955 resultados para Dark morph
Purpose: To investigate the differences between the Fundus Camera (Topcon TRC-50X) and Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (Heidelberg retina angiogram (HRA)) on the fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging (resolution and FAF characteristics). Methods: Eighty nine eyes of 46 patients with various retinal diseases underwent FAF imaging with HRA (488nm exciter / 500nm barrier filter) before fluorescein angiography (FFA) and Topcon Fundus Camera (580nm exciter / 695nm barrier filter) before and after FFA. The quality of the FAF images was estimated, compared for their resolution and analysed for the influence of fixation stability and cataracts. Hypo- and hyper-FAF behaviour was analysed for the healthy disc, healthy fovea, and a variety of pathological features. Results: HRA images were found to be of superior quality in 18 eyes, while Topcon images were estimated superior in 21 eyes. No difference was found in 50 eyes. Both poor fixation (p=0.009) and more advanced cataract (p=0.013) were found to strongly increase the likelihood of better image quality by Topcon. Images acquired by Topcon before and after FFA were identical (100%). The healthy disc was usually dark on HRA (71%), but showed mild autofluorescence on Topcon (88%). The healthy fovea showed in 100% Hypo-FAF on HRA, while Topcon showed in 52% Iso-FAF, in 43% mild Hypo-FAF, and in 5% Hypo-FAF as on HRA. No difference of FAF was found for geographic atrophy, pigment changes, and drusen, although Topcon images were often more detailed. Hyper-FAF due to exudation showed better on HRA. Pigment epithelium detachment showed identical FAF behaviour on the border, but reduced FAF with Topcon in the center. Cystic edema was visible only on HRA in a petaloid pattern. Hard exsudates caused Hypo-FAF only on HRA, hardly visible on Topcon. Blocage phenomenon by blood however was identical. Conclusions: The filter set of Topcon and the single image acquisition appear to be an advantage for patients with cataract or poor fixation. Preceding FFA does not alter the Topcon FAF image. Regarding the FAF behaviour, there are differences between the two systems which need to be taken into account when interpreting the images.
The objective of this work was to establish a life table for the immature stages of Epinotia aporema, as part of a wider investigation on its biological control. Insects were reared on an artificial diet at 25±1ºC and a 16:8 (light:dark) hour photoperiod. For the identification of larval instars for the study of pathogen-insect interactions under laboratory conditions, head capsule widths (HCWs) were also determined. The egg incubation period was 4.13±0.30 days, larval stage took 11.64±0.49 days, and the development time of the pupal phase was sex-dependent with 8.51±0.69 days for the females and 9.41±0.65 days for the males. Five larval instars were identified.
Although gene by environment interactions may play a key role in the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms, little is known about the ecological factors involved in these interactions. We investigated whether food supply and parasites can mediate covariation between the degree of adult pheomelanin-based coloration, a heritable trait, and offspring body mass in the tawny owl (Strix aluco). We swapped clutches between nests to allocate genotypes randomly among environments. Three weeks after hatching, we challenged the immune system of 80 unrelated nestlings with either a phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or a lipopolysaccharide, surrogates of alternative parasites, and then fed them ad lib. or food-restricted them during the following 6 days in the laboratory. Whatever the immune challenge, nestlings fed ad lib. converted food more efficiently into body mass when their biological mother was dark pheomelanic. In contrast, food-restricted nestlings challenged with PHA lost less body mass when their biological mother was pale pheomelanic. Nestling tawny owls born from differently melanic mothers thus show differing reaction norms relative to food availability and parasitism. This suggests that dark and pale pheomelanic owls reflect alternative adaptations to food availability and parasites, factors known to vary in space and time.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as condições iniciais de alojamento de aves, de um dia de idade, em termos da qualidade da cama de frango reutilizada e do ar, em aviários comerciais de produção com diferentes sistemas de ventilação mínima e tipologia, por meio de análise geoestatística. O experimento foi realizado em quatro aviários: Blue House I (T1) e Blue House II (T2), Dark House (T3) e Convencional (T4). As variáveis analisadas foram: pH, umidade, temperatura superficial e concentração de amônia, tendo-se coletado as amostras na altura dos frangos, em 80 pontos equidistantes no interior do pinteiro. A análise geoestatística auxiliou a identificação de pontos críticos no controle dos ambientes estudados. O manejo da ventilação mínima não é suficiente para garantir a qualidade do ar nos pinteiros. A cama reutilizada de casca de café e arroz (T1 e T2) apresenta melhor qualidade do que a cama reutilizada de maravalha fina (T3 e T4). O sistema de ventilação mínima, em T2 e T4, é o mais eficiente quanto à renovação do ar nos pinteiros.
Abstract The maintenance of genetic variation is a long-standing issue because the adaptive value of life-history strategies associated with each genetic variant is usually unknown. However, evidence for the coexistence of alternative evolutionary fixed strategies at the population level remains scarce. Because in the tawny owl (Strix aluco) heritable melanin-based coloration shows different physiological and behavioral norms of reaction, we investigated whether coloration is associated with investment in maintenance and reproduction. Light melanic owls had lower adult survival compared to dark melanic conspecifics, and color variation was related to the trade-off between offspring number and quality. When we experimentally enlarged brood size, light melanic males produced more fledglings but in poorer condition, and they were less often recruited in the local breeding population than those of darker melanic conspecifics. Our results also suggest that dark melanic males allocate a constant effort to raise their brood independently of environmental conditions, whereas lighter melanic males finely adjust reproductive effort in relation to changes in environmental conditions. Color traits can therefore be associated with life-history strategies, and stochastic environmental perturbation can temporarily favor one phenotype over others. The existence of fixed strategies implies that some phenotypes can sometimes display a "maladapted" strategy. Long-term population monitoring is therefore vital for a full understanding of how different genotypes deal with trade-offs.
This chapter looks at the place of the Gothic in Batman's history and current revival via the Nolan films. It examines the specificity of comic book characters, which exist in a wide variety of texts, forms and media, and focuses on the way that Batman has oscillated between light and dark versions while always returning to the Gothic as a means of commercial reanimation when the franchise seems to wane.
UNIVERSITE DE LAUSANNE - FACULTE DE BIOLOGIE ET DE MEDECINE Médecine Ophtalmologie Etude clinique et angiographique lors de la Syphilis Oculaire THESE préparée sous la direction du Docteur Yan Guex-Crosier et présentée à la Faculté de biologie et de médecine de l'Université de Lausanne pour l'obtention du grade de DOCTEUR EN MEDECINE par Konstantinos BALASKAS Médecin diplômé de la Grèce Originaire d'Athènes (Grèce) ι Lausanne 2012 Une recrudescence des cas de syphilis a été observée ces dernières années. Son diagnostic clinique reste particulièrement difficile en l'absence de signe pathognomonique. Sur le plan oculaire elle présente un vaste spectre de manifestations diverses lui ayant valu le surnom de « la grande imitatrice ». Sa rareté et son hétérogénéité ont empêché l'identification et la vérification statistique des facteurs liés à un pronostic défavorable. Le but de cette étude a été d'explorer les paramètres cliniques et para-cliniques déterminant la sévérité et influençant l'évolution de la maladie. Ce travail comprend deux volets, la première partie intitulée : «Analysis of significant factors influencing visual acuity in ocular syphilis» publiée dans le British Journal of Ophthalmology a démontré qu'une mauvaise acuité visuelle initiale est associée de façon statistiquement significative à la sévérité de l'amputation du champ visuel, à la présence d'un oedème maculaire ou d'une neuropathie optique. Une amélioration de l'acuité visuelle grâce au traitement antibiotique est associée à la présence d'une vasculite (visible à l'angiographie fluorescéinique), d'une neurosyphilis ou d'une uvéite antérieure. Une récidive inflammatoire est fortement associée à une durée prolongée des symptômes avant l'introduction du traitement et à la présence de douleur comme signe d'appel. L'utilité clinique principale de ces résultats statistiques permet de conclure que les formes inflammatoires sévères associées à la triade (vasculite, neurosyphilis et uvéite antérieure) constituent un phénomène réversible pour autant qu'un traitement précoce et adéquat ait été introduit. Le deuxième volet de l'étude analyse les manifestations angiographiques (à la fluorescéine (AF) et au vert d'indocyanine (AICG)) de la syphilis oculaire et a été publié dans le journal du Graefes Archives of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology sous le titre suivant : "Fluorescein and indocyanine-green angiography in ocular syphilis: an exploratory study". Des associations faibles ont été démontrées entre la présence d'une vasculite lors de AF et d'une uvéite antérieure, d'une hyalite et d'un âge plus jeune. Une association forte est identifiée entre la présence des «dark dots» sur l'AICG et d'une uvéite antérieure ainsi qu'entre la présence des «hot spots» sur l'AICG et d'une durée prolongée des symptômes. Les conclusions d'importance clinique significative lors de la syphilis oculaire sont que les « dark dots » ou hypofluorescences en AICG évoquent la présence d'une atteinte inflammatoire oculaire sévère et que les « hot spots » ou hyperfluorescences en AICG sont significatifs d'une atteinte chronique. Cette étude contribue à modifier les attitudes cliniques lors de la syphilis oculaire surtout en ce qui concerne l'urgence à traiter afin d'assurer une récupération optimale. Elle aide aussi à redéfinir le rôle de l'angiographie dans la syphilis oculaire pour déterminer la sévérité, la durée de la maladie ainsi que le pronostic visuel.
The objective of this work was to verify whether the addition of biochar to the soil affects the degradation of litter and of soil organic matter (SOM). In order to investigate the effect of biochar on the mineralization of barley straw, soil was incubated with 14C-labelled barley straw with or without unlabelled biochar. To investigate the effect of straw on the mineralization of biochar, soil was incubated with 14C-labelled biochar with or without straw. In addition, to investigate the effect of biochar on old SOM, a soil labelled by applying labelled straw 40 years ago was incubated with different levels of biochar. All experiments had a control treatment, without any soil amendment. The effect of biochar on the straw mineralization was small and nonsignificant. Without biochar, 48±0.2% of the straw carbon was mineralized within the 451 days of the experiment. In comparison, 45±1.6% of C was mineralized after biochar addition of 1.5 g kg-1. In the SOM-labelled soil, the organic matter mineralized more slowly with the increasing doses of biochar. Biochar addition at 7.7 g kg-1 reduced SOM mineralization from 6.6 to 6.3%, during the experimental period. The addition of 15.5 g kg-1 of biochar reduced the mineralized SOM to 5.7%. There is no evidence of increased degradation of either litter or SOM due to biochar addition; consequently, there is no evidence of decreased stability of SOM.
The objective of this work was to characterize the morphology and molecular composition of the hydrochar produced by microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose. The produced hydrochar consists mainly of aggregate microspheres with about 2.0 µm in diameter, with aliphatic and aromatic structures and the presence of carbonyl functional groups. The aromatic groups are formed mainly by benzofuran-like structures, being chemically different from common cellulose char. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization yields a functionalized carbon-rich material similar to that produced by the conventional hydrothermal process.
The silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is a novel detector technology that has undergone a fast development in the last few years, owing to its single-photon resolution and ultra-fast response time. However, the typical high dark count rates of the sensor may prevent the detection of low intensity radiation fluxes. In this article, the time-gated operation with short active periods in the nanosecond range is proposed as a solution to reduce the number of cells fired due to noise and thus increase the dynamic range. The technique is aimed at application fields that function under a trigger command, such as gated fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.
Most organisms use circadian oscillators to coordinate physiological and developmental processes such as growth with predictable daily environmental changes like sunrise and sunset. The importance of such coordination is highlighted by studies showing that circadian dysfunction causes reduced fitness in bacteria and plants, as well as sleep and psychological disorders in humans. Plant cell growth requires energy and water-factors that oscillate owing to diurnal environmental changes. Indeed, two important factors controlling stem growth are the internal circadian oscillator and external light levels. However, most circadian studies have been performed in constant conditions, precluding mechanistic study of interactions between the clock and diurnal variation in the environment. Studies of stem elongation in diurnal conditions have revealed complex growth patterns, but no mechanism has been described. Here we show that the growth phase of Arabidopsis seedlings in diurnal light conditions is shifted 8-12 h relative to plants in continuous light, and we describe a mechanism underlying this environmental response. We find that the clock regulates transcript levels of two basic helix-loop-helix genes, phytochrome-interacting factor 4 (PIF4) and PIF5, whereas light regulates their protein abundance. These genes function as positive growth regulators; the coincidence of high transcript levels (by the clock) and protein accumulation (in the dark) allows them to promote plant growth at the end of the night. Thus, these two genes integrate clock and light signalling, and their coordinated regulation explains the observed diurnal growth rhythms. This interaction may serve as a paradigm for understanding how endogenous and environmental signals cooperate to control other processes.
Nest and territory defence are risky and potentially dangerous behaviours. If the resolution of life history trade-offs differs between individuals, the level of defence may also vary among individuals. Because melanin-based colour traits can be associated with life history strategies, differently coloured individuals may display different nest and territory defence strategies. We investigated this issue in the colour polymorphic tawny owl (Strix aluco) for which plumage varies from dark to light reddish melanic. Accordingly, we found that (1) our presence induced a greater response (flying around) from dark-coloured than light-coloured females and (2) dark reddish males suffered lower nest predation rates than light-coloured males. In experimentally enlarged broods, the probability that females reacted after we played back the hoot calls of a stranger male was higher if these females were lighter reddish; the opposite pattern was found in experimentally reduced broods with dark parents being more reactive than light parents. Finally, darker females alarmed more frequently when paired with a light than with a dark male, suggesting that partners adjust their behaviour to each other. We also tested whether colouration is used as a signal by conspecifics to adjust the level of their defensive behaviour. Accordingly, breeding females responded more vigorously to a dark than a light reddish stuffed tawny owl placed beside their nest. We conclude that melanin-based colouration is a signal of alternative nest and territory defence behaviour that depends on ecological factors.
Antosyaanit ovat luonnossa esiintyvien flavonoidien suurin ryhmä. Niitä on tunnistettu yli 600 erilaista, mutta kuitenkin vain kuusi on luonnossa yleisesti esiintyviä. Eniten antosyaaneja on tummissa marjoissa kuten mustikassa, marja-aroniassa sekä variksenmarjassa. Antosyaaneilla on havaittu monia positiivisiaterveysvaikutuksia kuten antioksidatiivisia, antikarsinogeenisia, sekä antimikrobiaalisia vaikutuksia. Tässä työssä tutkittiin marjojen antosyaanien talteenottoa uuttamalla sekä niiden väkevöintiä. Tavoitteena oli saada mahdollisimman korkea antosyaanien saanto ja hyvä säilyvyys. Antosyaanien analysointi tehtiin nestekromatografisesti käyttäen ODS-2 kolonnia sekä nopeampaa spektrofotometristä pH-eromenetelmää. Tulokset laskettiin syanidiini-3-glukosidina. Antosyaanien väkevöintiä tutkittiin käyttäen erityyppisiä polymeerisiä makrohuokoisia adsorptiohartseja. Väkevöintiä kokeiltiin myös erottamalla epäpuhtauksia antosyaaniuutteesta sekä esikäsittelemällä puristejäännös eri olosuhteissa ennen antosyaanien uuttoa. Kuiva antosyaaniuute sisälsi ennen väkevöintiä noin 50 mg/g antosyaaneja ja väkevöinnin jälkeen yli 300 mg/g. Antosyaanien säilyvyyttä tutkittiin eri lämpötiloissa sekä kuivana että uutteena. Riippumatta säilytysolosuhteista kuivan puhdistetun antosyaanin havaittiin säilyvän hyvin.
RESUME Les fibres textiles sont des produits de masse utilisés dans la fabrication de nombreux objets de notre quotidien. Le transfert de fibres lors d'une action délictueuse est dès lors extrêmement courant. Du fait de leur omniprésence dans notre environnement, il est capital que l'expert forensique évalue la valeur de l'indice fibres. L'interprétation de l'indice fibres passe par la connaissance d'un certain nombre de paramètres, comme la rareté des fibres, la probabilité de leur présence par hasard sur un certain support, ainsi que les mécanismes de transfert et de persistance des fibres. Les lacunes les plus importantes concernent les mécanismes de transfert des fibres. A ce jour, les nombreux auteurs qui se sont penchés sur le transfert de fibres ne sont pas parvenus à créer un modèle permettant de prédire le nombre de fibres que l'on s'attend à retrouver dans des circonstances de contact données, en fonction des différents paramètres caractérisant ce contact et les textiles mis en jeu. Le but principal de cette recherche est de démontrer que la création d'un modèle prédictif du nombre de fibres transférées lors d'un contact donné est possible. Dans le cadre de ce travail, le cas particulier du transfert de fibres d'un tricot en laine ou en acrylique d'un conducteur vers le dossier du siège de son véhicule a été étudié. Plusieurs caractéristiques des textiles mis en jeu lors de ces expériences ont été mesurées. Des outils statistiques (régression linéaire multiple) ont ensuite été utilisés sur ces données afin d'évaluer l'influence des caractéristiques des textiles donneurs sur le nombre de fibres transférées et d'élaborer un modèle permettant de prédire le nombre de fibres qui vont être transférées à l'aide des caractéristiques influençant significativement le transfert. Afin de faciliter la recherche et le comptage des fibres transférées lors des expériences de transfert, un appareil de recherche automatique des fibres (liber finder) a été utilisé dans le cadre de cette recherche. Les tests d'évaluation de l'efficacité de cet appareil pour la recherche de fibres montrent que la recherche automatique est globalement aussi efficace qu'une recherche visuelle pour les fibres fortement colorées. Par contre la recherche automatique perd de son efficacité pour les fibres très pâles ou très foncées. Une des caractéristiques des textiles donneurs à étudier est la longueur des fibres. Afin de pouvoir évaluer ce paramètre, une séquence d'algorithmes de traitement d'image a été implémentée. Cet outil permet la mesure de la longueur d'une fibre à partir de son image numérique à haute résolution (2'540 dpi). Les tests effectués montrent que les mesures ainsi obtenues présentent une erreur de l'ordre du dixième de millimètre, ce qui est largement suffisant pour son utilisation dans le cadre de cette recherche. Les résultats obtenus suite au traitement statistique des résultats des expériences de transfert ont permis d'aboutir à une modélisation du phénomène du transfert. Deux paramètres sont retenus dans le modèle: l'état de la surface du tissu donneur et la longueur des fibres composant le tissu donneur. L'état de la surface du tissu est un paramètre tenant compte de la quantité de fibres qui se sont détachées de la structure du tissu ou qui sont encore faiblement rattachées à celle-ci. En effet, ces fibres sont les premières à se transférer lors d'un contact, et plus la quantité de ces fibres par unité de surface est importante, plus le nombre de fibres transférées sera élevé. La longueur des fibres du tissu donneur est également un paramètre important : plus les fibres sont longues, mieux elles sont retenues dans la structure du tissu et moins elles se transféreront. SUMMARY Fibres are mass products used to produce numerous objects encountered everyday. The transfer of fibres during a criminal action is then very common. Because fibres are omnipresent in our environment, the forensic expert has to evaluate the value of the fibre evidence. To interpret fibre evidence, the expert has to know some parameters as frequency of fibres,' probability of finding extraneous fibres by chance on a given support, and transfer and persistence mechanisms. Fibre transfer is one of the most complex parameter. Many authors studied fibre transfer mechanisms but no model has been created to predict the number of fibres transferred expected in a given type of contact according to parameters as characteristics of the contact and characteristics of textiles. The main purpose of this research is to demonstrate that it is possible to create a model to predict the number of fibres transferred during a contact. In this work, the particular case of the transfer of fibres from a knitted textile in wool or in acrylic of a driver to the back of a carseat has been studied. Several characteristics of the textiles used for the experiments were measured. The data obtained were then treated with statistical tools (multiple linear regression) to evaluate the influence of the donor textile characteristics on the number of úbers transferred, and to create a model to predict this number of fibres transferred by an equation containing the characteristics having a significant influence on the transfer. To make easier the searching and the counting of fibres, an apparatus of automatic search. of fibers (fiber finder) was used. The tests realised to evaluate the efficiency of the fiber finder shows that the results obtained are generally as efficient as for visual search for well-coloured fibres. However, the efficiency of automatic search decreases for pales and dark fibres. One characteristic of the donor textile studied was the length of the fibres. To measure this parameter, a sequence of image processing algorithms was implemented. This tool allows to measure the length of a fibre from it high-resolution (2'540 dpi) numerical image. The tests done shows that the error of the measures obtained are about some tenths of millimetres. This precision is sufficient for this research. The statistical methods applied on the transfer experiment data allow to create a model of the transfer phenomenon. Two parameters are included in the model: the shedding capacity of the donor textile surface and the length of donor textile fibres. The shedding capacity of the donor textile surface is a parameter estimating the quantity of fibres that are not or slightly attached to the structure of the textile. These fibres are easily transferred during a contact, and the more this quantity of fibres is high, the more the number of fibres transferred during the contact is important. The length of fibres is also an important parameter: the more the fibres are long, the more they are attached in the structure of the textile and the less they are transferred during the contact.
Context. The understanding of Galaxy evolution can be facilitated by the use of population synthesis models, which allow to test hypotheses on the star formation history, star evolution, as well as chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galaxy. Aims. The new version of the Besanc¸on Galaxy Model (hereafter BGM) aims to provide a more flexible and powerful tool to investigate the Initial Mass Function (IMF) and Star Formation Rate (SFR) of the Galactic disc. Methods. We present a new strategy for the generation of thin disc stars which assumes the IMF, SFR and evolutionary tracks as free parameters. We have updated most of the ingredients for the star count production and, for the first time, binary stars are generated in a consistent way. We keep in this new scheme the local dynamical self-consistency as in Bienayme et al (1987). We then compare simulations from the new model with Tycho-2 data and the local luminosity function, as a first test to verify and constrain the new ingredients. The effects of changing thirteen different ingredients of the model are systematically studied. Results. For the first time, a full sky comparison is performed between BGM and data. This strategy allows to constrain the IMF slope at high masses which is found to be close to 3.0, excluding a shallower slope such as Salpeter"s one. The SFR is found decreasing whatever IMF is assumed. The model is compatible with a local dark matter density of 0.011 M pc−3 implying that there is no compelling evidence for significant amount of dark matter in the disc. While the model is fitted to Tycho2 data, a magnitude limited sample with V<11, we check that it is still consistent with fainter stars. Conclusions. The new model constitutes a new basis for further comparisons with large scale surveys and is being prepared to become a powerful tool for the analysis of the Gaia mission data.