897 resultados para Diabetes typ 2


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This document describes steps to take in preventing type 2 diabetes. Included is a risk test, a prediabetes screening test and BMI calculation chart.


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A pesar de existir diversidad de medicamentos para el manejo del paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, persiste el descontrol. La familia juega un papel importante en la salud integral de cada uno de sus miembros y en la recuperación o en el control adecuado de la enfermedad. Objetivo: conocer la asociación entre el puntaje de evaluación de la funcionalidad familiar medido por el APGAR Familiar y el control glucémico en pacientes que consultan subsecuentemente por diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en el Hospital Regional de Sonsonate ISSS. Material y métodos: tipo de diseño del trabajo de investigación; descriptivo transversal. El universo son todas las personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en el Hospital Regional de Sonsonate ISSS en el período de julio 2015 y la muestra fue de 192 personas, todos aquellos pacientes diabéticos que tienen cita de control subsecuente y a quienes por medio de una entrevista-cuestionario y previo consentimiento informado, se recolectó la información a través de un test de percepción de funcionalidad familiar y cuestionario epidemiológico. Resultados: del total de la población de la investigación, el 62% son del sexo femenino, el 36% se encontraron entre 61 y 70 años de edad, el estado civil correspondió a 72% casados o acompañados, el 28% de la población sabían leer y escribir o tenia estudios primarios y el resto con educación básica, media o superior; el 44% es beneficiaria, el 33% pensionada y el 23% cotizante, el 36% se encontraron con valor de glucosa en ayunas; controlados entre 70 - 120mg/dl y el resto, que es el 64% por arriba de esos valores, el 83% de las familias estudiadas fueron funcionales y 17% se encontraron entre disfunción moderada y severa.


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Background: This article examines the concepts of low glycemic indices (GIs) and glycemic load (GL) foods as key drivers in the dietary management of type 2 diabetes as well as their shortcomings. The controversies arising from the analysis of glycemic index (GI) and GL of foods such as their reproducibility as well as their relevance to the dietary management of type 2 diabetes are also discussed. Methods: Search was conducted in relevant electronic databases such as: Pubmed, Google Scholar, HINARI, the Cochrane library, Popline, LILACS, CINAHL, EMBASE, etc to identify the current status of knowledge regarding the controversies surrounding management of diabetes with low GI and GL foods. Conclusion: This article suggests that in view of discrepancies that surround the results of GI versus GL of foods, any assay on the GI and GL of a food with the aim of recommending the food for the dietary management of type 2 diabetes, could be balanced with glycated hemoglobin assays before they are adopted as useful antidiabetic foods.


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Background: The role of the immune system in insulin resistance associated with type 2 diabetes has been suggested. Objectives: We assessed the profile of Th1/Th2 cytokines along with the frequencies of immune cells in insulin-treated type 2 diabetic patients (T2DP). Methods: 45 T2D patients and 43 age-matched healthy subjects were selected. Serum concentrations of T-helper type 1 (Th1) and Th2 cytokines and the frequencies of innate and adaptive immunity cells were assessed. Results: T2DP were hyperglycemic and showed high level of insulin, normal levels of triglycerides and total-cholesterol and without any change in HDL-cholesterol.Compared to healthy subjects, T2DP exhibited significant decreased frequencies of neutrophils, without any change in monocytes, eosinophils and natural killer cells. The percentages of total lymphocytes (CD3+) and CD8+-T-cells decreased whereas those of regulatory T-cells increased without any change in CD4+ T-cells in T2DP. Interestingly, the frequencies of effector CD4+-T and B-cells increased in T2DP. Serum concentrations of IL-2, IFN-γ and IL-4 decreased while IL-10 significantly enhanced in T2DP, suggesting a differentiation of CD4+T helper cells towards IL-10-producing- Teff-cells in these patients. Conclusion: Insulin-treated type 2 diabetes is associated with anti-inflammatory profile consistent with differentiation of CD4+-Th-cells towards IL-10-producing-Teff-cells, concomitant with increased frequencies of Treg and B-cells, and this may probably offer prevention against certain infections or autoimmune/inflammatory diseases.


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International audience


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Introduction: Studies have shown that oxidative stress, found in patients with type 2 diabetes, may be due to changes in the metabolism of minerals, such as magnesium and iron. Data related to compartmentalization of these minerals in diabetes are scarce and controversial. Objective: This study assessed the influence of magnesium on biochemical parameters of iron and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A case-control study in male and female subjects aged 27-59 years, divided into two groups: type 2 diabetes (n=40) and control (n=48). Intake of magnesium and iron was assessed by three-day food record. Plasma, erythrocyte and urinary levels of magnesium, serum iron, ferritin, total iron binding capacity, fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin, insulin, creatinine clearance and plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were analyzed. Results and Discussion: Magnesium intake and plasma magnesium were lower in diabetic subjects. There was low urinary magnesium excretion, with no difference between groups. Although normal, the diabetic group had lower serum iron and ferritin concentrations compared to control subjects. Plasma TBARS in diabetic patients was higher than control while creatinine clearance was lower. An inverse correlation between erythrocyte magnesium and serum iron and ferritin was observed in the diabetes group. Conclusions: Diabetes induced hypomagnesemia and this, associated with chronic hyperglycemia, may have enhanced oxidative stress. Erythrocyte magnesium may have contributed to prevent iron overload and worsening of oxidative stress and hyperglycemic status.


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Obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus share a strong pro-inflammatory profile. It has been observed that iron is a risk factor in the development of type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between iron nutritional status and inflammation with the risk of type 2 diabetes development in obese subjects. We studied 30 obese men with type 2 diabetes (OBDM); 30 obese subjects without diabetes (OB) and 30 healthy subjects (Cn). We isolated peripheral mononuclear cells (PMCs) and challenged them with high Fe concentrations. Total mRNA was isolated and relative abundance of TNF-αIL-6 and hepcidin were determined by qPCR. Iron status, biochemical, inflammatory and oxidative stress parameters were also characterized. OBDM and OB patients showed increased hsCRP levels compared to the Cn group. OBDM subjects showed higher levels of ferritin than the Cn group. TNF-α and IL-6 mRNA relative abundances were increased in OBDM PMCs treated with high/Fe. Hepcidin mRNA was increased with basal and high iron concentration. We found that the highest quartile of ferritin was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes when it was adjusted to BMI and HOMA-IR; this association was independent of the inflammatory status. The highest level of hepcidin gene expression also showed a trend of increased risk of diabetes, however it was not significant. Levels of hsCRP over 2 mg/L showed a significant trend of increasing the risk of diabetes. In conclusion, iron may stimulate the expression of pro-inflammatory genes (TNF-α and IL-6), and both hepcidin and ferritin gene expression levels could be a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. Subjects that have an increased cardiovascular risk also have a major risk to develop type 2 diabetes, which is independent of the BMI and insulin resistance state.


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Introduction: Chromium is an essential trace mineral for carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, which is currently prescribed to control diabetes mellitus. Results of previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses of chromium supplementation and metabolic profiles in diabetes have been inconsistent. Aim: The objective of this meta-analysis was to assess the effects on metabolic profiles and safety of chromium supplementation in type 2 diabetes mellitus and cholesterol. Methods: Literature searches in PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science were made by use of related terms-keywords and randomized clinical trials during the period of 2000-2014. Results: Thirteen trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in this systematic review. Total doses of Cr supplementation and brewer's yeast ranged from 42 to 1,000 µg/day, and duration of supplementation ranged from 30 to 120 days. The analysis indicated that there was a significant effect of chromium supplementation in diabetics on fasting plasma glucose with a weighted average effect size of -29.26 mg/dL, p = 0.01, CI 95% = -52.4 to -6.09; and on total cholesterol with a weighted average effect size of -6.7 mg/dL, p = 0.01, CI 95% = -11.88 to -1.53. Conclusions: The available evidence suggests favourable effects of chromium supplementation on glycaemic control in patients with diabetes. Chromium supplementation may additionally improve total cholesterol levels.


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Poster apresentado no XIV Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação. Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, 21-22 Maio de 2015


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Se realizó un estudio transversal en un universo de 406 pacientes. La muestra se calculó al azar, sobre la base de una prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en diabéticos del 53 por ciento, nivel de confianza 95 por ciento y error de inferencia 5 por ciento. Los datos fueron obtenidos de las historias clínicas y analizados con la ayuda del software Epi-Info. La muestra, 200 pacientes, estaba representadapor 74.5 por ciento de sexo femenino, 93.0 por cientocon instruccion primaria y 67.5 por ciento con edad inferior a 65 años. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial fue del 52.5 por ciento, con un intervalo al 95 por ciento de confianza entre el 45.6 y 59.4 por ciento (IC 95 por ciento). La asociacion entr hipertensión arterial con hipercolesterolemia proporcionó un p=0.20, razón de prevalencia (PR) de 1.20 (IC 95 por ciento 0.90 - 1.60); con hipertrigliceridemia p=0.35, PR 0.87 (IC 95 por ciento 0.66-1.50; con dislipidemia mixta p=0.67, PR 1.06 (IC 95 por ciento 0.81-1.38) y con el sobrepeso p=0.10, PR 1.39 (IC 95 por ciento 0.89 - 2.17. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial esencial en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 fue del 52.5 por ciento (IC 95 por ciento 45.6 - 59.4 por ciento). No se encontró asociación significativa entre pacientes con hipertensión arterial esencial y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con dislipidemia y sobrepeso


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Objetivo Determinar el nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en pacientes con Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que acudieron al centro de Atención Ambulatorio 302 del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social, de la ciudad de Cuenca, durante mayo a julio de 2015. Material y métodos Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, en una muestra no probabilística de 289 pacientes durante el periodo de mayo a julio de 2015. Los datos de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas se obtuvieron por entrevista directa mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios validados y fueron analizados con el software SPSS versión 2015. Resultados La edad osciló entre 40 y 94 años, con una mediana de 69. El 61,6% fueron mujeres. El 91% residía en el área urbana. La mediana del tiempo de evolución de la diabetes fue 12 años. El nivel de conocimientos adecuados en diabetes fue 1,4%; intermedio de 61% e inadecuado de 77,5%. Actitudes positivas se detectó en el 88,2%, neutra 6,6% y negativas 5,2%. Muy buenas prácticas se determinaron en 5.5%, buenas prácticas en 67.1%, y malas prácticas en 27.3%. Conclusión La aplicación de los cuestionarios nos permitió determinar cuáles son las falencias de los diabéticos; para que tanto médicos como personal de salubridad, diseñen y apliquen estrategias, métodos de aprendizaje y comunicación para aumentar el nivel de conocimientos y prácticas, en pro de disminuir las tasas de morbimortalidad a causa de esta patología.


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Purpose: To determine the factors associated with severity of hypoglycemia in hospitalized type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in a tertiary health facility in Malaysia. Methods: This retrospective study involved 207 hospitalised T2DM patients with hypoglycaemia episodes from January 2008 to December 2012 and was conducted in University Malaya Medical Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Patients were classified into 2 groups, viz, those who had hypoglycaemia on admission and those who had hypoglycaemia during hospital stay. Patients with hypoglycemia on admission were those admitted due to hypoglycemia while patients with hypoglycemia during hospital stay were those admitted due to other causes but subsequently developed hypoglycemia during hospitalization. Results: The results for the 207 patients investigated show that most of the patients (72.2 %) were asymptomatic during hypoglycemic episodes. The majority of the episodes (57.4 %) experienced by the patients were mild hypoglycemia (< 3.9 mmol/L). Old age (p = 0.011) and presence of stroke (p = 0.033) were found to be significantly associated with severe hypoglycemia (< 2.2 mmol/L) while concurrent use of opioid (p = 0.008) was associated with mild hypoglycemia. Conclusion: The identification of the underlying factors associated with severity of hypoglycemia may help in preventing and resolving hypoglycemia in T2DM patients.