917 resultados para Child and adolescent psychiatry


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BACKGROUND Estimation of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) using a common formula for both adult and pediatric populations is challenging. Using inulin clearances (iGFRs), this study aims to investigate the existence of a precise age cutoff beyond which the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI), or the Cockroft-Gault (CG) formulas, can be applied with acceptable precision. Performance of the new Schwartz formula according to age is also evaluated. METHOD We compared 503 iGFRs for 503 children aged between 33 months and 18 years to eGFRs. To define the most precise age cutoff value for each formula, a circular binary segmentation method analyzing the formulas' bias values according to the children's ages was performed. Bias was defined by the difference between iGFRs and eGFRs. To validate the identified cutoff, 30% accuracy was calculated. RESULTS For MDRD, CKD-EPI and CG, the best age cutoff was ≥14.3, ≥14.2 and ≤10.8 years, respectively. The lowest mean bias and highest accuracy were -17.11 and 64.7% for MDRD, 27.4 and 51% for CKD-EPI, and 8.31 and 77.2% for CG. The Schwartz formula showed the best performance below the age of 10.9 years. CONCLUSION For the MDRD and CKD-EPI formulas, the mean bias values decreased with increasing child age and these formulas were more accurate beyond an age cutoff of 14.3 and 14.2 years, respectively. For the CG and Schwartz formulas, the lowest mean bias values and the best accuracies were below an age cutoff of 10.8 and 10.9 years, respectively. Nevertheless, the accuracies of the formulas were still below the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative target to be validated in these age groups and, therefore, none of these formulas can be used to estimate GFR in children and adolescent populations.


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Little is known about how dying children and their parents experience death. Dying children have reported death related sensory experiences (DRSEs), defined as seeing or hearing someone or something not visible or audible to others, associated with dying. Although parents report that they and the dying child benefit from these experiences, healthcare providers often unknowingly dismiss them. The aims of this phenomenological inquiry were to describe children's DRSEs and their meaning from the parents' perspectives. Four fathers and six mothers of African American, Caucasian, or Hispanic ethnicity, all Christian, ranging in age from 35 to 59 years, whose child died 23 to 52 months prior and was treated at a children's cancer center, were interviewed in the home or hospital setting of their choice. Children's ages at the time of their death ranged from 4 to 13 years. A modification of van Kaarn's phenomenological method of analysis was used to analyze data. Themes emerging from the data for the first aim were: perceiving someone or something from a spiritual realm others could not, expressing awareness tempered by parental reactions, and embracing transcendence. Themes emerging from the data for the second aim were: spiritual beings prepared child; child revealed reality, preparing parents; and child transcended wholly, easing parents' grief. Post-interview surveys revealed that parents found participating in this study a "very positive" or "positive" experience, particularly being able to tell the story of their child. Children's DRSEs have clinical implications for all who provide care near the end of life. Informing parents of DRSEs, cautioning that not all dying children express them, may help parents to anticipate this phenomenon, which may decrease anxiety when their child expresses them, increasing the opportunity for open dialogue between parent and child about dying and death, and decrease regrets associated with being unreceptive to their child's expressions of death awareness. Validating a child's DRSE can have profound effects on bereaved parents. Examining DRSEs from the child's perspective and the influence of informing parents of DRSEs on the dying experience of the child and the parental grieving process are recommended. ^


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Objective. To examine associations between parental monitoring and adolescent alcohol/drug use. ^ Methods. 981 7th grade students from 10 inner-city middle schools were surveyed at the 3 month follow-up of an HIV, STD, and pregnancy prevention program. Data from 549 control subjects were used for analyses. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine associations between five parental monitoring variables and substance use, coded as: low risk [never drank alcohol or used drugs (0)], moderate risk [drank alcohol, no drug use (1)], and high risk [both drank alcohol and used drugs or just used drugs (2)]. ^ Results. Participants were 58.3% female, 39.6% African American, 43.8% Hispanic, mean age 13.3 years. Lifetime alcohol use was 47.9%. Lifetime drug use was 14.9%. Adjusted for gender, age, race, and family structure, each individual parental monitoring variable (perceived parental monitoring, less permissive parental monitoring, greater supervision (public places), greater supervision (teen clubs), and less time spent with older teens) was significant and protective for the moderate and high risk groups. When all 5 variables were entered into a single model, only perceived parental monitoring was significantly associated (OR=0.40, 95% CI 0.29-0.55) for the moderate risk group. For the high risk group, 3 variables were significantly protective (perceived parental monitoring OR=0.28, CI 0.18-0.42, less time spent with older teens OR=0.75, CI 0.60-0.93, and greater supervision (public places) OR=0.79, CI 0.64-0.99). ^ Conclusion. The association between parental monitoring and substance abuse is complex and varied for different risk levels. Implications for intervention development are addressed. ^


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Background. Of the over five million annual pediatric visits to U.S. emergency departments, one-third to one-half are for non-emergent conditions. Minorities are more likely to utilize the emergency department (ED) for non-emergent conditions. Very little research has analyzed the role of illness type, perceived need, or family preferences in explaining this disparity. ^ Objectives. This study examined racial-ethnic differences in preferences for care among non-emergent users of the ED. ^ Research design. A random selection of pediatric non-emergent ED users within a single CHIP managed care plan were surveyed regarding attitudes and health care preferences. Preferences for ED utilization were analyzed by racial-ethnic category, controlling for illness type, child and guardian age, education level, language, and perceived need. ^ Results. A total of 250 families were surveyed. Most respondents reported having a regular doctor, satisfaction with their physician, and ready access to their physician. Fifteen percent of White, 39% of Hispanic, and 38% of Black families reported they preferred the emergency department for ill care. In multivariate analysis, Whites families were significantly less likely to prefer the emergency department for ill visits (odds ratio, 0.12; 95% confidence interval 0.03-0.55) compared to Blacks and Hispanics. ^ Conclusions. Racial-ethnic disparities in non-emergent ED utilization may be partially explained by different preferences for care. ^ Key words: children, emergency department, preferences for care, disparities ^


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Background. Not only has obesity played a role in Texas adults but it is also becoming a large issue among low-income Latino children. In Latino children between 2-5 years of age, the Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance data in 1997 found the prevalence of obesity was 12 percent, highest among all ethnic groups. Children learn what and how to eat from their environment. Despite many mothers being working mothers they are still the principal caregivers and source of influence on their toddler's diet. Self-efficacy, a concept created by Albert Bandura, one's belief that one is capable of performing a behavior needed to reach an intended goal, is increasingly becoming important in nutrition and health education. This study is important to understand the degree of impact that a mother's self-efficacy will have on a child's diet. This is useful knowing if influencing a mother's self-efficacy could improve a child's diet to prevent certain public health issues such as obesity and diabetes. The purpose of this study was to examine nutrition self-efficacy of Latina mothers, focusing on sweets and beverage and if their self-efficacy impacted their child's diet. Methods. The data was collected during July-September 2008. Mothers were recruited from two federally qualified San Antonio health centers. In order to qualify, participants had to be Hispanic with children of toddler age. Mothers were informed of incentives available upon completion. The interview consisted of demographic info, a set of five self-efficacy questions repeated at completion, testing reliability and a 24-hour food recall diary asked of the participant's child's diet. Results. There were 225 mothers who participated between both clinics. The Crohnbach alpha scores for the two different times the self-efficacy questions were asked were .44 corresponding to the first time and .49 for the second time. The three most common beverages reported were milk, juice, and water. The mothers who met or gave their child more milk than recommended by the scientific community, 800mg of calcium/3 cups (24oz) set, had a higher self-efficacy score than those who did not meet the standard at all. Mothers who gave their children more juice than the standard recommends, 4-6oz for children 1-6 years of age, had slightly higher self-efficacy scores than mother's who simply met the standard. In general, the lower the mother's self-efficacy, the more sweets they gave their child and vice versa. Conclusion. This study's Kappa values were adequate and this research showed that Latina mothers did in fact have high self-efficacy. In general some of the children's diets did not reflect the current scientific nutrition recommendations. In order to improve self-efficacy and have an impact on children's diets, the scientific community has a responsibility to make recommendations that are easily understood and can be put into practice. The public health community needs to ensure that we encourage those we serve to be more active in their health and educate them about what constitutes good health and nutrition for both themselves and their children.^


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Childhood obesity is increasing at epidemic rates, and thus there is a need to target appropriate childhood behaviors that contribute to obesity. Many factors contribute to childhood weight status. The aim of this study was to look at relationships between parental rules to limit snacking while watching television and childhood weight status. The study looked at the presence of the behavior of snacking while watching television yesterday, congruence between child- and parent-reported perception of the presence of rules to limit snacking while watching television, and parent-reported frequency of children following rules to limit snacking while watching television. The outcomes were examined in a multi-ethnic population of children ages 6 to 9 years in Southeast Texas.^ This study was a cross-sectional secondary data analysis of the pilot program, Fun Families. This study examined baseline data from 202 parent-child dyads, which included both the control ( N= 101) and intervention groups (N= 101). Data were gathered using validated questions that were administered to 6-9 year old children and their primary caregiver (referred to as parent in the rest of the discussion) in Southeast Texas, between 2006 and 2008. The main study outcome was childhood weight status based on CDC BMI-for-age categories. The independent variables are (1) the presence of parental rules to limit snacking while watching television, (2) the congruence between child and parent about the presence of rules to limit snacking while watching television, and (3) the parent-reported frequency of the child following the rules to limit snacking while watching television. Chi-Square analyses were used to determine if weight status was different for (1) children who reported rules to limit snacking yesterday, (2) children who reported snacking, (3) children whose parents reported rules were present, and (4) those who had rule congruence with the parents not. Chi-Square analyses also examined if there was a difference in the presence of snacking behavior for children who reported rules, for children whose parents reported rules, and for those children who had congruence about rules. Linear regressions were used to determine if any of the studied variables predicted increased weight status or reported snacking while watching television yesterday.^ This study found that child-reported snacking yesterday was significantly different for children who reported rules (4.12, p= 0.04). Child-reported rules was significantly associated with (p= -0.14, α= 0.04) and predicted child-reported snacking yesterday (R 2 0.021, p= 0.04, t= -2.04, 95% CI -0.31, -0.01). There was statistical significant incongruence between child and parent perception about the presence of rules to limit snacking yesterday (15.06, p= 0.00). For this population, parent education level was significantly associated with child-reported rules (r= -0.16, p= 0.02), child-reported snacking yesterday (r= -0.15, p= 0.04), and parent-reported frequency of child following rules to limit snacking (r= 0.29, p= -0.01). Parent-reported speaking another language besides English at home was significantly associated with parent-reported rules (r= 0.17, p= 0.02).^ Although the studied variables did not show any significant associations or predictors for childhood weight status, the significant discord between parent and child perception about the presence of rules provides valuable information to future interventions that aim to reduce childhood weight status. Including the creation and enforcement of parental rules in interventions to reduce childhood weight status will be beneficial for future studies.^


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Smoking is often initiated in adolescence through trying or experimenting with cigarettes. Smoking initiation is the beginning critical stage in the smoking trajectory often resulting in addiction. This dissertation examined the effect of parenting variables on smoking initiation behavior among 11–14 year old Mexican origin adolescents, a largely understudied group. The participants in this study were part of a population-based cohort of Mexican origin adolescents residing in Houston, Texas. ^ Aim 1 of this study assessed the appropriateness of the Family Life Questionnaire (FLQ) among Mexican origin adolescents. Second order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the factor structure of the FLQ and measurement invariance testing was conducted to evaluate the cross-cultural validity of this scale. Aim 2 analyzed cross-sectional associations between parenting variables and adolescent ever tried smoking behavior while aim 3 focused on prospective examination of changes in parenting variables from baseline to final follow-up on ever tried smoking behavior among never smokers. ^ Overall, the results of the CFA indicated that the original factor structure of the FLQ, with alterations, was a good fit for the Mexican origin adolescents. The measurement invariance analysis of the modified FLQ scale indicated adequate measurement invariance. The aim 2 cross-sectional analyses indicated that family cohesion was significantly associated with lower odds of ever tried smoking. Authoritarian parenting was significantly associated with smoking initiation only at the baseline while family conflict was significantly associated with smoking initiation only at the two-year final home visit. The findings from the aim 3 prospective analysis indicated that changes in levels of family cohesion and conflict are important predictors of smoking initiation among those who have never tried smoking. Specifically, perceiving low levels of family cohesion and a decrease in the family cohesion over two years, as well as perceiving high levels of family conflict and an increase in conflict over two years was associated with smoking initiation among never smokers. ^ In general, the findings of this study provide important insights on the links between parenting and adolescent smoking and assist in designing prevention and intervention programs that emphasize the role of family bonding to prevent adolescent smoking behavior. Family education programs for Mexican culture could also highlight the positive effects of authoritarian practices and good family communication to prevent family conflict and subsequent smoking behavior.^


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OBJECTIVES We sought to assess the safety and efficacy of percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects (ASDs) under fluoroscopic guidance only, without periprocedural echocardiographic guidance. BACKGROUND Percutaneous closure of ASDs is usually performed using simultaneous fluoroscopic and transthoracic, transesophageal (TEE), or intracardiac echocardiographic (ICE) guidance. However, TEE requires deep sedation or general anesthesia, which considerably lengthens the procedure. TEE and ICE increase costs. METHODS Between 1997 and 2008, a total of 217 consecutive patients (age, 38 ± 22 years; 155 females and 62 males), of whom 44 were children ≤16 years, underwent percutaneous ASD closure with an Amplatzer ASD occluder (AASDO). TEE guidance and general anesthesia were restricted to the children, while devices were implanted under fluoroscopic guidance only in the adults. For comparison of technical safety and feasibility of the procedure without echocardiographic guidance, the children served as a control group. RESULTS The implantation procedure was successful in all but 3 patients (1 child and 2 adults; 1.4%). Mean device size was 23 ± 8 mm (range, 4-40 mm). There was 1 postprocedural complication (0.5%; transient perimyocarditis in an adult patient). At last echocardiographic follow-up, 13 ± 23 months after the procedure, 90% of patients had no residual shunt, whereas a minimal, moderate, or large shunt persisted in 7%, 1%, and 2%, respectively. Four adult patients (2%) underwent implantation of a second device for a residual shunt. During a mean follow-up period of 3 ± 2 years, 2 deaths and 1 ischemic stroke occurred. CONCLUSION According to these results, percutaneous ASD closure using the AASDO without periprocedural echocardiographic guidance seems safe and feasible.


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Las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones han propiciado avances en el contexto de la salud tanto en la gestión efectiva de información socio‐sanitaria de forma electrónica, como en la provisión de servicios de e‐salud y telemedicina. Los antecedentes de investigación publicados en esta área corroboran este hecho presentando las mejoras experimentadas en la atención de la población y en la provisión de servicios sanitarios. La atención temprana, cuyos principios científicos se fundamentan en los campos de la pediatría, neurología, psicología, psiquiatría, pedagogía, fisiatría y lingüística, entre otros, tiene como finalidad ofrecer a los niños con déficit o con riesgo de padecerlos un conjunto de acciones optimizadoras y compensadoras, que faciliten su adecuada maduración en todos los ámbitos y que les permita alcanzar el máximo nivel de desarrollo personal y de integración social. La detección de posibles alteraciones en el desarrollo infantil es un aspecto clave de la atención temprana en la medida en que puede posibilitar la puesta en marcha de diversos mecanismos de actuación disponibles en las entidades implicadas, valiosos para la calidad de vida de la persona. Cuanto antes se realice la detección, existen mayores garantías de prevenir patologías añadidas, lograr mejoras funcionales y posibilitar un ajuste más adaptativo entre el niño y su entorno. El objetivo de la investigación presentada en esta tesis doctoral es analizar, diseñar, verificar y validar un sistema de información abierto, basado en conocimiento, que facilite efectivamente a los profesionales que trabajan con la población infantil entre 0 y 6 años la detección precoz de posibles trastornos del lenguaje. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, la Ingeniería del Conocimiento ofrece un marco conceptual sólido que permite desarrollar y validar Sistemas de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones distribuidos y escalables, capaces de ayudar al pediatra de Atención Primaria y al educador infantil en la detección precoz de posibles trastornos del lenguaje en niños. La evaluación del sistema se ha realizado de forma incremental mediante el diseño y validación de pruebas de campo experimentales consistentes en la evaluación de niños en dos escenarios distintos: la escuela infantil y el centro de atención temprana. Los experimentos realizados en poblaciones distintas con alrededor de 344 niños durante 2 años, han permitido contrastar la buena adecuación del sistema propuesto a las necesidades de detección de los profesionales que trabajan con niños entre 0 y 6 años. La tesis resultante ha permitido caracterizar el uso del sistema en entornos reales, conocer la aceptación entre los usuarios y su impacto en la provisión de un servicio de atención temprana como el descrito para el correcto seguimiento del desarrollo del lenguaje en los niños, además de proponer un nuevo modelo de atención y evaluación cooperativa que permita incrementar el conocimiento experimental existente al respecto. ABSTRACT The Information and Communication Technology have led to advances in the context of health both in the effective management of socio‐health information electronically, and in the provision of e‐health and telemedicine. The history of research published in this area confirm this fact by presenting the improvements in the care of the population and the provision of health services. Early attention, whose scientific principles are based on the fields of pediatrics, neurology, psychology, psychiatry, pedagogy, physical medicine and linguistics, among others, aims to provide children with deficits or risk of suffering a set of enhancer actions, which facilitate adequate maturation in all areas and allow them to achieve the highest level of personal development and social integration. The detection of possible changes in child development is a key aspect of early intervention to the extent that it can enable the implementation of different mechanisms of action available to the entities involved, valuable to the quality of life of the person. The earlier the detection is made, there are more guarantees added to prevent diseases, achieving functional improvements and enable a more adaptive fit between the child and his environment. The aim of the research presented is to analyze, design, verify and validate an open information system, based on knowledge, which effectively provide professionals working with the child population between 0 and 6 years, in processes of early detection of language disorders. From the methodological point of view, Knowledge Engineering provides a solid conceptual framework to develop and validate a distributed and scalable decision support systems aim to assist pediatricians and language therapists at early identification and referral of language disorder in childhood. The system evaluation was performed incrementally with the design and validation of consistent experimental field tests in the assessment of children in two different scenarios: the nursery and early intervention center. Experiments in different populations with about 344 children over 2 years, allowed to testing the adequacy of the proposed good detection needs of professionals working with children between 0 and 6 years old system. The resulting thesis has allowed to formalizing the system at real environments and to identifying the acceptance by users as well as its impact on the provision of an early intervention service, such as the one described for the proper monitoring of language development in children. In addition, it proposes a new model of care and cooperative evaluation that lets to increase the existing experimental knowledge about it.


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Ganglia obtained at autopsy were examined by in situ hybridization from one patient with zoster (also called herpes zoster or shingles), two varicella-zoster virus (VZV)-seropositive patients with clinical evidence of zoster, one VZV-seronegative child, and one fetus. Ganglia positive for VZV had a hybridization signal in both neuronal and nonneuronal satellite cells. Ganglia obtained from the fetus and from the seronegative infant were consistently negative for VZV. Two striking observations were evident regarding the presence of VZV DNA in ganglia obtained from the individual with zoster at the time of death. First, ganglia innervating the sites of reactivation and ganglia innervating adjacent sites yielded strongly positive signals in neurons and satellite cells, whereas ganglia from distant sites were rarely positive. Second, VZV DNA was found in both the nuclei and the cytoplasm of neurons innervating areas of zoster. However, in neurons innervating zoster-free areas, VZV DNA was found only in the nucleus of neurons and their supporting satellite cells. Immunohistochemistry with a fluorescent monoclonal antibody to the VZV glycoprotein gpI, a late virus protein, revealed a positive signal in the cytoplasm of ganglia with clinical evidence of reactivation. These results illustrate that both neuronal and satellite cells become latently infected following primary VZV infection. The presence of VZV DNA and gpI in the cytoplasm of neurons demonstrates productive infection following reactivation at the site of latency.


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Evidências apontam para forte relação independente entre maus tratos na infância, comportamentos disruptivos e prejuízos em funções executivas. No entanto, ainda não é completamente compreendido como estes três fatores se relacionam entre si. Esta pesquisa avaliou a relação entre maus-tratos na infância e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo, testando desempenho em funções executivas como possível mediador e moderador desta relação. A presente pesquisa está inserida no estudo \"Coorte de escolares de alto risco para o desenvolvimento de psicopatologia e resiliência na infância e adolescência - projeto Prevenção\", projeto integrante do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Psiquiatria do Desenvolvimento para Infância e Adolescência (INCT-INPD), o qual incluiu 2500 crianças em idade escolar de São Paulo e Porto Alegre (Brasil). As crianças foram extensamente avaliadas com entrevistas diagnósticas, relatos de pais e da própria criança sobre maus tratos e com testes neuropsicológicos. Resultados indicam associação de maus tratos na infância e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo, porém não foi encontrada associação entre maus tratos e funções executivas. Crianças com transtornos do comportamento disruptivo apresentaram pior desempenho em teste específico para avaliação de flexibilidade cognitiva. Desempenho em funções executivas não agiu como mediador ou moderador da associação entre maus tratos e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo. Desta forma, os resultados indicam que a associação entre experiências de maus tratos e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo ocorre independentemente do desempenho em funções executivas. Futuros estudos longitudinais são fundamentais para confirmar estes resultados e elucidar os mecanismos cognitivos envolvidos nesta associação causal


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Author: Charity M. Walker Title: THE IMPACT OF SHYNESS ON LONELINESS, SOCIAL ANXIETY, AND SCHOOL LIKING IN LATE CHILDHOOD Advisor: Maria T. Riva, Ph.D. Degree Date: August 2011 ABSTRACT Shyness is associated with several emotional, social, and academic problems. While there are multiple difficulties that often accompany shyness, there appear to be some factors that can moderate negative effects of shyness. Research has demonstrated that certain parenting factors affect the adjustment of shy children in early childhood, but there is minimal research illuminating the effect of parenting factors in older age groups. The first purpose of this study was to examine relationships between shyness and loneliness, social anxiety, and school liking. The second purpose was to investigate whether the quality of the relationship between a parent and a 10- to 15-year-olds child influences the amount of loneliness or social anxiety a shy child experiences or how the child feels about school. Parent-child dyads served as participants and were recruited from public and private middle schools and church youth groups in Colorado and Indiana. Child participants completed several self-report surveys regarding their relationship with a parent, shyness, loneliness, social anxiety, and their attitude toward school. Parents completed a survey about their relationship with their child and responded to questions related to their perceptions of their child's shyness. Data was analyzed with a series of correlation and regression analyses. Greater degrees of self-reported shyness were found to be associated with higher levels of loneliness and social anxiety and less positive feelings about school. Due to a problem with multicollinearity during data analysis, this study was not able to explore the effect of the parent-child relationship quality on the associations between shyness and adjustment factors. Overall, these findings imply that shyness remains an important issue as children approach adolescence. Further research is needed to continue learning about the potential importance of parent-child interactions in reducing maladjustment for shy children during late childhood.


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Kabuki Syndrome (KS) is a rare genetic disorder first diagnosed in 1981 (Matsumoto & Niikawa, 2003). It's clinical presentation and treatment is unknown by most clinicians the mental health fields. Children with KS present with unique facial characteristics, mental retardation, health problems and socio-emotional delays that are often mistaken for other diagnostic problems. Literature detailing the psychological and psychosocial features of this disorder is scant, and psychotherapeutic approaches have not been described. In this article we present a brief review of Kabuki Syndrome, highlighting its signs and symptoms. Differential diagnoses are identified to aid the clinician in better understanding this unique and relatively unheard of syndrome. Finally, a client-centered play therapy and parent consultation approach is described that addresses the many child and family challenges that may accompany KS.


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The social deficits of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have great impact on overall functioning and life satisfaction; however, ways of addressing these deficits to promote positive interpersonal functioning have been limited. The following paper explores the literature that highlights these social deficits, identifies skills that are proposed to target these impairments, discusses child and parent factors that are relevant to positive therapeutic change, and describes the development of a therapeutic game that incorporates variables important to treatment success of these interpersonal difficulties.


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Item 507-B-9