979 resultados para Civilización hindú


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The goal of the present work was to identify and characterize gene sequences that are preferentially expressed in CML in an effort to better understand the molecular basis of the disease. As high abundance mRNAs generally encode proteins that are phenotypically characteristic of cells, positive-negative screening of a CML cDNA library was used to identify cDNA clones containing sequences preferentially transcribed in CML. One cDNA sequence that fulfilled this criterion, C-A3, has been characterized in some detail. It represents a small mRNA ((TURN)496 nucleotides) that is highly abundant ((TURN)2% of the poly(A('+))RNA) in cells from the chronic phase of CML. In situ hybridization to whole cells indicates the principal leukocytes that express C-A3 sequences are eosinophils, basophils and immature myelocytes. Surprisingly, CML patients with high numbers of myeloblasts do not have an abundance of C-A3 transcripts, although transcript levels remain elevated in patients with lymphoblasts. In AML, high transcript levels are only found sporadically and occasionally different sized transcripts can be detected. Sequences from the 3' end of the C-A3 message are present in 2-5 copies per haploid genome. The 3' end of C-A3 localizes to bands 8q21.1 and 8q23 by in situ chromosomal hybridization. This is a region that is often involved in hematopoietic malignancies. Restriction digests of human genomic DNA show a correlation between the presence of a 2.3 kb Hind III fragment and certain types of leukemia. All of the leukemic DNAs tested had this fragment. In comparison, only one of five normal DNAs had a band this size. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence indicates that C-A3 probably encodes a small, hydrophobic peptide which may be part of a larger protein. ^


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PURPOSE To assess ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (USPIO) -enhanced MR imaging for the differentiation of malignant from benign, inflammatory lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, approved by the local animal care committee, VX2 carcinoma and intramuscular abscesses were implanted into the hind thighs of New Zealand White rabbits. MR imaging was performed pre contrast and serially for 24 h after the injection of USPIO. MR findings were compared with histopathologic results based on Prussian blue stains for the presence of iron. RESULTS Twenty-four hours after the Ferumoxtran-injection, no changes were observed in VX2 carcinomas, whereas a mean reduction of the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of approximately 90% was noticed in abscesses as well as in necrotic tumors. On histopathologic examination, abscess and necrotic parts of the tumor were found to include iron-containing monocytes demonstrating that the reduction in CNR was caused by USPIO-tagged monocytes. CONCLUSION Our results prove the ability of USPIO-enhanced MRI to differentiate benign, inflammatory from malignant lesions.


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Prolonged ischemia of skeletal muscle tissue, followed by reperfusion, leads to ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI), which is a feared local and systemic inflammatory reaction. With respect to the 3Rs, we wanted to determine which parameters for assessment of IRI require a reperfusion time of 24 h and for which 2 h of reperfusion are sufficient. Rats were subjected to 3 h of hind limb ischemia and 2 h or 24 h of reperfusion. Human plasma derived C1 inhibitor was used as a drug to prevent reperfusion injury. For 2 h of reperfusion the rats stayed under anesthesia throughout (severity grade 1), whereas for 24 h they were awake under analgesia during reperfusion (grade 2). The femoral artery was clamped and a tourniquet was placed, under maintenance of venous return. C1 esterase inhibitor was systemically administered 5 min before the induction of ischemia. No differences in local muscle edema formation and depositions of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M were observed between 2 h and 24 h (P > 0.05), whereas lung edema was only observed after 24 h. Muscle viability was significantly lower after 24 h vs 2 h reperfusion (P < 0.05). Increased plasma creatine kinase (CK)-MM and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-bb could be detected after 2 h, but not after 24 h of reperfusion. By contrast, depositions of C3b/c and fibrin in muscle were only detected after 24 h (P < 0.001). In conclusion, for a first screening of drug candidates to reduce IRI, 2 h reperfusions are sufficient, and these reduce the severity of the animal experiment. Twenty-four-hour reperfusions are only needed for in-depth analysis of the mechanisms of IRI, including lung damage.


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Infrared thermography (IRT) was used to assess the effect of routine claw trimming on claw temperature. In total, 648 IRT observations each were collected from 81 cows housed in 6 tiestalls before and 3 wk after claw trimming. The feet were classified as either healthy (nonlesion group, n = 182) or affected with infectious foot disorders (group IFD, n = 142). The maximal surface temperatures of the coronary band and skin and the difference of the maximal temperatures (ΔT) between the lateral and medial claws of the respective foot were assessed. Linear mixed models, correcting for the hierarchical structure of the data, ambient temperature, and infectious status of the claws, were developed to evaluate the effect of time in relation to the trimming event (d 0 versus d 21) and claw (medial versus lateral). Front feet and hind feet were analyzed separately. Ambient temperature and infectious foot status were identified as external and internal factors, respectively, that significantly affected claw temperature. Before claw trimming, the lateral claws of the hind feet were significantly warmer compared with the medial claws, whereas such a difference was not evident for the claws of the front feet. At d 21, ΔT of the hind feet was reduced by ≥ 0.25 °C, whereas it was increased by ≤ 0.13 °C in the front feet compared with d 0. Therefore, trimming was associated with a remarkable decrease of ΔT of the hind claws. Equalizing the weight bearing of the hind feet by routine claw trimming is associated with a measurable reduction of ΔT between the paired hind claws.


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Inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane is a well-established and safe method used in small laboratory animals. In most cases oxygen is used as a carrier gas for isoflurane, but room air or mixtures of oxygen with air or nitrous oxide are also being used. Anesthesia is therefore administered using different fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2), and this may have consequences for the outcome of experiments. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of FiO2 on rat hind limb ischemia/reperfusion injury and to refine the used inhalation anesthesia. Male Wistar rats were subjected to 3.5 h of ischemia and 2 h of reperfusion, and divided into three groups according to FiO2 in the O2/air/isoflurane anesthesia gas mixture: 40%, 60%, and 100% O2. Normal, healthy rats were used as controls. Muscle edema and creatine kinase MM, a marker for myocyte necrosis, were significantly increased with 40% FiO2 as compared with 100% FiO2 (P<0.05). Partial pressure of oxygen, oxygen saturation, and oxyhemoglobin were significantly higher in the 100% O2 group as compared with 40% O2. No significant differences were detected for other parameters, such as the oxidative stress markers malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase. We conclude that a refined inhalation anesthesia setting using 40% FiO2, reflecting more or less the clinical situation, leads to a more severe and more physiologically relevant reperfusion injury than higher FiO2. Oxidative stress did not correlate with FiO2 and seemed to have no influence on reperfusion injury.


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Detecting lame cows is important in improving animal welfare. Automated tools are potentially useful to enable identification and monitoring of lame cows. The goals of this study were to evaluate the suitability of various physiological and behavioral parameters to automatically detect lameness in dairy cows housed in a cubicle barn. Lame cows suffering from a claw horn lesion (sole ulcer or white line disease) of one claw of the same hind limb (n=32; group L) and 10 nonlame healthy cows (group C) were included in this study. Lying and standing behavior at night by tridimensional accelerometers, weight distribution between hind limbs by the 4-scale weighing platform, feeding behavior at night by the nose band sensor, and heart activity by the Polar device (Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland) were assessed. Either the entire data set or parts of the data collected over a 48-h period were used for statistical analysis, depending upon the parameter in question. The standing time at night over 12 h and the limb weight ratio (LWR) were significantly higher in group C as compared with group L, whereas the lying time at night over 12 h, the mean limb difference (△weight), and the standard deviation (SD) of the weight applied on the limb taking less weight were significantly lower in group C as compared with group L. No significant difference was noted between the groups for the parameters of heart activity and feeding behavior at night. The locomotion score of cows in group L was positively correlated with the lying time and △weight, whereas it was negatively correlated with LWR and SD. The highest sensitivity (0.97) for lameness detection was found for the parameter SD [specificity of 0.80 and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.84]. The highest specificity (0.90) for lameness detection was present for Δweight (sensitivity=0.78; AUC=0.88) and LWR (sensitivity=0.81; AUC=0.87). The model considering the data of SD together with lying time at night was the best predictor of cows being lame, accounting for 40% of the variation in the likelihood of a cow being lame (sensitivity=0.94; specificity=0.80; AUC=0.86). In conclusion, the data derived from the 4-scale-weighing platform, either alone or combined with the lying time at night over 12 h, represent the most valuable parameters for automated identification of lame cows suffering from a claw horn lesion of one individual hind limb.


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Se refiere la ubicación temporal de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento en la generación de 1837, llamada también por Ricardo Rojas “generación de los proscriptos". Momento en el que Sarmiento adoptó las célebres categorías de “civilización" y “barbarie". La importancia de la escritura adquirió entonces una decisiva función civilizadora, que en su caso tuvo las características de una imperiosa necesidad proyectada en piezas autobiográficas, folletos, folletines, narraciones, libros, anticipos de novelas, biografías, ensayos, cartas y ejercicios periodísticos. La Argentina tuvo en él al gran polemista que creía en la eficacia de la palabra escrita como praxis social. Dentro de este marco se ubica la significación concedida al periodismo para la formación de los ciudadanos, la responsabilidad de su ejercicio y la ética que le cabe, según se refleja en su artículo “El diarismo", de 1841, aunque a veces ese ejercicio incurriera en los modos que criticaba.


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En el presente trabajo nos ocuparemos del personaje del Brigadier en la obra "Una pasión sudamericana", de Ricardo Monti, con el objeto de destacar su tratamiento en función de la caracterización de la particular imagen del caudillo latinoamericano y especialmente argentino. Para ello, en una primera parte tendremos en cuenta aspectos referidos a la historia argentina (siglo XIX), a las ideas imperantes de la época condensadas en la antinomia civilización o barbarie y a la figura del caudillo en la historiografía y en la literatura. En una segunda parte intentaremos demostrar los procedimientos de caracterización del personaje del Brigadier; en la doble enunciación del discurso dramático, observando cómo se genera una realidad ficticia mediante un discurso lingüístico pautado, tanto en el discurso inmediato de la didascalia como en el mediato de los personajes. Además, señalaremos los rasgos particulares del personaje en los signos visuales del vestuario y la escenografía.


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Fil: Daitsman, Andy.


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El informe realizado con motivo del Seminario: Orientalismo en la literatura argentina (s. XIX y XX) a cargo del Dr. Axel Gasquet realizado el 14 y 15 de agosto del 2007 en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNcuyo. Axel Gasquet (Buenos Aires, 1966) es profesor titular de literatura en la Universidad Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand, Francia. Estudió en la UBA y en la EHESS de París. Doctor en Letras por la Universidad de París X-Nanterre. autor del libro"Oriente al sur .El orientalismo literario argentino de Esteban Echeverría a Rodolfo Arlt " El mundo oriental produjo desde siempre una enorme fascinación en los intelectuales y artistas europeos y americanos. Su lejanía y su alteridad inspiraron la creación de imaginarios variados que alternaban entre la construcción negativa fundada en el carácter despótico de sus naciones, distante del racionalismo liberal de raíz eurocentrista, y la admiración por su historia y sus culturas milenarias. La literatura recolectó estas representaciones con fines estéticos y políticos. Desde una apropiación tanto empírica –a través de viajes propios–, como libresca –mediante la lectura de crónicas ajenas–, la primera generación de escritores argentinos incluyó en su producción literaria diversas visiones de Oriente. Éstas, en cierta medida, universalizaron la dicotomía civilización-barbarie adaptando los estereotipos negativos de la extranjería oriental a las fronteras pampeanas. Con el tiempo las imágenes del mundo oriental fueron despojándose de esta carga de significación geopolítica y pasaron a integrar las ficciones literarias como un elemento de gran potencial estético. El seminario pone en diálogo los diferentes modos de representación e inclusión del Oriente en la literatura argentina a lo largo de diferentes épocas y a través de la lente de diversos autores, algunos de ellos de presencia permanente en las letras nacionales, como Echeverría, Alberdi, Sarmiento, Mansilla, Lugones y Arlt, y otros menos frecuentados por el público y la crítica como Pastor Obligado y Max Rohde.


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Fil: Centeno de Hoyos, Rosalía. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


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Fil: Cabrero, María del Carmen.


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El presente artículo investiga algunas respuestas de la sociedad ante el pronóstico de calamidades comunitarias, estableciendo una comparación entre la respuesta de una comunidad antigua y algunas respuestas de la sociedad globalizada del siglo XXI ante los pronósticos científicos concernientes al cambio climático. En el campo disciplinar de la filología, se propone una lectura más compleja del Peán 9 de Píndaro (fr. 52k Maehler = A1 Rutherford), que busca dar cuenta del fenómeno del eclipse de sol, descrito por el poeta como un signo de catástrofes comunitarias, en el marco de los posibles conocimientos astronómicos de la época, y en la red de significados implícita en las formas de pensamiento simbólico propias de la Grecia arcaica. Tanto las actitudes antiguas como las actuales ante el anuncio de calamidades comunitarias se consideran desde una perspectiva antropológica apoyada en la investigación moderna sobre mitología.