990 resultados para Centrifugal fan


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Volunteer canola (Brassica napus) and Sinapis arvensis are well identified weeds of different cropping systems. Quantitative information on regarding seed production by them is limited. Such information is necessary to model dynamics of soil seed banks. The aim of this work was to quantify seed production as a function of the size of those weeds. A wide range of plant size was produced by using a fan seeding system performed at two sowing dates (environments). Plant size varied from 3 to 167 g per plant for canola and from 6 to 104 g per plant for S. arvensis. Seed production ranged from 543 to14,773 seeds per plant for canola, and from 264 to 10,336 seeds per plant for S. arvensis. There was a close relationship between seed production per plant and plant size which was well-described by a power function (y = 130.6x0.94; R² = 0.93 for canola and y = 28x1.27; R² = 0.95 for S. arvensis). There was also strong relationships among the number of pods produced in individual plants and the quantity of seeds produced (g per plant) with the size of the plant. The relationships found in this study can be used in dynamic seed bank models of volunteer canola and S. arvensis.


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Permanent magnet drives with nominal power over 10 kW were not a cost-sufficient system 25 years ago due to high material expenses. The improvements in motor drives, the rise in competition and the tightening of standards and regulations have caused that the PM-drives are more and more common in the over 10 kW nominal power range. The goal of this thesis is to research the performance in relation to nominal power of a PM-drive technique that is vastly increasing its popularity in fan related devices. The studied motor technique brushless direct current drive (BLDC) consists of a voltage source inverter, permanent motor and six-step-control. The reference drive is a brushless alternating current drive (BLAC) which consists of a VSI, PM and a hysteresis control. As a conclusion there are no major obstacles that would impede the BLDC-drive technique from expanding to larger power stages. The following factors must be taken into consideration when designing a BLDC-drive: motor’s current change rate, inverter switching frequency, motor’s nominal electric frequency, phase inductance and the current handling capability of the inverter. The fluctuating material costs create instability to the end prices of PM-motors that can in the worst case lead to diminished interest towards BLDC- and PM-drives in general.


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Recent reports showing a decrease in sperm count in men have brought new concerns about male infertility. Animal models have been widely used to provide some relevant information about the human male gamete, and extrapolations are made to men and to the clinical context. The present study assesses one of the methods used for separation of germ cells of the adult rat testis, namely centrifugal elutriation followed by density gradients (Percoll®). This method was chosen since it presents the best results for cell purity in separating germ cells from the rat testis. A comparison between continuous and discontinuous Percoll® gradients was performed in order to identify the best type of gradient to separate the cells. Maximal cell purity was obtained for spermatocytes (81 ± 8.2%, mean ± SEM) and spermatids (84 ± 2.6%) using centrifugal elutriation followed by continuous Percoll® gradients. A significant difference in purity was observed between elongating spermatids harvested from continuous Percoll® gradients and from discontinuous gradients. Molecular analysis was used to assess cell contamination by employing specific probes, namely transition protein 2 (TP2), mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase II (COX II), and sulfated glycoprotein 1 (SGP1). Molecular analysis of the samples demonstrated that morphological criteria are efficient in characterizing the main composition of the cell suspension, but are not reliable for identifying minimal contamination from other cells. Reliable cell purity data should be established using molecular analysis


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Many studies have attempted to evaluate the importance of airborne fungi in the development of invasive fungal infection, especially for immunocompromised hosts. Several kinds of instruments are available to quantitate fungal propagule levels in air. We compared the performance of the most frequently used air sampler, the Andersen sampler with six stages, with a portable one, the Reuter centrifugal sampler (RCS). A total of 84 samples were analyzed, 42 with each sampler. Twenty-eight different fungal genera were identified in samples analyzed with the Andersen instrument. In samples obtained with the RCS only seven different fungal genera were identified. The three most frequently isolated genera in samples analyzed with both devices were Penicillium, Aspergillus and Cladophialophora. In areas supplied with a high efficiency particulate air filter, fungal spore levels were usually lower when compared to areas without these filters. There was a significant correlation between total fungal propagule measurements taken with both devices on each sampling occasion (Pearson coefficient = 0.50). However, the Andersen device recovered a broader spectrum of fungi. We conclude that the RCS can be used for quantitative estimates of airborne microbiological concentrations. For qualitative studies, however, this device cannot be recommended.


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Tehoelektroniikalta vaaditaan nykyään parempaa suorituskykyä entistä pienemmässä tilassa. Tämä luo haasteen riittävälle jäähdytykselle. Eräs ratkaisu on käyttää kaksifaasijäähdytystä, jolla aikaansaadaan tehokas lämmönsiirto komponenttien pinnalta. Lämmönsiirtonesteinä voidaan käyttää kylmäaineita tai muita alhaisessa lämpötilassa kiehuvia nesteitä. Tällaisille nesteille on tyypillistä alhainen höyrynpaine sekä matala viskositeetti. Nämä ominaisuudet tuovat haasteita nesteen pumppaukseen. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan R-134A:ta sekä Novec 7000:ta, perehdytään niiden fysikaalisiin ominaisuuksiin sekä materiaaliyhteensopivuuksiin ja näiden tietojen pohjalta etsitään sopivaa pumpputyyppiä kaksifaasijäähdytysjärjestelmään. Tehoelektroniikan jäähdytysjärjestelmän pumpun on oltava edullinen muuhun järjestelmään nähden. Tyypillinen kiertopumppu nestejäähdytysjärjestelmässä on pieni keskipakopumppu. Alhaisen kiehumispisteen vuoksi kavitointiriski kasvaa ja tämä voi vahingoittaa pumppua. Myös matala viskositeetti tuo haasteita vuotoherkkyyden kasvamisen myötä, joten mekaanisilla aksiaalitiivisteillä varustetut pumput eivät ole pitkäikäisiä. Kylmäainejärjestelmiin tarkoitetut pumput ovat arvokkaita, eikä näin ollen sovellu edullisiin jäähdytysjärjestelmiin. Tässä työssä käydään läpi erilaisia pumpputyyppejä, jotka voisivat soveltua pitkäikäiseen pumppaukseen ilman huoltotöitä. Näiden tietojen perusteella kehitetään edullista ja pitkäikäistä pumppua pieniin kaksifaasijäähdytysjärjestelmiin nesteiden fysikaaliset ominaisuudet huomioon ottaen. Kehitetyn pumpun ominaisuuksia ja kustannuksia vertaillaan kaupallisiin ratkaisuihin ottaen huomioon sarjavalmistus. Itse valmistettuna pienelle sisäryntöiselle hammaspyöräpumpulle jää hintaa alle kymmenesosa markkinoilta löytyviin kylmäaineille soveltuviin pumppuun.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) was first described in 1989 as the putative viral agent of non-A non-B hepatitis. It is a member of the Flaviviridae family and has been recognized as the major causative agent of chronic liver disease, including chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV is a positive RNA virus with a genome containing approximately 9500 nucleotides. It has an open reading frame that encodes a large polyprotein of about 3000 amino acids and is characterized by extensive genetic diversity. HCV has been classified into at least 6 major genotypes with many subtypes and circulates within an infected individual as a number of closely related but distinct variants known as quasispecies. This article reviews aspects of the molecular biology of HCV and their clinical implication.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutustua eri mäntyöljyprosessien toimintaan. Sulfaattisellun valmistuksessa syntyy sivutuotteena mäntyöljyä. Se tuo lisätuottoa sellutehtaalle. Nykypäivänä mäntyöljyn valmistukseen on kiinnitetty yhä enemmän huomiota uusien jalostusmahdollisuuksien vuoksi. Mäntyöljyä syntyy, kun mustalipeän pinnalta kuorittu suopa palstoitetaan sopivalla hapolla. Suopa koostuu puun uuteaineista eli hartsi- ja rasvahapoista sekä saippuattomista aineista. Suopa pitää erottaa mustalipeästä mahdollisimman hyvin, jotta se ei aiheuttaisi ongelmia sellutehtaan eri prosessin vaiheissa. Suopaa voidaan erottaa mustalipeästä säiliöerotuksena, sentrifugeilla tai hydrosykloneilla. Suovan palstoitusprosessi voi olla erä- tai jatkuvatoiminen prosessi. Jatkuvatoimisia prosesseja ovat: sentrifugi-, säiliödekantointi- ja HDS-prosessi. Mäntyöljyä voidaan käyttää kemianteollisuuden raaka-aineena tai siitä voidaan jalostaa biodieseliä. Tämä biodiesel on niin sanottua toisen polven biopolttoainetta eli se ei sisällä ravinnoksi kelpaavaa raaka-ainetta. Nykypäivänä markkinoilla on sekä eräkeitto- sekä jatkuvatoimisia prosesseja. Suovan erotussäiliöiden rinnalle on tullut uusi sentrifugeilla tapahtuva suovan erotussysteemi.


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Chondrocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are frequently used as seed cells in cartilage tissue engineering. In the present study, we determined if the co-culture of rabbit articular chondrocytes and BMSCs in vitro promotes the expression of cartilaginous extracellular matrix and, if so, what is the optimal ratio of the two cell types. Cultures of rabbit articular chondrocytes and BMSCs were expanded in vitro and then cultured individually or at a chondrocyte:BMSC ratio of 4:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 for 21 days and cultured in DMEM/F12. BMSCs were cultured in chondrogenic induction medium. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR and Western blot were used to evaluate gene expression. In the co-cultures, type II collagen and aggrecan expression increased on days 14 and 21. At the mRNA level, the expression of type II collagen and aggrecan on day 21 was much higher in the 4:1, 2:1, and 1:1 groups than in either the articular chondrocyte group or the induced BMSC group, and the best ratio of co-culture groups seems to be 2:1. Also on day 21, the expression of type II collagen and aggrecan proteins in the 2:1 group was much higher than in all other groups. The results demonstrate that the co-culture of rabbit chondrocytes and rabbit BMSCs at defined ratios can promote the expression of cartilaginous extracellular matrix. The optimal cell ratio appears to be 2:1 (chondrocytes:BMSCs). This approach has potential applications in cartilage tissue engineering since it provides a protocol for maintaining and promoting seed-cell differentiation and function.


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The present study was conducted to obtain reference values for brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and to evaluate influencing factors of baPWV according to gender. Using automatic devices, baPWV was measured simultaneously in 2095 subjects. A total of 647 healthy subjects, none of whom presented atherosclerotic risk factors, were analyzed in the present study. Two different statistical methods were used to obtain reference values for baPWV according to subject gender and age. The association between baPWV value and gender, as well as other features, were analyzed. For male subjects, multiple stepwise analysis showed that age, systolic blood pressure (SBP), heart rate (HR), and plasma levels of triglycerides (TG) were independent predictors of baPWV. For female subjects, age, SBP, HR, and plasma levels of uric acid (UA) were independent predictors of baPWV. In male subjects, the upper limits of baPWV values were 1497.43/1425.00, 1518.67/1513.25, 1715.97/1726.50, 1925.20/1971.90, and 2310.18/2115.00 cm/s, obtained using two different statistical methods for the age ranges of 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70 and older, respectively. For females, the upper limits of baPWV values were 1426.70/1411.13, 1559.15/1498.95, 1733.50/1739.00, 1958.63/1973.78, and 2720.80/2577.00 cm/s for the age ranges of 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70 and older, respectively. Aging is the most important influencing factor for baPWV value and its effect is more prominent in females. The reference values of baPWV according to age and gender may be useful for the clinical diagnosis and preventive therapy of cardiovascular diseases.


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The mitogenic effects of periodic mechanical stress on chondrocytes have been studied extensively but the mechanisms whereby chondrocytes sense and respond to periodic mechanical stress remain a matter of debate. We explored the signal transduction pathways of chondrocyte proliferation and matrix synthesis under periodic mechanical stress. In particular, we sought to identify the role of the MEK1/2-ERK1/2 signaling pathway in chondrocyte proliferation and matrix synthesis following cyclic physiologic mechanical compression. Under periodic mechanical stress, both rat chondrocyte proliferation and matrix synthesis were significantly increased (P < 0.05) and were associated with increases in the phosphorylation of Src, PLCγ1, MEK1/2, and ERK1/2 (P < 0.05). Pretreatment with the MEK1/2-ERK1/2 selective inhibitor, PD98059, and shRNA targeted to ERK1/2 reduced periodic mechanical stress-induced chondrocyte proliferation and matrix synthesis (P < 0.05), while the phosphorylation levels of Src-Tyr418 and PLCγ1-Tyr783 were not inhibited. Proliferation, matrix synthesis and phosphorylation of MEK1/2-Ser217/221 and ERK1/2-Thr202/Tyr204 were inhibited after pretreatment with the PLCγ1 inhibitor U73122 in chondrocytes in response to periodic mechanical stress (P < 0.05), while the phosphorylation site of Src-Tyr418 was not affected. Inhibition of Src activity with PP2 and shRNA targeted to Src abrogated chondrocyte proliferation and matrix synthesis (P < 0.05) and attenuated PLCγ1, MEK1/2 and ERK1/2 activation in chondrocytes subjected to periodic mechanical stress (P < 0.05). These findings suggest that periodic mechanical stress promotes chondrocyte proliferation and matrix synthesis in part through the Src-PLCγ1-MEK1/2-ERK1/2 signaling pathway, which links these three important signaling molecules into a mitogenic cascade.


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Human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B (gB) represents a target for diagnosis and treatment in view of the role it plays in virus entry and spread. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, rare detection of a gB antigen has been reported in transplant patients and limited information is available about diagnostic gB monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Our aim was to develop gB mAbs with diagnostic potential. Hydrophilic gB peptides (ST: amino acids 27-40, SH: amino acids 81-94) of favorable immunogenicity were synthesized and used to immunize BALB/c mice. Two mAbs, named ZJU-FH6 and ZJU-FE6, were generated by the hybridoma technique and limited serial dilution and then characterized by indirect ELISA, Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, and immunohistochemical staining. The mAbs displayed high titers of specific binding affinities for the ST and SH synthetic peptides at an mAb dilution of 1:60,000 and 1:240,000, respectively. Western blotting and immunoprecipitation indicated that these mAbs recognized both denatured and native gB of the Towne and AD169 strains. The mAbs, when used as the primary antibody, showed positive staining in cells infected with both Towne and AD169 strains. The mAbs were then tested on patients submitted to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The gB antigen positivity rates of the patients tested using ZJU-FH6 and ZJU-FE6 were 62.0 and 63.0%, respectively. The gB antigen showed a significant correlation with the level of pp65 antigen in peripheral blood leukocytes. In conclusion, two potential diagnostic gB mAbs were developed and were shown to be capable of recognizing gB in peripheral blood leukocytes in a reliable manner.


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Esophageal cancer (EC) is a common malignancy worldwide. The X-ray repair cross-complementing 1 gene (XRCC1) is one of the most important candidate genes for influencing susceptibility to EC. This study aimed to investigate the effect of XRCC1 genetic variants on susceptibility to EC. A total of 383 EC patients (males: 239, females: 144, mean age: 56.62) and 387 cancer-free controls (males: 251, females: 136, mean age: 58.23) were enrolled in this study. The c.910A>G genetic variant of theXRCC1 gene was determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing methods. The allele and genotype frequencies indicated statistical differences between EC patients and cancer-free controls. The c.910A>G genetic variant was statistically associated with increased susceptibility to EC [GGvs AA: odds ratio (OR)=1.79, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.12-2.86, P=0.014; GG vs AG/AA: OR=1.76, 95%CI=1.13-2.75, P=0.013; G vs A: OR=1.25, 95%CI=1.01-1.55, P=0.041]. The allele G and genotype GG could contribute to the increased susceptibility to EC. Our findings suggest that the c.910A>G genetic variant is associated with susceptibility to EC in the Chinese Han population, and might be used as a molecular marker for detecting susceptibility to EC.


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Notch signaling plays a vital role in tumorigenicity and tumor progression by regulating proliferation, invasion, and the tumor microenvironment. Previous research by our group indicated that Notch ligand Delta-like 1 (Dll1) is involved in angiogenesis in melanoma, and we noticed that it took a longer time to trypsinize Dll1-expressing B16 melanoma cells than the control cells. In this article, we extended our study to investigate the effects of Dll1 on tumor cell adhesion and metastasis. Dll1 overexpression activated Notch signaling in B16 tumor cells and significantly enhanced the adhering capacity of B16 tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo. B16-Dll1 cells also had a higher metastatic potential than their counterpart in the mouse model of lung metastasis. Along with increased Dll1 expression, N-cadherin, but not E-cadherin, was upregulated in B16-Dll1 cells. These data suggested that Notch ligand Dll1 may enhance the adhesion and metastasis of melanoma cells by upregulation of N-cadherin.


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We aimed to investigate miRNAs and related mRNAs through a network-based approach in order to learn the crucial role that they play in the biological processes of esophageal cancer. Esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma (ESCC) and adenocarcinoma (EAC)-related miRNA and gene expression data were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus database, and differentially expressed miRNAs and genes were selected. Target genes of differentially expressed miRNAs were predicted and their regulatory networks were constructed. Differentially expressed miRNA analysis selected four miRNAs associated with EAC and ESCC, among which hsa-miR-21 and hsa-miR-202 were shared by both diseases. hsa-miR-202 was reported for the first time to be associated with esophageal cancer in the present study. Differentially expressed miRNA target genes were mainly involved in cancer-related and signal-transduction pathways. Functional categories of these target genes were related to transcriptional regulation. The results may indicate potential target miRNAs and genes for future investigations of esophageal cancer.