994 resultados para Castel Gala


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This paper presents work towards generic policy toolkit support for autonomic computing systems in which the policies themselves can be adapted dynamically and automatically. The work is motivated by three needs: the need for longer-term policy-based adaptation where the policy itself is dynamically adapted to continually maintain or improve its effectiveness despite changing environmental conditions; the need to enable non autonomics-expert practitioners to embed self-managing behaviours with low cost and risk; and the need for adaptive policy mechanisms that are easy to deploy into legacy code. A policy definition language is presented; designed to permit powerful expression of self-managing behaviours. The language is very flexible through the use of simple yet expressive syntax and semantics, and facilitates a very diverse policy behaviour space through both hierarchical and recursive uses of language elements. A prototype library implementation of the policy support mechanisms is described. The library reads and writes policies in well-formed XML script. The implementation extends the state of the art in policy-based autonomics through innovations which include support for multiple policy versions of a given policy type, multiple configuration templates, and meta-policies to dynamically select between policy instances and templates. Most significantly, the scheme supports hot-swapping between policy instances. To illustrate the feasibility and generalised applicability of these tools, two dissimilar example deployment scenarios are examined. The first is taken from an exploratory implementation of self-managing parallel processing, and is used to demonstrate the simple and efficient use of the tools. The second example demonstrates more-advanced functionality, in the context of an envisioned multi-policy stock trading scheme which is sensitive to environmental volatility


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This paper presents an investigation into dynamic self-adjustment of task deployment and other aspects of self-management, through the embedding of multiple policies. Non-dedicated loosely-coupled computing environments, such as clusters and grids are increasingly popular platforms for parallel processing. These abundant systems are highly dynamic environments in which many sources of variability affect the run-time efficiency of tasks. The dynamism is exacerbated by the incorporation of mobile devices and wireless communication. This paper proposes an adaptive strategy for the flexible run-time deployment of tasks; to continuously maintain efficiency despite the environmental variability. The strategy centres on policy-based scheduling which is informed by contextual and environmental inputs such as variance in the round-trip communication time between a client and its workers and the effective processing performance of each worker. A self-management framework has been implemented for evaluation purposes. The framework integrates several policy-controlled, adaptive services with the application code, enabling the run-time behaviour to be adapted to contextual and environmental conditions. Using this framework, an exemplar self-managing parallel application is implemented and used to investigate the extent of the benefits of the strategy


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In this paper, a couple mechanical-acoustic system of equations is solved to determine the relationship between emitted sound and damage mechanisims in paper under controlled stress conditions. The simple classical expression describing the frequency of a plucked string to its material properties is used to generate a numberical representation of the microscopic structue of the paper, and the resulting numerical model is then used to simulate the vibration of a range of simple fibre structures when undergoing two distinct types of damange mechanisms: (a)fibre/fibre bond failure, (b) fibre failure. The numercial results are analysed to determine whether there is any detectable systematic difference between the resulting acoustic emissions of the two damage processes. Fourier techniques are then used to compare th computeed results against experimental measurements. Distinct frequency components identifying each type of damage are shown to exist, and in this respect theory and experiments show good correspondece. Hence, it is shown, that althrough the mathematical model represents a grossly-simplified view of the complex structure of the paper, it nevertheless provides a good understanding of the underlying micro-mechanisms characterising its proeperties as a stress-resisting structure. Use of the model and acoompanying software will enable operators to identify approaching failure conditions in the continuous production of paper from emitted sound signals and take preventative action.


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The problem to be examined here is the fluctuating pressure distribution along the open cavity of the sun-roof at the top of a car compartment due to gusts passing over the sun-roof. The aim of this test is to investigate the capability of a typical commercial CFD package, PHOENICS, in recognising pressure fluctuations occurring in an important automotive industrial problem. In particular to examine the accuracy of transporting pulsatory gusts traveling along the main flow through the use of finite volume methods with higher order schemes in the numercial solutins of the unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Helmholtz equation is used to solve the sound distribution inside the car compartment, resulting from the externally induced fluctuations.


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We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of bounded or summable solutions to systems of linear equations associated with Markov chains. This substantially extends a famous result of G. E. H. Reuter, which provides a convenient means of checking various uniqueness criteria for birth-death processes. Our result allows chains with much more general transition structures to be accommodated. One application is to give a new proof of an important result of M. F. Chen concerning upwardly skip-free processes. We then use our generalization of Reuter's lemma to prove new results for downwardly skip-free chains, such as the Markov branching process and several of its many generalizations. This permits us to establish uniqueness criteria for several models, including the general birth, death, and catastrophe process, extended branching processes, and asymptotic birth-death processes, the latter being neither upwardly skip-free nor downwardly skip-free.


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We extend the Harris regularity condition for ordinary Markov branching process to a more general case of non-linear Markov branching process. A regularity criterion which is very easy to check is obtained. In particular, we prove that a super-linear Markov branching process is regular if and only if the per capita offspring mean is less than or equal to I while a sub-linear Markov branching process is regular if the per capita offspring mean is finite. The Harris regularity condition then becomes a special case of our criterion.


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In recent history, a number of tragic events have borne a consistent message; the social structures that existed prior to and during the evacuation significantly affected the decisions made and the actions adopted by the evacuating population in response to the emergency. This type of influence over behaviour has long been neglected in the modelling community. This paper is an attempt to introduce some of these considerations into evacuation models and to demonstrate their impact. To represent this type of behaviour within evacuation models a mechanism to represent the membership and position within social hierarchies is established. In addition, individuals within the social groupings are given the capacity to communicate relevant pieces of data such as the need to evacuate—impacting the response time—and the location of viable exits—impacting route selection. Furthermore, the perception and response to this information is also affected by the social circumstances in which individuals find themselves. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In 1998, Swissair Flight I I I (SR111) developed an in-flight fire shortly after take-off which resulted in the loss of the aircraft, a McDonnell Douglas MD-I 1, and all passengers and crew. The Transportation Safety Board (TSB) of Canada, Fire and Explosion Group launched a four year investigation into the incident in an attempt to understand the cause and subsequent mechanisms which lead to the rapid spread of the in-flight fire. As part of this investigation, the SMARTFIRE Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software was used to predict the 'possible' development of the fire and associated smoke movement. In this paper the CFD fire simulations are presented and model predictions compared with key findings from the investigation. The model predictions are shown to be consistent with a number of the investigation findings associated with the early stages of the fire development. The analysis makes use of simulated pre-fire airflow conditions within the MD-11 cockpit and above ceiling region presented in an earlier publication (Part 1) which was published in The Aeronautical Journal in January 2006(4).


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This paper presents a policy definition language which forms part of a generic policy toolkit for autonomic computing systems in which the policies themselves can be modified dynamically and automatically. Targeted enhancements to the current state of practice include: policy self-adaptation where the policy itself is dynamically modified to match environmental conditions; improved support for non autonomics-expert developers; and facilitating easy deployment of adaptive policies into legacy code. The policy definition language permits powerful expression of self-managing behaviours and facilitates a diverse policy behaviour space. Features include support for multiple versions of a given policy type, multiple configuration templates, and meta policies to dynamically select between policy instances. An example deployment scenario illustrates advanced functionality in the context of a multi policy stock trading system which is sensitive to environmental volatility.


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This panel paper sets out to discuss what self-adaptation means, and to explore the extent to which current autonomic systems exhibit truly self-adaptive behaviour. Many of the currently cited examples are clearly adaptive, but debate remains as to what extent they are simply following prescribed adaptation rules within preset bounds, and to what extent they have the ability to truly learn new behaviour. Is there a standard test that can be applied to differentiate? Is adaptive behaviour sufficient anyway? Other autonomic computing issues are also discussed.


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A two dimensional staggered unstructured discretisation scheme for the solution of fluid flow problems has been developed. This scheme stores and solves the velocity vector resolutes normal and parallel to each cell face and other scalar variables (pressure, temperature) are stored at cell centres. The coupled momentum; continuity and energy equations are solved, using the well known pressure correction algorithm SIMPLE. The method is tested for accuracy and convergence behaviour against standard cell-centre solutions in a number of benchmark problems: The Lid-Driven Cavity, Natural Convection in a Cavity and the Melting of Gallium in a rectangular domain.


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The cold crucible, or induction skull melting process as is otherwise known, has the potential to produce high purity melts of a range of difficult to melt materials, including Ti–Al and Ti6Al4V alloys for Aerospace, Ti–Ta and other biocompatible materials for surgical implants, silicon for photovoltaic and electronic applications, etc. A water cooled AC coil surrounds the crucible causing induction currents to melt the alloy and partially suspend it against gravity away from water-cooled surfaces. Strong stirring takes place in the melt due to the induced electromagnetic Lorentz forces and very high temperatures are attainable under the right conditions (i.e., provided contact with water cooled walls is minimised). In a joint numerical and experimental research programme, various aspects of the design and operation of this process are investigated to increase our understanding of the physical mechanisms involved and to maximise process efficiency. A combination of FV and Spectral CFD techniques are used at Greenwich to tackle this problem numerically, with the experimental work taking place at Birmingham University. Results of this study, presented here, highlight the influence of turbulence and free surface behaviour on attained superheat and also discuss coil design variations and dual frequency options that may lead to winning crucible designs.


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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software technology has formed the basis of many investigations into the behavior and optimization of primary iron and steelmaking processes for the last 25+ years. The objective of this contribution is to review the progress in CFD technologies over the last decade or so and how this can be brought to bear in advancing the process analysis capability of primary ferrous operations. In particular, progress on key challenges such as compute performance, fluid-structure transformation and interaction, and increasingly complex geometries are highlighted.


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Unstructured grid meshes used in most commercial CFD codes inevitably adopt collocated variable solution schemes. These schemes have several shortcomings, mainly due to the interpolation of the pressure gradient, that lead to slow convergence. In this publication we show how it is possible to use a much more stable staggered mesh arrangement in an unstructured code. Several alternative groupings of variables are investigated in a search for the optimum scheme.