935 resultados para Commonwealth and Southern Corporation.
The objective of this study was to verify the effectiveness of new patterns of sowing and to achieve a low-input organic system in two different environments (northern and southern Europe). The study was motivated by the hypothesis that more even sowing patterns (triangular and square) would significantly enhance the growth and yield of forage maize under widely varying conditions, compared with traditional mechanised rectangular seed patterns. An experiment was conducted in Madrid and duplicated in Copenhagen during 2010. A random block design was used with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement based on two seed-sowing patterns: traditional (rectangular) and new (even) and two weed-management conditions (herbicide use and a low-input system). In both weed-management conditions and locations, the production of aerial maize biomass was greater for the new square seed patterns. In addition, the new pattern showed a greater effectiveness in the control of weeds, both at the initial crop stages (36 and 33% fewer weeds m-2 at the 4- and 8-leaf stages, respectively, in the Copenhagen field experiment) and at the final stage. The final weed biomass for the new pattern was 568 kg ha-1 lower for the Copenhagen experiment and 277 kg ha-1 lower in Madrid field experiments. In the light of these results, the new pattern could potentially reduce the use of herbicides. The results of the experiments support the hypothesis formulated at the beginning of this study that even-sowing patterns would be relatively favourable for the growth and yield of the maize crop. In the near future, new machinery could be used to achieve new seed patterns for the optimisation of biomass yield under low-input systems. This approach is effective because it promotes natural crop-weed competition.
In order to evaluate ground shaking characteristics due to surface soil layers in the urban area of Port-au-Prince, short-period ambient noise observation has been performed approximately in a 500x500m grid. The HVSR method was applied to this set of 36 ambient noise measurement points to determine a distribution map of soil predominant periods. This map reveals a general increasing trend in the period values, from the Miocene conglomerates in the northern and southern parts of the town to the central and western zones formed of Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial deposits respectively, where the shallow geological materials that cover the basement increase in thickness. Shorter predominant periods (less than 0.3 s) were found in mountainous and neighbouring zones, where the thickness of sediments is smaller whereas longer periods (greater than 0.5 s) appear in Holocene alluvial fans, where the thickness of sediments is larger. The shallow shear-wave velocity structure have been estimated by means of inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion data obtained from vertical-component array records of ambient noise. The measurements were carried out at one open space located in Holocene alluvial deposits, using 3 regular pentagonal arrays with 5, 10 and 20m respectively. Reliable dispersion curves were retrieved for frequencies between 4.0 and 14 Hz, with phase velocity values ranging from 420m/s down to 270 m/s. Finally, the average shear-wave velocity of the upper 30 m (VS30) was inverted for characterization of this geological unit.
Aim of study: This paper presents a novel index, the Riparian Forest Evaluation (RFV) index, for assessing the ecological condition of riparian forests. The status of riparian ecosystems has global importance due to the ecological and social benefits and services they provide. The initiation of the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) requires the assessment of the hydromorphological quality of natural channels. The Directive describes riparian forests as one of the fundamental components that determine the structure of riverine areas. The RFV index was developed to meet the aim of the Directive and to complement the existing methodologies for the evaluation of riparian forests. Area of study: The RFV index was applied to a wide range of streams and rivers (170 water bodies) inSpain. Materials and methods: The calculation of the RFV index is based on the assessment of both the spatial continuity of the forest (in its three core dimensions: longitudinal, transversal and vertical) and the regeneration capacity of the forest, in a sampling area related to the river hydromorphological pattern. This index enables an evaluation of the quality and degree of alteration of riparian forests. In addition, it helps to determine the scenarios that are necessary to improve the status of riparian forests and to develop processes for restoring their structure and composition. Main results: The results were compared with some previous tools for the assessment of riparian vegetation. The RFV index got the highest average scores in the basins of northernSpain, which suffer lower human influence. The forests in central and southern rivers got worse scores. The bigger differences with other tools were found in complex and partially altered streams and rivers. Research highlights: The study showed the index’s applicability under diverse hydromorphological and ecological conditions and the main advantages of its application. The utilization of the index allows a better understanding of the status of riparian forests, and enhances improvements in the conservation and management of riparian areas.
La pobreza energética es un fenómeno que afecta a un número cada vez mayor de hogares de la Unión Europea. Es por ello que resulta urgente el desarrollo de definiciones de pobreza energética adaptadas a las condiciones regionales que recojan no sólo los distintos niveles de renta de los hogares de cada país, sino también las significativas diferencias constructivas y climáticas existentes entre el norte y el sur, de modo que incorporen los problemas de sobrecalentamiento y las necesidades de climatización que además se verán exacerbadas por el incremento de temperaturas provocado por el cambio climático. En este contexto, se plantea esta investigación cuyo objetivo fundamental es desarrollar un método de evaluación de la pobreza energética de los hogares en el contexto español que incorpore las particularidades climáticas, edificatorias y socioeconómicas del país. Este método debe servir como herramienta en la identificación de los hogares que se encuentran en situación de pobreza energética, así como el grado de necesidad de los mismos. Además de esto, y dado que la calidad de las viviendas es, junto con el nivel de renta y el precio de la energía, una de las causas principales de la pobreza energética, el método constituye una ayuda en la toma de decisiones de cara al desarrollo de políticas y actuaciones de rehabilitación energética de viviendas. La propuesta de un nuevo método de evaluación de la pobreza energética en España surge de las limitaciones encontradas en las metodologías actuales para detectar correctamente los hogares en situación de pobreza energética, debido a las particularidades de las distintas regiones del país. Así, a partir de las carencias detectadas, se propone un método basado en el enfoque de ingresos y gastos, en el que además se incorpora el parámetro de la pobreza monetaria. En este método también se contempla el concepto de vulnerabilidad frente a la pobreza energética, de modo que, no sólo clasifica a los hogares como pobres energéticos o no, sino que valora el potencial de un hogar de caer en una situación de pobreza energética. El método permite, por tanto, la clasificación de los hogares en distintos grupos en función de su situación de pobreza energética y/o monetaria teniendo también en cuenta su grado de vulnerabilidad frente a las mismas. Gracias a esta división por grupos, es posible, en primer lugar, detectar aquellos hogares sobre los que resulta prioritario intervenir, así como el tipo de intervención que se debe acometer. Además de esto, la detección de grupos vulnerables permite prever posibles futuras situaciones de pobreza energética y por tanto tomar las medidas necesarias para que éstas no se produzcan. El desarrollo del método se ha realizado a través de una serie de ajustes, los cuales han ido modificándolo mediante la aplicación del mismo a distintas escalas y muestras de datos. A lo largo de la investigación que ha permitido la definición de este método, se ha establecido la incidencia de la pobreza energética en Castilla y León, la Comunidad de Madrid y Andalucía, las tres comunidades autónomas seleccionadas como casos de estudio, pudiendo delimitar aquellos hogares que se encuentran en situación de pobreza energética. También se ha establecido la relación entre la pobreza energética y la pobreza monetaria y las sinergias que se producen entre éstas y el parque de viviendas en el que habitan los hogares más desfavorecidos, el cual también se ha caracterizado y definido. Por último, mediante la selección de una muestra representativa de este parque de viviendas, se han establecido, mediante la utilización de criterios de bienestar adaptativo, las condiciones mínimas de habitabilidad que este parque debe proporcionar y las necesidades energéticas y de gasto asociados a este parque. ABSTRACT Fuel poverty affects an increasing number of households in the European Union. It is urgent the development of fuel poverty definitions adapted to regional conditions that gather not only different income levels but important construction and climatic differences between Northern and Southern countries. Furthermore, these definitions must include overheating problems and subsequent cooling needs that will likely be exacerbated by temperature increase due to climate change. In this context, the present research is aimed at developing a method for evaluating fuel poverty within the Spanish context that gathers climatic, building and socioeconomic particularities of the country. This method must constitute a useful tool for the identification of the fuel poor as well as the degree of the required need. Given that dwelling energy quality is, with income levels and energy prices, one of the main causes of fuel poverty, the method poses an aid in the decision making processes related to policy development and dwelling energy retrofitting actions. The proposal of a new method for evaluating fuel poverty in Spain relies on the limitations detected in existing methods in order to adequate delimit the fuel poor, due to the existing differences across Spanish regions. Grounded on these shortfalls, a new method is proposed; based on the income and expenditure approach, it also incorporates the parameter of monetary poverty. The concept of vulnerability towards fuel poverty is reflected too, so households can be classified as being fuel poor or not as well as their potential to fall under fuel poverty. The method allows the classification of households into different groups according to their situation regarding fuel or monetary poverty, also taking into account their vulnerability degree towards them. This division by groups enables establishing retrofitting intervention priorities of some groups over the others as well as the most appropriate type of intervention. Besides that, the detection of vulnerable groups helps to foresee possible situations of fuel poverty in the future and thus to take actions to prevent them. The development of the method was carried out through several adjustments. The modification of the method through these adjustments was the result of the analysis of different scale and source data. Along with the development of the method, the incidence of fuel poverty was established for the three Autonomous Regions selected as study cases; Castilla y León, the Autonomous Region of Madrid and Andalucía. The relation between fuel and monetary poverty was determined as well as the interactions amongst these two parameters and the housing stock where the fuel poor live in. This housing stock was characterized and a representative sample of it was selected. Minimal thermal habitability conditions that should be guaranteed for the fuel poor were determined based on adaptive thermal comfort criteria. Accordingly, energy needs and expenditure of this housing stock derived from these minimum requirements were appraised.
Este proyecto muestra una solución de red para una empresa que presta servicios de Contact Center desde distintas sedes distribuidas geográficamente, utilizando la tecnología de telefonía sobre IP. El objetivo de este proyecto es el de convertirse en una guía de diseño para el despliegue de soluciones de red utilizando los actuales equipos de comunicaciones desarrollados por el fabricante Cisco Systems, Inc., los equipos de seguridad desarrollados por el fabricante Fortinet y los sistemas de telefonía desarrollados por Avaya Inc. y Oracle Corporation, debido a su gran penetración en el mercado y a las aportaciones que cada uno ha realizado en el sector de Contact Center. Para poder proveer interconexión entre las sedes de un Contact Center se procede a la contratación de un acceso a la red MPLS perteneciente a un operador de telecomunicaciones, quien provee conectividad entre las sedes utilizando la tecnología VPN MPLS con dos accesos diversificados entre sí desde cada una de las sedes del Contact Center. El resultado de esta contratación es el aprovechamiento de las ventajas que un operador de telecomunicaciones puede ofrecer a sus clientes, en relación a calidad de servicio, disponibilidad y expansión geográfica. De la misma manera, se definen una serie de criterios o niveles de servicio que aseguran a un Contact Center una comunicación de calidad entre sus sedes, entendiéndose por comunicación de calidad aquella que sea capaz de transmitirse con unos valores mínimos de pérdida de paquetes así como retraso en la transmisión, y una velocidad acorde a la demanda de los servicios de voz y datos. Como parte de la solución, se diseña una conexión redundante a Internet que proporciona acceso a todas las sedes del Contact Center. La solución de conectividad local en cada una de las sedes de un Contact Center se ha diseñado de manera general acorde al volumen de puestos de usuarios y escalabilidad que pueda tener cada una de las sedes. De esta manera se muestran varias opciones asociadas al equipamiento actual que ofrece el fabricante Cisco Systems, Inc.. Como parte de la solución se han definido los criterios de calidad para la elección de los Centros de Datos (Data Center). Un Contact Center tiene conexiones hacia o desde las empresas cliente a las que da servicio y provee de acceso a la red a sus tele-trabajadores. Este requerimiento junto con el acceso y servicios publicados en Internet necesita una infraestructura de seguridad. Este hecho da lugar al diseño de una solución que unifica todas las conexiones bajo una única infraestructura, dividiendo de manera lógica o virtual cada uno de los servicios. De la misma manera, se ha definido la utilización de protocolos como 802.1X para evitar accesos no autorizados a la red del Contact Center. La solución de voz elegida es heterogénea y capaz de soportar los protocolos de señalización más conocidos (SIP y H.323). De esta manera se busca tener la máxima flexibilidad para establecer enlaces de voz sobre IP (Trunk IP) con proveedores y clientes. Esto se logra gracias a la utilización de SBCs y a una infraestructura interna de voz basada en el fabricante Avaya Inc. Los sistemas de VoIP en un Contact Center son los elementos clave para poder realizar la prestación del servicio; por esta razón se elige una solución redundada bajo un entorno virtual. Esta solución permite desplegar el sistema de VoIP desde cualquiera de los Data Center del Contact Center. La solución llevada a cabo en este proyecto está principalmente basada en mi experiencia laboral adquirida durante los últimos siete años en el departamento de comunicaciones de una empresa de Contact Center. He tenido en cuenta los principales requerimientos que exigen hoy en día la mayor parte de empresas que desean contratar un servicio de Contact Center. Este proyecto está dividido en cuatro capítulos. El primer capítulo es una introducción donde se explican los principales escenarios de negocio y áreas técnicas necesarias para la prestación de servicios de Contact Center. El segundo capítulo describe de manera resumida, las principales tecnologías y protocolos que serán utilizados para llevar a cabo el diseño de la solución técnica de creación de una red de comunicaciones para una empresa de Contact Center. En el tercer capítulo se expone la solución técnica necesaria para permitir que una empresa de Contact Center preste sus servicios desde distintas ubicaciones distribuidas geográficamente, utilizando dos Data Centers donde se centralizan las aplicaciones de voz y datos. Finalmente, en el cuarto capítulo se presentan las conclusiones obtenidas tras la elaboración de la presente memoria, así como una propuesta de trabajos futuros, que permitirían junto con el proyecto actual, realizar una solución técnica completa incluyendo otras áreas tecnológicas necesarias en una empresa de Contact Center. Todas las ilustraciones y tablas de este proyecto son de elaboración propia a partir de mi experiencia profesional y de la información obtenida en diversos formatos de la bibliografía consultada, excepto en los casos en los que la fuente es mencionada. ABSTRACT This project shows a network solution for a company that provides Contact Center services from different locations geographically distributed, using the Telephone over Internet Protocol (ToIP) technology. The goal of this project is to become a design guide for performing network solutions using current communications equipment developed by the manufacturer Cisco Systems, Inc., firewalls developed by the manufacturer Fortinet and telephone systems developed by Avaya Inc. and Oracle Corporation, due to their great market reputation and their contributions that each one has made in the field of Contact Center. In order to provide interconnection between its different sites, the Contact Center needs to hire the services of a telecommunications’ operator, who will use the VPN MPLS technology, with two diversified access from each Contact Center’s site. The result of this hiring is the advantage of the benefits that a telecommunications operator can offer to its customers, regarding quality of service, availability and geographical expansion. Likewise, Service Level Agreement (SLA) has to be defined to ensure the Contact Center quality communication between their sites. A quality communication is understood as a communication that is capable of being transmitted with minimum values of packet loss and transmission delays, and a speed according to the demand for its voice and data services. As part of the solution, a redundant Internet connection has to be designed to provide access to every Contact Center’s site. The local connectivity solution in each of the Contact Center’s sites has to be designed according to its volume of users and scalability that each one may have. Thereby, the manufacturer Cisco Systems, Inc. offers several options associated with the current equipment. As part of the solution, quality criteria are being defined for the choice of the Data Centers. A Contact Center has connections to/from the client companies that provide network access to teleworkers. This requires along the access and services published on the Internet, needs a security infrastructure. Therefore is been created a solution design that unifies all connections under a single infrastructure, dividing each services in a virtual way. Likewise, is been defined the use of protocols, such as 802.1X, to prevent unauthorized access to the Contact Center’s network. The voice solution chosen is heterogeneous and capable of supporting best-known signaling protocols (SIP and H.323) in order to have maximum flexibility to establish links of Voice over IP (IP Trunk) with suppliers and clients. This can be achieved through the use of SBC and an internal voice infrastructure based on Avaya Inc. The VoIP systems in a Contact Center are the key elements to be able to provide the service; for this reason a redundant solution under virtual environment is been chosen. This solution allows any of the Data Centers to deploy the VoIP system. The solution carried out in this project is mainly based on my own experience acquired during the past seven years in the communications department of a Contact Center company. I have taken into account the main requirements that most companies request nowadays when they hire a Contact Center service. This project is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction that explains the main business scenarios and technical areas required to provide Contact Center services. The second chapter describes briefly the key technologies and protocols that will be used to carry out the design of the technical solution for the creation of a communications network in a Contact Center company. The third chapter shows a technical solution required that allows a Contact Center company to provide services from across geographically distributed locations, using two Data Centers where data and voice applications are centralized. Lastly, the fourth chapter includes the conclusions gained after making this project, as well as a future projects proposal, which would allow along the current project, to perform a whole technical solution including other necessary technologic areas in a Contact Center company All illustrations and tables of this project have been made by myself from my professional experience and the information obtained in various formats of the bibliography, except in the cases where the source is indicated.
En la Comunidad de Madrid el modelo de ocupación del territorio en las dos últimas décadas ha obedecido a factores de oferta del mercado y no a las necesidades de la población, ello provoca un consumo de suelo y de recursos que conducen a una sobrexplotación insostenible. Las metrópolis globales están experimentando rápidas e intensas transformaciones, basadas en los paradigmas emergentes de la globalización, la gobernanza, la metropolizacion y la dispersión de las actividades en el territorio y a través de ellos se abordan los planes de Londres, París y las tentativas de Madrid. La globalización provoca la pérdida de soberanía de las administraciones publicas y la competitividad entre las ciudades globales en Europa, Londres, Paris y Madrid, son centros de poder, de concentración y crecimiento donde se produce la dualización del espacio y donde la desigualdad participa de la restructuración urbana, concentración de pobreza frente a espacios de la nueva clase emergente en donde dominan los sectores de servicios y las tecnologías de la información. Frente al desarrollo urbano neoliberal de regulación a través del mercado y basada en criterios de eficiencia de la Nueva Gestión Pública, se vislumbra la posibilidad de que la sociedad se administre a si misma por medio de acciones voluntarias y responsables que promuevan los intereses colectivos mediante el reconocimiento de su propia identidad, introduciendo el concepto de gobernanza. Frente, a la explotación del territorio por parte de la sociedad extractiva que genera corrupcion, se propone un modelo de cooperación público-privada basado en la confianza mutua, un marco regulador estable, la transparencia y la información a cuyo flujo más homogéneo contribuirán sin duda las TICs. En todo este proceso, las regiones metropolitanas en Europa se erigen como motores del crecimiento, donde los límites administrativos son superados, en un territorio cada vez más extendido y donde los gobiernos locales tienen que organizarse mediante un proceso de cooperación en la provisión de servicios que ayuden a evitar los desequilibrios territoriales. El fenómeno de la dispersión urbana en desarrollos de baja densidad, los centros comerciales periféricos, la expulsión hacia la periferia de las actividades de menor valor añadido y la concentración de funciones directivas en el centro, conducen a una fragmentación del territorio en islas dependientes del automóvil y a procesos de exclusión social por la huida de las rentas altas y la expulsión de las rentas bajas de los centros urbanos. Se crean fragmentos monofuncionales y discontinuos, apoyados en las autovías, lugares carentes de identidad y generadores de despilfarro de recursos y una falta de sostenibilidad ambiental, económica y social. El estudio de la cultura de la planificación en Europa ayuda a comprender los diferentes enfoques en la ordenación del territorio y el proceso de convergencia entre las diferentes regiones. Los documentos de la UE se basan en la necesidad de la competitividad para el crecimiento europeo y la cohesión social y en relación al territorio en los desarrollos policéntricos, la resolución del dualismo campo-ciudad, el acceso equilibrado a las infraestructuras, la gestión prudente de la naturaleza, el patrimonio y el fomento de la identidad. Se proponen dos niveles de estudio uno actual, los últimos planes de Londres y Paris y el otro la evolución de las tentativas de planes en la Región madrileña siempre en relación a los paradigmas emergentes señalados y su reflejo en los documentos. El Plan de Londres es estratégico, con una visión a largo plazo, donde se confiere un gran interés al proceso, al papel del alcalde como líder y su adaptación a las circunstancias cambiantes, sujeto a las incertidumbres de una ciudad global. El desarrollo del mismo se concibe a través de la colaboración y cooperación entre las administraciones y actores. La estructura del documento es flexible, establece orientaciones y guías indicativas, para la redacción de los planes locales, no siendo las mismas vinculantes y con escasa representación grafica. El Plan de París es más un plan físico, similar al de otros centros europeos, trabaja sobre los sectores y sobre los territorios, con información extensa, con características de “Plan Latino” por la fuerza de la expresión gráfica, pero al mismo tiempo contiene una visión estratégica. Es vinculante en sus determinaciones y normativas, se plantea fomentar, pero también prohibir. Ambos planes tratan la competitividad internacional de sus centros urbanos, la igualdad social, la inclusión de todos los grupos sociales y la vivienda como una cuestión de dignidad humana. Londres plantea la gobernanza como cooperación entre sector público-privado y la necesaria cooperación con las regiones limítrofes, en París las relaciones están más institucionalizadas resaltando la colaboración vertical entre administraciones. Ambos plantean la densificación de nodos servidos por transporte público, modos blandos y el uso los TODs y la preservación de la infraestructura verde jerarquizada, la potenciación de la red azul y la mejora del paisaje de las periferias. En las “tentativas” de planes territoriales de Madrid se constata que estuvieron sujetas a los ciclos económicos. El primer Documento las DOT del año 1984, no planteaba crecimiento, ni económico ni demográfico, a medio plazo y por ello no proponía una modificación del modelo radio concéntrico. Se trataba de un Plan rígido volcado en la recuperación del medio rural, de la ciudad, el dimensionamiento de los crecimientos en función de las dotaciones e infraestructuras existentes. Aboga por la intervención de la administración pública y la promoción del pequeño comercio. Destaca el desequilibrio social en función de la renta, la marginación de determinados grupos sociales, el desequilibrio residencia/empleo y la excesiva densidad. Incide en la necesidad de viviendas para los más desfavorecidos mediante el alquiler, la promoción suelo público y la promoción del ferrocarril para dar accesibilidad al espacio central. Aboga por el equipamiento de proximidad y de pequeño tamaño, el tratamiento paisajístico de los límites urbanos de los núcleos y el control de las actividades ilegales señalando orientaciones para el planeamiento urbano. Las Estrategias (1989) contienen una visión: la modificación del modelo territorial, mediante la intervención pública a través de proyectos. Plantea la reestructuración económica del territorio, la reconversión del aparato productivo, la deslocalización de actividades de escaso valor añadido y una mayor ubicuidad de la actividad económica. Incide en la difusión de la centralidad hacia el territorio del sur, equilibrándolo con el norte, tratando de recomponer empleo y residencia, integrando al desarrollo económico las periferias entre sí y con el centro. Las actuaciones de transporte consolidarían las actuaciones, modificando el modelo radio concéntrico facilitando la movilidad mediante la red de cercanías y la intermodalidad. El plan se basaba en el liderazgo del Consejero, no integrando sectores como el medio ambiente, ni estableciendo un documento de seguimiento de las actuaciones que evaluara los efectos de las políticas y su aportación al equilibrio territorial, a través de los proyectos realizados. El Documento Preparatorio de las Bases (1995), es más de un compendio o plan de planes, recoge análisis y propuestas de los documentos anteriores y de planes sectoriales de otros departamentos. Presenta una doble estructura: un plan físico integrador clásico, que abarca los sectores y territorios, y recoge las Estrategias previas añadiendo puntos fuertes, como el malestar urbano y la rehabilitación el centro. Plantea la consecución del equilibrio ambiental mediante el crecimiento de las ciudades existentes, la vertebración territorial basada en la movilidad y en la potenciación de nuevas centralidades, la mejora de la habitabilidad y rehabilitación integral del Centro Urbano de Madrid, y la modernización del tejido productivo existente. No existe una idea-fuerza que aglutine todo el documento, parte del reconocimiento de un modelo existente concentrado y congestivo, un centro urbano dual y dos periferias al este y sur con un declive urbano y obsolescencia productiva y al oeste y norte con una dispersión que amenaza al equilibrio medioambiental. Señala como aspectos relevantes, la creciente polarización y segregación social, la deslocalización industrial, la aparición de las actividades de servicios a las empresas instaladas en las áreas metropolitanas, y la dispersión de las actividades económicas en el territorio por la banalización del uso del automóvil. Se plantea el reto de hacer ciudad de la extensión suburbana y su conexión con el sistema metropolitano, mediante una red de ciudades integrada y complementaria, en búsqueda de un mayor equilibrio y solidaridad territorial. Las Bases del PRET (1997) tenían como propósito iniciar el proceso de concertación en que debe basarse la elaboración del Plan. Parte de la ciudad mediterránea compacta, y diversa, y de la necesidad de que las actividades económicas, los servicios y la residencia estén en proximidad, resolviéndolo mediante una potente red de transporte público que permitiese una accesibilidad integrada al territorio. El flujo de residencia hacia la periferia, con un modelo ajeno de vivienda unifamiliar y la concentración del empleo en el centro producen desequilibrio territorial. Madrid manifiesta siempre apostó por la densificación del espacio central urbanizado, produciendo su congestión, frente al desarrollo de nuevos suelos que permitieran su expansión territorial. Precisa que es necesario preservar los valores de centralidad de Madrid, como generador de riqueza, canalizando toda aquella demanda de centralidad, hacia espacios más periféricos. El problema de la vivienda no lo ve solo como social, sino como económico, debido a la pérdida de empleos que supone su paralización. Observa ya los crecimientos residenciales en el borde de la region por el menor valor del suelo. Plantea como la política de oferta ha dado lugar a un modelo de crecimiento fragmentado, desequilibrado, desestructurado, con fuertes déficits dotacionales y de equipamiento, que inciden en la segregación espacial de las rentas, agravando el proceso de falta de identidad morfológica y de desarraigo de los valores urbanos. El plan señalaba que la presión sobre el territorio creaba su densificación por las limitaciones de espacio, Incidía en limitar el peso de la intervención pública, no planteando propuestas de cooperación público-privado. La mayor incoherencia estriba en que los objetivos eran innovadores y coinciden en su mayoría con las propuestas estudiadas de Londres o Paris, pero se intentan implementar a través de un cambio hacia un modelo reticulado homogéneo, expansivo sobre el territorio, que supone un consumo de suelo y de infraestructuras para solucionar un problema inexistente, la gestión de la densidad. Durante las dos últimas décadas en ausencia de un plan regional, la postura neoliberal fue la de un exclusivo control de legalidad del planeamiento, los municipios entraron en un proceso de competencia para aprovechar las iniciales ventajas económicas de los crecimientos detectados, que proporcionaban una base económica “sólida” a unos municipios con escasos recursos en sus presupuestos municipales. La legislación se modifica a requerimiento de grupos interesados, no existiendo un marco estable. Se pierde la figura del plan no solo a nivel regional, si no en los sectores y el planeamiento municipal donde los municipios tiende a basarse en modificaciones puntuales con la subsiguiente pérdida del modelo urbanístico. La protección ambiental se estructura mediante un extenso nivel de figuras, con diversidad de competencias que impide su efectiva protección y control. Este proceso produce un despilfarro en la ocupación del suelo, apoyada en las infraestructuras viarias, y un crecimiento disperso y de baja densidad, cada vez más periférico, produciéndose una segmentación social por dualización del espacio en función de niveles de renta. Al amparo del boom inmobiliario, se produce una falta de política social de vivienda pública, más basada en la dinamización del mercado con producción de viviendas para rentas medias que en políticas de alquiler para determinados grupos concentrándose estas en los barrios desfavorecidos y en la periferia sur. Se produce un incremento de la vivienda unifamiliar, muchas veces amparada en políticas públicas, la misma se localiza en el oeste principalmente, en espacios de valor como el entorno del Guadarrama o con viviendas más baratas por la popularización de la tipología en la frontera de la Región. El territorio se especializa a modo de islas monofuncionales, las actividades financieras y de servicios avanzados a las empresas se localizan en el norte y oeste próximo, se pierde actividad industrial que se dispersa más al sur, muchas veces fuera de la región. Se incrementan los grandes centros comerciales colgados de las autovías y sin población en su entorno. Todo este proceso ha provocado una pérdida de utilización del transporte público y un aumento significativo del uso del vehículo privado. En la dos últimas décadas se ha producido en la región de Madrid desequilibrio territorial y segmentación social, falta de implicación de la sociedad en el territorio, dispersión del crecimiento y un incremento de los costes ambientales, sociales y económicos, situación, que solo, a través del uso racional del territorio se puede reconducir, apoyado en una planificación integrada sensible y participativa. ABSTRACT In Madrid the model of land occupation in the past two decades has been driven by market supply factors rather than the needs of the population. This results in a consumption of land and resources that leads to unsustainable overexploitation. Addressing this issue must be done through sensitive and participatory integrated planning. Global cities are experiencing rapid and intense change based on the emerging paradigms of globalization, governance, metropolization and the dispersion of activities in the territory. Through this context, a closer look will be taken at the London and Paris plans as well as the tentative plans of Madrid. Globalization causes the loss of state sovereignty and the competitiveness among global cities in Europe; London, Paris and Madrid. These are centres of power, concentration and growth where the duality of space is produced, and where inequality plays a part in urban restructuration. There are concentrated areas of poverty versus areas with a new emerging class where the services sector and information technologies are dominant. The introduction of ICTs contributes to a more homogeneous flow of information leading, us to the concept of governance. Against neoliberal urban development based on free market regulations and efficiency criteria as established by the “New Public Management”, emerge new ways where society administers itself through voluntary and responsible actions to promote collective interests by recognizing their own identity. A new model of public-private partnerships surfaces that is based on mutual trust, transparency, information and a stable regulatory framework in light of territorial exploitation by the “extractive society” that generates corruption. Throughout this process, European metropolitan regions become motors of growth where administrative boundaries are overcome in an ever expanding territory where government is organized through cooperative processes to provide services that protect against regional imbalances. Urban sprawl or low-density development as seen in peripheral shopping centres, the off-shoring of low added-value activities to the periphery, and the concentration of business and top management functions in the centre, leads to a fragmentation of the territory in automobile dependent islands and a process of social exclusion brought on by the disappearance of high incomes. Another effect is the elimination of low income populations from urban centres. In consequence, discontinuous expansions and mono-functional places that lack identity materialize supported by a highway network and high resource consumption. Studying the culture of urban planning in Europe provides better insight into different approaches to spatial planning and the process of convergence between different regions. EU documents are based on the need of competitiveness for European growth and social cohesion. In relation to polycentric development territory they are based on a necessity to solve the dualism between field and city, balanced access to infrastructures, prudent management of nature and solidifying heritage and identity Two levels of study unfold, the first being the current plans of London and Île-de-France and the second being the evolution of tentative plans for the Madrid region as related to emerging paradigms and how this is reflected in documents. The London Plan is strategic with a long-term vision that focuses on operation, the role of the mayor as a pivotal leader, and the adaptability to changing circumstances brought on by the uncertainties of a global city. Its development is conceived through collaboration and cooperation between governments and stakeholders. The document structure is flexible, providing guidance and indicative guidelines on how to draft local plans so they are not binding, and it contains scarce graphic representation. The Plan of Paris takes on a more physical form and is similar to plans of other European centres. It emphasizes sectors and territories, using extensive information, and is more characteristic of a “Latin Plan” as seen in its detailed graphic expression. However, it also contains a strategic vision. Binding in its determinations and policy, it proposes advancement but also prohibition. Both plans address the international competitiveness of urban centres, social equality, inclusion of all social groups and housing as issues of human dignity. London raises governance and cooperation between public and private sector and the need for cooperation with neighbouring regions. In Paris, the relations are more institutionalized highlighting vertical collaboration between administrations. Both propose nodes of densification served by public transportation, soft modes and the use of TOD, the preservation of a hierarchical green infrastructure, and enhancing the landscape in urban peripheries. The tentative territorial plans for the Madrid region provide evidence that they were subject to economic cycles. The first document of master guidelines (1984) does not address either economic or demographic growth in the mid term and therefore does not propose the modification of the radio-concentric model. It is a rigid plan focused on rural and urban recovery and the dimensioning of growth that depends on endowments and infrastructures. It advocates government intervention and promotes small business. The plan emphasizes social imbalance in terms of income, marginalization of certain social groups, the imbalance of residence/employment and excessive density. It stresses the need for social rent housing for the underprivileged, promotes public land, and the supports rail accessibility to the central area. It backs facilities of proximity and small size, enhancing the landscaping of city borders, controlling illegal activities and draws out guidelines for urban planning. The strategies (1989) contain a vision: Changing the territorial model through public intervention by means of projects. They bring to light economic restructuring of territory, the reconversion of the productive apparatus, relocation of low value-added activities, and greater ubiquity of economic activity. They also propose the diffusion of centrality towards southern territories, balancing it with the north in an attempt to reset employment and residence that integrates peripheral economic development both in the periphery and the centre. Transport would consolidate the project, changing the radius-concentric model and facilitating mobility through a commuter and inter-modality network. The plan derives itself from the leadership of the minister and does not integrate sectors such as environment. It also does not incorporate the existence of a written document that monitors performance to evaluate the effects of policies and their contribution to the territorial balance. The Preparatory Document of the Bases, (1995) is more a compendium, or plan of plans, that compiles analysis and proposals from previous documents and sectorial plans from other departments. It has a dual structure: An integrating physical plan covering the sectors and territories that includes the previous strategies while adding some strengths. One such point is the urban discomfort and the rehabilitation of the centre. It also poses the achievement of environmental balance through the growth of existing cities, the territorial linking based on mobility, strengthening new centres, improving the liveability and comprehensive rehabilitation of downtown Madrid, and the modernization of the existing production network. There is no one powerful idea that binds this document. This is due to the recognition of an existing concentrate and congestive model, a dual urban centre, two eastern and southern suburbs suffering from urban decay, and an obsolescent productive north and west whose dispersion threatens the environmental balance. Relevant aspects the document highlights are increasing polarization and social segregation, industrial relocation, the emergence of service activities to centralized companies in metropolitan areas and the dispersion of economic activities in the territory by the trivialization of car use. It proposes making the city from the suburban sprawl and its connection to the metropolitan system through a network of integrated and complementary cities in search of a better balance and territorial solidarity. The Bases of PRET (1997) aims to start the consultation process that must underpin the development of the plan. It stems from a compact and diverse Mediterranean city along with the need for economic activities, services and residences that are close. To resolve the issue, it presents a powerful network of public transport that allows integrated accessibility to the territory. The flow of residence to the periphery based on a foreign model of detached housing and an employment concentration in the centre produces territorial imbalance. Madrid always opted for the densification of the central space, producing its congestion, against the development of new land that would allow its territorial expansion. The document states that the necessity to preserve the values of the housing problem is not only viewed as social, but also economic due to the loss of jobs resulting from their paralysis. It notes the residential growth in the regional border due to the low price of land and argues that the policy of supply has led to a fragmented model of growth that is unbalanced, unstructured, with strong infrastructure and facility deficits that affect the spatial segregation of income and aggravate the lack of morphological identity, uprooting urban values. The pressure on the territory caused its densification due to space limitation; the proposed grid model causes land consumption and infrastructure to solve a non-problem, density. Focusing on limiting the weight of public intervention, it does not raise proposals for public-private cooperation. The biggest discrepancy is that the targets were innovative and mostly align with the proposals in London and Paris. However, it proposes to be implemented through a shift towards a uniform gridded model that is expansive over territory. During the last two decades, due to the absence of a regional plan, a neoliberal stance held exclusive control of the legality of urban planning. The municipalities entered a competition process to take advantage of initial economic benefits of such growth. This provided a “solid” economic base for some municipalities with limited resources in their municipal budgets. The law was amended without a legal stable framework at the request of stakeholders. The character of the plan is lost not only regionally, but also in the sectors and municipal planning. This tends to be based on specific changes with the loss of an urban model. Environmental protection is organized through an extensive number of protection figures with diverse competencies that prevent its effective protection. This process squanders the use of the land, backed by increasing road infrastructure, dispersed occupations with low-density growth causing a social segmentation due to space duality based on income levels. During the housing boom, there is a reduction in social public housing policy mostly due to a boost in the market of housing production for average incomes than in rental policies for needy social groups that focus on disadvantaged neighbourhoods and southern suburbs. As a result, there is an increase in single-family housing, often protected by public policy. This is located primarily in the west in areas of high environmental value such as Guadarrama. There is also cheaper housing due to the popularization of typology in the border region. There, territory works as a mono-functional islands. Financial activities and advanced services for companies are located to the north and west where industrial activity is lost as it migrates south, often outside the region. The number of large shopping centres hanging off the highway infrastructure with little to no surrounding population increases. This process leads to the loss of dependency on public transport and a significant increase in the use of private vehicles. The absence of regional planning has produced more imbalance, more social segmentation, more dispersed growth and a lot of environmental, social and economic costs that can only be redirected through rational territorial.
Una de las características de la cartografía y SIG Participativos (SIGP) es incluir en sus métodos a la sociedad civil para aportar contenidos cualitativos a la información de sus territorios. Sin embargo no sólo se trata de datos, sino de los efectos que pueden tener estas prácticas sobre el territorio y su sociedad. El acceso a esa información se ve reducida en contraste con el incremento de información difundida a través de servicios de visualización, geoinformación y cartografía on-line. Todo esto hace que sea necesario el análisis del alcance real de las metodologías participativas en el uso de Información Geográfica (IG) y la comparación desde distintos contextos geográficos. También es importante conocer los beneficios e inconvenientes del acceso a la información para el planeamiento; desde la visibilidad de muchos pueblos desapercibidos en zonas rurales y periféricas, hasta la influencia en programas de gobierno sobre la gestión del territorio pasando por el conocimiento local espacial. El análisis se centró en los niveles de participación de la sociedad civil y sus grados de accesibilidad a la información (acceso y uso), dentro del estudio de los SIGP, Participatory Mapping, además se estudió de los TIG (Tecnologías de Información Geográfica), cartografías on-line (geoweb) y plataformas de geovisualización espacial, como recursos de Neocartografía. En este sentido, se realizó un trabajo de campo de cartografía participativa en Bolivia, se evaluaron distintos proyectos SIGP en países del norte y sur (comparativa de contextos en países en desarrollo) y se analizaron los resultados del cruce de las distintas variables.(validación, accesibilidad, verificación de datos, valor en la planificación e identidad) La tesis considera que ambos factores (niveles de participación y grado de accesibilidad) afectan a la (i) validación, verificación y calidad de los datos, la (ii) valor analítico en la planificación, y al (iii) modelo de identidad de un lugar, y que al ser tratados de forma integral, constituyen el valor añadido que los SIGP pueden aportar para lograr una planificación efectiva. Asimismo se comprueba, que la dimensión participativa en los SIGP varía según el contexto, la centralización de sus actores e intereses sectoriales. La información resultante de las prácticas SIGP tiende a estar restringida por la falta de legislaciones y por la ausencia de formatos estándar, que limitan la difusión e intercambio de la información. Todo esto repercute en la efectividad de una planificación estratégica y en la viabilidad de la implementación de cualquier proyecto sobre el territorio, y en consecuencia sobre los niveles de desarrollo de un país. Se confirma la hipótesis de que todos los elementos citados en los SIGP y mapeo participativo actuarán como herramientas válidas para el fortalecimiento y la eficacia en la planificación sólo si están interconectadas y vinculadas entre sí. Se plantea una propuesta metodológica ante las formas convencionales de planificación (nueva ruta del planeamiento; que incluye el intercambio de recursos y determinación participativa local antes de establecer la implementación), con ello, se logra incorporar los beneficios de las metodologías participativas en el manejo de la IG y los SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica) como instrumentos estratégicos para el desarrollo de la identidad local y la optimización en los procesos de planeamiento y estudios del territorio. Por último, se fomenta que en futuras líneas de trabajo los mapas de los SIGP y la cartografía participativa puedan llegar a ser instrumentos visuales representativos que transfieran valores identitarios del territorio y de su sociedad, y de esta manera, ayudar a alcanzar un mayor conocimiento, reconocimiento y valoración de los territorios para sus habitantes y sus planificadores. ABSTRACT A feature of participatory mapping and PGIS is to include the participation of the civil society, to provide qualitative information of their territories. However, focus is not only data, but also the effects that such practices themselves may have on the territory and their society. Access to this information is reduced in contrast to the increase of information disseminated through visualization services, geoinformation, and online cartography. Thus, the analysis of the real scope of participatory methodologies in the use of Geographic Information (GI) is necessary, including the comparison of different geographical contexts. It is also important to know the benefits and disadvantages of access to information needed for planning in different contexts, ranging from unnoticed rural areas and suburbs to influence on government programs on land management through local spatial knowledge. The analysis focused on the participation levels of civil society and the degrees of accessibility of the information (access and use) within the study of Participatory GIS (PGIS). In addition, this work studies GIT (Geographic Information Technologies), online cartographies (Geoweb) and platforms of spatial geovisualization, as resources of Neocartography. A participatory cartographic fieldwork was carried out in Bolivia. Several PGIS projects were evaluated in Northern and Southern countries (comparatively with the context of developing countries), and the results were analyzed for each these different variables. (validation, accessibility, verification,value, identity). The thesis considers that both factors (participation levels and degree of accessibility) affect the (i) validation, verification and quality of the data, (ii) analytical value for planning, and (iii) the identity of a place. The integrated management of all the above cited criteria constitutes an added value that PGISs can contribute to reach an effective planning. Also, it confirms the participatory dimension of PGISs varies according to the context, the centralization of its actors, and to sectorial interests. The resulting information from PGIS practices tends to be restricted by the lack of legislation and by the absence of standard formats, which limits in turn the diffusion and exchange of the information. All of this has repercussions in the effectiveness of a strategic planning and in the viability of the implementation of projects about the territory, and consequentially in the land development levels. The hypothesis is confirmed since all the described elements in PGISs and participatory mapping will act as valid tools in strengthening and improving the effectivity in planning only if they are interconnected and linked amongst themselves. This work, therefore, suggests a methodological proposal when faced with the conventional ways of planning: a new planning route which includes the resources exchange and local participatory determination before any plan is established -. With this, the benefits of participatory methodologies in the management of GI and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is incorporated as a strategic instrument for development of local identity and optimization in planning processes and territory studies. Finally, the study outlines future work on PGIS maps and Participatory Mapping, such that these could eventually evolve into visual representative instruments that transfer identity values of the territory and its society. In this way, they would contribute to attain a better knowledge, recognition, and appraisement of the territories for their inhabitants and planners.
The sunflower alliance of families comprises nearly 10% of all flowering plant species and includes the largest of all plant families, the sunflower family Asteraceae, which has 23,000 species, and the bellflower family Campanulaceae. Both are worldwide in distribution, but the majority of their species occur in the northern hemisphere. Recently it has been shown that a number of small, woody families from the Australian–Southwest Pacific area also belong in this relationship. Here we add yet another such family and present phylogenetic, biogeographic, and chronological analyses elucidating the origin of this large group of plants. We show that the ancestral lineages are confined to Malesia, Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand and that the sunflower and bellflower families represent phylogenetically derived lineages within a larger group with a Cretaceous and southern-hemisphere, presumably East Gondwana, ancestry. Their highly derived position in the flowering plant phylogeny makes this significant for understanding the evolution of flowering plants in general.
Recent studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation among marine turtle populations are consistent with the hypothesis that females return to beaches in their natal region to nest as adults. In contrast, less is known about breeding migrations of male marine turtles and whether they too are philopatric to natal regions. Studies of geographic structuring of restriction fragment and microsatellite polymorphisms at anonymous nuclear loci in green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations indicate that nuclear gene flow is higher than estimates from mtDNA analyses. Regional populations from the northern and southern Great Barrier Reef were distinct for mtDNA but indistinguishable at nuclear loci, whereas the Gulf of Carpentaria (northern Australia) population was distinct for both types of marker. To assess whether this result was due to reduced philopatry of males across the Great Barrier Reef, we determined the mtDNA haplotypes of breeding males at courtship areas for comparison with breeding females from the same three locations. We used a PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism approach to determine control region haplotypes and designed mismatch primers for the identification of specific haplotypes. The mtDNA haplotype frequencies were not significantly different between males and females at any of the three areas and estimates of Fst among the regions were similar for males and females (Fst = 0.78 and 0.73, respectively). We conclude that breeding males, like females, are philopatric to courtship areas within their natal region. Nuclear gene flow between populations is most likely occurring through matings during migrations of both males and females through nonnatal courtship areas.
The mechanisms that underlie the maintenance of and increase in mutant mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are central to our understanding of mitochondrial disease. We have therefore developed a technique based on saponin permeabilisation that allows the study of mtDNA synthesis in intact cells. Permeabilisation of cells has been extensively used in an established method both for studying transcription and DNA replication in the nucleus and for measuring respiratory chain activities in mitochondria. We have quantitatively studied incorporation of radiolabelled DNA precursors into mtDNA in human cell lines derived from controls and from patients with mitochondrial DNA disease. Total cell DNA is extracted, restriction digested and Southern blotted, newly synthesised mtDNA being proportional to the label incorporated in each restriction band. A rate of synthesis can then be derived by estimating the relative steady-state mtDNA after probing with full-length mtDNA. Where co-existing mutant and wild-type mtDNA (heteroplasmy) can be distinguished using restriction digestion, their rates of synthesis can be compared within a single cell line. This will be particularly useful in elucidating the pathophysiology of mtDNA diseases in which the distribution of mutant and wild-type mtDNA in cell lines in patient tissues may evolve with time.
Approximately 250,000 measurements made for the pCO2 difference between surface water and the marine atmosphere, ΔpCO2, have been assembled for the global oceans. Observations made in the equatorial Pacific during El Nino events have been excluded from the data set. These observations are mapped on the global 4° × 5° grid for a single virtual calendar year (chosen arbitrarily to be 1990) representing a non-El Nino year. Monthly global distributions of ΔpCO2 have been constructed using an interpolation method based on a lateral advection–diffusion transport equation. The net flux of CO2 across the sea surface has been computed using ΔpCO2 distributions and CO2 gas transfer coefficients across sea surface. The annual net uptake flux of CO2 by the global oceans thus estimated ranges from 0.60 to 1.34 Gt-C⋅yr−1 depending on different formulations used for wind speed dependence on the gas transfer coefficient. These estimates are subject to an error of up to 75% resulting from the numerical interpolation method used to estimate the distribution of ΔpCO2 over the global oceans. Temperate and polar oceans of the both hemispheres are the major sinks for atmospheric CO2, whereas the equatorial oceans are the major sources for CO2. The Atlantic Ocean is the most important CO2 sink, providing about 60% of the global ocean uptake, while the Pacific Ocean is neutral because of its equatorial source flux being balanced by the sink flux of the temperate oceans. The Indian and Southern Oceans take up about 20% each.
A cDNA and corresponding promoter region for a naturally occurring, feedback-insensitive anthranilate synthase (AS) α-subunit gene, ASA2, has been isolated from an unselected, but 5-methyl-tryptophan-resistant (5MTr), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell line (AB15–12-1). The ASA2 cDNA contains a putative transit peptide sequence, and Southern hybridization shows that more than one closely related sequence is present in the tobacco genome. The ASA2 cDNA complemented a trpE nonsense mutant Escherichia coli strain, allowing growth on 300 μm 5MT-containing minimal medium without tryptophan, and cell extracts contained feedback-insensitive AS activity. The 5MTr was lost when the E. coli strain was transformed with an ASA2 site-directed mutant (phenylalanine-107-arginine-108 → serine-107-glutamine-108). Identical nucleotide sequences encoding the phenylalanine-107-arginine-108 region have been found in polymerase chain reaction-amplified 326-bp ASA2 genomic fragments of wild-type (5-methyl-tryptophan-sensitive [5MTs]) tobacco and a progenitor species. High-level ASA2 transcriptional expression was detected only in 5MTr-cultured cells, not in 5MTs cells or in plants. Promoter studies indicate that tissue specificity of ASA2 is controlled by the promoter region between −2252 and −607. Since the ASA2 promoter sequences are not substantially different in the 5MTr and 5MTs lines, the increased levels of ASA2 mRNA in the 5MTr lines are most likely due to changes in a regulatory gene affecting ASA2 expression.
Iron is an essential nutrient for virtually all organisms. The IRT1 (iron-regulated transporter) gene of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, encoding a probable Fe(II) transporter, was cloned by functional expression in a yeast strain defective for iron uptake. Yeast expressing IRT1 possess a novel Fe(II) uptake activity that is strongly inhibited by Cd. IRT1 is predicted to be an integral membrane protein with a metal-binding domain. Data base comparisons and Southern blot analysis indicated that IRT1 is a member of a gene family in Arabidopsis. Related sequences were also found in the genomes of rice, yeast, nematodes, and humans. In Arabidopsis, IRT1 is expressed in roots, is induced by iron deficiency, and has altered regulation in plant lines bearing mutations that affect the iron uptake system. These results provide the first molecular insight into iron transport by plants.
The immunoglobulin kappa gene locus encodes 95% of the light chains of murine antibody molecules and is thought to contain up to 300 variable (V kappa)-region genes generally considered to comprise 20 families. To delineate the locus we have isolated 29 yeast artificial chromosome genomic clones that form two contigs, span > 3.5 megabases, and contain two known non-immunoglobulin kappa markers. Using PCR primers specific for 19 V kappa gene families and Southern analysis, we have refined the genetically defined order of these V kappa gene families. Of these, V kappa 2 maps at least 3.0 Mb from the joining (J kappa) region and appears to be the most distal V kappa gene segment.
We analyzed the geographic distribution of the Ixodes ricinus-like ticks in eastern North America by comparing the mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences of specimens sampled directly from the field during the 1990s. Two distinct lineages are evident. The southern clade includes ticks from the southeastern and middle-eastern regions of the United States. The range of the northern clade, which appears to have been restricted to the northeastern region until the mid-1900s, now extends throughout the northeastern and middle-eastern regions. These phyletic units correspond to northern and southern taxa that have previously been assigned specific status as Ixodes dammini and Ixodes scapularis, respectively. The expanding range of I. dammini appears to drive the present outbreaks of zoonotic disease in eastern North America that include Lyme disease and human babesiosis.