953 resultados para Crimes violents


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Fraud and deception in online marketplaces has been an on-going problem. This thesis proposes novel techniques and mechanisms using agent technology to protect buyers and sellers in online environments such as eBay. The proposed solution has been rigorously tested and the results show good commercial promise.


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This thesis is the first national study of workers who have contact with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. It highlights that the victim and perpetrator's gender, as well as the relevant professional's agency type and experience, all influenced their attitudes to, and service delivery decisions with, domestic violence-related clients. The portfolio utilises four case studies to examine the way that two Victorian sex offender programs attempt to balance risk-need and good lives principles in the assessment and treatment of sex offenders.


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This thesis surveys the latest development of digital forensic tools designed for anti-cybercrime purposes. It discusses the necessity of testing the digital forensics tools, and presents a novel testing framework. This new testing framework takes the viewpoint of software vendors rather than traditional software engineering approaches.


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The thesis analyses judgments from the higher criminal courts in Victoria involving problem gamblers charged with serious crimes, investigates actions brought by gamblers against gaming establishments in the civil courts and examines the legislation governing gambling in Victoria and the effectiveness of recently introduced harm minimisation measures.


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Allegations of body parts trafficking implicating the West have been surfacing persistently in the media of many non Western countries for almost 20 years. Western media has responded to the allegations with denials and denunciations. This thesis considers the competing accounts and places them in a framework for analysis.


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Using a multilevel study design, this study examined the associations between social characteristics of individuals and neighbourhoods and physical activity among women. Women (n = 1405) recruited from 45 Melbourne (Australia) neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic disadvantage provided data on social factors and leisure-time: physical activity; walking; and walking in one’s own neighbourhood. Individual level social factors were number of neighbours known and social participation. Neighbourhood-level social characteristics (interpersonal trust, norms of reciprocity, social cohesion) were derived by aggregating survey data on these constructs within neighbourhoods. Objective data on crimes within neighbourhoods were obtained from Victoria Police. In bivariable regression models, all social variables at both the individual and neighbourhood level were positively associated with odds of physical activity, walking, and walking in one’s own neighbourhood. Associations with individual social participation (associated with all three physical activity variables) and neighbourhood interpersonal trust (associated with overall physical activity only) remained significant in multivariable models. Neither neighbourhood crime against the person nor incivilities were associated with any form of physical activity. These results demonstrate that women who participated in local groups or events and, less consistently, women living in neighbourhoods where residents trusted one another, were more likely to participate in leisure-time physical activity. While redressing macro-level social and economic policies that contribute to neighbourhood inequalities remains a priority, public health initiatives aimed at promoting physical activity could consider focusing on fostering social interactions targeting both individuals and communities. Further investigation of causal mechanisms underlying these associations is required.


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According to the Good Lives Model, the inability to meet human needs in an adaptive manner - through lack of suitable circumstances, abilities, or opportunity - compels the individual to address this deficiency through other (maladaptive) means available to them. Thus the GLM contends that offending behavior serves a specific function and that different behaviors (crimes) are used to meet different needs. This presentation will discuss how the Good Lives Model can be used, in conjunction with that of the Risk-Needs Model, in a prison service. The combined model develops and implements programming for offenders prior to release into the community by mapping the offender's offence, social and psychological history against the secondary goods described in the Good Lives Model (i.e., the concrete means by which primary goods or human needs can be achieved), with identified deficits in secondary goods being the focus of intervention.


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This study investigated laypersons' perceptions of memory evidence in a mock childhood sexual abuse trial. Results indicated that delay, memory type (continuous vs. recovered) and the nature of the alleged sexual assault (penetrative vs. fondling) influenced both how witnesses were perceived and the outcome of the trial.


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Australia has followed the course taken by other English-speaking countries in recent years of enacting legislation that requires convicted sexual offenders to register personal details with law enforcement agencies. These laws have been enacted to protect the public from the perceived threat posed by sex offenders, but have been written with little apparent reference to the available research literature about the nature and extent of this threat. In addition, there is no empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of legislatively based sex offender registries to either reduce sexual offending or to enable the police to investigate sex crimes and apprehend offenders. This article compares and contrasts the current laws governing sex offender registration enacted by the various states and territories in Australia, and offers a critical analysis of their provisions in light of the research literature on sexual offending.


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Social networking systems (SNS’s) such as Facebook are an ever evolving and developing means of social interaction, which is not only being used to disseminate information to family, friends and colleagues but as a way of meeting and interacting with "strangers" through the advent of a large number of social applications. The attractiveness of such software has meant a dramatic increase in the number of frequent users of SNS’s and the threats which were once common to the Internet have now been magnified, intensified and altered as the potential for criminal behaviour on SNS’s increases. Social networking sites including Facebook contain a vast amount of personal information, that if obtained could be used for other purposes or to carry out other crimes such as identity theft. This paper will focus on the security threats posed to social networking sites and gain an understanding of these risks by using a security approach known as “attack trees”. This will allow for a greater understanding of the complexity associated with protecting Social Networking systems with a particular focus on Facebook.


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Ubiquitous computing is an exciting paradigm shift where technology becomes virtually invisible in our lives. In the increasingly interconnected world, threats to our daily lives can come from unexpected sources and universal directions. Criminals and terrorists have recognized the value of leveraging the ubiquitous computing environments to facilitate the commission of crimes. The cyber criminals typically launch different forms of large-scale and coordinated attacks, causing huge financial loss and potential life hazard. In this talk, we report two innovative approaches to defend against large-scale and coordinated attacks in the ubiquitous environments: 1) Inferring the cyber crime's intent through network traffic classification to enable the early warning of potential attacks, and 2) Profiling the large-scale and coordinated cyber attacks through both microscopic and macroscopic modeling to provide better control of such attacks. These approaches are effective in finding weak symptoms caused by the attacks thus can successfully defend against the large-scale and coordinated attacks at their early stages.


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With the massive amount of crime data generated daily, this has put law enforcement under intensive stress. This means that law enforcement has to compete against the time to solve crime. In addition, the focus of crime investigation has been expanded from the ability to catch the criminals towards the ability to act before a crime happens (i.e pre-crime). Given such situation, creation of crime profiles is very important to law enforcement, especially in understanding the behaviours of criminals and identifying the characteristics of similar crimes. In fact, crime profiles could be used to solve similar crimes and thus pre-crime action could be conducted. In this paper, a brain inspired conceptual model is proposed and a structurally adaptive neural network is deployed for its implementation. Subsequently, the proposed model is applied for the identification and presentation of multi-view crime patterns. Such multi-view crime patterns could be useful for the construction of crime profiles. Moreover, the suitability of the proposed model in crime profiling is discussed and demonstrated through some experimental results.


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Purpose – Previous studies suggest that the presence of medical evidence is rare in child sexual assault (CSA) cases, and if present at all, such evidence is unlikely to identify a specific assailant. This study aims to examine the role medical evidence plays in criminal cases of CSA. Specifically, the prevalence of medical evidence in CSA cases, its impact on decisions to prosecute CSA cases, as well as its effect on conviction rates are examined.

Design/methodology/approach –
A systematic literature review was conducted on the impact of medical evidence in criminal child sexual abuse (CSA) cases.

Findings – The results of the review suggest medical evidence increases the likelihood of prosecution; however the impact of medical evidence on conviction rate is equivocal.

Research limitations/implications – The implications of these findings for legal and psychological practice, government policy and future areas for academic research are discussed.

Originality/value –
To the authors' knowledge, no other review has systematically examined the role of medical evidence on the prosecution and conviction of CSA cases.


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In DPP v Morgan, the House of Lords correctly concluded that an accused who entertained a genuine belief that a woman was consenting to carnal knowledge of her person could not be convicted of the common law crime of rape as such a belief and the requisite mens rea to convict were mutually exclusive of one another. Though England and Wales have resiled from this position by virtue of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, s. 1 (b), which allows for conviction upon proof that the accused did not reasonably believe that the complainant was consenting, the Morgan principle has retained its vitality at common law as well as under the various statutory crimes of rape that exist throughout Australia, most notably the provisions of s. 38 of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic). Despite a long line of Victorian Court of Appeal decisions which have reaffirmed the Morgan principle, the court has construed s. 37AA(b)(ii) of the Act as leaving open the possibility of an acquittal despite the fact that the accused acted with an awareness that one or more factors that are statutorily deemed as negating consent under s. 36(a)-(g) of the Act were operating at the time of his or her sexual penetration; specifically, the court held that the foregoing factors do not necessarily preclude a jury from finding that the accused acted in the genuine belief that the complainant was consenting. This article endeavours to explain how the accused could be aware of such circumstances at the time of penetration, yet still entertain such a belief. The article ultimately concludes that such an anomaly can only be explained through a combination of the poor drafting of s. 37AA(b)(ii) and the court's apparent refusal to follow the longstanding precept that ignorance of the law is never a defence to a crime, ostensibly prompted by its adherence to the cardinal precept that legislation is not to be construed as superfluous.


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Sentencing law and practice impacts on fundamental individual interests, both from the perspective of offenders and victims. It also affects community safety and security The scope of sentencing law and its principal objectives are broadly similar throughout Australia. However, there are many important differences, especially in relation to sentencing practice, with some jurisdictions appearing to impose considerably heavier penalties for certain offence types. This article argues that uniform sentencing law should be implemented throughout Australia. The likely benefits would extend beyond achieving greater consistency in sentencing outcomes. A move toward uniform national sentencing laws would provide the catalyst for an objective, evidence-based review of sentencing policy and practice, thereby providing a vehicle for harmonising the law with a wealth of empirical data regarding the objectives that can be achieved through a system of state-imposed sanctions. It would also present a meaningful opportunity for a normative assessment of the justifiable operation of sentencing law. The main impediment to uniform sentencing laws is likely to come from state and territory governments seeking to maintain control over this often socially controversial area as a means of securing and maintaining community support. However, this obstacle is not necessarily insurmountable. It is not clear whether sentencing policy is, in fact, a main driver of voter preferences. Some politicians may prefer to have ·national uniformity' as a buffer to counteract reflexive calls for tougher sentencing that often occur following particularly serious crimes or seemingly light sentences handed down by courts.