947 resultados para Different mechanisms


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Enzymes participating in different metabolic pathways often have similar catalytic mechanisms and structures, suggesting their evolution from a common ancestral precursor enzyme. We sought to create a precursor-like enzyme for N′-[(5′-phosphoribosyl)formimino]-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (ProFAR) isomerase (HisA; EC and phosphoribosylanthranilate (PRA) isomerase (TrpF; EC, which catalyze similar reactions in the biosynthesis of the amino acids histidine and tryptophan and have a similar (βα)8-barrel structure. Using random mutagenesis and selection, we generated several HisA variants that catalyze the TrpF reaction both in vivo and in vitro, and one of these variants retained significant HisA activity. A more detailed analysis revealed that a single amino acid exchange could establish TrpF activity on the HisA scaffold. These findings suggest that HisA and TrpF may have evolved from an ancestral enzyme of broader substrate specificity and underscore that (βα)8-barrel enzymes are very suitable for the design of new catalytic activities.


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Deflection of the hair bundle atop a sensory hair cell modulates the open probability of mechanosensitive ion channels. In response to sustained deflections, hair cells adapt. Two fundamentally distinct models have been proposed to explain transducer adaptation. Both models support the notion that channel open probability is modulated by calcium that enters via the transduction channels. Both also suggest that the primary effect of adaptation is to shift the deflection-response [I(X)] relationship in the direction of the applied stimulus, thus maintaining hair bundle sensitivity. The models differ in several respects. They operate on different time scales: the faster on the order of a few milliseconds or less and the slower on the order of 10 ms or more. The model proposed to explain fast adaptation suggests that calcium enters and binds at or near the transduction channels to stabilize a closed conformation. The model proposed to explain the slower adaptation suggests that adaptation is mediated by an active, force-generating process that regulates the effective stimulus applied to the transduction channels. Here we discuss the evidence in support of each model and consider the possibility that both may function to varying degrees in hair cells of different species and sensory organs.


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The hearing organ of the inner ear was the last of the paired sense organs of amniotes to undergo formative evolution. As a mechanical sensory organ, the inner-ear hearing organ's function depends highly on its physical structure. Comparative studies suggest that the hearing organ of the earliest amniote vertebrates was small and simple, but possessed hair cells with a cochlear amplifier mechanism, electrical frequency tuning, and incipient micromechanical tuning. The separation of the different groups of amniotes from the stem reptiles occurred relatively early, with the ancestors of the mammals branching off first, approximately 320 million years ago. The evolution of the hearing organ in the three major lines of the descendents of the stem reptiles (e.g., mammals, birds-crocodiles, and lizards-snakes) thus occurred independently over long periods of time. Dramatic and parallel improvements in the middle ear initiated papillar elongation in all lineages, accompanied by increased numbers of sensory cells with enhanced micromechanical tuning and group-specific hair-cell specializations that resulted in unique morphological configurations. This review aims not only to compare structure and function across classification boundaries (the comparative approach), but also to assess how and to what extent fundamental mechanisms were influenced by selection pressures in times past (the phylogenetic viewpoint).


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Both mammals and birds use the interaural time difference (ITD) for localization of sound in the horizontal plane. They may localize either real or phantom sound sources, when the signal consists of a narrow frequency band. This ambiguity does not occur with broadband signals. A plot of impulse rates or amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials against ITDs (ITD curve) consists of peaks and troughs. In the external nucleus (ICX) of the owl's inferior colliculus, ITD curves show multiple peaks when the signal is narrow-band, such as tones. Of these peaks, one occurs at ITDi, which is independent of frequency, and others at ITDi ± T, where T is the tonal period. The ITD curve of the same neuron shows a large peak (main peak) at ITDi and no or small peaks (side peaks) at ITDi ± T, when the signal is broadband. ITD curves for postsynaptic potentials indicate that ICX neurons integrate the results of binaural cross-correlation in different frequency bands. However, the difference between the main and side peaks is small. ICX neurons further enhance this difference in the process of converting membrane potentials to impulse rates. Inhibition also appears to augment the difference between the main and side peaks.


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The functional specialization and hierarchical organization of multiple areas in rhesus monkey auditory cortex were examined with various types of complex sounds. Neurons in the lateral belt areas of the superior temporal gyrus were tuned to the best center frequency and bandwidth of band-passed noise bursts. They were also selective for the rate and direction of linear frequency modulated sweeps. Many neurons showed a preference for a limited number of species-specific vocalizations (“monkey calls”). These response selectivities can be explained by nonlinear spectral and temporal integration mechanisms. In a separate series of experiments, monkey calls were presented at different spatial locations, and the tuning of lateral belt neurons to monkey calls and spatial location was determined. Of the three belt areas the anterolateral area shows the highest degree of specificity for monkey calls, whereas neurons in the caudolateral area display the greatest spatial selectivity. We conclude that the cortical auditory system of primates is divided into at least two processing streams, a spatial stream that originates in the caudal part of the superior temporal gyrus and projects to the parietal cortex, and a pattern or object stream originating in the more anterior portions of the lateral belt. A similar division of labor can be seen in human auditory cortex by using functional neuroimaging.


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Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) from an infected women to her offspring during gestation and delivery was found to be influenced by the infant's major histocompatibility complex class II DRB1 alleles. Forty-six HIV-infected infants and 63 seroreverting infants, born with passively acquired anti-HIV antibodies but not becoming detectably infected, were typed by an automated nucleotide-sequence-based technique that uses low-resolution PCR to select either the simpler Taq or the more demanding T7 sequencing chemistry. One or more DR13 alleles, including DRB1*1301, 1302, and 1303, were found in 31.7% of seroreverting infants and 15.2% of those becoming HIV-infected [OR (odds ratio) = 2.6 (95% confidence interval 1.0-6.8); P = 0.048]. This association was influenced by ethnicity, being seen more strongly among the 80 Black and Hispanic children [OR = 4.3 (1.2-16.4); P = 0.023], with the most pronounced effect among Black infants where 7 of 24 seroreverters inherited these alleles with none among 12 HIV-infected infants (Haldane OR = 12.3; P = 0.037). The previously recognized association of DR13 alleles with some situations of long-term nonprogression of HIV suggests that similar mechanisms may regulate both the occurrence of infection and disease progression after infection. Upon examining for residual associations, only only the DR2 allele DRB1*1501 was associated with seroreversion in Caucasoid infants (OR = 24; P = 0.004). Among Caucasoids the DRB1*03011 allele was positively associated with the occurrence of HIV infection (P = 0.03).


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In nearly all eukaryotes, at least some individuals inherit mitochondrial and chloroplast genes from only one parent. There is no single mechanism of uniparental inheritance: organelle gene inheritance is blocked by a variety of mechanisms and at different stages of reproduction in different species. Frequent changes in the pattern of organelle gene inheritance during evolution suggest that it is subject to varying selective pressures. Organelle genes often fail to recombine even when inherited biparentally; consequently, their inheritance is asexual. Sexual reproduction is apparently less important for genes in organelles than for nuclear genes, probably because there are fewer of them. As a result organelle sex can be lost because of selection for special reproductive features such as oogamy or because uniparental inheritance reduces the spread of cytoplasmic parasites and selfish organelle DNA.


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Neurons in the songbird forebrain area HVc (hyperstriatum ventrale pars caudale or high vocal center) are sensitive to the temporal structure of the bird's own song and are capable of integrating auditory information over a period of several hundred milliseconds. Extracellular studies have shown that the responses of some HVc neurons depend on the combination and temporal order of syllables from the bird's own song, but little is known about the mechanisms underlying these response properties. To investigate these mechanisms, we recorded intracellular responses to a set of auditory stimuli designed to assess the degree of dependence of the responses on temporal context. This report provides evidence that HVc neurons encode information about temporal structure by using a variety of mechanisms including syllable-specific inhibition, excitatory postsynaptic potentials with a range of different time courses, and burst-firing nonlinearity. The data suggest that the sensitivity of HVc neurons to temporal combinations of syllables results from the interactions of several cells and does not arise in a single step from afferent inputs alone.


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Four different catalysts (Pt/Al2O3, Ce0.8Zr0.2O2, PrO2−x and SrTiCuO3) have been investigated on a laboratory scale to evaluate their potential as diesel soot combustion catalysts under different experimental conditions, which simulate the situation found in a continuous regeneration technology trap (dual-bed configuration of catalyst and soot) or a catalyst-coated filter system (single-bed configuration, both catalyst and soot particles mixed under loose-contact mode). Under dual-bed configuration, the behavior of the catalysts towards soot combustion are very similar, despite the differences observed in the NO2 production profiles. However, under single-bed configuration, there are important differences in the soot combustion activities and in the NO2 slip profiles. The configurations chosen have an enormous impact on CO/(CO + CO2) ratios of combustion products as well. The most active catalyst under NOx + O2 is PrO2−x combining a high contribution of active oxygen-assisted soot combustion as well as high NO2 production activity along the catalytic bed.


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The studied Flysch sequence of Alicante occupies a widely populated area crossed by main communication routes. The slopes existing on this area usually suffer slope instabilities that cause substantial damage and a very high maintenance cost. In order to assess the type of instability mechanisms affecting these heterogeneous carbonatic slopes, in this paper a wide inventory of 194 Flysch rock slopes has been performed, reporting the existing lithologies, their competence and their relative arrangement and the geometrical relationship between bedding and the slope and the associated instability mechanism. All these data have been jointly used for performing an instability mechanisms characterization. For systematically characterizing the wide type of complex rock exposures existing in the study area, they are divided into basic units referred as lithological pattern columns to which the different observed instability mechanisms are associated. Inventoried instability mechanisms are diverse and sometimes are combined with each other. Rockfalls are a very common instability mechanism associated to the differential weathering and sapping of the marly lithologies which are present in a wide number of geometrical combinations. The other instability mechanisms closely depend on the combination of the geometrical and lithological parameters. Therefore, this work provides a new basic tool which can be easily used during preliminary project stages for knowing the instability mechanisms which can affect rock slopes excavated on carbonatic Flysch heterogeneous geological formations.


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Background. Health care professionals, especially those working in primary health-care services, can play a key role in preventing and responding to intimate partner violence. However, there are huge variations in the way health care professionals and primary health care teams respond to intimate partner violence. In this study we tested a previously developed programme theory on 15 primary health care center teams located in four different Spanish regions: Murcia, C Valenciana, Castilla-León and Cantabria. The aim was to identify the key combinations of contextual factors and mechanisms that trigger a good primary health care center team response to intimate partner violence. Methods. A multiple case-study design was used. Qualitative and quantitative information was collected from each of the 15 centers (cases). In order to handle the large amount of information without losing familiarity with each case, qualitative comparative analysis was undertaken. Conditions (context and mechanisms) and outcomes, were identified and assessed for each of the 15 cases, and solution formulae were calculated using qualitative comparative analysis software. Results. The emerging programme theory highlighted the importance of the combination of each team’s self-efficacy, perceived preparation and women-centredness in generating a good team response to intimate partner violence. The use of the protocol and accumulated experience in primary health care were the most relevant contextual/intervention conditions to trigger a good response. However in order to achieve this, they must be combined with other conditions, such as an enabling team climate, having a champion social worker and having staff with training in intimate partner violence. Conclusions. Interventions to improve primary health care teams’ response to intimate partner violence should focus on strengthening team’s self-efficacy, perceived preparation and the implementation of a woman-centred approach. The use of the protocol combined with a large working experience in primary health care, and other factors such as training, a good team climate, and having a champion social worker on the team, also played a key role. Measures to sustain such interventions and promote these contextual factors should be encouraged.


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La dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire (DBP), caractérisée par un défaut de l’alvéolarisation, est une complication pathologique associée à un stress oxydant chez le nouveau-né prématuré. La DBP est présente chez près de 50 % des nouveau-nés de moins de 29 semaines de gestation. La nutrition parentérale (NP) que ces nouveau-nés reçoivent pour cause d’immaturité gastro-intestinale est une source importante de stress oxydant. En effet, leur NP est contaminée par des peroxydes, dont l’ascorbylperoxyde qui est une forme peroxydée du déshydroascorbate. La génération des peroxydes est catalysée par la lumière ambiante. La photoprotection de la NP, quoique difficile d’application en clinique, est associée à une diminution de l’incidence de la DBP chez les enfants prématurés. Chez l’animal nouveau-né, la photoprotection de la NP est associée à un meilleur développement alvéolaire. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que l’ascorbylperoxide infusé avec la NP cause la perte d’alvéoles suite à une apoptose exagérée induite par l’oxydation du potentiel redox du glutathion. Cette oxydation du potentiel redox serait occasionnée par l’inhibition de la transformation hépatique de la méthionine en cystéine, menant à une diminution de la synthèse de glutathion au foie et dans les tissus tels que les poumons. La confirmation de cette hypothèse suggérera qu’un ajout de glutathion dans la NP permettra une meilleure détoxification de l’ascorbylperoxide par l’action de la glutathion peroxydase, et préviendra l’oxydation du potentiel redox et ainsi, la perte d'alvéoles par apoptose. Objectifs : Le but de mon projet de recherche est de comprendre les mécanismes biochimiques liant la NP et le développement de la DBP chez le nouveau-né prématuré et de proposer une alternative nutritionnelle prévenant le développement de cette complication fréquemment observée dans cette population. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : 1) d’évaluer l’impact, au poumon, de l’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde sur l’axe métabolique potentiel redox du glutathion - apoptose - le développement alvéolaire; 2) d’étudier l’impact de l’ascorbylperoxyde et du potentiel redox sur l’activité hépatique de la méthionine adénosyltransférase (MAT), première enzyme de la cascade métabolique transformant la méthionine en cystéine; et 3) de tenter de prévenir l’impact négatif de la NP ou de l’infusion d’ascorbylperoxyde sur le poumon en améliorant le statut en glutathion. Méthodes: Par un cathéter fixé dans la jugulaire, des cochons d’Inde de trois jours de vie (n = 8 par groupe) ont reçu en continu durant 4 jours une NP ou une solution de base (dextrose + NaCl) enrichie des différentes molécules à l’essai. Le premier objectif a été atteint en enrichissant la solution de base en ascorbylperoxyde à 0, 20, 60 et 180 μM. Ces solutions contenaient ou non 350 μM H2O2 pour se rapprocher des conditions cliniques. Le second objectif a été atteint en investiguant les mécanismes d’inhibition de la MAT dans des animaux infusés ou non avec des solutions contenant la solution de base, des peroxydes, du glutathion et la NP (dextrose + acides aminés + multivitamines + lipides). Le troisième objectif a été atteint en ajoutant ou non à une solution d’ascorbylperoxide ou à la NP 10 μM de glutathion (GSSG), afin d’obtenir une concentration plasmatique normale de glutathion. Après 4 jours, les poumons étaient prélevés et traités pour la détermination de GSH et GSSG par électrophorèse capillaire, le potentiel redox était calculé selon l'équation de Nernst et le niveau de caspase-3 actif (marqueur d’apoptose) par Western blot et l’index d’alvéolarisation quantifié par le nombre d’interceptes entre des structures histologiques et une droite calibrée. Les données étaient comparées par ANOVA, les effets étaient considérés comme significatifs si le p était inférieur à 0,05. Résultats: L’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde, indépendamment du H2O2, a induit une hypoalvéolarisation, une activation de la caspase-3 et une oxydation du potentiel redox de manière dose-dépendante. Ces effets ont été empêchés par l’ajout de GSSG à la NP ou à la solution d’ascorbylperoxyde (180 M). L’ascorbylperoxyde et le H2O2 ont inhibé l’activité de MAT tandis qu’elle était linéairement modulée par la valeur du potentiel redox hépatique. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que l’ascorbylperoxyde est l’agent actif de la NP conduisant au développement de la DBP. Ainsi la correction des bas niveaux de glutathion induits par les peroxydes de la NP favorise la détoxification des peroxydes et la correction du potentiel redox pulmonaire ; ce qui a protégé les poumons des effets délétères de la NP en outrepassant l’inhibition de la MAT hépatique. Nos résultats sont d'une grande importance car ils donnent de l'espoir pour une prévention possible de la DBP.


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Group-living animals must adjust the expression of their social behaviour to changes in their social environment and to transitions between life-history stages, and this social plasticity can be seen as an adaptive trait that can be under positive selection when changes in the environment outpace the rate of genetic evolutionary change. Here, we propose a conceptual framework for understanding the neuromolecular mechanisms of social plasticity. According to this framework, social plasticity is achieved by rewiring or by biochemically switching nodes of a neural network underlying social behaviour in response to perceived social information. Therefore, at the molecular level, it depends on the social regulation of gene expression, so that different genomic and epigenetic states of this brain network correspond to different behavioural states, and the switches between states are orchestrated by signalling pathways that interface the social environment and the genotype. Different types of social plasticity can be recognized based on the observed patterns of inter- versus intra-individual occurrence, time scale and reversibility. It is proposed that these different types of social plasticity rely on different proximate mechanisms at the physiological, neural and genomic level.


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Cerebral malaria (CM) is associated with high mortality and morbidity as a certain percentage of survivors suffers from persistent neurological sequelae. The mechanisms leading to death and functional impairments are yet not fully understood. This study investigated biochemical and morphological markers of apoptosis in the brains of mice infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA. Cleaved caspase-3 was detected in the brains of animals with clinical signs of CM and immunoreactivity directly correlated with the clinical severity of the disease. Caudal parts of the brain showed more intense immunoreactivity for cleaved caspase-3. Double-labelling experiments revealed processing of caspase-3 primarily in neurons and oligodendrocytes. These cells also exhibited apoptotic-like morphological profiles in ultrastructural analysis. Further, cleavage of caspase-3 was found in endothelial cells. In contrast to neurons and oligodendrocytes, apoptosis of endothelial cells already occurred in early stages of the disease. Our results are the first to demonstrate processing of caspase-3 in different central nervous system cells of animals with CM. Apoptosis of endothelial cells may represent a critical issue for the development of the disease in the mouse model. Neurological signs and symptoms might be attributable, at least in part, to apoptotic degeneration of neurons and glia in advanced stages of murine CM.


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La dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire (DBP), caractérisée par un défaut de l’alvéolarisation, est une complication pathologique associée à un stress oxydant chez le nouveau-né prématuré. La DBP est présente chez près de 50 % des nouveau-nés de moins de 29 semaines de gestation. La nutrition parentérale (NP) que ces nouveau-nés reçoivent pour cause d’immaturité gastro-intestinale est une source importante de stress oxydant. En effet, leur NP est contaminée par des peroxydes, dont l’ascorbylperoxyde qui est une forme peroxydée du déshydroascorbate. La génération des peroxydes est catalysée par la lumière ambiante. La photoprotection de la NP, quoique difficile d’application en clinique, est associée à une diminution de l’incidence de la DBP chez les enfants prématurés. Chez l’animal nouveau-né, la photoprotection de la NP est associée à un meilleur développement alvéolaire. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que l’ascorbylperoxide infusé avec la NP cause la perte d’alvéoles suite à une apoptose exagérée induite par l’oxydation du potentiel redox du glutathion. Cette oxydation du potentiel redox serait occasionnée par l’inhibition de la transformation hépatique de la méthionine en cystéine, menant à une diminution de la synthèse de glutathion au foie et dans les tissus tels que les poumons. La confirmation de cette hypothèse suggérera qu’un ajout de glutathion dans la NP permettra une meilleure détoxification de l’ascorbylperoxide par l’action de la glutathion peroxydase, et préviendra l’oxydation du potentiel redox et ainsi, la perte d'alvéoles par apoptose. Objectifs : Le but de mon projet de recherche est de comprendre les mécanismes biochimiques liant la NP et le développement de la DBP chez le nouveau-né prématuré et de proposer une alternative nutritionnelle prévenant le développement de cette complication fréquemment observée dans cette population. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : 1) d’évaluer l’impact, au poumon, de l’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde sur l’axe métabolique potentiel redox du glutathion - apoptose - le développement alvéolaire; 2) d’étudier l’impact de l’ascorbylperoxyde et du potentiel redox sur l’activité hépatique de la méthionine adénosyltransférase (MAT), première enzyme de la cascade métabolique transformant la méthionine en cystéine; et 3) de tenter de prévenir l’impact négatif de la NP ou de l’infusion d’ascorbylperoxyde sur le poumon en améliorant le statut en glutathion. Méthodes: Par un cathéter fixé dans la jugulaire, des cochons d’Inde de trois jours de vie (n = 8 par groupe) ont reçu en continu durant 4 jours une NP ou une solution de base (dextrose + NaCl) enrichie des différentes molécules à l’essai. Le premier objectif a été atteint en enrichissant la solution de base en ascorbylperoxyde à 0, 20, 60 et 180 μM. Ces solutions contenaient ou non 350 μM H2O2 pour se rapprocher des conditions cliniques. Le second objectif a été atteint en investiguant les mécanismes d’inhibition de la MAT dans des animaux infusés ou non avec des solutions contenant la solution de base, des peroxydes, du glutathion et la NP (dextrose + acides aminés + multivitamines + lipides). Le troisième objectif a été atteint en ajoutant ou non à une solution d’ascorbylperoxide ou à la NP 10 μM de glutathion (GSSG), afin d’obtenir une concentration plasmatique normale de glutathion. Après 4 jours, les poumons étaient prélevés et traités pour la détermination de GSH et GSSG par électrophorèse capillaire, le potentiel redox était calculé selon l'équation de Nernst et le niveau de caspase-3 actif (marqueur d’apoptose) par Western blot et l’index d’alvéolarisation quantifié par le nombre d’interceptes entre des structures histologiques et une droite calibrée. Les données étaient comparées par ANOVA, les effets étaient considérés comme significatifs si le p était inférieur à 0,05. Résultats: L’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde, indépendamment du H2O2, a induit une hypoalvéolarisation, une activation de la caspase-3 et une oxydation du potentiel redox de manière dose-dépendante. Ces effets ont été empêchés par l’ajout de GSSG à la NP ou à la solution d’ascorbylperoxyde (180 M). L’ascorbylperoxyde et le H2O2 ont inhibé l’activité de MAT tandis qu’elle était linéairement modulée par la valeur du potentiel redox hépatique. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que l’ascorbylperoxyde est l’agent actif de la NP conduisant au développement de la DBP. Ainsi la correction des bas niveaux de glutathion induits par les peroxydes de la NP favorise la détoxification des peroxydes et la correction du potentiel redox pulmonaire ; ce qui a protégé les poumons des effets délétères de la NP en outrepassant l’inhibition de la MAT hépatique. Nos résultats sont d'une grande importance car ils donnent de l'espoir pour une prévention possible de la DBP.