975 resultados para Directional Lanes.


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Este trabalho faz uma análise da legislação sobre o parcelamento do solo nas diferentes instâncias de Governo. São analisadas as diversidades e contradições das leis municipais de parcelamento do solo de onze prefeituras estrategicamente distribuídas no Estado. A análise foca em particular o tratamento da hierarquia viária; as dimensões dos gabaritos viários; as rampas empregadas; o comprimento máximo dos quarteirões nos loteamentos residenciais em função da testada mínima dos lotes e a concordância vertical nas interseções. São analisados também os requisitos técnicos de projeto geométrico de vias urbanas estabelecidas por Órgãos federais e estaduais. A revisão bibliográfica aborda questões fundamentais na urbanização tais como os pedestres, as interseções e a capacidade das vias urbanas, com o propósito de sustentar a proposição de alterações nos requisitos técnicos preconizados pelas legislações sobre o parcelamento do solo urbano. Suprindo lacuna constatada na legislação municipal sobre o parcelamento do solo e, fundamentado em simulação gráfica com veículo de transporte coletivo urbano, o trabalho apresenta tabela com sugestões para o tratamento de curvas verticais nas interseções das vias urbanas nos loteamentos. Com as informações obtidas da análise da legislação, na pesquisa bibliográfica e dos requisitos técnicos constantes nas normas conhecidas, propõe-se dimensões para vias urbanas, comprimento ideal para quarteirões residenciais, valores de taxas de declividade urbana e formas de executar-se a concordância destas rampas nas interseções. Com os valores planimétricos sugeridos fez-se um parcelamento em gleba fictícia e comparou-se os resultados com outros loteamentos projetados na mesma gleba utilizando-se as prescrições das leis municipais estudadas.


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Foco em estratégias empresariais para a longevidade da relação com clientes, comunicação personalizada bidirecional, múltiplos pontos de contato, novas formas de segmentação de mercado, estrutura organizacional descentralizada e mensuração em tempo real da satisfação dos clientes, são exemplos que indicam a existência de uma forma de marketing diferenciada, denominada de marketing de relacionamento. Motivada pela crescente demanda empresarial por tecnologias mercadológicas, a indústria de softwares criou, em meados dos anos 90, um sistema denominado de Customer Relationship Management (CRM) com a promessa de gerenciar, de forma integrada, todos os relacionamentos com os clientes. Gradativamente, novas funcionalidades foram incorporadas ao sistema que alcançou ampla difusão no meio empresarial, responsável por investimentos na ordem de bilhões de dólares ao ano. Enquanto os fabricantes de CRM anunciam crescimentos significativos de vendas, o mercado vem apresentando sinais de insatisfação. Há dúvidas se a implementação do sistema seria suficiente para viabilizar o marketing de relacionamento e quais são seriam suas potencialidades. Pesquisar a teoria do marketing de relacionamento, levantar qUaiS são os seus elementos determinantes e investigar as possibilidades do CRM poderá contribuir para proporclOnar beneficios mútuos para as quatro partes envolvidas no relacionamento: os clientes, as empresas que comercializam produtos e serviços, fabricantes e implementadores de CRM.


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The work done in this thesis attempts to demonstrate the importance of using models that can predict and represent the mobility of our society. To answer the proposed challenges two models were examined, the first corresponds to macro simulation with the intention of finding a solution to the frequency of the bus company Horários do Funchal, responsible for transport in the city of Funchal, and some surrounding areas. Where based on a simplified model of the city it was possible to increase the frequency of journeys getting an overall reduction in costs. The second model concerns the micro simulation of Avenida do Mar, where currently is being built a new roundabout (Praça da Autonomia), which connects with this avenue. Therefore it was proposed to study the impact on local traffic, and the implementation of new traffic lights for this purpose. Four possible situations in which was seen the possibility of increasing the number of lanes on the roundabout or the insertion of a bus lane were created. The results showed that having a roundabout with three lanes running is the best option because the waiting queues are minimal, and at environmental level this model will project fewer pollutants. Thus, this thesis presents two possible methods of urban planning. Transport modelling is an area that is under constant development, the global goal is to encourage more and more the use of these models, and as such it is important to have more people to devote themselves to studying new ways of addressing current problems, so that we can have more accurate models and increasing their credibility.


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We try to relate this research with other logic, to discover a path of practical approach to approach a creation composed of fragments and a search of parameters for the aesthetics of appropriation. Accordingly, we find relationship with the theater composed of fragments, where different styles are appropriate theatrical and representational styles are merged with each other. Discusses in the first chapter on the theater composed of fragments, and stroll through lanes of the strategies of some directors in the ways of the contemporary scene. In the second chapter we seek procedures and concepts of atmosphere Mikhail Tchekhov (TCHEKHOV, 1996), and the transition from point-to-point by Scott McCloud (2005). In the third part we describe the observation of the experiment conducted by the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Regional Theatre at the University of Cariri in Juazeiro, Ceará, in 2010. Using the methodology of "pesquisa-ação", observing that the scenic writing end of the experiment, called "Toque Me", and the presentation in the cities of Crato and Barbalha, in August 2010, contained elements of the strategies from theater fragmentary scenes and conceptual contents of contemporary theater


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The multiphase flow occurrence in the oil and gas industry is common throughout fluid path, production, transportation and refining. The multiphase flow is defined as flow simultaneously composed of two or more phases with different properties and immiscible. An important computational tool for the design, planning and optimization production systems is multiphase flow simulation in pipelines and porous media, usually made by multiphase flow commercial simulators. The main purpose of the multiphase flow simulators is predicting pressure and temperature at any point at the production system. This work proposes the development of a multiphase flow simulator able to predict the dynamic pressure and temperature gradient in vertical, directional and horizontal wells. The prediction of pressure and temperature profiles was made by numerical integration using marching algorithm with empirical correlations and mechanistic model to predict pressure gradient. The development of this tool involved set of routines implemented through software programming Embarcadero C++ Builder® 2010 version, which allowed the creation of executable file compatible with Microsoft Windows® operating systems. The simulator validation was conduct by computational experiments and comparison the results with the PIPESIM®. In general, the developed simulator achieved excellent results compared with those obtained by PIPESIM and can be used as a tool to assist production systems development


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In contemporary society, social exclusion is an actual and pertinent theme, because it presents itself as a challenge to management and planning of the public policies. In this perspective, the thesis entitled "The Cultural Corridor: space materialization of social exclusion in Mossoró-RN" is a moment of apprehension and analysis of the local reality from the urban policy implementation that emphasized an enterprising model, which has, as the concrete space to urban renovation manifestation, the cultural complex called cultural corridor. Because of the investigation and the directional hypothesis, it is possible to say that the urban development policy implemented in Mossoró, starting from the 1990 decade, based in the model of modernizing/enterprising management, has been causing an intensification of a society parcel exclusion from the city public space, since this public policy didn't prioritized job market increasing, as well as population incomes improving, poverty and social inequality reduction, at the same proportions it promoted geographic space reorganization with directional actions to build the "spectacle city"


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O trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um protótipo aplicador de líquidos na superfície do solo para cafezais localizados em regiões de topografia acidentada ou cultivados em sistema de plantio adensado. O protótipo do aplicador construído é um trator de rabiças acionado por um motor de dois tempos a gasolina, de 2,61 kW (3,5 cv), com duas rodas motrizes com bitola de 0,60 m e uma terceira roda direcional, equipado com sistema de pulverização dotado de depósito de 40 L, bomba centrífuga, filtros de linha, regulador de pressão, manômetro, mangueiras, válvulas e suporte de bicos. Para avaliar a eficiência do protótipo, foram instalados dois experimentos de campo em São Sebastião do Paraíso - MG (2003 e 2004), onde foram aplicados inseticidas sistêmicos para o controle da cigarra. Os métodos de aplicação avaliados foram: aplicação em faixa, filete, drench contínuo e drench intermitente. O protótipo aplicador de líquidos à superfície do solo atendeu aos objetivos propostos, visto que conseguiu realizar o controle químico de cigarras com destaque para a aplicação em drench contínuo. O protótipo, se equipado para aplicar simultaneamente nos dois lados da planta, apresentará capacidade de campo operacional semelhante à do equipamento tratorizado.


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Internet applications such as media streaming, collaborative computing and massive multiplayer are on the rise,. This leads to the need for multicast communication, but unfortunately group communications support based on IP multicast has not been widely adopted due to a combination of technical and non-technical problems. Therefore, a number of different application-layer multicast schemes have been proposed in recent literature to overcome the drawbacks. In addition, these applications often behave as both providers and clients of services, being called peer-topeer applications, and where participants come and go very dynamically. Thus, servercentric architectures for membership management have well-known problems related to scalability and fault-tolerance, and even peer-to-peer traditional solutions need to have some mechanism that takes into account member's volatility. The idea of location awareness distributes the participants in the overlay network according to their proximity in the underlying network allowing a better performance. Given this context, this thesis proposes an application layer multicast protocol, called LAALM, which takes into account the actual network topology in the assembly process of the overlay network. The membership algorithm uses a new metric, IPXY, to provide location awareness through the processing of local information, and it was implemented using a distributed shared and bi-directional tree. The algorithm also has a sub-optimal heuristic to minimize the cost of membership process. The protocol has been evaluated in two ways. First, through an own simulator developed in this work, where we evaluated the quality of distribution tree by metrics such as outdegree and path length. Second, reallife scenarios were built in the ns-3 network simulator where we evaluated the network protocol performance by metrics such as stress, stretch, time to first packet and reconfiguration group time


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The development of wireless sensor networks for control and monitoring functions has created a vibrant investigation scenario, covering since communication aspects to issues related with energy efficiency. When source sensors are endowed with cameras for visual monitoring, a new scope of challenges is raised, as transmission and monitoring requirements are considerably changed. Particularly, visual sensors collect data following a directional sensing model, altering the meaning of concepts as vicinity and redundancy but allowing the differentiation of source nodes by their sensing relevancies for the application. In such context, we propose the combined use of two differentiation strategies as a novel QoS parameter, exploring the sensing relevancies of source nodes and DWT image coding. This innovative approach supports a new scope of optimizations to improve the performance of visual sensor networks at the cost of a small reduction on the overall monitoring quality of the application. Besides definition of a new concept of relevance and the proposition of mechanisms to support its practical exploitation, we propose five different optimizations in the way images are transmitted in wireless visual sensor networks, aiming at energy saving, transmission with low delay and error recovery. Putting all these together, the proposed innovative differentiation strategies and the related optimizations open a relevant research trend, where the application monitoring requirements are used to guide a more efficient operation of sensor networks


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The modern society depends on an efficient communications system able to of transmitting and receiving information with a higher speed and reliability every time. The need for ever more efficient devices raises optimization techniques of microstrip devices, such as techniques to increase bandwidth: thicker substrates and substrate structures with EBG (Electromagnetic Band Gap) and PBG (Photonic Band Gap). This work has how aims the study of the application of PBG materials on substrates of planar structures in microstrip, more precisely in directional quadrature couplers and in rat-race and impedance of transformers. A study of the planar structures in microstrip and substrates EBG is presented. The PBG substrates can be used to optimize the radiation through the air, thus reducing the occurrence of surface waves and the resulting diffraction edge responsible for degradation of radiation pattern. Through specific programs in FORTRAN Power Station obtained the frequencies and couplings for each structure. Are used the program PACMO - Computer Aided Design in Microwave. Results are obtained of the frequency and coupling devices, ranging the frequency band used (cellular communication and Wimax systems) and the permittivity of the substrate, comparing the results of conventional material and PBG materials in the s and p polarizations.


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There are a number of damaging mechanisms that various materials can suffer in service. However, when working with polymer composite materials, this is something that requires analysis, especially when exposed to adverse environmental conditions. Thus, the objective of the present thesis is the study of the direct influence of environmental aging and the form of hybridization of the reinforcement woven on the structural stability, surfacedegradation and fracture process of polymer composites laminates. For this, the development of two polymer composite laminates was necessary, where one of them was reinforced with a bi-directional woven with hybrid strandsofkevlar-49/glass-Efibers, and the other also with a bi-directionalwoven, however with weft and warpformed of alternating strandsof Kevlar-49 fibers and glass-E fiber The reinforcementwoven are industrially manufactured. Both laminates use a polyester resin as a matrixand are made up of four layers each. All laminates were industrially prepared by the hand lay-up method of manufacturing. To do this, test specimens were manufactured of the respective laminates and submitted to environmental aging accelerated through the aging chamber. They were exposed to alternating cycles of UV radiation and moisture (heated steam) for a standard defined period. At the end of the exposure period the specimens were subjected to mechanical tests of uniaxial tensile and bending in three points and to the characterizationsof the fracture and surface deterioration. In addition, they were submitted to a structural degradation assessment by the measurement of mass variation technique (MMVT) and the measurement of thickness variation technique (MTVT), this last technique being developed in this thesis. At the end of the analysis it was observed that the form of hybridization of the reinforcement woven and the aging process directly influence with losses or gain in mechanical properties, with losses in the structural degradation and in the formation and propagation of damage mechanism of the developedcomposite laminates


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A study about the polyphonic aspect of The Lusiads. An epic poem in Portuguese Language written by Luís de Camões, that narrates the adventure of the journey of Vasco da Gama in the discoverer of new shipping lanes for the Índias. Secondarily, tells the historics battles engaged during the process of foundation and consolidation of the Portuguese Empire. The object of the study are the diverse speeches that compose the poem s narration, aiming at to the possible aesthetic relation of the epic poetry of Camões with the novelistic prose developed in the modernity, starting with D. Quijote and consacrating it at polyphonic novels written by Dostoiévski. The sdudy focuses the singularity of Camões lies in the elaboration of a narrative structurally epic, but at the same time contains several deviating speeches. Such speeches emphasize the multiple planes and multiple voices (characteristics of novelistic prose) without, however, prejudice the interlinking logical-formal epos, resulting in the monological finish conventional of the epic gender. This feature characterizes The Lusiads as monological literary work, but also shows dialogism and plurilinguism, essentials to the polyphonic phenomenon. Another prominent aspect of the poetry of Camões is the relative procedure to the expressiveness of the characters. They are, in the majority, rhetorical creations, which assume, in the speech, human or myhtological characteristics. Stratagem that permits to the poet to emit a multiple faces of vision of the facts told. The analysis of the speeches supports-itself entirely in the polyphonic theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, shall be cited, accessory, viewpoints of others theoretical, as long if it is judged compatible with the theory adopted


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Oil prospecting is one of most complex and important features of oil industry Direct prospecting methods like drilling well logs are very expensive, in consequence indirect methods are preferred. Among the indirect prospecting techniques the seismic imaging is a relevant method. Seismic method is based on artificial seismic waves that are generated, go through the geologic medium suffering diffraction and reflexion and return to the surface where they are recorded and analyzed to construct seismograms. However, the seismogram contains not only actual geologic information, but also noise, and one of the main components of the noise is the ground roll. Noise attenuation is essential for a good geologic interpretation of the seismogram. It is common to study seismograms by using time-frequency transformations that map the seismic signal into a frequency space where it is easier to remove or attenuate noise. After that, data is reconstructed in the original space in such a way that geologic structures are shown in more detail. In addition, the curvelet transform is a new and effective spectral transformation that have been used in the analysis of complex data. In this work, we employ the curvelet transform to represent geologic data using basis functions that are directional in space. This particular basis can represent more effectively two dimensional objects with contours and lines. The curvelet analysis maps real space into frequencies scales and angular sectors in such way that we can distinguish in detail the sub-spaces where is the noise and remove the coefficients corresponding to the undesired data. In this work we develop and apply the denoising analysis to remove the ground roll of seismograms. We apply this technique to a artificial seismogram and to a real one. In both cases we obtain a good noise attenuation


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In this thesis, we study the application of spectral representations to the solution of problems in seismic exploration, the synthesis of fractal surfaces and the identification of correlations between one-dimensional signals. We apply a new approach, called Wavelet Coherency, to the study of stratigraphic correlation in well log signals, as an attempt to identify layers from the same geological formation, showing that the representation in wavelet space, with introduction of scale domain, can facilitate the process of comparing patterns in geophysical signals. We have introduced a new model for the generation of anisotropic fractional brownian surfaces based on curvelet transform, a new multiscale tool which can be seen as a generalization of the wavelet transform to include the direction component in multidimensional spaces. We have tested our model with a modified version of the Directional Average Method (DAM) to evaluate the anisotropy of fractional brownian surfaces. We also used the directional behavior of the curvelets to attack an important problem in seismic exploration: the atenuation of the ground roll, present in seismograms as a result of surface Rayleigh waves. The techniques employed are effective, leading to sparse representation of the signals, and, consequently, to good resolutions