1000 resultados para Chromosomal Localization


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The design of a high-density neural recording system targeting epilepsy monitoring is presented. Circuit challenges and techniques are discussed to optimize the amplifier topology and the included OTA. A new platform supporting active recording devices targeting wireless and high-resolution focus localization in epilepsy diagnosis is also proposed. The post-layout simulation results of an amplifier dedicated to this application are presented. The amplifier is designed in a UMC 0.18µm CMOS technology, has an NEF of 2.19 and occupies a silicon area of 0.038 mm(2), while consuming 5.8 µW from a 1.8-V supply.


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We describe an angiotensin (Ang) II-containing innervation of the kidney. Cryosections of rat, pig and human kidneys were investigated for the presence of Ang II-containing nerve fibers using a mouse monoclonal antibody against Ang II (4B3). Co-staining was performed with antibodies against synaptophysin, tyrosine 3-hydroxylase, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase to detect catecholaminergic efferent fibers and against calcitonin gene-related peptide to detect sensory fibers. Tagged secondary antibodies and confocal light or laser scanning microscopy were used for immunofluorescence detection. Ang II-containing nerve fibers were densely present in the renal pelvis, the subepithelial layer of the urothelium, the arterial nervous plexus, and the peritubular interstitium of the cortex and outer medulla. They were infrequent in central veins and the renal capsule and absent within glomeruli and the renal papilla. Ang II-positive fibers represented phenotypic subgroups of catecholaminergic postganglionic or sensory fibers with different morphology and intrarenal distribution compared to their Ang II-negative counterparts. The Ang II-positive postganglionic fibers were thicker, produced typically fusiform varicosities and preferentially innervated the outer medulla and periglomerular arterioles. Ang II-negative sensory fibers were highly varicose, prevailing in the pelvis and scarce in the renal periphery compared to the rarely varicose Ang II-positive fibers. Neurons within renal microganglia displayed angiotensinergic, catecholaminergic, or combined phenotypes. Our results suggest that autonomic fibers may be an independent source of intrarenal Ang II acting as a neuropeptide co-transmitter or neuromodulator. The angiotensinergic renal innervation may play a distinct role in the neuronal control of renal sodium reabsorption, vasomotion and renin secretion.


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Location-awareness indoors will be an inseparable feature of mobile services/applications in future wireless networks. Its current ubiquitous availability is still obstructed by technological challenges and privacy issues. We propose an innovative approach towards the concept of indoor positioning with main goal to develop a system that is self-learning and able to adapt to various radio propagation environments. The approach combines estimation of propagation conditions, subsequent appropriate channel modelling and optimisation feedback to the used positioning algorithm. Main advantages of the proposal are decreased system set-up effort, automatic re-calibration and increased precision.


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To date, investigations of genetic diversity and the origins of domestication in sheep have utilised autosomal microsatellites and variation in the mitochondrial genome. We present the first analysis of both domestic and wild sheep using genetic markers residing on the ovine Y chromosome. Analysis of a single nucleotide polymorphism (oY1) in the SRY promoter region revealed that allele A-oY1 was present in all wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), two subspecies of thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli), European Mouflon (Ovis musimon) and the Barbary (Ammontragis lervia). A-oY1 also had the highest frequency (71.4%) within 458 domestic sheep drawn from 65 breeds sampled from Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. Sequence analysis of a second locus, microsatellite SRYM18, revealed a compound repeat array displaying fixed differences, which identified bighorn and thinhorn sheep as distinct from the European Mouflon and domestic animals. Combined genotypic data identified 11 male-specific haplotypes that represented at least two separate lineages. Investigation of the geographical distribution of each haplotype revealed that one (H6) was both very common and widespread in the global sample of domestic breeds. The remaining haplotypes each displayed more restricted and informative distributions. For example, H5 was likely founded following the domestication of European breeds and was used to trace the recent transportation of animals to both the Caribbean and Australia. A high rate of Y chromosomal dispersal appears to have taken place during the development of domestic sheep as only 12.9% of the total observed variation was partitioned between major geographical regions.


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It has been proposed that gonadotropins and/or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) could be involved in the pathophysiology of the side effects after spaying in bitches, such as urinary incontinence and an increased production of a woolly undercoat. In order to provide tools to investigate the role of these hormones in dogs we developed immunohistochemical techniques and real-time RT-PCR to study whether GnRH-, LH-, and FSH-receptors exist in canine skin and urinary bladder. Tissue samples from the skin of the flank region and the ventral midline of the urinary bladder from euthanised dogs were examined. We were able to quantify mRNA expression of GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors in canine skin and bladder biopsies with a high primer efficacy. Immunohistochemical studies showed that GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors are expressed in vessel walls, the epidermis, the hair follicle and in sebaceous and sweat glands in canine skin and in transitional epithelium, and smooth muscle tissue in the urinary bladder. Our data provide the fundamentals to examine the distribution of FSH-, LH-, and GnRH-receptors in canine skin and urinary bladder and to assess gene activity at the transcriptional level by real-time RT-PCR.


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Endometriosis may progress to invasive endometrioid adenocarcinoma, particularly in the ovary. Up to now, little is known of the molecular mechanisms possibly involved in the malignant transformation of endometriosis. Therefore, in this study, extragonadal endometriosis (n = 10), ovarian endometriosis without malignancy (n = 10), ovarian endometriosis with direct transition into endometrioid adenocarcinoma (n = 8), and normal endometrium (n = 12) were investigated for numerical chromosomal aberrations by fluorescence in situ hybridization using centromere enumeration probes. The proportions of cells with aneusomies were semiquantitatively assessed. Trisomies 1 and 7, and monosomies 9 and 17 were found in endometriosis, ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma, and normal endometrium. The proportions of aneusomic cells were significantly higher in ovarian endometrioid carcinoma compared with ovarian endometriosis (P < 0.001), and in ovarian endometriosis compared with extragonadal endometriosis and normal endometrium (P < 0.001). The data provide new evidence of a common lineage of endometriosis and ovarian endometrioid carcinoma. The higher frequency of chromosomal aberrations in endometrioid carcinoma than in endometriosis may reflect an expansion of aberrant cell clones already present in endometriosis during the progression to cancer. The higher frequency of chromosomal aberrations in ovarian endometriosis than in extragonadal endometriosis suggests a role of the ovarian stromal milieu in the induction of genetic changes, which may eventually lead to invasive cancer.


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PURPOSE: To characterize the phenotype and map the locus responsible for autosomal recessive inherited ovine microphthalmia (OMO) in sheep. METHODS: Microphthalmia-affected lambs and their available relatives were collected in a field, and experimental matings were performed to obtain affected and normal lambs for detailed necropsy and histologic examinations. The matings resulted in 18 sheep families with 48 cases of microphthalmia. A comparative candidate gene approach was used to map the disease locus within the sheep genome. Initially, 27 loci responsible for the microphthalmia-anophthalmia phenotypes in humans or mice were selected to test for comparative linkage. Fifty flanking markers that were predicted from comparative genomic analysis to be closely linked to these genes were tested for linkage to the disease locus. After observation of statistical evidence for linkage, a confirmatory fine mapping strategy was applied by further genotyping of 43 microsatellites. RESULTS: The clinical and pathologic examinations showed slightly variable expressivity of isolated bilateral microphthalmia. The anterior eye chamber was small or absent, and a white mass admixed with cystic spaces extended from the papilla to the anterior eye chamber, while no recognizable vitreous body or lens was found within the affected eyes. Significant linkage to a single candidate region was identified at sheep chromosome 23. Fine mapping and haplotype analysis assigned the candidate region to a critical interval of 12.4 cM. This ovine chromosome segment encompasses an ancestral chromosomal breakpoint corresponding to two orthologue segments of human chromosomes 18, short and long arms. For the examined animals, we excluded the complete coding region and adjacent intronic regions of ovine TGIF1 to harbor disease-causing mutations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first genetic localization for hereditary ovine isolated microphthalmia. It seems unlikely that a mutation in the TGIF1 gene is responsible for this disorder. The studied sheep represent a valuable large animal model for similar human ocular phenotypes.


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The melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) is expressed in the hypothalamus and regulates energy intake and body weight. In silico screening of the canine chromosome 1 sequence and a comparison with the porcine MC4R sequence by BLAST were performed. The nucleotide sequence of the whole coding region and 3'- and 5'-flanking regions of the dog (1214 bp) and red fox (1177 bp) MC4R gene was established and high conservation of the nucleotide sequences was revealed (99%). Five sets of PCR primers were designed and a search for polymorphism was performed by the SSCP technique in a group of 31 dogs representing nineteen breeds and 35 farm red foxes. Sequencing of DNA fragments, representing the identified SSCP patterns, revealed three single nucleotide polymorphisms (including a missense one) in dogs and four silent SNPs in red foxes. An average SNP frequency was approx. 1/400 bp in the dog and 1/300 bp in the red fox. We mapped the MC4R gene by FISH to the canine chromosome 1 (CFA1q1.1) and to the red fox chromosome 5 (VVU5p1.2).