations along with k-epsilon turbulent model in two-dimension (2D) for REDA process. Similarly, computational fluid dynamic studies have been made in 2D for tank and RH degassers to compare them with REDA process. Computational results have been validated with published experimental and theoretical data. It is found that REDA process is the most efficient among all these processes in terms of mixing efficiency. Fluid flow phenomena have been studied in details for REDA process by varying gas flow rate, depth of immersed snorkel in the steel, diameter of the snorkel and change in vacuum pressure. It is found that design of snorkel affects the melt circulation in the bath significantly.


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Helicopter trim involves solution of nonlinear force equilibrium equations. As in many nonlinear dynamic systems, helicopter trim problem can show chaotic behavior. This chaotic behavior is found in the basin of attraction of the nonlinear trim equations which have to be solved to determine the main rotor control inputs given by the pilot. This study focuses on the boundary of the basin of attraction obtained for a set of control inputs. We analyze the boundary by considering it at different magnification levels. The magnified views reveal intricate geometries. It is also found that the basin boundary exhibits the characteristic of statistical self-similarity, which is an essential property of fractal geometries. These results led the authors to investigate the fractal dimension of the basin boundary. It is found that this dimension is indeed greater than the topological dimension. From all the observations, it is evident that the boundary of the basin of attraction for helicopter trim problem is fractal in nature. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present a heterogeneous finite element method for the solution of a high-dimensional population balance equation, which depends both the physical and the internal property coordinates. The proposed scheme tackles the two main difficulties in the finite element solution of population balance equation: (i) spatial discretization with the standard finite elements, when the dimension of the equation is more than three, (ii) spurious oscillations in the solution induced by standard Galerkin approximation due to pure advection in the internal property coordinates. The key idea is to split the high-dimensional population balance equation into two low-dimensional equations, and discretize the low-dimensional equations separately. In the proposed splitting scheme, the shape of the physical domain can be arbitrary, and different discretizations can be applied to the low-dimensional equations. In particular, we discretize the physical and internal spaces with the standard Galerkin and Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG) finite elements, respectively. The stability and error estimates of the Galerkin/SUPG finite element discretization of the population balance equation are derived. It is shown that a slightly more regularity, i.e. the mixed partial derivatives of the solution has to be bounded, is necessary for the optimal order of convergence. Numerical results are presented to support the analysis.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of computing numerical solutions for stochastic differential equations (SDEs) of Ito form. A fully explicit method, the split-step forward Milstein (SSFM) method, is constructed for solving SDEs. It is proved that the SSFM method is convergent with strong order gamma = 1 in the mean-square sense. The analysis of stability shows that the mean-square stability properties of the method proposed in this paper are an improvement on the mean-square stability properties of the Milstein method and three stage Milstein methods.


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A dragonfly inspired flapping wing is investigated in this paper. The flapping wing is actuated from the root by a PZT-5H and PZN-7%PT single crystal unimorph in the piezofan configuration. The nonlinear governing equations of motion of the smart flapping wing are obtained using the Hamilton's principle. These equations are then discretized using the Galerkin method and solved using the method of multiple scales. Dynamic characteristics of smart flapping wings having the same size as the actual wings of three different dragonfly species Aeshna Multicolor, Anax Parthenope Julius and Sympetrum Frequens are analyzed using numerical simulations. An unsteady aerodynamic model is used to obtain the aerodynamic forces. Finally, a comparative study of performances of three piezoelectrically actuated flapping wings is performed. The numerical results in this paper show that use of PZN-7%PT single crystal piezoceramic can lead to considerable amount of wing weight reduction and increase of lift and thrust force compared to PZT-5H material. It is also shown that dragonfly inspired smart flapping wings actuated by single crystal piezoceramic are a viable contender for insect scale flapping wing micro air vehicles.


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This article does not have an abstract.


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Traditional image reconstruction methods in rapid dynamic diffuse optical tomography employ l(2)-norm-based regularization, which is known to remove the high-frequency components in the reconstructed images and make them appear smooth. The contrast recovery in these type of methods is typically dependent on the iterative nature of method employed, where the nonlinear iterative technique is known to perform better in comparison to linear techniques (noniterative) with a caveat that nonlinear techniques are computationally complex. Assuming that there is a linear dependency of solution between successive frames resulted in a linear inverse problem. This new framework with the combination of l(1)-norm based regularization can provide better robustness to noise and provide better contrast recovery compared to conventional l(2)-based techniques. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed l(1)-based technique is computationally efficient compared to its counterpart (l(2)-based one). The proposed framework requires a reasonably close estimate of the actual solution for the initial frame, and any suboptimal estimate leads to erroneous reconstruction results for the subsequent frames.


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Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) offers a huge potential for designing trade-offs involving energy, power, temperature and performance of computing systems. In this paper, we evaluate three different DVFS schemes - our enhancement of a Petri net performance model based DVFS method for sequential programs to stream programs, a simple profile based Linear Scaling method, and an existing hardware based DVFS method for multithreaded applications - using multithreaded stream applications, in a full system Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) simulator. From our evaluation, we find that the software based methods achieve significant Energy/Throughput2(ET−2) improvements. The hardware based scheme degrades performance heavily and suffers ET−2 loss. Our results indicate that the simple profile based scheme achieves the benefits of the complex Petri net based scheme for stream programs, and present a strong case for the need for independent voltage/frequency control for different cores of CMPs, which is lacking in most of the state-of-the-art CMPs. This is in contrast to the conclusions of a recent evaluation of per-core DVFS schemes for multithreaded applications for CMPs.


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The assignment of tasks to multiple resources becomes an interesting game theoretic problem, when both the task owner and the resources are strategic. In the classical, nonstrategic setting, where the states of the tasks and resources are observable by the controller, this problem is that of finding an optimal policy for a Markov decision process (MDP). When the states are held by strategic agents, the problem of an efficient task allocation extends beyond that of solving an MDP and becomes that of designing a mechanism. Motivated by this fact, we propose a general mechanism which decides on an allocation rule for the tasks and resources and a payment rule to incentivize agents' participation and truthful reports. In contrast to related dynamic strategic control problems studied in recent literature, the problem studied here has interdependent values: the benefit of an allocation to the task owner is not simply a function of the characteristics of the task itself and the allocation, but also of the state of the resources. We introduce a dynamic extension of Mezzetti's two phase mechanism for interdependent valuations. In this changed setting, the proposed dynamic mechanism is efficient, within period ex-post incentive compatible, and within period ex-post individually rational.


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We address the classical problem of delta feature computation, and interpret the operation involved in terms of Savitzky- Golay (SG) filtering. Features such as themel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), obtained based on short-time spectra of the speech signal, are commonly used in speech recognition tasks. In order to incorporate the dynamics of speech, auxiliary delta and delta-delta features, which are computed as temporal derivatives of the original features, are used. Typically, the delta features are computed in a smooth fashion using local least-squares (LS) polynomial fitting on each feature vector component trajectory. In the light of the original work of Savitzky and Golay, and a recent article by Schafer in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, we interpret the dynamic feature vector computation for arbitrary derivative orders as SG filtering with a fixed impulse response. This filtering equivalence brings in significantly lower latency with no loss in accuracy, as validated by results on a TIMIT phoneme recognition task. The SG filters involved in dynamic parameter computation can be viewed as modulation filters, proposed by Hermansky.


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Effects of dynamic contact angle models on the flow dynamics of an impinging droplet in sharp interface simulations are presented in this article. In the considered finite element scheme, the free surface is tracked using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach. The contact angle is incorporated into the model by replacing the curvature with the Laplace-Beltrami operator and integration by parts. Further, the Navier-slip with friction boundary condition is used to avoid stress singularities at the contact line. Our study demonstrates that the contact angle models have almost no influence on the flow dynamics of the non-wetting droplets. In computations of the wetting and partially wetting droplets, different contact angle models induce different flow dynamics, especially during recoiling. It is shown that a large value for the slip number has to be used in computations of the wetting and partially wetting droplets in order to reduce the effects of the contact angle models. Among all models, the equilibrium model is simple and easy to implement. Further, the equilibrium model also incorporates the contact angle hysteresis. Thus, the equilibrium contact angle model is preferred in sharp interface numerical schemes.


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with the development of large scale wireless networks, there has been short comings and limitations in traditional network topology management systems. In this paper, an adaptive algorithm is proposed to maintain topology of hybrid wireless superstore network by considering the transactions and individual network load. The adaptations include to choose the best network connection for the response, and to perform network Connection switching when network situation changes. At the same time, in terms of the design for topology management systems, aiming at intelligence, real-time, the study makes a step-by-step argument and research on the overall topology management scheme. Architecture for the adaptive topology management of hybrid wireless networking resources is available to user’s mobile device. Simulation results describes that the new scheme has outperformed the original topology management and it is simpler than the original rate borrowing scheme.


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Cellular networks played key role in enabling high level of bandwidth for users by employing traditional methods such as guaranteed QoS based on application category at radio access stratum level for various classes of QoSs. Also, the newer multimode phones (e.g., phones that support LTE (Long Term Evolution standard), UMTS, GSM, WIFI all at once) are capable to use multiple access methods simulta- neously and can perform seamless handover among various supported technologies to remain connected. With various types of applications (including interactive ones) running on these devices, which in turn have different QoS requirements, this work discusses as how QoS (measured in terms of user level response time, delay, jitter and transmission rate) can be achieved for interactive applications using dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes over cellular networks. In this work, we propose a dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for interactive multimedia applications with/without background load in the cellular networks. The system has been simulated for many application types running in parallel and it has been observed that if interactive applications are to be provided with decent response time, a periodic overhauling of policy at admission control has to be done by taking into account history, criticality of applications. The results demonstrate that interactive appli- cations can be provided with good service if policy database at admission control is reviewed dynamically.


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The paper focuses on reliability based design of bridge abutments when subjected to earthquake loading. Planar failure surface has been used in conjunction with pseudo-dynamic approach to compute the seismic active earth pressures on the bridge abutment. The proposed pseudo dynamic method, considers the effects of strain localization in the backfill soil and associated post-peak reduction in the shear resistance from peak to residual values along a previously formed failure plane, phase difference in shear waves and soil amplification along with the horizontal seismic accelerations. Four modes of stability viz. sliding, overturning, eccentricity and bearing capacity of the foundation soil are considered for the reliability analysis. The influence of various design parameters on the seismic reliability indices against four modes of failure is presented, following the suggestions of Japan Road Association, Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications and U.S Department of the Army.