999 resultados para Data system


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Errata pages inserted in vol. 2.


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This paper reviews the key features of an environment to support domain users in spatial information system (SIS) development. It presents a full design and prototype implementation of a repository system for the storage and management of metadata, focusing on a subset of spatial data integrity constraint classes. The system is designed to support spatial system development and customization by users within the domain that the system will operate.


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Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk az MTA KRTK KTI munkaerő-piaci előrejelző rendszerének nagy léptékű szerkezetét, a szerkezet kialakítása során követett főbb elveket. Ismertetjük a hazai gyakorlatban egyedülállóan összetett és széles körű adatrendszert, amelyen a becslést és az előrejelzést elvégeztük. Röviden kitérünk az ágazati GDP előrejelzésére, a modell keresleti és kínálati oldalának működésére, valamint a kereslet és kínálat közötti eltérések dinamikájának vizsgálatára. ______ The article presents the overall structure, and main principles followed in devising the structure, of the labour-market forecasting system developed by the Institute of Economics of the Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KRTK KTI). The authors present the broad, comprehensive data system unprecedented in Hungarian practice, from which the estimate and forecast are made. The article diverges briefly onto the forecasting of branch GDP, the mode of operation of the supply and demand sides of the model, and examination of the dynamics of discrepancies between supply and demand.


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This document does NOT address the issue of oxygen data quality control (either real-time or delayed mode). As a preliminary step towards that goal, this document seeks to ensure that all countries deploying floats equipped with oxygen sensors document the data and metadata related to these floats properly. We produced this document in response to action item 14 from the AST-10 meeting in Hangzhou (March 22-23, 2009). Action item 14: Denis Gilbert to work with Taiyo Kobayashi and Virginie Thierry to ensure DACs are processing oxygen data according to recommendations. If the recommendations contained herein are followed, we will end up with a more uniform set of oxygen data within the Argo data system, allowing users to begin analysing not only their own oxygen data, but also those of others, in the true spirit of Argo data sharing. Indications provided in this document are valid as of the date of writing this document. It is very likely that changes in sensors, calibrations and conversions equations will occur in the future. Please contact V. Thierry (vthierry@ifremer.fr) for any inconsistencies or missing information. A dedicated webpage on the Argo Data Management website (www) contains all information regarding Argo oxygen data management : current and previous version of this cookbook, oxygen sensor manuals, calibration sheet examples, examples of matlab code to process oxygen data, test data, etc..


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the positive predictive value for BI-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) categories 3, 4 and 5, correlating mammographic and histological diagnosis in non-palpable breast lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Analytical-descriptive study of 169 women submitted to stereotactic localization for surgical biopsy of non-palpable breast lesions. Mammographic and histological findings were correlated, analyzing the predictive positive value for each category. RESULTS: Forty-two (24.8%) cases were diagnosed with breast cancer - only one in category 3, 19 in category 4, and 22 in category 5. The positive predictive value for categories 3, 4A, 4B, 4C and 5 were, respectively, 3.4%, 10.3%, 11.3%, 36% and 91.7%. Microcalcifications were the most frequent finding related to malignancy, present in 61.5% of these cases. CONCLUSION: The present study has demonstrated that BI-RADS allows a safe prediction of high suspicion of malignancy in lesions category 5 and low suspicion for category 3. As regards the category 4, the positive predictive value has shown a progressive increase in subcategories A, B and C, demonstrating that this subclassification represents an invaluable contribution for a more detailed and accurate assessment of lesions suspicious for malignancy.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar o tamanho das porções dos alimentos e das preparações mais consumidas ou que mais contribuem com o valor energético total da dieta de adultos e idosos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se inquérito domiciliar de base populacional em 2003, com amostra representativa de 1 477 indivíduos acima de 20 anos residentes no município de São Paulo. O consumo alimentar foi verificado pelo recordatório de 24 horas, digitado no programa Nutrition Data System. Os alimentos e as preparações selecionados para averiguação da porção foram os consumidos por, no mínimo, 10% da população de estudo ou que contribuíram com até 80% do valor energético total. As porções médias, obtidas pelo percentil 50, foram comparadas segundo sexo e estado nutricional, por meio do teste de Kruskal Wallis. RESULTADOS: Arroz e feijão foram os alimentos mais consumidos e que mais contribuíram para o valor energético da dieta. Os homens consumiram maior porção destes alimentos, quando são comparados às mulheres. Observou-se que a porção de leite está abaixo do estipulado pelo Guia Alimentar Brasileiro, porém a maior diferença encontrada foi em relação à alface e ao tomate. Verificou-se que indivíduos com excesso de peso consomem maiores porções de peito de frango. CONCLUSÃO: O tamanho das porções de alguns alimentos é maior entre homens, porém, na prática, não há como diferenciar, em medidas caseiras, valores tão próximos como os encontrados na maioria dos alimentos. As porções dos principais alimentos dos grupos de verduras e legumes e leite e derivados são menores que o proposto pelo Guia Alimentar.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre indicadores socioeconômicos, de provisão de serviços públicos odontológicos e de alocação de recursos financeiros em saúde, e identificar se o sentido das associações ocorre em favor da eqüidade vertical. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal de abordagem ecológica, com dados do Ministério da Saúde referentes a 399 municípios do estado do Paraná, no período de 1998 a 2005. A condição socioeconômica foi aferida por meio do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano dos municípios, além de indicadores de renda, educação e saneamento básico, os quais foram obtidos nas bases de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Os dados foram submetidos a testes estatísticos não-paramétricos: coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, Friedman e Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Houve tendência redistributiva dos recursos federais transferidos aos municípios para o custeio da atenção básica, intensificada a partir do lançamento da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Observou-se expansão das ações de saúde bucal no período analisado, bem como tendência pró-eqüidade na oferta e utilização dos serviços odontológicos em atenção básica. CONCLUSÕES: Houve tendência redistributiva, ou pró-eqüidade, na provisão de serviços odontológicos no estado do Paraná, com maior provisão per capita de recursos ou serviços para municípios com piores indicadores socioeconômicos. Esta tendência se mostrou compatível com as diretrizes programáticas recentes do Ministério da Saúde.


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Background: Adequate nutrition plays an important role in bone mass accrual and maintenance and has been demonstrated as a significant tool for the prevention of fractures in individuals with osteoporosis. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone health-related nutrients intake and its association with osteoporotic fractures in a representative sample of 2344 individuals aged 40 years or older in Brazil. Methods: In a transversal population-based study, a total of 2420 individuals over 40 years old were evaluated from March to April 2006. Participants were men and women from all socioeconomic classes and education levels living around the Brazilian territory Individuals responded a questionnaire including self reported fractures as well a 24-hour food recall. Nutrient intakes were evaluated by Nutrition Data System for Research software (NDSR, University of Minnesota, 2007). Low trauma fracture was defined as that resulting of a fall from standing height or less. Nutrient intakes adequacies were performed by using the DRI's proposed values. Statistical analysis comprises Oneway ANCOVA adjusted by age and use of nutritional supplements and multiple logistic regression. SAS software was used for statistical analysis. Results: Fractures was reported by 13% of men and 15% of women. Women with fractures presented significantly higher calcium, phosphorus and magnesium intakes. However, in all regions and socio-economical levels mean intakes of bone related nutrients were below the recommended levels. It was demonstrated that for every 100 mg/phosphorus increase the risk of fractures by 9% (OR 1.09; IC95% 1.05-1.13, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results demonstrated inadequacies in bone related nutrients in our population as well that an increase in phosphorus intake is related to bone fractures.