998 resultados para Dispositivo de memoria
O principal objetivo dessa Dissertação é o de investigar e mostrar a literatura infanto-juvenil e o que ela produz, juntamente com outras instâncias, principalmente a mídia, como parte de uma rede de inteligibildade sobre o ser gordo, que opera como um dispositivo da magreza nas sociedades ocidentais contemporâneas. A pesquisa tem como suporte teórico autores da vertente pósestruturalista dos Estudos Culturais, especialmente dos estudos foucaultianos em suas conexões com a educação. A expressão recorrente na pesquisa, ser gordo, é utilizada devido ao entendimento de que o que está em jogo não é apenas o corpo gordo, e sim, toda uma formação discursiva que, para além de referir-se apenas ao corpo gordo, também abarca um modo de vermos e pensarmos a “alma” desses sujeitos. O corpus da pesquisa foi composto pelo: a) conjunto de materiais coletados da mídia impressa e televisiva sobre a temática (reportagens, peças publicitárias, série televisiva, etc.); b) 18 obras de literatura infanto-juvenil que tematizam o ser gordo; c) manifestações do grupo de crianças que leu os livros e se expressou através de falas, textos e desenhos. A pesquisa pretende mostrar o dispositivo da magreza em ação na rede de inteligibilidade composta pelos discursos que circulam na mídia impressa e televisiva, nas regularidades encontradas nas tramas dos livros infanto-juvenis, como também nas falas coletadas no trabalho de campo. As análises procuram mostram essa operacionalização do dispositivo da magreza através do isolamento dos sujeitos considerados gordos como um problema, da produção de uma determinada identidade fixada para esses sujeitos, da produção de formas de controle sobre eles, como também da produção de saberes da biomedicina e do campo da estética.
Resumo não disponível
VALENTIM, R. A. M.; NOGUEIRA, I. A.;ROCHA NETO, A. F. Utilizando a porta paralela para controle remoto de um dispositivo. Revista da FARN, Natal, v. 2, p. 103-114, 2002.
La recherche prend comme point de départ la dimension formative du mémoire de formation, considerée comme constitutive de l´écriture de soi, et cherche à problématiser cette dimension au tour du questionnement suivant: Comment le mémoire de formation devient-il un instrument de recherche-action-formation? Les analyses s´appuient sur les principes théoriques du paradigme anthropoformateur, proposé par Pineau (2005), les études réalisées par Passeggi (2006ª, 2006b, 2007, 2008ª, 2008b) sur les mémoires, les travaux de recherche de Nóvoa (1988, 1995), de Josso (2004), de Souza (2006) et de Fontana (2000), qui conçoivent la formação du point de vue de l´ apprenant. L´univers de la recherche s´est circonscrit à la situation de formation des éducateurs de la zone rurale, étudiants en Pédagogie dans le PROFORMAÇÃO (CAMEAM), à l´Univeristé de l´Etat du Rio Grande du Nord (UERN), pendant le second semestre de 2005. La recherche a croisé diférents types de démarche pour recueillir les données empiriques: l´observation du processus d´élaboration des mémoires; un questionnaire; des entretiens informels avec les enseignants en formation et avec les formateurs; et 09 mémoires, écrits par les participants de la recherche. Les analyses des données empiriques montrent que l´écriture des mémoires, en tant que démarche de recherche-action-formation, révelent que la dimension formative se dédouble en d´autres dimensions: etnosociologique, heuristique, herméneutique, social et afective, autopoiétique et politique. Dans la quête de soi (recherche), mise en oeuvre dans et par l´écriture (action), chaque narrateur construit de nouveaux sens à la vie et (re)signifient les représentations de soi (formation). Les résultats confirment la richesse et les potentialités du mémoire, même dans des conditions non ideal, ce qui permet d´affirmer as valeur travail académique important dans la formation des enseignants
The focus of this thesis is a production of video biographies with/by sheltered teenagers. The general objective is discuss the potential production of video biographies while a device of research-action-formation. From de point of view of research, the study interrogates cultural practices that demarcates the passage of teenagers in shelter institutional; From the point of view of action, seeks to identify the modes of appropriation of space for audiovisual creation by teenagers; and, from the point of view of formation, asks the potentiality of audiovisual language while the way from which teenagers can auto-configure themselves responsibly, in the reinvention of places and others worlds for them. The research falls in the intersection of qualitative approach of ethnographic and of research-action-formation. Is anchored theoretically in autobiographical approaches - Pineau (2005); Passeggi (2008); Delory-Momberger (2008); Josso (2010) e Bertaux (2010) - and in the filmic method - Ramos (2003); Wohlgemuth (2005) and Comoli (2009). Participated in the research eleven teenagers members of the production cycle of biographical traces, among these, the three teenagers who advanced to cycles of audiovisual recording life narratives and reflective exercises around produced reports, procedures of which we extract the set of empirical material analyzed The analysis revealed that teens use in under three types of practices: the practices of mess , as way of expression; the practices of evasion , as resistance to restraint the right to come and go, and the practices of claim a regime of "truth" to the institutional environment, which emerge as a survival tactic in the face of paths desvínculos, family abandonment and neglect. The study also showed the appropriation of spaces of audio-visual creation meaningful expression through music by teenagers and encourage dialogue between and with the teenagers and the achievement of reflective exercises focused for awareness of their stories in becoming. These findings show a broader sense the thesis that visual language is a potent mobilizer artifact reflections and empowerment of individuals in situations of social exclusion
This study aims to propose a computing device mechanism which is capable to permit a tactile communication between individuals with visual impairment (blindness or low vision) through the Internet or through a local area network (LAN - Local Network Address). The work was developed under the research projects that currently are realized in the LAI (Laboratory of Integrated Accessibility) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. This way, the research was done in order to involve a prototype capable to recognize geometries by students considered blind from the Institute of Education and Rehabilitation of Blind of Rio Grande do Norte (IERC-RN), located in Alecrim neighborhood, Natal/RN. Besides this research, another prototype was developed to test the communication via a local network and Internet. To analyze the data, a qualitative and quantitative approach was used through simple statistical techniques, such as percentages and averages, to support subjective interpretations. The results offer an analysis of the extent to which the implementation can contribute to the socialization and learning of the visually impaired. Finally, some recommendations are suggested for the development of future researches in order to facilitate the proposed mechanism.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present paper proposes an analysis about the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform as a public policy and deriving from a research developed with the workers of a Psychosocial Attention Centre III (CAPS III) and the managers of the Psychosocial Attention Web (REAP) in Aracaju. This analysis is developed as an investigation of the discharge at those services, understood not as a procedure, but as a dispositive from which different elements can be articulated: users, knowledge, technical procedures, police measures, juridical decisions, laws, services edifying. This, form the background of the articulation between mental alienation and the subject of right alienation, in the ways through which this articulation develops to the relations between madness,citizenship, internment and substitutive practices. Our investigation about the discharge as a dispositive was built with some narrative constructions, as a discourse analysis inspired by Michel Foucault s method, from the perspective of some of the main dispositive operators: workers and managers. The main aspect observed were: the articulations built by the discharge as a dispositive based on two discursive grate, the Reform as a new treatment substituting internship, and the Reform as juridical insertion and users rights practice; the exercise of these discursive grades based on the workers and managers perspective; the transference of limitations and contradictions of these grades to the competence of the dispositive operators, emerged in an outstanding way, as sometimes those operators are liable for the emergent limitations and difficulties, and some other times they are restrained by their institutional role, which is to maintain the domination relations articulated by the dispositive; finally, some aspects extracted which the dispositive operators - when they were expected to act in a way to maintain certain power relations - were capable to resist, managing other power relations from the dispositive, that we call, as Agamben, dispositive profanity