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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has favorable characteristics for diagnostic evaluation and risk stratification of patients with known or suspected CAD. CMR utilization in CAD detection is growing fast. However, data on its cost-effectiveness are scarce. The goal of this study is to compare the costs of two strategies for detection of significant coronary artery stenoses in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD): 1) Performing CMR first to assess myocardial ischemia and/or infarct scar before referring positive patients (defined as presence of ischemia and/or infarct scar to coronary angiography (CXA) versus 2) a hypothetical CXA performed in all patients as a single test to detect CAD. METHODS: A subgroup of the European CMR pilot registry was used including 2,717 consecutive patients who underwent stress-CMR. From these patients, 21% were positive for CAD (ischemia and/or infarct scar), 73% negative, and 6% uncertain and underwent additional testing. The diagnostic costs were evaluated using invoicing costs of each test performed. Costs analysis was performed from a health care payer perspective in German, United Kingdom, Swiss, and United States health care settings. RESULTS: In the public sectors of the German, United Kingdom, and Swiss health care systems, cost savings from the CMR-driven strategy were 50%, 25% and 23%, respectively, versus outpatient CXA. If CXA was carried out as an inpatient procedure, cost savings were 46%, 50% and 48%, respectively. In the United States context, cost savings were 51% when compared with inpatient CXA, but higher for CMR by 8% versus outpatient CXA. CONCLUSION: This analysis suggests that from an economic perspective, the use of CMR should be encouraged as a management option for patients with suspected CAD.
This article addresses the normative dilemma located within the application of `securitization,’ as a method of understanding the social construction of threats and security policies. Securitization as a theoretical and practical undertaking is being increasingly used by scholars and practitioners. This scholarly endeavour wishes to provide those wishing to engage with securitization with an alternative application of this theory; one which is sensitive to and self-reflective of the possible normative consequences of its employment. This article argues that discussing and analyzing securitization processes have normative implications, which is understood here to be the negative securitization of a referent. The negative securitization of a referent is asserted to be carried out through the unchallenged analysis of securitization processes which have emerged through relations of exclusion and power. It then offers a critical understanding and application of securitization studies as a way of overcoming the identified normative dilemma. First, it examines how the Copenhagen School’s formation of securitization theory gives rise to a normative dilemma, which is situated in the performative and symbolic power of security as a political invocation and theoretical concept. Second, it evaluates previous attempts to overcome the normative dilemma of securitization studies, outlining the obstacles that each individual proposal faces. Third, this article argues that the normative dilemma of applying securitization can be avoided by firstly, deconstructing the institutional power of security actors and dominant security subjectivities and secondly, by addressing countering or alternative approaches to security and incorporating different security subjectivities. Examples of the securitization of international terrorism and immigration are prominent throughout.
Background: Intranasal administration of high amount of allergen was shown to induce tolerance and to reverse the allergic phenotype. However, mechanisms of tolerance induction via the mucosal route are still unclear. Objectives: To characterize the therapeutic effects of intranasal application of ovalbumin (OVA) in a mouse model of bronchial inflammation as well as the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to protection upon re-exposure to allergen. Methods: After induction of bronchial inflammation, mice were treated intranasally with OVA and re-exposed to OVA aerosols 10 days later. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), T cell proliferation and cytokine secretion were examined. The respective role of CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells in the induction of tolerance was analysed. Results: Intranasal treatment with OVA drastically reduced inflammatory cell recruitment into BALF and bronchial hyperresponsiveness upon re-exposure to allergen. Both OVA- specific-proliferation of T cells, T(h)1 and T(h)2 cytokine production from lung and bronchial lymph nodes were inhibited. Transfer of CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells, which strongly expressed membrane-bound transforming growth factor beta (mTGF beta), from tolerized mice protected asthmatic recipient mice from subsequent aerosol challenges. The presence of CD4(+)CD25(+)(Foxp3(+)) T cells during the process of tolerization was indispensable to CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells to acquire regulatory properties. Whereas the presence of IL-10 appeared dispensable in this model, the suppression of CD4(+)CD25(-)mTGF beta(+) T cells in transfer experiments significantly impaired the down-regulation of airways inflammation. Conclusion: Nasal application of OVA in established asthma led to the induction of CD4(+)CD25(-)mTGF beta(+) T cells with regulatory properties, able to confer protection upon allergen re-exposure.
Aquest projecte descriu la fusió de les necessitats diaries de monitorització del experiment ATLAS des del punt de vista del cloud. La idea principal es desenvolupar un conjunt de col·lectors que recullin informació de la distribució i processat de les dades i dels test de wlcg (Service Availability Monitoring), emmagatzemant-la en BBDD específiques per tal de mostrar els resultats en una sola pàgina HLM (High Level Monitoring). Un cop aconseguit, l’aplicació ha de permetre investigar més enllà via interacció amb el front-end, el qual estarà alimentat per les estadístiques emmagatzemades a la BBDD.
Aquest projecte resol les fases inicials d'un altre projecte més gran que té com a objectiu la conversió automàtica de seqüències d'imatges a 3D. El projecte s'ha centrat en la reconstrucció calibrada de col·leccions d'imatges mitjançant la tècnica anomenada structure from motion. Aquesta tècnica forma part de l'àmbit de la visió per computador i s'utilitza per obtenir la posició i l'orientació de les diferents càmeres juntament amb una reconstrucció 3D de l'escena en forma de núvol de punts.
Detailed field mapping and paleontological dating in the central and southeastern Nicoya Peninsula has revealed Late Cretaceous and Paleogene radiolarian-bearing siliceous mudstones. These rocks belong to two terranes (Matambfi and Manzanillo) that are partially contemporaneous with the Nicoya Complex, but are genetically different. While the Nicoya Complex is formed exclusively by intraplate igneous rocks with associated radiolarites, the studied sections include variable amounts of are-derived volcanic and terrigenous materials. These fore-arc terranes include mafic to intermediate volcaniclastics and associated pelagic and hemipelagic rocks rich in biogenic silica. Radiolarian preservation in these sediments is often enhanced by the presence of silica-saturated volcanic tuffs and debris. Seven out of 29 samples from different outcrops yielded relatively well-preserved radiolarian faunas. In total, 60 species belonging to 34 genera were present in these faunas, ranging in age from middle Turonian-Santonian to late Thanetian-Ypresian.
Analysis of gas emissions by the input-output subsystem approach provides detailed insight into pollution generation in an economy. Structural decomposition analysis, on the other hand, identifies the factors behind the changes in key variables over time. Extending the input-output subsystem model to account for the changes in these variables reveals the channels by which environmental burdens are caused and transmitted throughout the production system. In this paper we propose a decomposition of the changes in the components of CO2 emissions captured by an input-output subsystems representation. The empirical application is for the Spanish service sector, and the economic and environmental data are for years 1990 and 2000. Our results show that services increased their CO2 emissions mainly because of a rise in emissions generated by non-services to cover the final demand for services. In all service activities, the decomposed effects show an increase in CO2 emissions due to a decrease in emission coefficients (i.e., emissions per unit of output) compensated by an increase in emissions caused both by the input-output coefficients and the rise in demand for services. Finally, large asymmetries exist not only in the quantitative changes in the CO2 emissions of the various services but also in the decomposed effects of these changes. Keywords: structural decomposition analysis, input-output subsystems, CO2 emissions, service sector.
Sm15 and Sm13 are recognized by antibodies from mice protectively vaccinated with tegumental membranes, suggesting a potential role in protective immunity. In order to raise antibodies for immunochemical investigations, the genes for these antigens were expressed in pGEX and pMal vectors so that comparisons could be made among different expression systems and different genes. The fusion proteins corresponding to several parts of the gene for the precursor of Sm15 failed in producing antibodies recognizing the parasite counterpart. On the other hand, antibodies raised against Sm13 MBP-fusion proteins recognized the 13 kDa tegumental protein. Thus the peculiarities of the gene of interest are important and the choice of the expression system must sometimes be decided on an empirical basis
In recent years traditional inequality measures have been used to quite a considerable extent to examine the international distribution of environmental indicators. One of its main characteristics is that each one assigns different weights to the changes that occur in the different sections of the variable distribution and, consequently, the results they yield can potentially be very different. Hence, we suggest the appropriateness of using a range of well-recommended measures to achieve more robust results. We also provide an empirical test for the comparative behaviour of several suitable inequality measures and environmental indicators. Our findings support the hypothesis that in some cases there are differences among measures in both the sign of the evolution and its size. JEL codes: D39; Q43; Q56. Keywords: international environment factor distribution; Kaya factors; Inequality measurement
In a recent paper Bermúdez [2009] used bivariate Poisson regression models for ratemaking in car insurance, and included zero-inflated models to account for the excess of zeros and the overdispersion in the data set. In the present paper, we revisit this model in order to consider alternatives. We propose a 2-finite mixture of bivariate Poisson regression models to demonstrate that the overdispersion in the data requires more structure if it is to be taken into account, and that a simple zero-inflated bivariate Poisson model does not suffice. At the same time, we show that a finite mixture of bivariate Poisson regression models embraces zero-inflated bivariate Poisson regression models as a special case. Additionally, we describe a model in which the mixing proportions are dependent on covariates when modelling the way in which each individual belongs to a separate cluster. Finally, an EM algorithm is provided in order to ensure the models’ ease-of-fit. These models are applied to the same automobile insurance claims data set as used in Bermúdez [2009] and it is shown that the modelling of the data set can be improved considerably.
In this paper we present a new, accurate form of the heat balance integral method, termed the Combined Integral Method (or CIM). The application of this method to Stefan problems is discussed. For simple test cases the results are compared with exact and asymptotic limits. In particular, it is shown that the CIM is more accurate than the second order, large Stefan number, perturbation solution for a wide range of Stefan numbers. In the initial examples it is shown that the CIM reduces the standard problem, consisting of a PDE defined over a domain specified by an ODE, to the solution of one or two algebraic equations. The latter examples, where the boundary temperature varies with time, reduce to a set of three first order ODEs.
For the execution of the scientific applications, different methods have been proposed to dynamically provide execution environments for such applications that hide the complexity of underlying distributed and heterogeneous infrastructures. Recently virtualization has emerged as a promising technology to provide such environments. Virtualization is a technology that abstracts away the details of physical hardware and provides virtualized resources for high-level scientific applications. Virtualization offers a cost-effective and flexible way to use and manage computing resources. Such an abstraction is appealing in Grid computing and Cloud computing for better matching jobs (applications) to computational resources. This work applies the virtualization concept to the Condor dynamic resource management system by using Condor Virtual Universe to harvest the existing virtual computing resources to their maximum utility. It allows existing computing resources to be dynamically provisioned at run-time by users based on application requirements instead of statically at design-time thereby lay the basis for efficient use of the available resources, thus providing way for the efficient use of the available resources.