996 resultados para Casares, Tomás
The ongoing confusion about the meaning of ‘talent’ within the world of work is hindering the establishment of widely accepted talent management theories and practices. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the literature on talent management by offering an in-depth review of the talent concept within the specific context of the world of work, and proposing a framework for its conceptualization. We group different theoretical approaches to talent into ‘object’ (i.e., talent as natural ability; talent as mastery; talent as commitment; talent as fit) versus ‘subject’ approaches (i.e., talent as all people; talent as some people) and identify dynamics existing within and between them, as well as implications for talent management theory and practice. Finally, we discuss different avenues for further research aimed at developing the talent—and consequently, the talent management—construct further.
Background: Myotragus balearicus was an endemic bovid from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) that became extinct around 6,000-4,000 years ago. The Myotragus evolutionary lineage became isolated in the islands most probably at the end of the Messinian crisis, when the desiccation of the Mediterranean ended, in a geological date established at 5.35 Mya. Thus, the sequences of Myotragus could be very valuable for calibrating the mammalian mitochondrial DNA clock and, in particular, the tree of the Caprinae subfamily, to which Myotragus belongs. Results: We have retrieved the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1,143 base pairs), plus fragments of the mitochondrial 12S gene and the nuclear 28S rDNA multi-copy gene from a well preserved Myotragus subfossil bone. The best resolved phylogenetic trees, obtained with the cytochrome b gene, placed Myotragus in a position basal to the Ovis group. Using the calibration provided by the isolation of Balearic Islands, we calculated that the initial radiation of caprines can be dated at 6.2 ± 0.4 Mya. In addition, alpine and southern chamois, considered until recently the same species, split around 1.6 ± 0.3 Mya, indicating that the two chamois species have been separated much longer than previously thought. Conclusion: Since there are almost no extant endemic mammals in Mediterranean islands, the sequence of the extinct Balearic endemic Myotragus has been crucial for allowing us to use the Messinian crisis calibration point for dating the caprines phylogenetic tree.
Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of skin cancer and its incidence rate is still increasing. All existing treatments are minimally effective. Consequently, new therapeutic agents for melanoma treatment should be developed. The DM-1 compound is a curcumin analog that possesses several curcumin characteristics, such as antiproliferative, antitumor, and anti-metastatic properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the different signaling pathways involved in the cytotoxic effect of DM-1 on melanoma cells. The apoptotic process and cytoskeletal changes were evaluated by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence, respectively, in melanoma cells. After DM-1 treatment, SK-MEL-5 melanoma cells showed actin filament disorganization with spicule formation throughout the cytoskeleton and significant reduction of focal adhesion as well as they were present only at cell extremities, conferring a poor connection between the cell and the substrate. Besides this, there was significant filopodium retraction and loss of typical cytoskeleton scaffold. These modifications contributed to cell detachment followed by cell death. Furthermore, DM-1-induced apoptosis was triggered by multiple Bcl-2 proteins involved in both the extrinsic and the intrinsic apoptotic pathways. SK-MEL-5 cells showed a death mechanism mainly by Bcl-2/Bax ratio decrease, whereas A375 cells presented apoptosis induction by Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL downregulation. In SK-MEL-5 and A375 melanoma cells, there was a significant increase in the active form of caspase 9, and the inactive form of the effector caspase 3 was decreased in both cell lines. Expression of cleaved poly ADP ribose polymerase was increased after DM-1 treatment in these melanoma cell lines, demonstrating that the apoptotic process occurred. Altogether, these data elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the cytotoxicity induced by the antitumor agent DM-1 in melanoma cells.
Centrándonos en la exploración del paciente que ha sufrido o sufre caídas frecuentes, presentamos unas pruebas específicas para valorar el alcance de las alteraciones que provocan pérdidas de equilibrio. Exposición de varios casos clínicos que presentan afecciones podológicas que alteran la estabilidad, y ofreceremos una alternativa de Tratamiento Ortopodológico demostrando su acción en favor del mantenimiento del equilibrio. Conclusiones referidas al diagnóstico y expectativas de Tratamientos Ortopodológicos en los pacientes ancianos.
Se hace una referencia a la evolución del índice de envejecimiento en Cataluña. Se estudia la relación del equilibrio con las caídas recurrentes en la tercera edad y presentamos un protocolo de interrogatorio dirigido a estos pacientes.
La biomecánica de la carrera de Marathón supone un gran esfuerzo en el comportamiento dinámico del pie. El caso clínico de un corredor de esta especialidad con pies cavas varas y alteración de la marcha, nos demuestra que con un tratamiento ortopodológico adecuado a base de ortesis y soporte plantar obtuvimos resultados satisfactorios.
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of visual loss in individuals under the age of 55. Most investigations into the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy have been concentrated on the neural retina since this is where clinical lesions are manifested. Recently, however, various abnormalities in the structural and secretory functions of retinal pigment epithelium that are essential for neuroretina survival, have been found in diabetic retinopathy. In this context, here we study the effect of hyperglycemic and hypoxic conditions on the metabolism of a human retinal pigment epithelial cell line (ARPE-19) by integrating quantitative proteomics using tandem mass tagging (TMT), untargeted metabolomics using MS and NMR, and 13C-glucose isotopic labeling for metabolic tracking. We observed a remarkable metabolic diversification under our simulated in vitro hyperglycemic conditions of diabetes, characterized increased flux through polyol pathways and inhibition of the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Importantly, under low oxygen supply RPE cells seem to consume rapidly glycogen storages and stimulate anaerobic glycolysis. Our results therefore pave the way to future scenarios involving new therapeutic strategies addressed to modulating RPE metabolic impairment, with the aim of regulating structural and secretory alterations of RPE. Finally, this study shows the importance of tackling biomedical problems by integrating metabolomic and proteomics results.
La popularització del Pedraforca com a destinació d"excursionistes, escaladors i curiosos en general fa que la freqüentació hi sigui molt alta, cosa que comporta efectes negatius sobre el medi. Els més evidents i alhora preocupants són els que afecten els hàbitats més fràgils, com és cas dels de la conegudíssima tartera del Pedraforca o de Saldes
El 2003 es va publicar el catàleg de plantes vasculars del Parc del Cadí-Moixeró i les serres veïnes; poc després un de nosaltres en va presentar una síntesi en el número 3 d"aquesta revista. Al·ludíem aleshores a l"important bagatge tant d"exploracions científiques com de dades sobre la flora del territori existents en el moment de redactar el catàleg; de fet, gairebé tots els botànics catalans, i molts de francesos i d"espanyols, hi han passat en algun moment i han contribuït al coneixement de la seva flora.
Polar flagellin proteins from Aeromonas hydrophila strain AH-3 (serotype O34) were found to be O-glycosylated with a heterogeneous glycan. Mutants unable to produce WecP or Gne enzymes showed altered motility, and the study of their polar flagellin glycosylation showed that the patterns of glycosylation differed from that observed with wild type polar flagellin. This suggested the involvement of a lipid carrier in glycosylation. A gene coding for an enzyme linking sugar to a lipid carrier was identified in strain AH-3 (WecX) and subsequent mutation abolished completely motility, flagella production by EM, and flagellin glycosylation. This is the first report of a lipid carrier involved in flagella O-glycosylation. A molecular model has been proposed. The results obtained suggested that the N-acetylhexosamines are N-acetylgalactosamines and that the heptasaccharide is completely independent of the O34-antigen lipopolysaccharide. Furthermore, by comparing the mutants with differing degrees of polar flagellin glycosylation, we established their importance in A. hydrophila flagella formation and motility.
Protein glycosylation had been considered as an eccentricity of a few bacteria. However, through advances in analytical methods and genome sequencing, it is now established that bacteria possess both N-linked and O-linked glycosylation pathways. Both glycosylation pathways can modify multiple proteins, flagellins from Archaea and Eubacteria being one of these. Flagella O-glycosylation has been demonstrated in many polar flagellins from Gram-negative bacteria and in only the Gram-positive genera Clostridium and Listeria. Furthermore, O-glycosylation has also been demonstrated in a limited number of lateral flagellins. In this work, we revised the current advances in flagellar glycosylation from Gram-negative bacteria, focusing on the structural diversity of glycans, the O-linked pathway and the biological function of flagella glycosylation.
Polar flagellin proteins from Aeromonas hydrophila strain AH-3 (serotype O34) were found to be O-glycosylated with a heterogeneous heptasaccharide glycan. Two mutants with altered (light and strong) polar flagella glycosylation still able to produce flagella were previously obtained, as well as mutants lacking the O34-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) but with unaltered polar flagella glycosylation. We compared these mutants, altogether with the wild type strain, in different studies to conclude that polar flagella glycosylation is extremely important for A. hydrophila adhesion to Hep-2 cells and biofilm formation. Furthermore, the polar flagella glycosylation is an important factor for the immune stimulation of IL-8 production via toll receptor 5 (TLR5).
Marine microorganisms, including Aeromonas, are a source of compounds for drug development that have generated great expectations in the last decades. Aeromonas infections produce septicaemia, and ulcerative and haemorrhagic diseases in fish. Among the pathogenic factors associated with Aeromonas, the lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a surface glyconconjugate unique to Gram-negative bacteria consisting of lipid A (lipid anchor of the molecule), core oligosaccharide and O-specific polysaccharide (O antigen), are key elicitors of innate immune responses. The chemical structure of these three parts has been characterized in Aeromonas. Based on the high variability of repeated units of O-polysaccharides, a total of 97 O-serogroups have been described in Aeromonas species, of which four of them (O:11; O:16; O:18 and O:34) account for more than 60% of the septicemia cases. The core of LPS is subdivided into two regions, the inner (highly conserved) and the outer core. The inner core of Aeromonas LPS is characterized by the presence of 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic (ketodeoxyoctonic) acid (Kdo) and L-glycero-D-manno-Heptoses (L,D-Hep), which are linked to the outer core, characterized by the presence of Glc, GlcN, Gal, and GalNAc (in Aeromonas salmonicida), D,D-Hep (in Aeromonas salmonicida), and L,D-Hep (in Aeromonas hydrophila). The biological relevance of these differences in the distal part of the outer core among these species has not been fully assessed to date. The inner core is attached to the lipid A, a highly conserved structure that confers endotoxic properties to the LPS when the molecule is released in blood from lysed bacteria, thus inducing a major systemic inflammatory response known as septic or endotoxic shock. In Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida the Lipid A components contain three major lipid A molecules, differing in acylation patterns corresponding to tetra-, penta- and hexaacylated lipid A species and comprising of 4′-monophosphorylated β-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose-(1→6)-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose disaccharide. In the present review, we discuss the structure-activity relationships of Aeromonas LPS, focusing on its role in bacterial pathogenesis and its possible applications.
We previously reported that A. hydrophila GalU mutants were still able to produce UDP-glucose introduced as a glucose residue in their lipopolysaccharide core. In this study, we found the unique origin of this UDP-glucose from a branched α-glucan surface polysaccharide. This glucan, surface attached through the O-antigen ligase (WaaL), is common to the mesophilic Aeromonas strains tested. The Aeromonas glucan is produced by the action of the glycogen synthase (GlgA) and the UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (GlgC), the latter wrongly indicated as an ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase in the Aeromonas genomes available. The Aeromonas glycogen synthase is able to react with UDP or ADP-glucose, which is not the case of E. coli glycogen synthase only reacting with ADP-glucose. The Aeromonas surface glucan has a role enhancing biofilm formation. Finally, for the first time to our knowledge, a clear preference on behalf of bacterial survival and pathogenesis is observed when choosing to produce one or other surface saccharide molecules to produce (lipopolysaccharide core or glucan).