891 resultados para Characters and characteristics.


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El autor realiza un análisis sociológico de la novela de Pareja, amparado en los criterios del crítico Lucien Goldmann. Las categorías narratológicas que sirven de pauta son: el narrador, el espacio, el tiempo y los personajes. Se detiene en el análisis de los tres espacios que Pareja proyecta en la novela: campo, ciudad (ámbito identificado con la pobreza, el robo y el abuso de las autoridades) y mundo exterior (apenas referencial, pero gravitante en los inicios de modernización del país). Revisa los personajes y la estructura mental del autor. Concluye que el texto plantea una concepción diferente del arte de novelar, a tono con la vanguardia europea, a pesar de que muestra una realidad social que no cambia (Baldomera nació pobre, se desplaza entre el burdel, la cantina, el hospital y, finalmente, la cárcel). El texto se aleja del simple documento testimonial gracias al diseño del personaje: pese a su descomunal físico ya que personifica la desgracia, Baldomera expresa, al mismo tiempo, los valores de fidelidad, amor maternal y solidaridad.


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La crítica ecuatoriana ha valorado de diferente manera el sentido del humor en Alfredo Pareja. En ocasiones lo ha aproximado y alejado del humor de Pablo Palacio, Proaño apunta que en éste el absurdo y lo grotesco provienen fundamentalmente de la situación, más que de los personajes, no así en Pareja, cuyo humor se sustenta en los personajes y en su accionar en el mundo, aproximándose mucho a la estética del esperpento, del español Ramón del Valle Inclán. Analiza dos obras en las que el disparate expresa, y confronta al mismo tiempo, una cierta angustia existencial. Hechos y hazañas de don Balón de Baba muestra a un personaje central que se mueve entre lo ridículo y lo trágico, Las pequeñas estaturas, a «gentes pequeñas con un papel desmesurado», de «miembros físicos ajustados a las proporciones del alma», En ambas obras se alude soslayadamente a la inversión del orden conocido, al advenimiento de un caos cercano a lo carnavalesco, conducido por criaturas de accionar desaforado y marcadas definitivamente por su deformidad.


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El autor presenta algunas implicaciones y características del proceso de ascenso de las izquierdas latinoamericanas y refuta las que considera idealizaciones y falsedades del mismo. Igualmente analiza algunos de los factores que considera ayudan a explicar esta emergencia izquierdista en América Latina.


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El autor entrevista al narrador guayaquileño Jorge Velasco Mackenzie, quien responde sobre su oficio de escritor. Velasco sostiene que sufre con sus personajes y agoniza cuando estos mueren. Mira a Tatuaje de náufragos como un homenaje a un bar generacional, a una época y una forma de ser artista que ya no existen más, sería la autopsia de una generación y de la ciudad. Velasco sostiene que el poeta Fernando Nieto no solo fue un animador de la bohemia del Montreal, el fundador de Sicoseo, sino un hombre que sabía mucho, y un hombre generoso en lo personal, admira la posición de Nieto frente al mundo, frente a la literatura. En los escritos de Velasco siempre está Guayaquil, porque es el lugar donde nació y es el único donde puede vivir. Podría decirse que escribir sobre Guayaquil es su proyecto estético. Considera al Montreal como un lugar vivo, abierto, con sus personajes y su rocola antigua, lo evocó así toda su vida y a lo largo del libro intentó devolverle ese esplendor.


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Este ensayo sostiene que la narrativa de José María Arguedas no puede entenderse como el intento de “mostrar” el mundo andino a un lector criollo que lo desconoce, como si tal proceso fuera directo y transparente. Una lectura atenta de sus principales novelas revela, por el contrario, que los personajes indígenas nunca son los principales y que sus descripciones están siempre marcadas por un impase donde se reconoce que hay algo intraducible e incognoscible en la cultura subalterna. Intentar responder a tal interrogante (cuál es la política de “no narrar” al subalterno o de no poder hacerlo?) es objetivo de este ensayo que concluye subrayando que antes que la pregunta por la identidad lo que se observa en los personajes de Arguedas es una demanda de reconocimiento situada más allá de cualquier poder o control social.


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El artículo explora el papel de los archivos en el Imperio de los Austrias, durante la edad protomoderna, en ambos lados del Atlántico. Con ese propósito se analizan las diferentes tareas que incumbían a los archivos en el siglo XVI y XVII. Se examinan el archivo de la ciudad de Cuenca (actual Ecuador) en el ámbito municipal, el de la Audiencia de Quito en el ámbito regional, el archivo de Simancas (Castilla) en el nivel real y, por último, el archivo en la embajada española en Roma. También se ofrecen reflexiones sobre el carácter y las particularidades de los repositorios documentales, prestando especial atención a la escritura como medio de gobierno.


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En el año 2009, el escritor Jorge Volpi publicó el ensayo El insomnio de Bolívar en el que argumenta a favor de abandonar, por irreal y quimérica, la idea de “literatura latinoamericana”. Mediante la lectura de cuatro novelas –Juntacadáveres (1964), El lugar sin límites (1965), La casa verde (1966) y Pantaleón y las visitadoras (1973)– buscaré develar lo erróneo y tendencioso de tal postura. Así, fundamentaré mi argumento en el análisis minucioso de los prostíbulos novelescos que albergan las cuatro ficciones, desde sus apariciones hasta sus aniquilamientos. Apariciones que lejos de ser insignificantes muestran desde un inicio una complejidad extrema por la serie de tensiones que articulan entre los personajes y las sociedades representadas. Dicha complejidad se enriquece y densifica una vez que pensamos en el tipo de actividades que tienen lugar en los lupanares, actividades en las cuales la fiesta y el carnaval pautan toda una serie de metamorfosis, completamente ajenas a la realidad exterior. Finalmente, me centraré en la dinámica de los proxenetas o fundadores de los burdeles, individuos singulares que manifiestan una voluntad inaudita en la cual la imaginación busca negar y suplantar la realidad. No obstante, sus actividades, que en ocasiones hacen pensar en ejercicios utópicos, terminan sucumbiendo a la censura social que, de un modo o de otro, destruye a los prostíbulos sin que esto signifique terminar con los cambios introducidos por estos en las sociedades que los acogen. Ya que muy pocos otros espacios ficcionales son tan frecuentes y ricos en valores dentro de la literatura latinoamericana demostraré en la conclusión de qué manera este tipo de textos (y espacios novelescos) permiten hablar a justo título de “literatura latinoamericana”.


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The problem of modeling solar energetic particle (SEP) events is important to both space weather research and forecasting, and yet it has seen relatively little progress. Most important SEP events are associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that drive coronal and interplanetary shocks. These shocks can continuously produce accelerated particles from the ambient medium to well beyond 1 AU. This paper describes an effort to model real SEP events using a Center for Integrated Space weather Modeling (CISM) MHD solar wind simulation including a cone model of CMEs to initiate the related shocks. In addition to providing observation-inspired shock geometry and characteristics, this MHD simulation describes the time-dependent observer field line connections to the shock source. As a first approximation, we assume a shock jump-parameterized source strength and spectrum, and that scatter-free transport occurs outside of the shock source, thus emphasizing the role the shock evolution plays in determining the modeled SEP event profile. Three halo CME events on May 12, 1997, November 4, 1997 and December 13, 2006 are used to test the modeling approach. While challenges arise in the identification and characterization of the shocks in the MHD model results, this approach illustrates the importance to SEP event modeling of globally simulating the underlying heliospheric event. The results also suggest the potential utility of such a model for forcasting and for interpretation of separated multipoint measurements such as those expected from the STEREO mission.


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The current version of this database on CD-ROM contains information on 14 127 cocoa (Theobroma cacao) clones and their 14 112 synonyms, the origin and history of the clones and the clone names, and accession lists for 48 of the major cocoa gene banks including quarantine stations. Also included are morphological data for leaves, fruits and seeds, disease reactions, quality and agronomic characters, and reference information on common abbreviations and acronyms, cocoa gene bank addresses and a full bibliography (with hyperlinked reference to data). New additions are 748 photographs and drawings of 428 individual clones in 11 different locations. Also included are 376 profiles for 15 simple sequence repeat primer pairs on 331 clones held in the University of Reading Intermediate Cocoa Quarantine Facility. Minimum system requirements are Windows 95 or later, a Pentium 166 with 32 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive and a minimum 20 MB hard disk space. A user guide is included in the package.


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Baby leaf salads are gaining in popularity over traditional whole head lettuce salads in response to consumer demand for greater variety and convenience in their diet. Baby lettuce leaves are mixed, washed and packaged as whole leaves, with a shelf-life of approximately 10 days post-processing. End of shelf-life, as determined by the consumer, is typified by bruising, water-logging and blackening of the leaves, but the biological events causing this phenotype have not been studied to date. We investigated the physiological and ultrastructural characteristics during postharvest shelf-life of two lettuce varieties with very different leaf morphologies. Membrane disruption was an important determinant of cell death in both varieties. although the timing and characteristics of breakdown was different in each with Lollo rossa showing signs of aging such as thylakoid disruption and plastoglobuli accumulation earlier than Cos. Membranes in Lollo rossa showed a later, but more distinct increase in permeability than in Cos. as indicated by electrolyte leakage and the presence of cytoplasmic fragments in the vacuole, but Cos membranes show distinct fractures towards the end of shelf-life. The tissue lost less than 25% fresh weight during shelf-life and there was little protein loss compared to developmentally aging leaves in an ambient environment. Biophysical measurements showed that breakstrength was significantly reduced in Lollo rossa, whereas irreversible leaf plasticity was significantly reduced in Cos leaves. The reversible elastic properties of both varieties changed throughout shelf-life. We compared the characteristics of shelf-life in both varieties of bagged lettuce leaves with other leafy salad crops and discuss the potential targets for future work to improve postharvest quality of baby leaf lettuce. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Since its launch in 1977, the scientific issues addressed by papers published in Climatic Change have changed considerably. Nuclear winter came and went, and papers have come from an increasingly diverse range of disciplines. Most obvious, of course, has been the emergence to overwhelming dominance of papers concerned with the processes and consequences associated with the climate changes driven by increasing human emissions of greenhouse gases. Within this theme too, it is possible to track the evolution of different topics over the last thirty years. In the pages of Climatic Change, as within the climate change research community, increased attention has been given to adaptation to a changing climate. Here, I examine the scale and characteristics of adaptation research in Climatic Change, draw some general conclusions from the research published in Climatic Change, and suggest from this some future research directions.


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In 2003, through a conference presentation in Vancouver and a series of exchanges with Lemon, Leonidas convinced Adobe to substantially extend the coverage of the Greek script in forthcoming Adobe typefaces. The revised brief for Garamond was extended to include, for the first time in a digital typeface, extensive polytonic support, full archaic characters, and small capitals with optional polytonic diacritics; these features should be implemented with respect for the Greek language’s complex rules for case conversion, allowing full dictionary support regardless of the features applied. This project was the first where these issues were addressed, both from a documentation and a development point of view. Leonidas’ responsibilities lay with researching historical and current conventions, developing specifications for the appearance and behaviour of the typefaces, editing glyph outlines, and testing of development versions.


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Typeface design: collaborative work commissioned by Adobe Inc. Published but unreleased. The Adobe Devanagari typefaces were commissioned from Tiro Typeworks and collaboratively designed by Tim Holloway, Fiona Ross and John Hudson, beginning in 2005. The types were officially released in 2009. The design brief was to produce a typeface for modern business communications in Hindi and other languages, to be legible both in print and on screen. Adobe Devanagari was designed to be highly readable in a range of situations including quite small sizes in spreadsheets and in continuous text setting, as well as at display sizes, where the full character of the typeface reveals itself. The construction of the letters is based on traditional penmanship but possesses less stroke contrast than many Devanagari types, in order to maintain strong, legible forms at smaller sizes. To achieve a dynamic, fluid style the design features a rounded treatment of distinguishing terminals and stroke reversals, open counters that also aid legibility at smaller sizes, and delicately flaring strokes. Together, these details reveal an original hand and provide a contemporary approach that is clean, clear and comfortable to read whether in short or long passages of text. This new approach to a traditional script is intended to counter the dominance of rigid, staccato-like effects of straight verticals and horizontals in earlier types and many existing fonts. OpenType Layout features in the fonts provide both automated and discretionary access to an extensive glyph set, enabling sophisticated typography. Many conjuncts preferred in classical literary texts and particularly in some North Indian languages are included; these literary conjuncts may be substituted by specially designed alternative linear forms and fitted half forms. The length of the ikars—ि and ी—varies automatically according to adjacent letter or conjunct width. Regional variants of characters and numerals (e.g. Marathi forms) are included as alternates. Careful attention has been given to the placements of all vowel signs and modifiers. The fonts include both proportional and tabular numerals in Indian and European styles. Extensive kerning covers several thousand possible combinations of half forms and full forms to anticipate arbitrary conjuncts in foreign loan words. _____


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Evidence suggests that probiotic bacteria modulate both innate and adaptive immunity in the host, and in some situations can result in reduced severity of common illnesses, such as acute rotavirus infection and respiratory infections. Responses to vaccination are increasingly being used to provide high quality information on the immunomodulatory effects of dietary components in humans. The present review focuses on the effect of probiotic administration upon vaccination response. The majority of studies investigating the impact of probiotics on responses to vaccination have been conducted in healthy adults, and at best they show modest effects of probiotics on serum or salivary IgA titres. Studies in infants and in elderly subjects are very limited, and it is too early to draw any firm conclusions regarding the potential for probiotics to act as adjuvants in vaccination. Although some studies are comparable in terms of duration of the intervention and age and characteristics of the subjects, most differ in terms of the probiotic selected. Further well designed, randomized, placebo-controlled studies are needed to fully understand the immunomodulatory properties of probiotics, whether the effects exerted are strain-dependent and age-dependent, and their clinical relevance in enhancing immune protection following vaccination.


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Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) is investigated in a millennial control simulation with the Kiel Climate Model (KCM), a coupled atmosphere–ocean–sea ice model. An oscillatory mode with approximately 60 years period and characteristics similar to observations is identified with the aid of three-dimensional temperature and salinity joint empirical orthogonal function analysis. The mode explains 30 % of variability on centennial and shorter timescales in the upper 2,000 m of the North Atlantic. It is associated with changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) of ±1–2 Sv and Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) of ±0.2 °C. AMV in KCM results from an out-of-phase interaction between horizontal and vertical ocean circulation, coupled through Irminger Sea convection. Wintertime convection in this region is mainly controlled by salinity anomalies transported by the Subpolar Gyre (SPG). Increased (decreased) dense water formation in this region leads to a stronger (weaker) AMOC after 15 years, and this in turn leads to a weaker (stronger) SPG after another 15 years. The key role of salinity variations in the subpolar North Atlantic for AMV is confirmed in a 1,000 year long simulation with salinity restored to model climatology: No low frequency variations in convection are simulated, and the 60 year mode of variability is absent.