983 resultados para Dublin, Ireland


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Este artigo aborda a necessidade de adoção de padrões de descrição de recursos de informação eletrônica, particularmente, no âmbito da Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. O Rural Mídia foi desenvolvido utilizando o modelo Dublin Core (DC) para descrição de seu acervo, acrescido de pequenas adaptações introduzidas diante da necessidade de adequar-se a especificidades meramente institucionais. Este modelo de metadados baseado no Dublin Core, adaptado para o Banco de Imagem, possui características que endossam a sua adoção, como a simplicidade na descrição dos recursos, entendimento semântico universal (dos elementos), escopo internacional e extensibilidade (o que permite sua adaptação às necessidades adicionais de descrição).


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New geochronological data which clarify the timing of syn-orogenic magmatism and regional metamorphism in the Connemara Dalradian are presented. U-Pb zircon data on four intermediate to acid foliated magmatic rocks show important inherited components but the most concordant fractions demonstrate that major magmatism continued until 465 Ma whereas the earliest, basic magmatism has been dated previously at 490 Ma; a fine-grained, fabric-cutting granite contains discordant zircons which also appear to be 465 Ma old. Are magmatism in Connemara therefore spanned a period of at least 25 Ma. Recent U-Pb data on titanite from central Connemara which gave a peak metamorphic age of 478 Ma are supplemented by U-Pb data on titanite and monazite from metamorphic veins in the east of Connemara which indicate that low-P, high-T regional metamorphism ism continued there to 465 Ma, i.e. at least 10 Ma later than in the central region dated previously. New Rb-Sr data on muscovites from coarse-grained segregations in different structural settings range from 475 to 435 Ma; in part this range probably also reflects differences in age from west to east, with three ages close to 455 Ma from the eastern area, which is also the site of the lowest pressure metamorphism. Thermal modelling indicates that at any one locality the duration of metamorphism was probably as little as 1-2 Ma. The new dates emphasize the complexity in the spatial and temporal distribution of high-level regional metamorphism caused by magmatic activity. The relatively simple overall distribution of mineral-appearance isograds revealed by regional mapping masks the complexity of a prolonged but punctuated metamorphic history related to multiple intrusions, primarily in the southern part of Connemara. The later stages of magmatic activity followed progressive uplift and erosion after the onset of magmatism, and were localized in the eastern part of the region.


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Pablo de Castro, Director de GrandIR, describió la visión que el Grupo euroCRIS tiene de la infraestructura integrada de gestión de la información científica, compuesta por un sistema CRIS institucional, un repositorio de publicaciones y un repositorio de datos y software, y presentó el modelo de infraestructura integrada del Trinity College Dublin (TCD) como estudio de caso internacional. El sistema CRIS del TCD (TCD Research Support System o RSS), desde su primera versión en 2002, está basado en el estándar CERIF, un modelo de descripción de la actividad científica que está adquiriendo una progresiva relevancia como base de los sistemas CRIS en Europa, particularmente en el Reino Unido. Se citaron en la presentación los ensayos para incorporar CERIF al modelo de datos del software ePrints de repositorios, habilitándolo así para soportar parte de las tareas de recolección de información que realiza un CRIS, y la progresiva cobertura de CERIF a ámbitos tales como la gestión de datos de investigación.


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This report has been written as part of the project “Toward improved quality – developing nurse’s continuing vocational training in hospitals and inpatient units”. Its overall goal is to ensure high quality, ethically appropriate and therapeutically effective interventions to enable nurses to manage distressed and disturbed patients in European psychiatric hospitals and inpatient units. In this large-scale, multinational projects there are all together six European countries involved: Finland, Ireland, England, Portugal, Italy and Lithuania. The project work plan were during autumn 2006 and spring 2007. The content of this publication was produced in the first stage of the project aiming to collect the preliminary source material for the project. The literature review was carried out in the project stage, providing the groundwork for the next steps for the project. This project aims to develop an interactive multinational portal with training material. Therefore, it is important to share an understanding of basic information, psychiatric nurse’s continuing vocational education, laws and ethical codes and patient restriction used in mental health care. In this publication, the purpose of the material produced here is to understand nurses’ educational need related to vocational continuing education and to be used in further project stages as an empirical data collection. The data were collected as a preliminary source material for latter phases where nurse’s perceptions of the current practice, nurse’s attitudes to mental illness, prevalence of use of seclusion room and existing and desired vocational training provision will be collected in six different European countries. The following organisations are involved in this project: University of Turku, Dublin City University, St. Vincent Hospital, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Padova, Klaipeda College - Health Faculty, Klaipeda Psychiatric Hospital, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Omnia Vocational Institution the Espoo Region, Kellokoski psychiatric hospital, Hyvinkää hospital area, Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Kingston University & St. George’s Medical School and South West London & St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. A wide variety of different countries, organisations and individuals in this project give us a strong confidence that theoretical, practical, ethical and political issues around the topic of interest will be taken account during this project lifetime. We are aware the content of this book will be partially outdated almost as soon as it has been published. We still hope that this publication will encourage nurses and different professions working in mental health care field to have a basic understanding of similarities and differences between different European countries related in mental health care. We also hope that this publication will inspirate and motivate nurses in maintaining and developing the quality of psychiatric care in Europe.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate serum protein concentrations in calves experimentally inoculated with Salmonella Dublin. Twelve healthy 10 to 15-day-old Holstein calves were randomly allotted into two groups, control and infected with 10(8) CFU of Salmonella Dublin orally. The calves were subjected to physical evaluation and blood samples were collected shortly before administration of the bacteria and also 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 168 hours post-infection. The concentration of serum proteins was determined through sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Thirty serum proteins ranging from molecular weight of 24,000 Da to molecular weight of 236,000 Da were detected. Serum concentrations of ceruloplasmin (125,000 Da), haptoglobin (45,000 Da), acid glycoprotein (40,000 Da) and a 34,000 Da protein were significantly increased in the experimentally infected calves, when compared with their concentrations in the control animals. Therefore, this study showed that S. Dublin infection could lead to the increase of certain serum proteins in calves.


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Um surto de salmonelose em bezerros causado pela Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sorovar Dublin é relatado em uma fazenda no município de Timon, Maranhão. De um total de 62 bezerros, 22 (35,5%) adoeceram e destes nove (40,9%) morreram. Os sinais clínicos incluíram febre, depressão, anorexia e, em alguns casos, sinais respiratórios, neurológicos, entéricos ou artrites, com curso clínico hiperagudo ou subagudo. As principais lesões macroscópicas foram hepatomegalia com áreas pálidas multifocais a coalescentes, esplenomegalia e líquido nas cavidades torácica e abdominal. Histologicamente foram observados granulomas paratifoides no fígado, rim e baço, além de trombos e agregados bacterianos em vasos sanguíneos de diversos órgãos. O surto foi controlado com a adoção de antibioticoterapia adequada aliada a correção de algumas medidas sanitárias na propriedade.