1000 resultados para Crise fiscal


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The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.


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The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.


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Performance Report Results for Iowa Public Television.


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The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.


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The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.


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Iowa Utilities Board Fiscal Year 2008 Regulatory Plan Pursuant to Executive Order Nine.


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The agency continually strives to improve processes and align the organization in such a way to provide effective, demand driven products and services. Iowa Workforce Development‟s administrative, labor services, workers‟ compensation, labor market information, and the unemployment insurance service staff are located in Des Moines. Additionally, the agency maintains a statewide delivery system of 55 field offices in conjunction with our workforce partners. Through a comprehensive Web site, Iowa Workforce Development provides customers access to major services such as posting résumés; access to a statewide job bank; labor services information, unemployment claim information and filing options; and labor market information, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


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The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.


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The Iowa Communications Network (ICN) is the country’s premier distance learning and state government Network, committed to providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education, government and healthcare. The Network makes it possible for Iowans, physically separated by location, to interact in an efficient, creative, and cost-effective manner. ICN provides high-speed Internet, data, video conferencing, and voice (phone) services to authorized users, under Code of Iowa, which includes: K-12 schools, higher education, hospitals, state and federal government, National Guard armories, and libraries.


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In 2001, the Iowa Legislature approved approximately $475,000 to fund strategies for elder abuse detection, training and services in an effort to evaluate Iowa’s adult abuse system. This endeavor became known as Iowa’s Elder Abuse Initiative (EAI) demonstration projects. These projects were located in 4 of the 13 Area Agencies on Aging and available in 22 of Iowa’s 99 counties. The EAI focused on the prevention, intervention, detection, and reporting of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation by presenting elders with options to enhance their lifestyle choices.


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La crise de l'Université de Genève en 2006, dont les conséquences entraîneront la démission du rectorat et inciteront les autorités politiques à réformer l'Université, est caractéristique des crises liées à la divulgation et à la gestion de l'information, situations dans lesquelles gestion et communication de crise ne peuvent pas être dissociées. Ce type de situations est de plus en plus fréquent et a surtout des conséquences importantes dans la confiance que peuvent avoir les citoyens par rapport aux institutions politiques et administratives, les conséquences matérielles ou les dommages à des personnes étant généralement très limités. Cette contribution, par l'analyse des publications de 3 quotidiens et d'un journal dominical, ainsi que des documents et communications officiels au cours de la période de crise et des mois suivants, vise principalement à mettre en évidence les caractéristiques et les erreurs liées à ce type de crises vu sous l'angle de la communication média. Die Krise der Universität Genf im Jahre 2006, welche den Rücktritt des gesamten Rektorats zur Folge hatte und die Universitätsreform durch die Behörden vorantrieb, weist die typischen Merkmale einer Krise auf, welche mit der Informationsverbreitung und deren Management verknüpft ist. Dies sind Situationen in welchen das Krisenmanagement und die Krisenkommunikation nicht voneinander getrennt werden sollten. Solche Ereignisse sind immer häufiger und können bedeutende Konsequenzen für das Vertrauen der Bürger und Bürgerinnen in die politischen Institutionen haben. Indessen sind materielle Auswirkungen oder personelle Schädigungen sehr beschränkt. Der vorliegende Beitrag ist eine Analyse dreier Tageszeitungen und einer Sonntagszeitung sowie offiziellen Dokumenten und Medienmitteilungen, welche während der Krise und einige Monate danach publiziert wurden. Der Bericht erläutert und unterstreicht, anhand einer medienkommunikativen Sichtweise, die Merkmale und Fehler, welche mit einer solchen Krise in Zusammenhang stehen.