999 resultados para Diálogos griegos
Música componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
Imagem componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
Som componente do jogo “Musikinésia (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/musikinesia.php)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
O presente Relatório de Estágio foi realizado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Relatório da Prática Pedagógica, do 2.º ano do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade da Madeira. Neste trabalho apresentou-se a intervenção pedagógica desenvolvida na Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar da Ladeira, numa sala de Educação Pré-Escolar, com crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 4 e 5 anos. Primeiro expôs-se a contextualização teórica que fundamentou a prática, procurando revelar os pressupostos teóricos mais importantes para a ação, tais como a identidade do Educador e principais teorias de Piaget e Vygotsky. Os Modelos Pedagógicos High/Scope, Movimento da Escola Moderna e as estratégias: aprendizagem cooperativa e diferenciação pedagógica também foram elementos indispensáveis para a ação. Recorrendo à observação participante, à análise documental do Projeto Curricular de Grupo e a diálogos com as crianças e a Educadora Cooperante, descobriu-se que o grupo apresentava problemas de comunicação oral. Com a investigação-ação ambicionou-se descobrir meios e atividades que pudessem auxiliar as crianças a comunicar oralmente. Para isto, foi necessário colocar em prática diversas atividades a fim de descobrir quais seriam as mais eficazes, tendo em vista colmatar as dificuldades sentidas. Consequentemente estimulou-se o diálogo, recorreu-se à Expressão Dramática, motivação, reforço positivo, histórias e recontos. Com isto constatou-se que a motivação, reforço positivo, histórias, recontos, diálogos em pequeno e grande grupo, levaram efetivamente as crianças comunicar oralmente de forma voluntária e mais espontânea. Por último, apresentou-se o desenvolvimento do Estágio, onde foi exposta a intervenção com o grupo e comunidade educativa, assim como os instrumentos de avaliação adotados para a verificação da aquisição das aprendizagens.
Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender como a construção da autobiografia no software movie maker, em um contexto de inovação pedagógica, pode favorecer o letramento de crianças com e sem deficiência intelectual. Dessa maneira, a construção do gênero textual autobiografia, com uso da tecnologia, suscitou uma série de fatos no processo de letramento nos possibilitando: o reconhecimento das particularidades que legitimam esta ação pedagógica como inovadora; a verificação das etapas do letramento nas crianças com e sem deficiência intelectual; a identificação dos nutrientes cognitivos presentes nesta ação pedagógica; a análise dos artefatos que resultaram deste projeto. Neste estudo foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa de inspiração etnográfica através de um estudo de caso. Foi analisado primeiramente o paradigma educacional que dá suporte às ações da Escola Municipal Engenheiro Henoch Coutinho de Melo, que foi o local de realização desta pesquisa, confrontando-o com o paradigma que mobiliza a ação pedagógica da professora Maria de Fátima Trigueiro. O caráter inovador deste estudo revela-se no momento em que a prática pedagógica para o letramento dos alunos com e sem deficiência intelectual desta turma rompe com a forma de organização do currículo da rede municipal do Recife e do Projeto Político Pedagógico da citada escola, que apesar de ser um currículo com suporte teórico construtivista está organizado de maneira tradicional. A construção de uma autobiografia surge do olhar atento da professora sobre os temas de interesse presentes nos diálogos dos alunos e do interesse destes em utilizar a tecnologia para suas aprendizagens. O letramento desenvolve-se em um clima de diversão e descobertas, com o entrosamento entre a escola e a família, intensificando o significado da escrita e da leitura como via de acesso para uma construção de identidade. Ao final desse estudo constatou-se que os estudantes com e sem deficiência intelectual avançaram qualitativamente no processo de letramento através da construção da autobiografia no software movie maker.
A proposta desta pesquisa foi investigar questões relativas à Educação Física Escolar no Brasil: da sociedade industrial ao projeto de escola da sociedade da informação e os seus novos saberes. Identificamos elementos para uma discussão sobre os diálogos de aprendizagem entre o professor e os sujeitos em ambientes de aprendizagem. A partir do diálogo entre a literatura e as vivências práticas dos atores sociais, foram identificados os aspectos que constituem a opção epistemológica desse estudo na perspectiva de compreender os sentidos e significados atribuídos à prática pedagógica, aos diálogos de aprendizagem entre a professora e os sujeitos em ambientes de aprendizagem evidenciados durante a experiência investigativa. Tomando como linha de pesquisa o estudo de caso etnográfico, tivemos como objetivo identificar a prática pedagógica como processo formativo, os diálogos de aprendizagem entre o professor e os sujeitos. Para registo e análise dos dados, estabelecemos um diálogo com a literatura da área, uma análise de conteúdo de artigos e livros; observação e registro da prática pedagógica vivenciada na turma de 5ª série do Colégio 2 de Julho; uma análise das falas dos atores/alunos para reconhecer os sentidos e significados atribuídos ao conhecimento produzidos pela Educação Física no ambiente Escolar, além da aplicação de questionários e entrevistas. Ao final da investigação, pudemos concluir que a prática desenvolvida pela professora no âmbito dos cenários educativos, revela-se como projeto histórico que precisa ser construído no ensino de Educação Física. Este resultado do ensino-aprendizagem possibilita considerar como uma prática pedagógica inovadora.
This dissertation is the result of an ethnographic journey undertaken in three spiritual centers of Umbanda , located in different districts of Natal/RN. The aim of the study was to understand how the representations of exus (spirit category) are established in the studied religious environment. In order to study this, mythical narratives of songs and of people were analyzed. In addition, the incorporated spirit entities, loaded with codes and values, were possible to be read and understood. The present work was developed according to a theoretical and methodological approach that interprets culture as a constant construction process, with representations and significations. The empirical research focuses on the ethnographic observations and the narratives; providing the experimentation of the models of discursive dialogues and polyphony. It was observed that the studied empirical field is marked by the cult of the Jurema which influences the mythical construction of exus . Therefore, this study enabled a reflection on the meeting of notions of two distinct worlds ( Umbanda and Jurema ). This reflection is crucial to the understanding of the position that exus occupy in the local umbandista system
This work aims to present a systematic study of sociology developed by Josué de Castro. It is a theoretical work that aims to evidence the potentialities and limitations of the hunger analysis theoretical models of contemporary sociology. It was used concepts of Social Institution (Berguer and Bourdieu), Habitus-precário and Ralé (Jessé Sousa) as weapons to comprehend better the hunger phenomenon on the sociology field, to consequently generate dialogs between Castros writings and the contemporary sociology. It demonstrates how hunger reproduces more by pre reflexive behavior patterns in a way that the moral rules become invisible and allow the phenomenon to continue in an invisible way
The reality experienced by many families and individuals who seek and require the services of the Unified Health System - SUS, the relationships between users, health professionals, and political representatives, establishes the core of the issue that guides the choice and interest of this study concerning the prominence of clientelist practices and gifts that permeate the health field. The research is based on the analysis and reflection of the intrinsic relationship between the health and political fields. It analyses the health field and its relationship with the dynamics and developments of the local political scenario relating it to the implementation of the Family Health Program and Community Health Agents Program (PACS/PSF health programs) in the city of Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte which refers to the period 1991-2010; and falls into a methodological perspective of qualitative approach. The methodological tools and techniques used were based on semi-structured interviews, direct observation of the field, journalistic texts and documentary sources. The construction and questioning of the object of the research were based on theoretical contributions from authors discussing the social field and symbolic power: Bourdieu (2005); clientelist relationships and gifts from asymmetric exchanges: Rouland (1997), Lanna (1995), Martins (1999), Carvalho (1999), Diniz (1982); exercise of hegemony and political strategy from authors who analyse this subject: Gramsci (1995), Coutinho (1981), and Gruppi (1978). Furthermore, the research has established dialogues with authors who address the dynamics of Brazilian politics such as Baquero (2001) and Weffort (1993). The collected data were subjected to qualitative content analysis. The results showed that with the implementation of the PACS/PSF programs in the aforementioned city, the health field has established itself as a key scenario for the exercise of political hegemony of the factions that dominate this socio-political context, resizing clientelist practices, however, without modifying the power structures within this social scenario
Se parte de la comprensión de Universidad como un campo científico que permite elecciones, conflictos y luchas internas y externas, en sus dimensiones históricas y temporales, proponiéndose comprenderla en su naturaleza institucional. Históricamente, la universidad viene respondiendo a demandas de la sociedad, configurándose en momentos de crisis de institucionalidad, de hegemonía y de legitimidad. Tales crisis profundizase en el contexto de la globalización hegemónica, pero, al lado de esta, emergen experiencias en el campo de la globalización alternativa. De ello adviene los siguientes desafíos: considerados en este trabajo como cuestiones a contestar: ¿cómo la Universidad pública brasileña podrá actuar en una perspectiva de formación ciudadana, interagiendo con la sociedad en la cual está inserida? ¿Cómo poderemos vislumbrar caminos alternativos para la universidad enfrentar desafíos y para conquistar a su legitimidad? Se discute la extensión universitaria como una de las alternativas para que tales universidades enfrenten sus crisis y desafíos, a la medida en que posibilita el diálogo con la sociedad en su entorno, promoviendo la formación ciudadana. Se tiene como objetivo comprender e interpretar la extensión universitaria en su práctica efectiva en las comunidades en las que las experiencias fueron desarrolladas, analizándose dos prácticas de extensión universitaria en la Universidad Federal del Rio Grande do Norte y en la Universidad Federal de Bahia, a través de la interpretación de la participación de profesores, alumnos y comunidad en dos programas: Saúde e Cidadania (SACI/UFRN), y Atividade Curricular em Comunidade (ACC/UFBA), en el período de 2001 a 2005. Se busca en el diálogo con los participantes envueltos, conocer las experiencias y como estas contribuyen para la compresión de universidad con sus funciones direccionadas para la formación ciudadana. Como procedimientos metodológicos, se hace un análisis de la documentación de las experiencias, complementadas por entrevistas sémi-estructuradas, envolviendo 51 sujetos en los dos programas, para aprehender a la historia y comprender la participación de los alumnos, profesores e integrantes de las comunidades, en Natal/RN y Salvador/BA. Para presentación de las voces de los participantes, se cría diálogos temáticos, mapeando expresiones que surgieron en el habla de los Pro- Rectores de Extensión y Pro-Rector de Graduación, alumnos, profesores y participantes de las comunidades envueltas, identificándolas en movimientos creativos y llenos de significados, entre ellas: vivencia y acción; interacción y diálogo; identidad y práctica solidaria; generosidad y responsabilidad; ciudadanía y condición humana; saber contextual y crítico. Estas prácticas y sentimientos traducen bien la participación de los sujetos envueltos, dialogando sobre la compresión de Universidad y extensión universitaria direccionada para la formación ciudadana. Se concluye que estas experiencias contribuyen para pensar una Universidad actuante, dialogando con los intereses de la comunidad, sin perder su autonomía, formando profesionales responsables, solidarios y ciudadanos, actuando en la construcción de un conocimiento que pueda contribuir en la superación de la crisis de legitimidad desarrollando experiencias inseridas en la globalización alternativa, contra-hegemónica, ya que contemplan acciones para la superación de las desigualdades sociales, en la lucha por la emancipación social de los sujetos participantes
The proposal of this study was to work with women in the politics, focusing on their trajectories, biographies and speeches, to catch the meanings given by themselves to their insertion in the political field. The privileged instrument of research was the autobiographical narratives of fifteen women who, in Paraíba, had participated of the electoral processes and the life partisan politics in the period from 1998 to 2008, in the state and federal scopes. This permitted us to search the dimension of their lived expericence, to understand the trajectories and the processes of autonomation of the women, in the politics. Moreover, a quantitative mapping of the feminine presence in the processes was made electoral politicians in a wider context. In a similar way, two surveys had been carried throughout the research, among others aspects, to understand that image voters and politicians they construct concerning the feminine participation in this field. These instruments were important not to lose of all the social view where these lives were developed, the places from which these women speak and locate and the social meanings originated from this participation. The research aimed to establish dialogues between knowing and fields of discipline, beyond the dichotomy of actor/structure, preventing generalizations that ignore the plurality of the individuals, to reveal some aspects of the complex and contradictory processes that involve their participation in the political field. At last, it is tried to show that, although the frequent accusations of autonomy lack, when establishing relations in the public space, the women, as all subjects, can reflect about themselves, the motives of their thoughts and their actions escaping from the servitude of the repetition and avoid being only product of the institution that formed them (CASTORIADIS, 1992, p.140-141)
This research studies the tradition of epiphany in the community of Cipó de Baixo, which belongs to the city of Pedro II, in the state of Piauí. Readings were made seeeking to emphasize the processivity of the play that navigates between permanence and change. The study starts with a social context of the community, in dialogue with the life history of the owner of the epiphany, Raimundo Milú: strong figure who, along with his family networks, as well as networks of patronage and friendship, struggles for the resistence of the play. The description of the ceremony of Kings, with its constituent parts, punctuates the remarkable character of Cipó community epiphany. This detailed understanding of the play favors the understanding of some of the social vines that serve as the basis for the warp of this cultural practice: modernization vine, where we explore the general motivation of Cipó community epiphany transformations - modernity; family and community exchange vine, which describes the scheme that holds the permanence of the play; masculinity vine, explains the strong gender system that crosses Cipó community epiphany; reinvented tradition vine, where we locate the uniqueness of Cipó community epiphany tradition and its dialogues with modern dynamism; conflict between generation vine, depicts the differences between generations and how they contribute to the dialogue between the traditional and the new; theatrical spectacle vine, describes the play as a performative activity. Thus, we build a social scheme that analyzes the play of Kings of Cipó community as a whole, where change and continuity plan a cultural plot on their own
Literary works are thought provokers that make it possible to access several forms to view the world and reality. They provide diversified points of view and infinite connections. In a particular way, among all the other forms of art expression literature is considered to be the closest to life, once it is able to reconnect all human dimensions emotional, rational, mystic, personal, universal, corporal, historic, mythical. This thesis aims at offering some reflections about the frontiers and bridges between science and literature aiming at understanding the complexity that guides them. It presents a new reading of Iracema novel: Ceará tale of José de Alencar from a meticulous incursion through new ways and natural spaces interwoven by Alencar. It tries to hear the echoes of this indianist novel in the university students today. In a broader context, it creates arguments that question the multiple threadsthat join science and literature so that a science of complexity arises distinguishing but not separating the innumerous narratives about the world. For this purpose, this thesis has as interlocutors: Antonio Candido, Charles P. Snow, Edgar Morin, Emilio Ciurana, Fritjof Capra, George Steiner, Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers, Roger Chartier, Roland Barthes. The plot presented here does not limit the novel to science, but makes it a rereading of the word, of life, once this is the raw material of books. As a methodological strategy, we rebuilt Iracema´s character trips in a way to update the novel, resulting in the video documentary Iracema ways: the arid and remote interior, the plateau, the sea. Iracema novel and character enhancing dialogs that allow the dichotomy rupture between two cultures (Charles P. Snow), recognizing they are not incommunicable and revealing the core argument of the thesis: Iracema belongs to a complex category. It is a hybrid novel that is far, far away from that bluish plateau in the horizon
Our research goes a remarkable setting of Natal-RN. This is a place where we find art practices and artworks territorialities building the margin of museums, art galleries and institutional galleries. Its geography includes an area popularly known as Mud Alley. Along geography that we critically about how some processes of sociability, which formed the margins of institutional fields, can, and its progeny, compose new possibilities to relate to art and artistic practices. Thinking about the dialogues and clashes that positioning the margins can offer, we investigated the role of bookstores, bars and other spaces of the Alley in the promotion and dissemination of artistic practices, focusing on how these spaces handle the work, the artists and the patrons Beco da Lama. Our integration into the search field resulted in collecting testimonials, pictures and watching expressions which, together with sensations obtained during the years of integration in that setting, help make our empirical material. To follow us methodologically this investigation, we looked at a higher frequency, a theoretical support of authors: Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Giorgio Agamben. With them compose an investigative diagram to think about the art of Alley, noting the relationship of the Alley with the established field of art, as well as towards the rest of the city. The results point to the view of a singular event that shows artistic practices writing in the margins of institutional spaces, new territoriality for contact with art. The term territoriality points to situations formed by practices, feelings, wishes, expressions, and poetic subjectivity that can tell us we are confronted with an event comprising it as the moment of realization of potentialities, desires, subjectivities and spatialities training, flocks, movements. In our case, the event while the Mud Alley Alley Arts forced us to rethink the role and the place of art and artist in Natal-RN
The speeches about the body in interface with the technology, that fulfill the contemporary discussions, have been a stage of innumerable ethical, epistemological, aesthetic and ontological reflections. These happened bodies of the biotechnological scene also invade the dance, making several possible dialogues, making old concepts instable, opening way to revealing explorations and bringing with it implications and reflections. In this context, this research has as objective to discuss relations between body and technology in the dance; to understand the aesthetic configurations of the monster in the dance as possibility to question the body; to establish relations between the monstrous body in the dance and the conceptions of body in the Physical Education. We believe to be able to contribute for the reflection in the field of the Physical Education, since the work visualizes to extend the field of the discussions on aesthetic body and, as well as evidencing dialogues between different areas of the knowledge, as the Art and the Physical Education. From the point of view of the method, the work follows orientation of the Phenomenology for an aesthetic image appreciation of the videos in the choreographies In'perfeito and Violência of Cena 11, Dance Group that has marked new aesthetic configurations in the brazilian dance. Thus, we took for us the reflections on the "significant scenes" proposed by Bicudo (2000), to appreciate the dance of Cena 11. We emphasize that, after the identification of the Significant Scenes, it was necessary to approach these scenes from close senses, from which we detach the appearance, the space and the gesture. We evidence that, the bodies revealed by the group Cena 11, show an aesthetic that it interlaces the beauty, the ugly and the grotesque. An aesthetic of the unharmony, capable to transgress the oppositions, dialoguing with multiple antagonisms and that it amplifies the apollonian aesthetic linear rules, so predominant in the history of the dance and the Physical Education. We identify some indicatives that take us to the problematizations on an affective and anarchic body, when questioning the tyranny of the perfect corporality; the naturalization of the pain; the closed gesture in a finished and unique grammar; the standardization of feminine and masculine roles and the negation of the feeling. From these indicatives, we discuss the aesthetic of the deformed bodies of Cena 11, approaching it of the conceptions of body in the Physical Education, sometimes criticizing the rationalists and naturalistic views, sometimes dialoguing with more recent perspectives studied by researchers of this area of knowledge, which point to a reflection on the body under the optics of the sensible