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Three different types of otter boards varying in shape were tried to find out their relative catch efficiency. They were operated with two types of nets. The results indicated that the curved otter boards gave more catch per unit effort with all the combinations of nets and riggings tried.


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A study was conducted to investigate the survival of five Pseudomonas strains resistant to antibiotics in different types of water. The selected Pseudomonas strains were designated as strain P1 (CT-29), strain P2 (CT-25), strain P3 (CT-36), strain P4 (CT-20) and strain P5 (CT-27) which were only recovered from farmed fishes. Six types of water viz., distilled water, saline water, tap water, deionized water, pond water and river water were used. Among these experimental waters, river water was found to be the most suitable for long-term survival of these strains. Deionized water did not support survival of all these Pseudomonas strains. Pond water, tap water and distilled water were moderately suitable for strain P1 and strain P4. Saline water was also found to be highly suitable for long-term survival in case of the strain P3 and moderately suitable for normal survival of strain P2 and strain P5.


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Artemia cysts were produced from the traditional solar salt works of Bangladesh through different fertilization treatments were tested for viability and hatching performance in different forms, such as processed and preserved, processed and decapsulated and unprocessed and undecapsulated. Decapsulated cysts performed maximum hatching (86.0%) in 20ppt salinity during 48 hours of incubation. The hatching percentage by the unprocessed and undecapsulated cysts were very low (12.0- 18.7%) in all the tested salinity grades.


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Studies were conducted to find out the survival of three antibiotic resistant Aeromonas strains in different types of water. The selected Aeromonas strains were A. hydrophila (local), A. sobria (local) and A. hydrophila (Thai), which were only recovered from farmed fishes. Seven types of water were used. Among these experimental water, lake water, distilled water and fish farm pond water had supported the long time survival of A. hydrophila. In contrast, private fish farm pond water was the most favorable for A. sobria. Deionized water was found not to support the survival of any species but Masjid pond water and FRI pond water were found to be moderately suitable for all the species. However, the survival pattern of Thai strain of A. hydrophila was found to have similarity with the survival of the local strain of A. hydrophila.


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An experiment was conducted for a period of 110 days to study the effect of different rice brans on the growth of Thai silver barb (Puntius gonionotus, Bleeker) in rainfed seasonal ponds (30 m² each). Each of the ponds was stocked with 150 fish with the mean initial body weight of 2.03 ± 0.03 g. There were three treatments namely R1, R2 and R3 each having four replicates. Three types of rice bran namely coarse, auto (fine) and red were applied to the treatments R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Fish received different types of rice bran at a rate of 5% of body weight daily. The water quality parameters were found within the productive range. The results showed that treatment R1 produced significantly (p<0.05) highest growth and treatment R2 produced the lowest growth. The survival rates varied between 77 and 84% with treatment R3 producing the highest survival. However, the overall best production (1530 kg/ha) and economic return for the culture period was obtained in treatment R1 receiving coarse rice bran. The results of the present study demonstrated that the coarse rice bran resulted in better growth and production of P. gonionotus.


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Feeding metabolism in an Indian major carp, Catla catla fingerlings of 10.8+0.56g was investigated in a flow-through water recirculating system. The metabolic energy loss in resting metabolism and feeding metabolism were determined by the indirect method of oxygen consumption followed by multiplication by suitable oxycalorific coefficient. This was done in four metabolic chambers of a respirometer system. Ten fish fingerlings of mean total weight of 109.5, 110.4 and 112.8g/chambers respectively each in two experimental runs of three treatments a, b and c were used. The mean resting metabolic rate during unfed condition showed no significant variation in different treatments. The fish in three treatments a, b and c fed on diets containing 28, 33 and 38% crude protein had significantly different (p<0.05) post-fed SDA magnitude of 497.7, 638.7 and 735.5 mgO2/chamber/day having an equivalent energy loss of 12.68, 14.68 and 15.86 KJ respectively. The SDA co-efficient in three treatments a, b and c were 14.95, 19.00 and 22.36% respectively whereas, respiratory energy - 'R' as % of mean total ingested energy in three treatments were 26.93, 31.17 and 34.74% respectively showing a significant increase (p<0.05) with increase of protein. Feeding metabolism in an Indian major carp (Catla catla Lin.) fed on different protein diets.


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An experiment was conducted to study the effect of different feeds on growth survival and production of African catfish (C. gariepinus) in six cemented tanks (3m² each) over a period of 120 days. Three different feeds namely Feed A (Saudi-Bangla fish feed, 33.43% protein), Feed B (formulated feed, 40.12% protein) and Feed C (chicken raw intestine, 59.58% protein) were applied to treatments I, II and III respectively. Each of the tanks was stocked with 24 fry with mean initial body weight of 2.56±0.06 g. Feeds were supplied to the fish ad-libitum daily in two instalments. Significantly highest weight gain was obtained in treatment III, however, survival rate was low compared to other treatments. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) values ranged from 2.52-6.4. Survival rate of fish varied between 83 and 96%. Treatment II yielded the highest (5000 kg/ha/120 days) production with the highest survival rate of fish. On the basis of survival rate and production, it is suggested that the formulated feed (Feed B) is suitable for the culture of C. gariepinus in cemented tanks.


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Study was conducted in six ponds each with an area of 0.1 ha in the pond complex of Brackishwater Station, Paikgacha, Khulna from February to October '96, to find out the variation of production rate in two culture system viz., single and double crop of P. monodon with L. parsia. In treatment T1 wild fry of P. monodon (0.006g) and L. parsia (0.20g) collected from nearby river were stocked at a rate of 40,000 and 10,000/ha, respectively, for a culture period of 120 days. In treatment T2, the rate was 20,000/ha for bagda fry in 1st and 2nd crop each and 10,000 for parsia fry/ha for an extended period of 225 days. The highest survivability and growth of P. monodon and L. parsia were 57.08% (1st crop of T2) and 75.26% (T2), and 27.08g (1st crop of T2) and 47.78g (T2), respectively with a significant variations (P>0.05) with other treatment. The net profit (Tk. 93,134) and cost benefit ratio of 1:1.76 were also found higher in T2.


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Comparative fishing experiments to study the relative utility of different methods for increased vertical spread of bottom trawl and the availability of off bottom fishes in the region were made using gussets, kite, separate float line and side panels on a two seam net. The catch rates as well as composition of fish were studied. The opening of the trawl mouth, both horizontally and vertically, under different operating gears and towing tension on warps were measured and estimated for comparison purposes. Better catch rate with good quality fishes was obtained with the gear operated with separate float line. With kite, the vertical spread was increased with less catch indicating poor concentration of off bottom fishes.


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Juveniles of freshwater prawns caught by the traditional cylindrical bamboo traps operated by the local fishermen in a natural habitat of Kalu River near Titvala were sampled every week during September to December 1991 and 1992, to study the composition and relative abundance of different species and their relationship with hydrobiological parameters. The juvenile catch comprised Macrobrachium rosenbergii, M. idella, M. scabriculum and M. bombayensis. Among these M. rosenbergii was more abundant followed by M. idella. It is also observed that high tide catches are more productive than those of low tides.


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Studies on the fecundity, sex ratio and crossbreeding in different strains of the guppy Poecilia reticulata such as Butterfly I, Butterfly II and Cobra strains was carried out. The highest fecundity among Butterfly I strain was at the 5th breed while it was highest at the 6th and 8th breed among Butterfly II and Cobra strain respectively. The average male percentage was 39.88%, 43.39% and 45.02% among Butterfly I, Butterfly II and Cobra strains respectively. The crossbreeding of strains showed good results among crossbreeds of Butterfly II (♀) X Cobra (♂) and Butterfly I (♀) X Cobra (♂). The crossbreed among the Butterfly I (♀) X Cobra (♂) proved to be excellent from the point of view of more percentage, rapid growth, and brilliant body and finnage colouration.


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Paddy fields can be broadly classified on the basis of land situations viz. Upland - Shallow water (10-30 cm), Medium land-medium deepwater (30-100 cm) and Low land-deepwater (above 100 cm). Three major systems of paddy-cum-fish culture, viz. (A) high yielding paddy varieties (H.Y.V) and air-breathing fish under Upland, (B) H.Y.V./local paddy and Tilapia/common carp under Medium land and (C) deepwater paddy and major Indian carps under Low land situations have been successfully investigated in the farmers' fields and at the Research Stations (1982-92). Effects of low-cost artificial feeding on growth, yield and management practices of different types of fish showed a considerable increase of rice and fish yields and a decrease in insect-pest incidence. Under Upland situation, short duration H.Y.V. in combination with fast-growing air breathing fish was studied thrice a year (summer, winter & autumn seasons). Combined rice and fish culture produced highest yields in all the seasons than in the control.