953 resultados para Document expansion
Point placement strategies aim at mapping data points represented in higher dimensions to bi-dimensional spaces and are frequently used to visualize relationships amongst data instances. They have been valuable tools for analysis and exploration of data sets of various kinds. Many conventional techniques, however, do not behave well when the number of dimensions is high, such as in the case of documents collections. Later approaches handle that shortcoming, but may cause too much clutter to allow flexible exploration to take place. In this work we present a novel hierarchical point placement technique that is capable of dealing with these problems. While good grouping and separation of data with high similarity is maintained without increasing computation cost, its hierarchical structure lends itself both to exploration in various levels of detail and to handling data in subsets, improving analysis capability and also allowing manipulation of larger data sets.
The problem of projecting multidimensional data into lower dimensions has been pursued by many researchers due to its potential application to data analyses of various kinds. This paper presents a novel multidimensional projection technique based on least square approximations. The approximations compute the coordinates of a set of projected points based on the coordinates of a reduced number of control points with defined geometry. We name the technique Least Square Projections ( LSP). From an initial projection of the control points, LSP defines the positioning of their neighboring points through a numerical solution that aims at preserving a similarity relationship between the points given by a metric in mD. In order to perform the projection, a small number of distance calculations are necessary, and no repositioning of the points is required to obtain a final solution with satisfactory precision. The results show the capability of the technique to form groups of points by degree of similarity in 2D. We illustrate that capability through its application to mapping collections of textual documents from varied sources, a strategic yet difficult application. LSP is faster and more accurate than other existing high-quality methods, particularly where it was mostly tested, that is, for mapping text sets.
A versatile and metal-free approach for the synthesis of molecules bearing seven- and eight-membered rings is described. The strategy is based on the ring expansion of 1-vinylcycloalkanols (or the corresponding silyl or methyl ether) mediated by the hypervalent iodine reagent HTIB (Phl(OH)OTs). The reaction condition can be easily adjusted to give seven-membered rings bearing different functional groups. A route to medium-ring lactones was also developed.
Vårt examensarbete i informatik är utfört på ett producerande företag som expanderat och därför sett behov av att förändra sin organisation. Ägarna upplever att personalplanering och tillverkningsplanering är alltför tidskrävande och de hinner inte med viktiga arbetsuppgifter som marknadsföring och företagsutveckling.Examensarbetet har innefattat teoristudier, en analys av företagets verksamhet samt utformning av förändringsförslag för att förbättra företagets organisation. Våra litteraturstudier har bestått av inläsning av teorier om problem som kan uppstå i expanderande företag samt datainsamling genom intervjuer av företagets ägare och några av de anställda. Detta har legat till grund för den verksamhetsanalys vi genomfört med hjälp av delar ur metoden FA/SIM. Denna analys ligger till grund för de förändringsförslag som har arbetats fram.I analysen har problem som rör följande fyra aktiviteter identifierats. - Arbetsledning - Planering - Tillverkning - VaruleveransDe åtgärdsförslag vi anser viktigast att genomföra för att effektivisera och underlätta arbetssituationen för ägare och anställda är att börja registrera ordrar dagligen och införa rutiner för att registrera produktion och lagerhållning. Ytterligare åtgärder är att anställa kvalificerad personal på kontoret samt utbilda fler i personalen i att köra lackeringen.Vi kan konstatera att företagets övergripande problem till stor del orsakas av att organisationen inte anpassats till företagets expansion. Det är vanligt att insikt om detta kommer först när problemen börjar kännas oöverstigliga.
Being able to ask questions about the provenance of some data requires documentation on each influence on that data's existence and content. Much software exists, and is being developed, for which there is no provenance-awareness, i.e. at best, the data it outputs can be connected to its inputs, but with no record of intermediate processing. Further, where some record of processing does exist, e.g. as logs, it is not in a form easily connected with that of other processes. We would like to enable compiled software to record useful documentation without requiring prior manual adaptation. In this paper, we present an approach to adapting source code from its original form without manual manipulation, to record information on data provenance during execution.
The drivers for entry and expansion modes of multinational enterprises (MNEs) have been studied by several authors over the last decades but empirical results have been historically mixed. More recently, Hennart (2009) argued that the reason for the inconsistent results to date resided in the fact that prior theories assumed that local markets could be freely accessed based on a unilateral decision by the MNEs, and then proposes an alternative framework in which the entry and expansion modes of MNEs in foreign countries are a solution based on the relative efficiency of both markets. In this study, the proposed framework is tested against the prior theories based on investments made by U.S.-based MNEs in Brazil from 2005 to 2010. The results suggest that the local market characteristics, more specifically the concentration ratio at the firm and asset levels, are indeed important to influence the entry and expansion mode of U.S.-based MNEs in Brazil, reinforcing the argument against MNEs-centric theories. However, differently from Hennart’s proposition, we were not able to confirm the hypotheses that the MNEs skills are relevant to influence the final solution. We have also tested whether the difference in growth rate between the two countries could be a driver for MNEs to favor acquisition over greenfield given the opportunity cost of postponing the investments. The test result, based on our sample, was not able to confirm this hypothesis.
In recent years, emerging countries have assumed an increasingly prominent position in the world economy, as growth has picked up in these countries and slowed in developed economies. Two related phenomena, among others, can be associated with this growth: emerging countries were less affected by the 2008-2009 global economic recession; and they increased their participation in foreign direct investment, both inflows and outflows. This doctoral dissertation contributes to research on firms from emerging countries through four independent papers. The first group of two papers examines firm strategy in recessionary moments and uses Brazil, one of the largest emerging countries, as setting for the investigation. Data were collected through a survey on Brazilian firms referring to the 2008-2009 global recession, and 17 hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling based on partial least squares. Paper 1 offered an integrative model linking RBV to literatures on entrepreneurship, improvisation, and flexibility to indicate the characteristics and capabilities that allow a firm to have superior performance in recessions. We found that firms that pre-recession have a propensity to recognize opportunities and improvisation capabilities for fast and creative actions have superior performance in recessions. We also found that entrepreneurial orientation and flexibility have indirect effects. Paper 2 built on business cycle literature to study which strategies - pro-cyclical or counter-cyclical – enable superior performance in recessions. We found that while most firms pro-cyclically reduce costs and investments during recessions, a counter-cyclical strategy of investing in opportunities created by changes in the environment enables superior performance. Most successful are firms with a propensity to recognize opportunities, entrepreneurial orientation to invest, and flexibility to efficiently implement these investments. The second group of two papers investigated international expansion of multinational enterprises, particularly the use of distance for their location decisions. Paper 3 proposed a conceptual framework to examine circumstances under which distance is less important for international location decisions, taking the new perspective of economic institutional distance as theoretical foundation. The framework indicated that the general preference for low-distance countries is lower: (1) when the company is state owned, rather than private owned; (2) when its internationalization motives are asset, resource, or efficiency seeking, as opposed to market seeking; and (3) when internationalization occurred after globalization and the advent of new technologies. Paper 4 compared five concurrent perspectives of distance and indicated their suitability to the study of various issues based on industry, ownership, and type, motive, and timing of internationalization. The paper also proposed that distance represents the disadvantages of host countries for international location decisions; as such, it should be used in conjunction with factors that represent host country attractiveness, or advantages as international locations. In conjunction, papers 3 and 4 provided additional, alternative explanations for the mixed empirical results of current research on distance. Moreover, the studies shed light into the discussion of differences between multinational enterprises from emerging countries versus those from advanced countries.
A partir de 2008, o Brasil empreendeu um conjunto de ações na área de defesa nacional sem precedentes desde a redemocratização do país. A publicação da Estratégia Nacional de Defesa foi um marco nesse processo. O documento viabilizou reformas no Ministério da Defesa e a expansão de projetos estratégicos para reaparelhar as Forças Armadas. Pela primeira vez, os investimentos chegaram a superar os gastos com custeio no orçamento destinado à defesa. Além disso, os militares ampliaram os serviços sociais na Amazônia e participaram mais ativamente de ações de segurança pública nas metrópoles brasileiras. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar como essa nova conjuntura impactou nas atividades parlamentares relacionadas à defesa nacional e aos assuntos militares. Para isso, foi feito um levantamento de todas as proposições de deputados federais e de senadores relacionadas ao tema desde 1999, ano de criação do Ministério da Defesa. Os resultados demonstram que a defesa nacional continua tendo um papel secundário no Congresso Nacional. Apesar da instalação de frentes parlamentares, subcomissões e o uso de outros instrumentos inéditos que conferiram visibilidade ao tema nas casas legislativas, a quantidade de iniciativas diminuiu nos últimos anos. Em contrapartida, instituições de controle, fiscalização e investigação, como o Ministério Público e o TCU, têm sido mais atuantes. No mais, observamos que os deputados mais ativos vêm de estados com maior quantidade de militares em proporção ao número de habitantes. Isso sugere uma conexão eleitoral na atuação nas questões de defesa.
As globalization increases integration, a new playing field is emerging which is driving the need for operational efficiencies and alignment of complementary capabilities among countries to build sustainable models and integrated offerings. As demands increase, companies are turning to effective project management as means to control operations and countries are increasing the amount of mega projects to boost their competitiveness and global footprint. Given the scale, complexity, political nature, multicultural makeup, and high level of visibility; mega projects rely on successful stakeholder management to effectively manage its operational, tactical, and strategic levels to execute their mission. This paper examines the success drivers of mega projects and presents an in depth stakeholder assessment of the Panama Canal Expansion mega project to identify the perceived value to its stakeholder community. The stakeholder categories include: the Panama Canal Authority, subcontractors executing the expansion project, customers of the canal in Panama and U.S., as well as the communities surrounding the Panama Canal and ports in the U.S. East Coast. The conclusion of this paper captures the relationship between the effective stakeholder engagement from the Panama Canal Authority, the perceived value of the Panamanian stakeholders, and compares it to U.S. based mega projects being executed simultaneously to allow the U.S. East Coast ports to accommodate increased cargo volumes.
A organização social e o acesso à cultura: o caso das bibliotecas parque do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Esta dissertação procura analisar qual a contribuição das Organizações Sociais para o acesso a direitos culturais, a partir da experiência das Bibliotecas Parque do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em especial a de Manguinhos e a da Rocinha. Ciente de que as formas de cooperação para a efetivação de direitos culturais são múltiplas e que precisam ser pensadas a partir da inter-relação de vários atores e aspectos, todas invariavelmente necessitam desaguar em molduras de gestão viabilizadoras do acesso à cultura. A pesquisa adota o método do estudo de caso, valendo-se de pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Apresenta o cenário de construção dos direitos culturais, em larga expansão no Brasil, e destaca que, para materializá-los, torna-se necessário estudar, avaliar e adotar modelos organizacionais alternativos aos tradicionais que caracterizam a administração pública direta e indireta. Aborda o campo da gestão e dos direitos culturais no contexto das três principais reformas do aparelho do Estado Republicano, ocorridas nas décadas de 30, 60 e 90, com ênfase na última, que incorpora a teoria da Nova Gestão Pública, base desta dissertação. Focaliza a Organização Social como modelo opcional à gestão de instituições ou programas culturais, a partir da realidade existente, das motivações, das vantagens e das perspectivas e aduz uma narrativa acerca do processo de concepção da legislação do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Verifica como surgiram esses equipamentos culturais e como se deu a formação da rede de Bibliotecas Parque. Descreve o processo de implantação das Organizações Sociais de Cultura no estado e apresenta o gestor das bibliotecas e sua relação com a secretaria de Cultura. Conclui que há necessidade de aperfeiçoamento de mecanismos de gestão, a fim de que o modelo possa, de fato, oferecer contribuição para o acesso a direitos culturais.
Documento componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
Documento componente do jogo “Digestower (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/digestower.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
This thesis pursuits to contextualize the theoretical debate between the implementation of public education policy of the Federal Government focused in a distance learning and legal foundations for its enforcement, in order to raise questions and comments on the topic in question. Its importance is back to provide scientific input and can offer to the academy, particularly in the UFRN, and elements of society to question and rethink the complex relationship between the socio-economic and geographic access to higher education. It consists of a descriptive study on the institutionalization of distance education in UFRN as a mechanism for expanding access to higher education, for both, the research seeks to understand if the distance undergraduate courses offered by the UAB system and implemented at UFRN, promote expanding access to higher education, as it is during implementation that the rules, routines and social processes are converted from intentions to action. The discussion of this study lasted between two opposing views of Implementation models: Top-down and Bottom-up. It is worth noting that the documents PNE, PDE and programs and UAB MEETING reflect positively in improving the educational level of the population of the country It is a qualitative study, using the means Bibliographic, Document and Field Study, where they were performed 04 (four) in 2010 interviews with the management framework SEDIS / UAB in UFRN. The data were analyzed and addressed through techniques: Document Analysis and Content Analysis. The results show that the process of implementation of distance education at UFRN is in progress. According to our results, the research objective is achieved, but there was a need to rethink the conditions of the infrastructure of poles, the structure of the academic calendar, the management of the SEDIS UFRN, regarding the expansion of existing vacancies and the supply of new courses by the need for a redesign as the Secretariat's ability to hold the offerings of undergraduate courses offered by the Federal Government to be implemented in the institution. It was also found that levels of evasion still presents a challenge to the teaching model. Given the context, we concluded that the greatest contribution of UAB and consequently UFRN by distance learning for undergraduate courses (Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography and Biological Sciences, beyond the bachelor's degrees in Business and Public Administration ) is related to increasing the number of vacancies and accessibility of a population that was previously deprived of access to university