943 resultados para Degradação de força


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This paper presents the public square as a subsystem of the city for the potential integration of elements 'natural' and built environment. But sometimes the suitability of projects and the social processes involved are not compatible and favorable to their real functions in urban space. The city of Natal, with a population of 803,739 inhabitants has 253 public parks not uniformly distributed in the urban area, but mostly in central areas and their absence in some peripheral neighborhoods. In this sense, the objective of this paper is to analyze the quality and spatiality of the city's public squares within the urban socio-environmental problems. For this, use of simple random sampling to define the sample and the proportional allocation of districts, totaling 168 squares to be raised. We prepared a form to collect data on the field that includes aspects of leisure, infrastructure and environment. For each square sampled was calculated Square Quality Index (PQI), then calculating the average per IQP neighborhood. The rates found were crossed with census data and Municipal Public Administration by neighborhood, using multivariate analysis. We generated maps, charts and tables, considered appropriate to each question format, focused comparison. The public square appears as an indicator of environmental challenges present in intra-urban spaces of the city. Their spatial distribution is not consistent demand population, both by disposition and by how much. In terms of quality are characterized by different levels of inadequacy and degradation aspects of leisure, environmental and infrastructure, often causing disfigurement, abandonment and improper occupation in such spaces. Multivariate analysis point to a central concentration and their problems in certain administrative units, not only as regards the public squares, but also to aspects of education, income, and other violence, perpetuating the problem. The various levels of inadequacy and degradation of public squares have been more blatant in the poorest neighborhoods of the city, pointing to a structural pattern associated with the intrinsic characteristics of the neighborhood and the socioeconomic profile of the local population. These are problems of social and environmental dimensions, threaded in and influenced the political, economic and broader social process of transformation of the city and the urban. Based on an uneven process in which space necessarily reflect the contradictions inherent in the active forces and interests. Thus evidencing the importance of managing the necessary public effectively engaged with the problems that are present there, in order to equate them, without being prioritized certain areas of the city at the expense of others


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The Environmental Protection area sof Pitimbu river are important tools for planning and territorial land management. The Pitimbu river protection is aided in laws, so much of Federal stamp, as the Brazilian s Forest Code (Law No. 4771/1965), and in State s and City s Resolutions. So, this research begins in the State s Law No. 8426/2003interpretations, for being the most restrictive in the river's margin occupation and management. The objective is to analyze the applicability of the Environmental Protection areas of Pitimbu river, localized at the State of Rio Grande do Norte, considering environmental legislation and how to use this space by the man. Having specific goals for the discussion of the legislation s scope to this river; the identification of the types of soil s covering and evaluation the effectiveness of Law Nº.8426/2003, as protection instrument and land management. The river is characterized by its ecological importance and for feeding the Jiqui pond, an important reservoir that supplies 30% of drinking water to the east, west and south population sof the capital of the State. Pitimbu river is passing by a process of environmental degradation, originating from actions as deforestations of its ciliary forests by intensive agricultural practices; introduction of urban and industrial effluents leading to its contamination; increase of the pluvial drainage; erosion, sedimentation and discharge of urban waste , along with pressure for urban settlements along its banks. Under the methodological point of view is part of theoretical planning and land management research, and from a vision of social and environmental spaces. It was produced a survey map of the soil s covering, with 16 classes. Divided into coverage and disturbed natural covering. Using the 300 meters spatial limits of the Environmental Protection Strip, according to the State Law. The survey highlighted a higher percentage of classes disturbed, indicating man s interference in the balance of that system, as well as the lack of environmental actions. Leading to the degradation of riparian areas, and lack of conservation of water resources. Finally, it was considered that the strips of environmental protection are not effective as the preservation and territorial ordination


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There are many applications coming from geomorphological studies and their different constitutive and inter related elements, to the implementation of public politics of planning and environmental management. This search presents an analysis of the environmental fragility of the watershed of Seridó River, situated between the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), including the identification of possible unstable areas. It is based on the methodological approach of Ecodynamics of the French researcher J. Tricart (1977) and on the operalisation proposal advocated by the Brazilian J. Ross (1994), related to the Potential and Emerging Ecodynamic Units, grounded in the Relief s Dissection Index or the topographic roughness, soil, rainfall and land use/vegetal cover. Under a quantitative perspective, the results obtained from the analysis of the watershed can be divided into classes of potential fragility: around 2.613,0 km² of low intensity, 5.188,4 km² of medium intensity and 2.585,5 km² of high intensity. Concerning the emerging fragility, the results are close to 2.212,0 km² of low intensity, 6.191,23 km² of medium intensity and 2.062,34 km² of high intensity. In the case of the watershed in question, the environmental degradation is particularly effective in the areas more dissected, where the ecological conditions, in synergy the environmental degradation, prevent the regeneration of vegetation when arises an opportunity for the (re)establishment of its equilibrium tenuous. The collected data is relevant for the territorial and environmental planning of the watershed, once we can still verify a close association of the cities on the central area of desertification with the areas of high environmental instability/fragility. This is an important tool to the understanding of the potential susceptibility of the natural and anthropic environments related to the advance and/or intensification of the erosion process, rock falls, mass movements, among other phenomena inside the potential unstable areas. From this perspective, the continuity of this research becomes extremely important to the understanding and arrangement of the process, together with the engendering and sustainability of the system in its totality; in narrow correlation because their potentialities, constraints and alternatives on Seridó River watershed, and in all the semi-arid region with similar characteristics


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Hydrographic basins always exercised a big fascination over humankind that attracted for its scenery beauty or for its richness in natural resources, had been acting in order to modify these important ecosystems without, therefore, considering the possible consequences of these changes. The attributed importance to the coast ecosystems, in eminence to the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas, is had when it s verified the diversity of the ecosystems that contemplate it. Hydrographic basin in evidence in Rio Grande do Norte state, occupies an area of nearly 652.71 km², being it sited in the homogeneous micro-region Litoral Nordeste, with a regional population estimated in nearly 75,188 inhabitants, according to the Anuário Estatístico do Rio Grande do Norte 2004. The region of the researched basin is formed by seven municipal districts related as it follows: Maxaranguape, Pedra Grande, Pureza, Rio do Fogo, São Miguel de Touros, Taipu and Touros, but Maxaranguape, Rio do Fogo, Touros and Pureza have a direct participation in the basin. Basin in study have it lands evaluated according to the agriculturist aptitude by the conventionally methodology practiced in the country, having as objective, then, a compara-tive analysis between the ambient unities, Aeolian littoral and coast tray, identified in the researched area. From the characterization of the physic way of the area in study and owning the kept data, it was proceeded the integrated analysis of the structural elements of the landscape which were evidenced that the fragile areas are associated with the areas of agriculture cultivation, such as the ones of irregular occupation. About the degradation, the ambient diagnostic of the basin indicated that the equivalent to the Aeolian Littoral Ambient Unit correspond to the bigger pledging of the ambient quality, in other words, high ambient fragility, being this result due to the use and occupation of the soil, propitiating this way, vulnerability in the vegetal cover of the area, despite it disposes of a low agriculture cultivation percentage. Already in the Coast Ambient Tray, is emphasized the medium ambient fragility, despite of the high index of cultivated area. In a general way, the total area of the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas presented ambient impacts over the tolerance limit, indicating the necessity of a review of the practices of use and handling of the soil, reforesting of the water courses edges, control of erosion and contamination of the aqueous in the perspective to reduce the effects of the impacts due to the use and occupation of the basin in regard. The present search evaluated the ambient impacts diagnosised in the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas, pointing the causes and the probable consequences of the damages caused by these impacts to the basin ambient. From the analysis of these data, if was possible to become explicit how they are fundamental as key elements in the process of decision taking in the ambient questions


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The Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (RMF) is composed by thirteen cities, where is call the attention of Aquiraz. The city has a excellent resort area and a big importance in socioculture and historics aspects. It was one of the first village of Ceará, and it was founded in 1699, with was also the capital of the state until 1726. The urban local development has been disorganized in the last decades, the fact is, insert of turismon in its coast, and it is unable with alow capacity of the natural suppots, configuring unsustainable and et environment ambience. Considering as a turistic region, it is preoccupy, been necessart to create a better control of the nature of the region by the users. The environmental zoning in this work it is to plan of adequate form the use of the ground based in the management of the interests and the social and economic necessities in accord with the preservation of the environment and the natural characteristics of the city. The same is one great instrument planning where use to be analized in differents ways: social, ambiental, economical and institucional, and promove alternatives of use and occupation of the land to recreate the city. The methodo used to get the real objective, englobed zonal maps in ambiental unities and others themes (geologic/geomorphologic) since than the images from satelities LANDSAT and SPOT and fotografies under position of maps, secundaries listes gets in publics department, bibliographie, informations by the local populations. This prociduries mede easy to create maps, geologic/geomorphologic, of use and occupation the earth and the environmental zoning to analize the dynamic and the working of each ambiental unity of the city Aquiraz wich is located by map of this job. As a result of this job was confectionated the environmental zoning map of Aquiraz wich was divided in five ambiental unities and restrictions areas of occupation: unit I Littoral Plain (zoning with serious restrictions to the occupation); unit II Sub-Littoral Plain (improper zoning to the occupation); unit III between tray zoning Pré-Littoral and Peripheral Depression (improper zoning to the occupation); unit IV Strativism reserve of the plug (zoning used more under control in its occupation) and unit V Fluvial Plain Localities of the Indians Jenipapo-Kaninde/ locality Quilombolas (zoning used more without official regulation). With proposal in the ambient units above one expects that it has a reduction of the ambient degradation and protection of the local biodiversity of the city of Aquiraz in the State of the Ceará


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A degradação ambiental vem modificando nosso cenário de forma acelerada e interferindo negativamente no processo saúde-doença de toda a comunidade. No entanto, o meio ambiente vem sendo concebido como um simples cenário, algo externo ao ser humano, não onde estamos inseridos e no qual acontecem suas interações e inter-relações. A complexidade dos problemas ambientais clama pela adoção de medidas que superem práticas assistencialistas, levando à adoção de práticas transdisciplinares que avancem na promoção da saúde. Neste artigo procura-se discutir, nesta perspectiva, a necessidade de inserção nos cursos de graduação em saúde a temática saúde e meio ambiente, adotando como exemplo um curso de enfermagem do interior paulista que inseriu uma disciplina relacionada ao tema. Analisa também o papel do enfermeiro na relação com o meio ambiente segundo a representação social dos alunos, trabalhada a partir do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Nota-se que é fundamental discutir essa temática ambiental entre os profissionais da saúde, a fim de que eles se empoderem desse conhecimento e consigam identificar problemas relacionados à questão ambiental, propondo ações resolutivas e preventivas, juntamente com a comunidade, procurando amenizar os riscos ambientais a que todos estão expostos. Reforça-se a profundidade do papel dos profissionais de saúde diante dos problemas ambientais, buscando a saúde em uma perspectiva ampliada de promoção da saúde.


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A inoculação de forragens com fungos lignocelulolíticos é uma opção para melhorar a qualidade destas sem adição de produtos químicos. O tratamento do substrato influencia a ação do fungo e a qualidade final do produto. Neste experimento, aplicaram-se quatro tratamentos (compostagem do feno inteiro, compostagem do feno picado, hidratação do feno em água fria e hidratação do feno em água quente) a um feno de Brachiaria decumbens. Aos tratamentos seguiu-se inoculação com o fungo Pleurotus ostreatus e incubação por 35 dias, sob temperatura controlada. Usou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições e medidas repetidas. Amostras foram colhidas semanalmente para acompanhar a degradação do substrato, mediante a análise química do feno. Observou-se aumento linear, com o decorrer do tempo, no teor de proteína bruta (PB) e na proporção de lignina na parede celular (LIG-FDN), e decréscimo linear nos valores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), celulose e hemicelulose. Não se observou efeito de tratamento no teor de FDA. Os tratamentos com compostagem apresentaram maiores valores de PB, lignina e LIG-FDN e menores de FDN e hemicelulose. Não se observou diferença entre os tratamentos com hidratação. O tratamento do feno de braquiária com o fungo propiciou degradação da fração fibrosa e aumento no teor de PB, com efeito mais intenso nos tratamentos que usaram compostagem. A ação do fungo foi mais efetiva sobre a hemicelulose que sobre os demais componentes da fibra.


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O presente estudo consiste em uma caracterização preliminar da atividade proteolítica de frações de proteínas purificadas a partir de lisados de trofozoítos de cepa isolada e axenizada no Brasil. Frações obtidas por cromatografia líquida (FPLC) foram analisadas quanto ao perfil eletroforético em géis de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE) e a atividade proteolítica foi avaliada em géis contendo gelatina como substrato. A caracterização das enzimas foi realizada a partir da análise do efeito de inibidores sintéticos de cisteína-proteases (E-64, IAA), serina-proteases (PMSF), serina e cisteína-proteases (TPCK, TLCK, elastatinal), metalo-proteases (EDTA) e aspartil proteases (pepstatina) sobre a degradação do substrato. Entre 30 frações eluídas, bandas de proteínas foram observadas em oito delas, entretanto, atividade proteolítica foi detectada apenas nas frações 23, 24, 25 e 26. O perfil eletroforético das proteínas revelou poucas bandas distribuídas na faixa de 45 a 18 kDa. Os zimogramas revelaram zonas de proteólise na faixa de aproximadamente 62 a 35 kDa, entretanto destacaram-se as bandas de hidrólise de 62, 55, 53, 50, 46 e 40 kDa. Nos ensaios de inibição, a proteólise foi marcantemente inibida por E-64, TPCK, TLCK e elastatinal. Redução discreta da proteólise foi observada com IAA e PMSF, enquanto que EDTA e pepstatina não promoveram alteração dos perfis de hidrólise. Estas observações são relevantes, especialmente se considerarmos que para elucidar o envolvimento das proteases na relação parasita-hospedeiro, a purificação dessas moléculas é um requisito importante.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Meio mineral líquido contendo benzeno (B) ou tolueno (T) ou xileno (X) a 100 mg L-1 e suas misturas de BT, BX e TX (50 + 50 mg L-1 cada mistura) e BTX (33,3 + 33,3 + 33,3 mg L-1 cada mistura) foram utilizados para avaliar a atividade de degradação de B, T e X por Pseudomonas putida CCMI 852 contendo um plasmídeo TOL. Após 18 a 24 horas de homogenização da mistura, o inoculo foi adicionado e o decréscimo da concentração dos solventes foi determinado entre 24 e 25 horas por GC. Pseudomonas putida CCMI 852 foi capaz de metabolizar T e X, mas não B. Na mistura BTX, B não foi metabolizado também e a velocidade de degradação de T e X decresceu cerca de 50% comparado com soluções contendo apenas T ou X.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Utilizou-se o músculo Iliotibialis lateralis da sobrecoxa da ema (Rhea americana) para a realização das análises de estabilidade da carne sob armazenamento em refrigeração e congelamento. Na avaliação da carga microbiológica da carne foram realizadas análises de Coliformes Totais, Coliformes Fecais (Escherichia coli) e psicrotróficos. No período de zero a 12 dias de refrigeração determinou-se o pH da carne e a degradação protéica através da análise de Nitrogênio Volátil Total (NVT). Durante o congelamento (período de 60 dias) avaliou-se o pH e a oxidação lipídica pela análise do número de TBA da carne armazenada. As amostras sob refrigeração e congelamento mostraram-se adequadas ao consumo, não apresentando contaminação microbiológica durante todo o período de estocagem. Os valores de Nitrogênio Volátil Total (NVT) da carne sob refrigeração tiveram uma evolução insignificante (4%) entre o tempo zero e o 12º dia de estocagem. Durante o congelamento ocorreu um aumento significativo do número de TBA nas amostras, com variações de 1,5-2,5 mg de SRATB/1.000 g amostra. Os valores de pH da carne de ema armazenada sob refrigeração e congelamento mantiveram-se praticamente estáveis em torno de 5,8.


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A hidrólise enzimática do amido pode fornecer informações importantes sobre sua estrutura granular. Amidos de mandioca, batata-doce, mandioquinha-salsa e batata foram hidrolisados por α-amilase bacteriana a 37 °C durante 48 horas, e algumas propriedades físico-químicas dos resíduos da hidrólise foram determinadas. O amido de mandioca foi o mais suscetível à enzima com 20,9% de hidrólise, enquanto o amido de batata foi o mais resistente com 5,9%. O tamanho médio dos grânulos variou de 10,8 a 23,4 μm para os amidos de mandioquinha-salsa e batata, respectivamente. Amidos de mandioca e batata-doce apresentaram um padrão de difração de raio-X tipo A, enquanto os amidos de mandioquinha-salsa e batata mostraram padrão tipo B. Todos os amidos nativos mostraram superfície granular lisa e, após hidrólise, os amidos de mandioca, batata-doce e mandioquinha-salsa mostraram alguns grânulos bastante degradados, enquanto o amido de batata apresentou sutil sinal de degradação. O teor de amilose dos amidos diminuiu com a hidrólise para os amidos de mandioca, batata-doce e mandioquinha-salsa, permanecendo inalterado para o amido de batata. Como esperado, a viscosidade intrínseca e as propriedades de pasta diminuíram para todos os amidos hidrolisados. Não houve diferença significativa entre as propriedades térmicas dos amidos nativos e hidrolisados. Estes resultados sugeriram que a hidrólise ocorreu nas áreas cristalinas e amorfas dos grânulos. O padrão de difração do tipo B e o grande tamanho dos grânulos do amido de batata podem ter contribuído para a maior resistência deste amido à hidrólise.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)