967 resultados para Doping (additives)


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CaSiO3 nano-ceramic powder doped with Pr3+ has been prepared by solution combustion method. The powder Ca0.5Pr0.05SiO3 is investigated for its dielectric and electrical properties at room temperature to study the effect of doping. The sample is characterized by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The size of either of volume elements of CaSiO3:Pr3+ estimated from transmission electron microscopy is about 180-200 nm. The sample shows colossal dielectric response at room temperature. This colossal dielectric behaviour follows Debye-type relaxation and can be explained by Maxwell-Wagner (MW) polarization. However, analysis of impedance and electric modulus data using Cole-Cole plot shows that it deviates from ideal Debye behaviour resulting from the distribution of relaxation times. The distribution in the relaxation times may be attributed to existence of electrically heterogeneous grains, insulating grain boundary, and electrode contact regions. Doping, thus, results in substantial modifications in the dielectric and electrical properties of the nano-ceramic CaSiO3. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A combined mechanism involving phononic and electronic processes is suggested for superconductivity in substitutionally doped graphene. The electronic mechanism is similar to the one used for doped fullerene system, MxC60 (M K, Rb, etc.) and triggered by bond polarization due to doped impurities such as B or Al. It is found that on increasing the doping, the superconducting critical temperature can be raised to room temperature. The details of the combined model are given along with the predicted values of T-c. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,


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The effect of Sr doping in CeO2 for its use as solid electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) has been explored here. Ce1-xSrxO2-delta (x = 0.05-0.2) are successfully synthesized by citrate-complexation method. XRD, Raman, FT-IR, FE-SEM/EDX and electrochemical impedance spectra are used for structural and electrical characterizations. The formation of well crystalline cubic fluorite structured solid solution is observed for x = 0.05 based on XRD and Raman spectra. For compositions i.e., x > 0.05, however, a secondary phase of SrCeO3 is confirmed by the peak at 342 cm(-1) in Raman spectra. Although the oxygen ion conductivity was found to decrease with increase in x, based on ac-impedance studies, conductivity of Ce0.95Sr0.05O2-delta was found to be higher than of Ce0.95Gd0.1O2-delta and Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-delta. The decrease in conductivity of Ce1-xSrxO2-delta with increasing dopant concentration is ascribed to formation of impurity phase SrCeO3 as well as the formation of neutral associated pairs, Se `' Ce V-o. The activation energies are found to be 0.77, 0.83, 0.85 and 0.90 eV for x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.20, respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Micro-Raman studies are conducted on as-quenched and annealed Ge15Te80 -_xIn5Agx glasses to probe the structural network and its evolution with composition. These studies reveal the presence of tetrahedral GeTe4 structural units in as-quenched samples. Specific signatures of the intermediate phase (IP) are observed in the composition dependence of Raman frequencies and corresponding intensities of different modes in the composition range, 8 <= x <= 16. In addition, the Raman peak positions are found to shift with silver doping. Apart from the Raman results, the compositional dependence of density, molar volume and thermal diffusivity, observed in the present study, confirms the presence of the intermediate phase. In thermally annealed samples, a unique variation of Raman wave-numbers in the intermediate region is observed due to the retention of some of the local structure even after the sample is crystallized. The observed Raman peaks are attributed to crystalline tellurium and silver lattice vibrational modes. Based on our present and earlier studies, we propose the occurrence of three thresholds in Ge15Te80 - xIn5Agx glasses, namely percolation of rigidity, percolation of stress and the onset of chemical phase separation on a nanoscale at 8%, 16% and 20% of silver concentration respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The origin of a high Neel temperature in a 5d oxide, NaOsO3, has been analyzed within the mean-field limit of a multiband Hubbard model and compared with the analogous 4d oxide, SrTcO3. Our analysis shows that there are a lot of similarities in both of these oxides on the dependence of the effective exchange interaction strength (J(0)) on the electron-electron interaction strength ( U). However, the relevant value of U in each system puts them in different portions of the parameter space. Although the Neel temperature for NaOsO3 is less than that for SrTcO3, our results suggest that there could be examples among other 5d oxides that have a higher Neel temperature. We have also examined the stability of the G-type antiferromagnetic state found in NaOsO3 as a function of electron doping within GGA + U calculations and find a robust G-type antiferromagnetic metallic state stabilized. The most surprising aspect of the doped results is the rigid bandlike evolution of the electronic structure, which indicates that the magnetism in NaOsO3 is not driven by Fermi surface nesting.


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The complex multiscale physics of nano-particle laden functional droplets in a reacting environment is of fundamental and applied significance for a wide variety of applications ranging from thermal sprays to pharmaceutics to modern day combustors using new brands of bio-fuels. Formation of homogenous nucleated bubbles at the superheat limit inside vaporizing droplets (with or without nanoparticles) represents an unstable system. Here we show that self-induced boiling in burning functional pendant droplets can produce severe volumetric shape oscillations. Internal pressure build-up due to ebullition activity ejects bubbles from the droplet domain causing undulations on the droplet surface and oscillations in bulk. Through experiments, we establish that the degree of droplet deformation depends on the frequency and intensity of these bubble expulsion events. In a distinct regime of single isolated bubble residing in the droplet, however, pre-ejection transient time is identified by Darrieus-Landau evaporative instability, where bubble-droplet system behaves as a synchronized driver-driven system with bulk bubble-shape oscillations being imposed on the droplet. The agglomeration of nanophase additives modulates the flow structures within the droplet and also influences the bubble inception and growth leading to different levels of instabilities. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This work explores the preparation of nanocrystalline Cr3+ (1-5 mol%) doped CaSiO3 phosphors by solution combustion process and study of its photoluminescence (PL) behavior. The nanopowders are well characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy. PXRD results confirm monoclinic phase upon calcination at 950 degrees C for 3 h. SEM micrographs indicates that the powder is highly porous and agglomerated. The TEM images show the powder to consist of spherical shaped particles of size similar to 30-60 nm. Upon 323 nm excitation, the emission profile of CaSiO3:Cr3+ exhibits a narrow red emission peak at 641 nm due to E-2 -> (4)A(2) transition and broad band at 722 nm due to T-4(2g) -> (4)A(2g). It is observed that PL intensity increases with increase in Cr3+ concentration and highest PL intensity is observed for 3 mol% doped sample. The PL intensity decreases with further increase in Cr3+ doping. This decrease in PL intensity beyond 3 mol% is ascribed to concentration quenching. Racah parameters are calculated to describe the effects of electron-electron repulsion within the crystal lattice. The parameters show 21% reduction in the Racah parameter of free ion and the complex, indicating the moderate nephelauxetic effect in the lattice. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of ferrite samples with the compositional formula, Ni0.5Co0.5-xZnxFe2O4 (0 <= x <= 0.5), was prepared using the citrate based sol gel method for the better understanding of zinc doping on the structural and magnetic properties. The Rietveld-refined X-ray diffraction data revealed that the samples are having cubic structure with the Fd-3m space group. The lattice parameter increased linearly with increasing Zn content. The surface morphology and stoichiometric ratio of the compositional elements were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). EDS showed that the elemental ratios were stoichiometric. An examination of the magnetic properties revealed an increase in saturation magnetization with increasing Zn concentration up to x=0.3 and a decrease thereafter. These results could be explained using Neel's collinear two-sub-lattice model and three-sub-lattice non-collinear model suggested by Yafet and Kittel. The magnetic cubic anisotropy constant determined by the law of approach to saturation decreased with increasing Zn content. The underlying mechanism behind observed behavior was discussed qualitatively. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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We report experimental evidence of a remarkable spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in two-dimensional electron systems formed by atomically confined doping of phosphorus (P) atoms inside bulk crystalline silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge). Weak localization corrections to the conductivity and the universal conductance fluctuations were both found to decrease rapidly with decreasing doping in the Si: P and Ge: P delta layers, suggesting an effect driven by Coulomb interactions. In-plane magnetotransport measurements indicate the presence of intrinsic local spin fluctuations at low doping, providing a microscopic mechanism for spontaneous lifting of the time-reversal symmetry. Our experiments suggest the emergence of a new many-body quantum state when two-dimensional electrons are confined to narrow half-filled impurity bands.


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Here, we present the results of temperature dependent dielectric studies on chemical solution processed Zr-doped BiFeO3 (BFO) thin films deposited on Pt/Si substrates. We find that in contrast to the undoped BFO films, Zr doping at Fe-site suppresses the low frequency dielectric relaxation originating from the grain boundaries, attributed to the increased dipolar rigidity due to stronger Zr-O bonds. Temperature dependent dc conductivity obtained from impedance and modulus analyses shows two distinct conduction processes occurring inside the grains. At temperature below similar to 423K, conductivity is nearly temperature independent, while in the high temperature regime (above similar to 423K), conduction is governed by the long range movement of oxygen vacancies with an activation energy of similar to 1eV. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The authors prepared (1 - x) BiFeO3 - (x)Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 for x <= 0.30 by sol-gel method and investigated the material's structures, magnetic and electrical properties. Detailed Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction data revealed that the system retains distorted rhombohedral R3c structure for x <= 0.10 but transforms to monoclinic (Cc) structure for x > 0.10. Disappearance of some Raman modes corresponding to A1 modes and the decrease in the intensities of the remaining A1 modes with increasing x in the Raman spectra, which is a clear indication of structural modification and symmetry changes brought about by PZT doping. Enhanced magnetization with PZT doping content may be attributed to the gradual change and destruction in the spin cycloid structure of BiFeO3. The leakage current density at 3.5 kV/cm was reduced by approximately three orders of magnitude by doping PZT (x = 0.30), compared with BFO ceramics. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In the context of the role of multiple physical factors in dictating stem cell fate, the present paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the intermittently delivered external electric field stimulation towards switching the stem cell fate to specific lineage, when cultured in the absence of biochemical growth factors. In particular, our findings present the ability of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) to respond to the electric stimuli by adopting extended neural-like morphology on conducting polymeric substrates. Polyaniline (PANI) is selected as the model system to demonstrate this effect, as the electrical conductivity of the polymeric substrates can be systematically tailored over a broad range (10(-9) to 10 S/cm) from highly insulating to conducting by doping with varying concentrations (10(-5) to 1 M) of HCl. On the basis of the culture protocol involving the systematic delivery of intermittent electric field (dc) stimulation, the parametric window of substrate conductivity and electric field strength was established to promote significant morphological extensions, with minimal cellular damage. A time dependent morphological change in hMSCs with significant filopodial elongation was observed after 7 days of electrically stimulated culture. Concomitant with morphological changes, a commensurate increase in the expression of neural lineage commitment markers such as nestin and PI tubulin was recorded from hMSCs grown on highly conducting substrates, as revealed from the mRNA expression analysis using Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) as well as by immune-fluorescence imaging. Therefore, the present work establishes the key role of intermittent and systematic delivery of electric stimuli as guidance cues in promoting neural-like differentiation of hMSCs, when grown on electroconductive substrates. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the single crystal growth of antimony doped Fe1+yTe and Fe1+yTe0.5Se0.5 (Fe1+ySbxTe1-x (x=0, 2%, 5%) and Fe1+yTe0.49Se0.49Sb0.02) by a modified horizontal Bridgman method. Growth parameters are optimized to obtain high quality single crystals. The antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at T-N = 62.2 K which is a first order transition, shifts to lower temperature on doping in Fe1+yTe. Alternately when the chalcogen site of the ternary compound Fe1+yTe0.5Se0.5 is doped with Sb, superconductivity is preserved albeit the superconducting transition temperature (T-C) falls slightly and a concomitant reduction occurs in superconducting volume fraction. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,


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Graphene with large surface area and robust structure has been proposed as a high storage capacity anode material for Li ion batteries. While the inertness of pristine graphene leads to better Li kinetics, poor adsorption leads to Li clustering, significantly affecting the performance of the battery. Here, we show the role of defects and doping in achieving enhanced adsorption without compromising on the high diffusivity of Li. Using first principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we carry out a comprehensive study of diffusion kinetics of Li over the plane of the defective structures and calculate the change in the number of Li atoms in the vicinity of defects, with respect to pristine graphene. Our results show that the Li-C interaction, storage capacity and the energy barriers depend sensitively on the type of defects. The un-doped and boron doped mono-vacancy, doped di-vacancy up to two boron, one nitrogen doped di-vacancy, and Stone-Wales defects show low energy barriers that are comparable to pristine graphene. Furthermore, boron doping at mono-vacancy enhances the adsorption of Li. In particular, the two boron doped mono-vacancy graphene shows both a low energy barrier of 0.31 eV and better adsorption, and hence can be considered as a potential candidate for anode material.


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Cu2Ge1-xInxSe3 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) compounds were prepared by a solid state synthesis. The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the undoped sample revealed an orthorhombic phase. The increase in doping content led to the appearance of additional peaks related to cubic and tetragonal phases along with the orthorhombic phase. This may be due to the substitutional disorder created by Indium doping. Scanning Electron Microscopy micrographs showed a continuous large grain growth with low porosity, which confirms the compaction of the samples after hot pressing. Elemental composition was measured by Electron Probe Micro Analyzer and confirmed that all the samples are in the stoichiometric ratio. The electrical resistivity (rho) systematically decreased with an increase in doping content, but increased with the temperature indicating a heavily doped semiconductor behavior. A positive Seebeck coefficient (S) of all samples in the entire temperature range reveal holes as predominant charge carriers. Positive Hall coefficient data for the compounds Cu2InxGe1-xSe3 (x = 0, 0.1) at room temperature (RT) confirm the sign of Seebeck coefficient. The trend of rho as a function of doping content for the samples Cu2InxGe1-xSe3 with x = 0 and 0.1 agrees with the measured charge carrier density calculated from Hall data. The total thermal conductivity increased with rising doping content, attributed to an increase in carrier thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity revealed 1/T dependence, which indicates the dominance of Umklapp phonon scattering at elevated temperatures. The maximum thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) = 0.23 at 723 K was obtained for Cu2In0.1Ge0.9Se3. (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.