945 resultados para Digital plan of work


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Relief shown pictorially.


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Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings.


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This paper is concerned with the physical construction of the University of Aveiro Santiago Campus, based on the direct relation of the construction of its facilities to the master plan conceived in the Centre of Studies of the University of Oporto Faculty of Architecture by a team coordinated by Nuno Portas (CEFA: The Revision of the Masterplan of the University of Aveiro, 1987/89).


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The primary dataset represents the vouchered botanical collections of James Graham and Jose Schunke Vigo in the Department of Ucayali, Peru, from October 1997 until the present. Over 3500 separate collections are included to date, many of which have associated images. We present here primary collections data. Other data on natural history collections for the Department of Ucayali have been compiled, but are not presented at this time. We hope to make this data available as part of a Ucayali Collections dataset, as time and resources permit. It is hoped that this data will will contribute to the exchange of scientific information, and will enhance our knowledge of, and appreciation for, the complex of species, habitats, communities, ecosystems and ecoregions of Amazonia.


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This paper considers how utilizing a model of job-related affect can be used to explain the processes through which perceived training and development influence employee retention. We applied Russell’s model of core affect to categorize four different forms of work attitude, and positioned these as mediators of the relationship between perceived training and development and intention to stay. Using data from 1,191 employees across seven organizations, multilevel analyses found that job satisfaction, employee engagement, and change-related anxiety were significantly associated with intention to stay, and fully mediated the relationship between perceived training and development and intention to stay. Contrary to our hypotheses, emotional exhaustion was not significantly associated with intention to stay nor acted as a mediator when the other attitudes were included. These findings show the usefulness of Russell’s model of core affect in explaining the link between training and development and employee retention. Moreover, the findings collectively suggest that studies examining employee retention should include a wider range of work attitudes that highlight pleasant forms of affect.


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This pamphlet is a reprint (with extensive rev1s10n and added material) of a pamphlet prepared under the auspices of this department by interested workers in the area of physical education, and printed and distributed by the Iowa State Teachers Association.Mr. Louis E. Hutto, then Supervisor of Physical Education in the Des Moines school system, served as chairman of the original committee of three. Miss Monica R. Wild, Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women in Iowa State Teachers College, and Miss Doris E. White, of her staff, were the other members. These latter two, recently appointed as a Committee on Revision, have rewritten and enlarged the pamphlet, while retaining the plan of the earlier edition. Teachers of physical education in Iowa, this department, and all interested in the subject feel a debt of gratitude for the painstaking and efficient service rendered by these devoted workers. This debt I am most happy to acknowledge.


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This paper proposes a dual conception of work in knowledge organization. The first part is a conception of work as liminal, set apart from everyday work. The second is integrated, without separation. This talk is the beginning of a larger project where we will characterize work in knowledge organization, both as it is set out in our literature (Šauperl, 2004; Hjørland 2003 Wilson, 1968), and in a philosophical argument for its fundamental importance in the activities of society (Shera, 1972; Zandonade, 2004).But in order to do this, we will co-opt the conception of liminality from the anthropology of religion (Turner, 1967), and Zen Buddhist conceptions of moral action, intention, and integration (Harvey, 2000 and cf., Harada, S., 2008).The goal for this talk is to identify the acts repeated (form) and the purpose of those acts (intention), in knowledge organization, with specific regard to thresholds (liminal points) of intention present in those acts.We can then ask the questions: Where is intention in knowledge organization liminal and where is it integrated? What are the limits of knowledge organization work when considered at a foundational level of the intention labor practices? Answering such questions, in this context, allows us to reconsider the assumptions we have about knowledge organization work and its increasingly important role in society. As a consequence, we can consider the limits of classification research if we see the foundations of knowledge organization work when we see forms and intentions. I must also say that incorporating Zen Buddhist philosophy into knowledge organization research seems like it fits well with ethics and ethical responses the practice of knowledge organization. This is because 20th Century Western interpretations of Zen are often rooted in ethical considerations. This translates easily to work.


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The present Ph.D. thesis proposes three studies on coworking spaces to understand how they foster thriving and organizing in the new world of work. The first study maps and analyzes the thematic structure and evolution of the academic debate that has emerged around coworking spaces in recent years. In doing so, it conducts a science mapping analysis of 351 publications on coworking spaces to detect and visualize key themes in the literature and their co-occurrence with subthemes. The second study proposes an interpretive review of 98 publications from multiple disciplines to shed light on how coworking spaces emerge as sites of organizing for professionals who are not formally connected to one another. It suggests five dimensions that articulate coworking spaces as sites of organizing – ‘materiality,’ ‘temporality,’ ‘affect,’ ‘identity,’ and ‘formalization.’ This study aims to go beyond the community-related understanding of coworking that has characterized most scholarly attention, instead focusing on coworking spaces’ organizational character. The third study investigates what drives thriving at work for remote workers in coworking spaces. In doing so, it acknowledges the potential complex set of interrelationships underpinning thriving at work and mobilizes complexity theory and qualitative comparative analysis to uncover six different, yet equifinal, configurations of antecedents driving remote workers’ thriving in coworking spaces.


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O presente relatório diz respeito a um estágio de natureza profissional realizado com o objectivo de constituir Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil no perfil de Edificações, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. O estágio subordinado ao tema “Prestação de serviços de Assessoria, Fiscalização e Coordenação de Segurança da Obra de REABILITAÇÃO DAS COBERTURAS, ACESSIBILIDADES E SEGURANÇA DA ANTIGA ESCOLA VEIGA BEIRÃO – PALÁCIO VALADARES, EM LISBOA”, decorreu na Pengest – Planeamento, Engenharia e Gestão, S.A., empresa vocacionada para a prestação de serviços de Assessoria, Gestão, Coordenação e Fiscalização de Obras, sector no qual possui vasta e diversificada experiência, e reconhecidos mérito e competência. O objectivo da empreitada é o de recuperação deste imóvel, intervenção necessária à instalação no local da Exposição “República e Ensino” enquadrada no âmbito das Comemorações do Centenário da República. A empreitada foi adjudicada ao Empreiteiro Teixeira Duarte, S.A, pelo valor de €998.072,76. O prazo é de 4,5 meses prevendo-se a conclusão para 18 de Março de 2010. Embora a proposta de estágio tenha decorrido no início de 2010, no âmbito do tema que viria a ser proposto e de forma a integrar a Estagiária numa empresa em pleno funcionamento, o estágio teve início aquando do início da empreitada, em Novembro de 2009. Exceptuando os trabalhos de montagem da grua-torre e dos andaimes para a cobertura provisória, que decorreram antes da consignação, foi acompanhado todo o processo de Fiscalização. A Estagiária participou na análise do Plano de Trabalhos, nas vistorias às fracções autónomas e edifícios adjacentes, nas visitas à obra e na elaboração de relatórios mensais. Acompanhou os procedimentos da Pengest no Controlo do Planeamento, da Qualidade e Financeiro. Em relação à Coordenação de Segurança em obra, por ser um tema tão vasto e específico, teve acesso aos relatórios, não tendo efectivamente participado nas actividades desenvolvidas sobre esta matéria. Sob a co-orientação da Eng.ª Isabel Vicente, responsável da Fiscalização e orientação do Eng.º José Pedro Fernandes do ISEL, a estagiária desenvolveu este estágio de forma proveitosa, sempre com o auxílio de uma equipa experiente em Gestão e Fiscalização.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.ºCiclo do Ensino Básico


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A gestão das Instituições de Ensino Superior está a ser repensada num contexto de globalização tendo em conta a missão destas, a responsabilidade e a sua cultura (ou culturas), impondo-se novos modelos de gestão e governação. A Qualidade e a Responsabilidade Social do Ensino Superior constituem um tema pertinente e actual. As transformações estruturais que as sociedades atravessam aconselham e justificam da parte do Ensino Superior uma atitude consentânea com as necessidades daquelas. Os desafios que, as Instituições de Ensino Superior enfrentam, exigem novas perspectivas estratégicas e nova visão perante cenários de incerteza que surgem a nível mundial, desempenhando a liderança um papel fundamental na qualidade destas instituições. Neste sentido, lança-se no presente estudo, a seguinte questão: Que Modelos de Gestão e Governação contribuem para a melhoria da Qualidade no Ensino Superior? A metodologia utilizada para a realização deste estudo passa pelo delineamento de uma estratégia com cinco fases: elaboração de um plano ajustável à evolução do trabalho, levantamento do estado da arte de uma forma gradual, trabalho de pesquisa e criação, escrita da tese e análise crítica e reflexão. Para além de outros aspectos relevantes no domínio do Ensino Superior, foram estudados diversos modelos, Modelos de Excelência, modelos para implementação de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade, Gestão Ambiental, Gestão da Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho, Gestão de Risco; entre outros. Criaram-se diversos Indicadores de Responsabilidade Social neste contexto e foi feito um estudo piloto no âmbito da Responsabilidade Social em Instituições de Ensino Superior. Por último, destacaram-se as conclusões que decorrem do estudo piloto efectuado, bem como reflexões que surgem da investigação teórica realizada. O estudo piloto efectuado permitiu concluir, por exemplo, que existem indícios de algum alheamento no seio das Instituições às temáticas relacionadas com os princípios éticos e com a educação ambiental. Por outro lado, uma grande parte dos indivíduos inquiridos disseram não ter qualquer opinião quando confrontados com questões sobre Participação Social Responsável, Investigação Socialmente Útil e Gestão Social do Conhecimento. Conclui-se que as questões para as pessoas ainda são muito vagas, daí que, faça sentido o debate de todas estas questões, bem como estudos que contribuam para uma mudança de paradigma relativamente à educação, e em particular no Ensino Superior, com vista à qualidade, num sentido abrangente.


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The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.