905 resultados para Cortactin actin assembly
The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins MCM2–MCM7 are conserved eukaryotic replication factors that assemble in a heterohexameric complex. In fission yeast, these proteins are nuclear throughout the cell cycle. In studying the mechanism that regulates assembly of the MCM complex, we analyzed the cis and trans elements required for nuclear localization of a single subunit, Mcm2p. Mutation of any single mcm gene leads to redistribution of wild-type MCM subunits to the cytoplasm, and this redistribution depends on an active nuclear export system. We identified the nuclear localization signal sequences of Mcm2p and showed that these are required for nuclear targeting of other MCM subunits. In turn, Mcm2p must associate with other MCM proteins for its proper localization; nuclear localization of MCM proteins thus requires assembly of MCM proteins in a complex. We suggest that coupling complex assembly to nuclear targeting and retention ensures that only intact heterohexameric MCM complexes remain nuclear.
Sea urchin coelomocytes represent an excellent experimental model system for studying retrograde flow. Their extreme flatness allows for excellent microscopic visualization. Their discoid shape provides a radially symmetric geometry, which simplifies analysis of the flow pattern. Finally, the nonmotile nature of the cells allows for the retrograde flow to be analyzed in the absence of cell translocation. In this study we have begun an analysis of the retrograde flow mechanism by characterizing its kinetic and structural properties. The supramolecular organization of actin and myosin II was investigated using light and electron microscopic methods. Light microscopic immunolocalization was performed with anti-actin and anti-sea urchin egg myosin II antibodies, whereas transmission electron microscopy was performed on platinum replicas of critical point-dried and rotary-shadowed cytoskeletons. Coelomocytes contain a dense cortical actin network, which feeds into an extensive array of radial bundles in the interior. These actin bundles terminate in a perinuclear region, which contains a ring of myosin II bipolar minifilaments. Retrograde flow was arrested either by interfering with actin polymerization or by inhibiting myosin II function, but the pathway by which the flow was blocked was different for the two kinds of inhibitory treatments. Inhibition of actin polymerization with cytochalasin D caused the actin cytoskeleton to separate from the cell margin and undergo a finite retrograde retraction. In contrast, inhibition of myosin II function either with the wide-spectrum protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine or the myosin light chain kinase–specific inhibitor KT5926 stopped flow in the cell center, whereas normal retrograde flow continued at the cell periphery. These differential results suggest that the mechanism of retrograde flow has two, spatially segregated components. We propose a “push–pull” mechanism in which actin polymerization drives flow at the cell periphery, whereas myosin II provides the tension on the actin cytoskeleton necessary for flow in the cell interior.
The Rho GTPase Rho3 Has a Direct Role in Exocytosis That Is Distinct from Its Role in Actin Polarity
Budding yeast grow asymmetrically by the polarized delivery of proteins and lipids to specific sites on the plasma membrane. This requires the coordinated polarization of the actin cytoskeleton and the secretory apparatus. We identified Rho3 on the basis of its genetic interactions with several late-acting secretory genes. Mutational analysis of the Rho3 effector domain reveals three distinct functions in cell polarity: regulation of actin polarity, transport of exocytic vesicles from the mother cell to the bud, and docking and fusion of vesicles with the plasma membrane. We provide evidence that the vesicle delivery function of Rho3 is mediated by the unconventional myosin Myo2 and that the docking and fusion function is mediated by the exocyst component Exo70. These data suggest that Rho3 acts as a key regulator of cell polarity and exocytosis, coordinating several distinct events for delivery of proteins to specific sites on the cell surface.
The Arp2/3 complex is an essential component of the yeast actin cytoskeleton that localizes to cortical actin patches. We have isolated and characterized a temperature-sensitive mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe arp2 that displays a defect in cortical actin patch distribution. The arp2+ gene encodes an essential actin-related protein that colocalizes with actin at the cortical actin patch. Sucrose gradient analysis of the Arp2/3 complex in the arp2-1 mutant indicated that the Arp2p and Arc18p subunits are specifically lost from the complex at restrictive temperature. These results are consistent with immunolocalization studies of the mutant that show that Arp2-1p is diffusely localized in the cytoplasm at restrictive temperature. Interestingly, Arp3p remains localized to the cortical actin patch under the same restrictive conditions, leading to the hypothesis that loss of Arp2p from the actin patch affects patch motility but does not severely compromise its architecture. Analysis of the mutant Arp2 protein demonstrated defects in ATP and Arp3p binding, suggesting a possible model for disruption of the complex.
The cell envelope (CE) is a specialized structure that is important for barrier function in terminally differentiated stratified squamous epithelia. The CE is formed inside the plasma membrane and becomes insoluble as a result of cross-linking of constituent proteins by isopeptide bonds formed by transglutaminases. To investigate the earliest stages of assembly of the CE, we have studied human epidermal keratinocytes induced to terminally differentiate in submerged liquid culture as a model system for epithelia in general. CEs were harvested from 2-, 3-, 5-, or 7-d cultured cells and examined by 1) immunogold electron microscopy using antibodies to known CE or other junctional proteins and 2) amino acid sequencing of cross-linked peptides derived by proteolysis of CEs. Our data document that CE assembly is initiated along the plasma membrane between desmosomes by head-to-tail and head-to-head cross-linking of involucrin to itself and to envoplakin and perhaps periplakin. Essentially only one lysine and two glutamine residues of involucrin and two glutamines of envoplakin were used initially. In CEs of 3-d cultured cells, involucrin, envoplakin, and small proline-rich proteins were physically located at desmosomes and had become cross-linked to desmoplakin, and in 5-d CEs, these three proteins had formed a continuous layer extending uniformly along the cell periphery. By this time >15 residues of involucrin were used for cross-linking. The CEs of 7-d cells contain significant amounts of the protein loricrin, typically expressed at a later stage of CE assembly. Together, these data stress the importance of juxtaposition of membranes, transglutaminases, and involucrin and envoplakin in the initiation of CE assembly of stratified squamous epithelia.
The proper localization of resident membrane proteins to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) involves mechanisms for both TGN retention and retrieval from post-TGN compartments. In this study we report identification of a new gene, GRD20, involved in protein sorting in the TGN/endosomal system of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A strain carrying a transposon insertion allele of GRD20 exhibited rapid vacuolar degradation of the resident TGN endoprotease Kex2p and aberrantly secreted ∼50% of the soluble vacuolar hydrolase carboxypeptidase Y. The Kex2p mislocalization and carboxypeptidase Y missorting phenotypes were exhibited rapidly after loss of Grd20p function in grd20 temperature-sensitive mutant strains, indicating that Grd20p plays a direct role in these processes. Surprisingly, little if any vacuolar degradation was observed for the TGN membrane proteins A-ALP and Vps10p, underscoring a difference in trafficking patterns for these proteins compared with that of Kex2p. A grd20 null mutant strain exhibited extremely slow growth and a defect in polarization of the actin cytoskeleton, and these two phenotypes were invariably linked in a collection of randomly mutagenized grd20 alleles. GRD20 encodes a hydrophilic protein that partially associates with the TGN. The discovery of GRD20 suggests a link between the cytoskeleton and function of the yeast TGN.
The espins are actin-binding and -bundling proteins localized to parallel actin bundles. The 837-amino-acid “espin” of Sertoli cell–spermatid junctions (ectoplasmic specializations) and the 253-amino-acid “small espin” of brush border microvilli are splice isoforms that share a C-terminal 116-amino-acid actin-bundling module but contain different N termini. To investigate the roles of espin and its extended N terminus, we examined the actin-binding and -bundling properties of espin constructs and the stoichiometry and developmental accumulation of espin within the ectoplasmic specialization. An espin construct bound to F-actin with an approximately threefold higher affinity (Kd = ∼70 nM) than small espin and was ∼2.5 times more efficient at forming bundles. The increased affinity appeared to be due to an additional actin-binding site in the N terminus of espin. This additional actin-binding site bound to F-actin with a Kd of ∼1 μM, decorated actin stress fiber-like structures in transfected cells, and was mapped to a peptide between the two proline-rich peptides in the N terminus of espin. Espin was detected at ∼4–5 × 106 copies per ectoplasmic specialization, or ∼1 espin per 20 actin monomers and accumulated there coincident with the formation of parallel actin bundles during spermiogenesis. These results suggest that espin is a major actin-bundling protein of the Sertoli cell–spermatid ectoplasmic specialization.
We have examined the distribution of RNA transcription and processing factors in the amphibian oocyte nucleus or germinal vesicle. RNA polymerase I (pol I), pol II, and pol III occur in the Cajal bodies (coiled bodies) along with various components required for transcription and processing of the three classes of nuclear transcripts: mRNA, rRNA, and pol III transcripts. Among these components are transcription factor IIF (TFIIF), TFIIS, splicing factors, the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle, the stem–loop binding protein, SR proteins, cleavage and polyadenylation factors, small nucleolar RNAs, nucleolar proteins that are probably involved in pre-rRNA processing, and TFIIIA. Earlier studies and data presented here show that several of these components are first targeted to Cajal bodies when injected into the oocyte and only subsequently appear in the chromosomes or nucleoli, where transcription itself occurs. We suggest that pol I, pol II, and pol III transcription and processing components are preassembled in Cajal bodies before transport to the chromosomes and nucleoli. Most components of the pol II transcription and processing pathway that occur in Cajal bodies are also found in the many hundreds of B-snurposomes in the germinal vesicle. Electron microscopic images show that B-snurposomes consist primarily, if not exclusively, of 20- to 30-nm particles, which closely resemble the interchromatin granules described from sections of somatic nuclei. We suggest the name pol II transcriptosome for these particles to emphasize their content of factors involved in synthesis and processing of mRNA transcripts. We present a model in which pol I, pol II, and pol III transcriptosomes are assembled in the Cajal bodies before export to the nucleolus (pol I), to the B-snurposomes and eventually to the chromosomes (pol II), and directly to the chromosomes (pol III). The key feature of this model is the preassembly of the transcription and processing machinery into unitary particles. An analogy can be made between ribosomes and transcriptosomes, ribosomes being unitary particles involved in translation and transcriptosomes being unitary particles for transcription and processing of RNA.
Growth factors such as insulin regulate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent actin cytoskeleton rearrangement in many types of cells. However, the mechanism by which the insulin signal is transmitted to the actin cytoskeleton remains largely unknown. Yeast two-hybrid screening revealed that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase downstream effector phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) interacted with protein kinase N (PKN), a Rho-binding Ser/Thr protein kinase potentially implicated in a variety of cellular events, including phosphorylation of cytoskeletal components. PDK1 and PKN interacted in vitro and in intact cells, and this interaction was mediated by the kinase domain of PDK1 and the carboxyl terminus of PKN. In addition to a direct interaction, PDK1 also phosphorylated Thr774 in the activation loop and activated PKN. Insulin treatment or ectopic expression of the wild-type PDK1 or PKN, but not protein kinase Cζ, induced actin cytoskeleton reorganization and membrane ruffling in 3T3-L1 fibroblasts and Rat1 cells that stably express the insulin receptor (Rat1-IR). However, the insulin-stimulated actin cytoskeleton reorganization in Rat1-IR cells was prevented by expression of kinase-defective PDK1 or PDK1-phosphorylation site-mutated PKN. Thus, phosphorylation by PDK1 appears to be necessary for PKN to transduce signals from the insulin receptor to the actin cytoskeleton.
We have searched for a minimal interaction motif in τ protein that supports the aggregation into Alzheimer-like paired helical filaments. Digestion of the repeat domain with different proteases yields a GluC-induced fragment comprising 43 residues (termed PHF43), which represents the third repeat of τ plus some flanking residues. This fragment self assembles readily into thin filaments without a paired helical appearance, but these filaments are highly competent to nucleate bona fide PHFs from full-length τ. Probing the interactions of PHF43 with overlapping peptides derived from the full τ sequence yields a minimal hexapeptide interaction motif of 306VQIVYK311 at the beginning of the third internal repeat. This motif coincides with the highest predicted β-structure potential in τ. CD and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy shows that PHF43 acquires pronounced β structure in conditions of self assembly. Point mutations in the hexapeptide region by proline-scanning mutagenesis prevent the aggregation. The data indicate that PHF assembly is initiated by a short fragment containing the minimal interaction motif forming a local β structure embedded in a largely random-coil protein.
A chimeric Lhcb gene encoding light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHCII) was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. To separate native from recombinant LHCII, the protein was extended by six histidines at its C terminus. Recombinant LHCII was isolated by detergent-mediated monomerization of pure trimers followed by affinity-chromatography on Ni2+-NTA-agarose (NTA is nitrilotriacetic acid). Elution with imidazole yielded recombinant monomers that formed trimers readily after dilution of the detergent without further in vitro manipulations. LHCII subunits showed the typical chlorophyll a/b ratio at all steps of purification indicating no significant loss of pigments. Transgenic tobacco overexpressed amounts of recombinant protein that corresponded to about 0.7% of total LHCII. This yield suggested that expression in planta might be an alternative to the expression of eukaryotic membrane proteins in yeast. Recombinant LHCII was able to form two-dimensional crystals after addition of digalactolipids, which diffracted electrons to 3.6-Å resolution. LHCII carrying a replacement of Arg-21 with Gln accumulated to only 0.004% of total thylakoid proteins. This mutant was monomeric in the photosynthetic membrane probably due to the deletion of the phosphatidylglycerol binding site and was degraded by the plastidic proteolytic system. Exchange of Asn-183 with Leu impaired LHCII biogenesis in a similar way presumably due to the lack of a chlorophyll a binding site.
A family of nanoscale-sized supramolecular cage compounds with a polyhedral framework is prepared by self-assembly from tritopic building blocks and rectangular corner units via noncovalent coordination interactions. These highly symmetrical cage compounds are described as face-directed, self-assembled truncated tetrahedra with Td symmetry.
In many biological membranes, the major lipids are “non-bilayer lipids,” which in purified form cannot be arranged in a lamellar structure. The structural and functional roles of these lipids are poorly understood. This work demonstrates that the in vitro association of the two main components of a membrane, the non-bilayer lipid monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and the chlorophyll-a/b light-harvesting antenna protein of photosystem II (LHCII) of pea thylakoids, leads to the formation of large, ordered lamellar structures: (i) thin-section electron microscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy reveal that the addition of MGDG induces the transformation of isolated, disordered macroaggregates of LHCII into stacked lamellar aggregates with a long-range chiral order of the complexes; (ii) small-angle x-ray scattering discloses that LHCII perturbs the structure of the pure lipid and destroys the inverted hexagonal phase; and (iii) an analysis of electron micrographs of negatively stained 2D crystals indicates that in MGDG-LHCII the complexes are found in an ordered macroarray. It is proposed that, by limiting the space available for MGDG in the macroaggregate, LHCII inhibits formation of the inverted hexagonal phase of lipids; in thylakoids, a spatial limitation is likely to be imposed by the high concentration of membrane-associated proteins.
It has been shown previously that the morphology and subcellular positioning of the Golgi complex is controlled by actin microfilaments. To further characterize the association between actin microfilaments and the Golgi complex, we have used the Clostridium botulinum toxins C2 and C3, which specifically inhibit actin polymerization and cause depolymerization of F-actin in intact cells by the ADP ribosylation of G-actin monomers and the Rho small GTP-binding protein, respectively. Normal rat kidney cells treated with C2 showed that disruption of the actin and the collapse of the Golgi complex occurred concomitantly. However, when cells were treated with C3, the actin disassembly was observed without any change in the organization of the Golgi complex. The absence of the involvement of Rho was further confirmed by the treatment with lysophosphatidic acid or microinjection with the constitutively activated form of RhoA, both of which induced the stress fiber formation without affecting the Golgi complex. Immunogold electron microscopy in normal rat kidney cells revealed that β- and γ-actin isoforms were found in Golgi-associated COPI-coated buds and vesicles. Taken together, the results suggest that the Rho signaling pathway does not directly regulate Golgi-associated actin microfilaments, and that β- and γ-actins might be involved in the formation and/or transport of Golgi-derived vesicular or tubular intermediates.
Development of protrusions in the cell is indispensable in the process of cell motility. Membrane protrusion has long been suggested to occur as a result of actin polymerization immediately beneath the cell membrane at the leading edge, but elucidation of the mechanism is insufficient because of the complexity of the cell. To study the mechanism, we prepared giant liposomes containing monomeric actin (100 or 200 μM) and introduced KCl into individual liposomes by an electroporation technique. On the electroporation, the giant liposomes deformed. Most importantly, protrusive structure grew from the liposomes containing 200 μM actin at rates (ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 μm/s) similar to those obtained in the cell. The deformation occurred in a time range (30 ∼ 100 s) similar to that of actin polymerization monitored in a cuvette (ca. 50 s). Concomitant with deformation, Brownian motion of micron-sized particles entrapped in the liposomes almost ceased. From these observations, we conclude that actin polymerization in the liposomes caused the protrusive formation.