991 resultados para Cass County (Mich.)
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Zur Wiederherstellung des "auf das Tiefste erschütterten öffentlichen Rechtszustandes" wird verordnet: Verhängung des Belagerungszustandes über die Stadt Wien samt Vorstädten und Umgebung im Umkreis von zwei Meilen, Auflösung von Akademischer Legion und Nationalgarde, allgemeine Entwaffnung der Bevölkerung, Schließung aller politischen Vereine, Wirts- und Kaffeehäuser, Verbot aller Versammlungen unter freiem Himmel mit mehr als zehn Teilnehmern, Herstellung und Verbreitung von Presseerzeugnissen nur nach vorheriger Bewilligung der Militärbehörde, Ausweisung aller illegal sich aufhaltenden Ausländer wie auch nicht ortsansässiger Inländer, Androhung des Standrechts für 'Aufrührer', Entfernung der Barrikaden, Unterstellung von Gemeinderat, Stadthauptmannschaft sowie der niederösterreichischen Landesregierung unter militärische Kuratel, Ernennung des Generalmajors Cordon zum Wiener Stadtkommandanten
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Ankündigung des Redakteurs und Volksredners Held in Anbetracht des Amtsantritts des neuen "absolutistischen" Ministeriums Pfuel (21. September 1848), sich entgegen zuvor geäußerter Absichten nun doch nicht aus der Politik zurückziehen zu wollen
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Karikatur, laut handschriftlichem Vermerk auf die Abgeordneten der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung Brentano und Vincke [Blum, H.: Die dt. Rev. 1848/49; 1898, S. 251]
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Die oktroyierte Verfassung vom 5. Dezember 1848 gewährleistet in hinlänglichem Maße die Teilnahme des Volks an Gesetzgebung und Regierung; alle Proteste dagegen sind verwerflich. Die Einrichtung zweier parlamentarischer Kammern ist von Vorteil, eine Rückkehr zum gesellschaftspolitischen status quo ante weder möglich noch anzustreben. Warnung vor der republikanischen Staatsform; der Begriff 'demokratische Monarchie' ist ein Widerspruch in sich selbst, wogegen die Begriffe Königtum und Freiheit sehr wohl vereinbar sind. Anerkennung der vollen Glaubens- und Bekenntnisfreiheit. Die Einheit Deutschlands ist ohne den Weiterbestand Preußens undenkbar
K. Vollers
Kurt Münzer
This research study was conducted as a descriptive study of prenatal care experiences of women enrolled in public and private managed care programs. The study's aim was to describe the demographic characteristics of the women in the study and to analyze and compare their prenatal care experiences. ^ The objective of this study was to examine the research question: Do pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care receive the same level of care as women enrolled in other Managed Care Programs in Harris County, Texas? ^ The study population was a convenience sample of pregnant women enrolled in managed care programs who presented to one of the two hospital study sites for delivery of their infant. The study utilized a self administered survey to measure adequacy and content of prenatal care received by the women during this pregnancy. Adequacy of prenatal care utilization was determined based on the Kessner Index criteria of timing of initiation of care and number of visits. Content of care was measured by the number of different medical services the women reported they had received and the number of health information topics the women reported on which they had received information. Demographic characteristics were described with univariate and bivariate statistics of frequencies and cross tabulations. Associations were evaluated using measures of linear correlations. ^ Results from the study showed there is an association between enrollment in Medicaid Managed Care (public) and prenatal care received compared to women enrolled in other Managed Care Programs (private). The results were derived from statistical tests on data the postpartum women gave when they completed the self-administered survey. Provider type was a moderate predictor of quality and quantity of prenatal care. The results also indicate that in the study population, minority ethnicity, income and lower educational status were associated with intermediate and inadequate prenatal care. ^
Characteristics of child abuse cases are not well known. In this study I collected data on 70 child abuse cases that were reported to Children's Protective Services in Harris County in 1998. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors in Harris County that lead to the identification of physical and sexual abuse. In order to answer the questions of who, what, where and when relative to the discovery of abuse I applied the same questionnaire (see Appendix) to each of 35 Sexual Abuse case reports and to each of 35 Physical Abuse/Neglect case reports. Answers to the first four questions were arranged by frequency distribution to show the predominant reporter, the 10 most common indicators, the most common locale, and the most frequent timing. Tables of the age, sex, and ethnicity of the children indicate the identity of those whose victimization was most reported. In addition the relationship between the form questions and the characteristics of the children was explored. A comparison of Sexual Abuse cases with Physical Abuse/Neglect cases was conducted and the results were analyzed and recorded in the Tables. ^ Child maltreatment often has negative short and long term effects on children's mental health and development. Suicide, violence, delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse and other forms of criminality are frequently child abuse related. Early detection and treatment helps to alleviate the myriad mental and physical ailments that untreated victims present as adults. This translates into medical dollar savings. ^ The long term objectives of my research were to reduce the number of undetected and unreported child abuse cases in Harris County by formulating better educational programs and literature for medical professionals and other personnel who are in contact with children. ^
Else Lasker-Schüler
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